Media still blaming Senate Republicans for House Dems incompetent trail preparation
Washington Post:
Romney's decision to back the call for witnesses will be one that he will pay a political price for. Democrats never made a case they could sell to the public at large. It was totally for their rabid partisans who have been misled since 2016 by a party leadership engaged in the politics of fraud. They have used one scam after another to attack the legitimacy of the President and the only people buying in the GOP were a few of the Never Trumpers taken in by the fraud. They are a pathetic lot even if they are given columns in the Post.
History will eventually record the sorry role the media played in pushing these frauds. It will take a lot to get their credibility back after they bought into the Russian collusion hoax and this Ukraine tinged cover-up of Biden's monetizing of the office of the Vice President to enrich his family. The hypocrisy of the Democrats and the media in this matter is just too blatant to ignore.
The Democrat impeachment effort denied the President due process in the Hosue and refused to call witnesses it later decided it needed. That is not the fault of McConnell or the GOP in the Senate. It was a deliberate strategy by Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler and it backfired on them. They were too focused on the calendar and not on the hard work of trial preparation needed to make their case. Then they tried to glum that duty off on the Senate.Inside the Senate trial: How McConnell and enough Republicans blocked witnesses
Sen. Mitt Romney, a near-lone GOP voice in seeking witnesses for the trial, was an outlier in a party bound to President Trump and unwilling to challenge him. That political reality helped Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hold his conference together.
Romney's decision to back the call for witnesses will be one that he will pay a political price for. Democrats never made a case they could sell to the public at large. It was totally for their rabid partisans who have been misled since 2016 by a party leadership engaged in the politics of fraud. They have used one scam after another to attack the legitimacy of the President and the only people buying in the GOP were a few of the Never Trumpers taken in by the fraud. They are a pathetic lot even if they are given columns in the Post.
History will eventually record the sorry role the media played in pushing these frauds. It will take a lot to get their credibility back after they bought into the Russian collusion hoax and this Ukraine tinged cover-up of Biden's monetizing of the office of the Vice President to enrich his family. The hypocrisy of the Democrats and the media in this matter is just too blatant to ignore.
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