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Showing posts with the label Jim Nantz

Really? This guy?

First Stuart Scott, now Jim Nantz? Has Allen & Ginter found my private diary list of the sports broadcasters that I wish had pursued botany instead of broadcasting? If Chris Berman, Joe Buck and Michael Kay appear in future A&G issues, then I'll know the spies have infiltrated the nest and found my voodoo dolls. How difficult is it to put Vin Scully on a card? Is he rebuffing your advances? Then try harder. Don't put the most irritating, cloying, sycophant in broadcasting on cardboard instead. Here, if Scully is too difficult for you to handle, try one of these guys: Harry Caray Mel Allen Ernie Harwell Pat Summerall Tony Kubek Bob Prince Lindsey Nelson Jim McKay Red Barber Curt Gowdy Harry Kalas Jack Brickhouse Keith Jackson Mike Emrick Foster Hewitt Dick Enberg Bob Uecker I know some of these guys have appeared in other sets. But A&G is for champions like the folks listed above, not people whose goal is to see how many platitudes they...

I'm in!

You may have heard me mumbling over the last few months about not being sure whether I would attempt to complete the 2011 Allen & Ginter set. This is a big deal for me because I have completed A&G sets for the last three years. I still love the concept, love the look, and think it's easily the most interesting thing that Topps or anyone puts on cardboard each and every year. But last year's set may have been my least favorite so far. I just didn't feel it. The look wasn't as appealing, the selection of subjects just wasn't as riveting (the revolving door card excluded, of course). I began to have my doubts. Then I got a glimpse of the design of this year's set. I have to say I'm not thrilled with it. I don't like the gold border, don't like the mish-mash of stuff at the bottom of the card that basically separates the card into two separate sections. Don't like that it reminds me of 2009 Upper Deck. I just don't like it. So ...