Showing posts with label Paparazzi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paparazzi. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Improve Your Year! Improve Your Finances!

Hi!  It's Michelle!  
Remember me?  
I used to run this blog to help with my family finances and then my life changed!  I joined Paparazzi Accessories, a newer direct sales company, and my finances improved dramatically.  It's pretty amazing what can happen when you offer cute, $5 accessories to the world!  Women LOVE it! 

I love being able to save women money.  With Paparazzi, women can have fabulous fashion on a budget instead of paying for similar styles with higher prices.  Score!  
Everything is ONLY $5. 

Even the matching necklace/earring sets.   Only $5!!!! 
Beauty on a budget! 

The best part about hooking women up with these cute accessories is 
being paid a 45% commission!  I make $2.25 per piece.  When I sell 50 pieces at a party, I make over $100 profit.  It adds up!   I can take care of the little bills AND the big bills!

There are SO MANY ways to sell Paparazzi!
Home Parties
Facebook Parties
Basket Parties
Work/Business Offices
Events (Boutiques, Fairs, Bazaars, etc.)
Trunk Shows
Retail Stores

I have teammates who are paying their grocery bills and/or house payments by doing Facebook parties!  It's really fun to see!!!  If you want to be invited to a Facebook party to see how they are done or to purchase any jewelry, let me know and I will invite you to one.  Email me at or go to this link for one going on right now.

For the month of January, Paparazzi Accessories is offering a great deal on starter kits.   When you buy a kit, you get a credit of up to $500 to spend on your next order(s).  That means you earn 100% commission on the jewelry you get for FREE with your credit!   That's a great way to start out the year!

"New Consultants who purchase a Starter Kit during the month of January will have a credit added to their account that can be used towards a future purchase!*  This credit can be used to replenish inventory, stock up on business tools, or pick up some Paparazzi-branded apparel – it’s entirely up to them!
  • Small Home Party Kits ($300) = $50 credit
  • Large Home Party Kit ($700) = $125 credit
  • Small Boutique Starter Kit ($1400) = $250 credit**
  • Small Event Starter Kit ($2750) = $500 credit**"

Are you curious?  Would you like to improve your finances - even slightly?  Or do you know someone  who is looking to earn some money?  I can teach you how.  I have supported my family of 5 on my Paparazzi jewelry business for over 18 months.

To read more about Paparazzi Accessories, the January promotion, or me, head over to my 2 blogs about my business. has a lot more info about joining as a consultant. has lots of ideas for consultants.

OR feel free to call me on the phone and I can talk with you more about Paparazzi jewelry.  My number is 435-610-1609.  For an information packet, email me at

I would love to help you improve your finances by offering women a great deal on accessories.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What I've Been Upto? Paparazzi Accessories

Hey!!!  Remember me?  Michelle?  
I used to run this little blog and I had a baby almost 2 years ago.  Here we are now!!!!

 Time flies when you are having fun and being busy!!!  Life got a little crazy so I turned this blog over to my good friend, Miranda, and she has done an EXCELLENT job.  Have you noticed her superb Silhouette tutorials or great reviews on craft products?   I'm really enjoying her tastes in what she features.  Miranda has been a lifesaver to me the last few months.

What have I been upto?   I've been busy building my Paparazzi Accessories business.  Do you remember how I joined a new direct sales company almost 2 years ago and was hoping it was my lucky break.  Well, it has been that.   Not only did I quit my part-time job and give up my blogging income, but my husband quit his full-time job a year ago.  Paparazzi has supported our family of 5 for over a year!!!!  Who knew that $5 jewelry would be so profitable!!!!!
I love my "job."  I love supplying the world of women with cute and trendy $5 accessories.  They love me when I hook them up!!!  Not only do they save money, I make a 45% commission ($2.25 per piece.)   It's a win-win situation.  Everyone is happy!!!

I have several favorite things about Paparazzi jewelry.   I love that it is cash and carry.  I can do a party and the guests can see what they are really getting and take it home with them that night.  No ordering.  No deliveries.   I love that we have products for babies, toddles, tweens, teens, adults and grandmas.  I also love the unisex line!!!  Every consultants selection is different so every party/boutique/basket party is different.   The best part, though, is the price.  Everything is $5 or less!   The jewelry sells itself and that makes me happy!  Everyone has $5!!!

I wanted to let any of you wanting to earn a little (or a lot) of extra money know about the HOT promotion Paparazzi Accessories is running.  When you join with any kit in the month of June, you get 25 FREE accessories.  That's an extra $125 of profit!   This is the best promotion I've seen them do in the 2 years I have been a part of this company.  Jump on it!!!!   I would LOVE to have you as part of my team!

