Warren was prepped at debate, but her expansive program to spend other people's money to buy votes was a real turn off

NY Times:

Elizabeth Warren ‘Crushed’ the Debate. But Is It Too Late?

She laced into Michael Bloomberg in a bid to invigorate her campaign, and then had her biggest 24 hours of fund-raising yet.
I thought she really exposed herself as a maven of greedy government.  She wants to confiscate capital from the private sector that is used to invest in the business and productive jobs for either the owner or those who benefit from the owners of the money spending it on things that make the free market work.  She took Bloomberg to task for impolitic things he has said in the past, but never really tackled the substance of his agenda.  She reminded me of a cross-examining lawyer mad dogging a witness to embarrass them.  She would make a terrible President.


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