Dan Crenshaw hammers Sanders' socialist agenda

Red States:
“If you have health insurance, I’m asking you to fight for those who don’t. If you’re native-born, I’m asking you to fight for the undocumented. If you can afford an education, I’m asking you to fight for those who can’t. The only way we defeat Trump is with human solidarity,” tweeted Sanders.
Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw saw the tweet and decided to do the helpful thing and translate what Sanders is really saying so the man behind the curtain is fully exposed.

“Translation: If you have private insurance, you’ll be forced into socialized health care If you immigrate to the US legally, you’ll be cut in line by those who don’t If you work hard and pay for college, you’ll be paying the debt of others That’s socialism, not “solidarity,” tweeted Crenshaw.
Bernie Sanders is not an intelligent man.  Those who support him need to wise up to the destructive policies he is pushing.


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