The 2020 rerun of the Russian interference scam

NY Times:

Dueling Narratives Emerge From Muddied Account of Russia’s 2020 Interference

President Trump’s national security adviser intimated that the Russians were backing Bernie Sanders, as Joe Biden blamed Mr. Trump and other Republicans for the continued interference.
It turns out that the intelligence did not support the 2020 interference meme.  CNN reports:
The US intelligence community's top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community's formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.

The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected.

The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia's interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said.

"The intelligence doesn't say that," one senior national security official told CNN. "A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it's a step short of that. It's more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he's a dealmaker."
This looks like Adam Schiff and the Democrats tried to spin what they were told for political purposes.  It looks like they played the NY Times in the process.  It appears that the story changed after Acting DNI Grenell asked to see the underlying intelligence the report relied on.  It looks like he is doing his job and Adam Schiff is the hardest hit.


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