Democrats find math is hard as their positions do not add up

Washington Examiner:
Biden says 150 million people killed by guns since 2007
This is just one example of the garbage coming out of Biden's mouth recently.  That number is actually more than the casualties in World War II.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is still trying to defend the math that does not add up for his Medicare for All scheme.  He can't even convince the other Democrats on the stage that it would work.

Both of these two have serious credibility problems.  Biden has been a gaffe machine of late even suggesting that he was running for the Senate instead of the Presidential nomination.

Here is some math that Senders is avoiding.  In Venezuela, at least a third of the population is starving under socialism.  There are shortages of all sorts of consumer products such as toilet paper.  Socialism is more like a disease than an economic system.  It is more deadly than the coronavirus.


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