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Showing posts with the label Seahawks

Who the non-football fan wants to win the Super Bowl

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm probably not a football fan anymore, and the chances are good that I won't go back to my old rooting days in the future. Even though I've said I've lost interest before, there was always a part of me that figured I'd go back. Football was a huge part of my life at one time. But this season clinched it. I really tried to go back to the days when I'd watch two or three games on Sunday and another on Monday, run my fantasy team into the ground, and get together with friends at a bar or a house party where football was truly the guest of honor. But it didn't happen. I just can't get into it. I'll turn on a game, watch 20 minutes or so, get interested in a play or two, think "hey, I still like this," and before you know it, I'll be walking away from the TV and onto something else. I'm not even aware that I am doing it. It just doesn't hold my interest. Now that the playoffs are on...