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Showing posts with the label Sweet

More childhood nostalgia

One of the best parts of card collecting, for me, is that it connects me with my childhood. I can't imagine what it would be like to collect as an adult but not as a kid. That's such a weird concept. For those of you who are in touch with your inner child (there are too few of those people, I believe), you probably have cards in which the very sight of them takes you back to what you felt, heard and saw when you had that card as a kid. It is a major emotional rush. At least it is for me. I have replayed those cardboard emotions in my head so many times that the actual moment is often lost, clouded by a series of memories repeated by a 40-year-old man. Fortunately, there are still triggers that will take me immediately to my childhood days. For each of the five senses, I can think of one particular instance that will tap into my 10-year-old self and everything that I was thinking at the time. Here they are: 1. Taste: An Oscar Mayer baloney sandwic...