With summer here, there are lots of festivals and events and parties/boutiques going on.  I hope you get to buy some cute Paparazzi Accessories to help accessorize your wardrobe!   I have team members all across the country who could hook you up with some FREE jewelry for hosting a home boutique or a basket party.  OR you could just go shopping at their home!  Let me know how you want to acquire some of this major cuteness!

If you OR someone you know wants more information about Paparazzi, you can read in several different places and/or you can contact me directly and I will send you more info.  Check out about becoming a consultant.
Read the idea blog for my team at   You can also read on my replicated website provided by FREE from Paparazzi Accessories HERE.

Please contact me so I can help you or I can direct you to someone on my team!
Phone:  435-610-1609

I'll keep popping back in every once in a while!  I do miss the craft world!!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and Shopping My Site!!!!!

I am thankful for so many things.  I'm thankful for my family, my 3 wonderful kiddos, a blog that has kept me busy for about 4 years, a Paparazzi Accessories business that has sustained my family for almost the past year and for life!  The last year has been a wild ride, but a fun one!

I just hit the rank called "Fashionista" for Paparazzi Accessories in October and these are the flowers the company sent me for doing it!  I am grateful that my efforts pay off.

AND because I want to share Paparazzi with you AND because it is Black Friday,  I am having a great deal on my $5 Paparazzi jewelry at   For the next two days, I will ship any package for free when you purchase 2 or more items (money will be reimbursed after you check-out).    

I have some beautiful necklace/earring sets for only $5!!!!  There are many under "Best Sellers" and Necklaces.

Some awesome metal cuffs!  Only $5!  Look under "Best Sellers."

And my most popular style of Paparazzi earrings!!!!!  These sell like hot cakes!  They are under "Best sellers."

If you would like to see more variety in person, let me know where you live and I can hook you up with the consultant closest to you on my team.  There is still time to host a party for FREE jewelry before Christmas.   There may not be a consultant close to you because there Paparazzi is still new and growing.  If you are looking to bring in some additional income in the next year, let  me know and I can send you information about becoming an independent consultant.  The commission is 45%!!!  And the jewelry sells itself! You can read more about becoming a Paparazzi Accessories consultant HERE. Tax returns will be coming sooner than you realize!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I'm BACK!!!! ( A while ago!)

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I'm back from my summer vacation (if you can call it that!)   As you may remember, my husband quit his job in June because Paparazzi Accessories has been awesome for us.   We took off  at the end of June, all of July and half of August to Texas and Louisiana to visit his family, participate in some vendor events, conduct team trainings and build my Paparazzi team!   

I've actually been back for a month, but needed some recovery time.   It was SO hot and HUMID!!!!  Oh my!   Standing outside for a whole day in the heat and humidity sucked the life and energy out of me!!!!!  Everyone was sweating all the time! I'm not sure I could live there every summer!  I loved the food and the people, but the humidity was awful!  (I should insert a picture of myself sweating and dehydrated, but I never take them of myself.)

Maybe you could tell, but I took over the blog highlights a few weeks ago.  So I'm back to blogging now.  Missy will still be helping me out with the sponsors and a few other things.   I will be doing most of the features except when I'm gone on vacations or business events.  I'm going to Vegas in a couple days for the Paparazzi convention.  It will be tons of fun!  I even got some new "trendy" clothes for it!   I don't buy clothes very often and I got them at Plato's Closet!   I love Plato's!!!!

Anyway, October will be a very busy month for me and Missy will probably be doing some posting.  I will be in San Francisco, Phoenix and Los Angeles each for a few days for the Ultimate Women's Expos as a vendor!  Any of you going to go?   I might have some reduced tickets I could sell you if you want to attend!  If you go, come find my booth and say "Hi."

You may have seen Paparazzi Accessories by now at an event around you or perhaps you have attended a party.  Hopefully, you've got some of the cute $5 jewelry that I love and that is supporting my family.  

My team is growing.  I have many ladies around the United States that would love to get you a great deal on accessories and/or throw you a party.   With Christmas coming, the next 3 months are the best time to host a party.   More people attend and they buy more because Paparazzi Jewelry makes amazing Christmas gifts.  If you would like to be hooked up with a consultant near you on my team to buy  jewelry, host a party or learn about becoming a consultant, let me know.  I have women in 45 states so far.  I'd love to have representatives in all 50 states.   I am great at finding people somewhere to shop!

Thanks for all of you who have stuck with the craziness of my life and continue to read this blog.  I am grateful to have a faithful following!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Help Wanted!


 I have a big announcement to make!   This decision has been one that was done with A LOT of thought and knowing the risks that accompany it!   I am excited and a little bit scared to announce it.

A few years ago, I quit my job as a SPED teacher to be SAHM.  I loved it, but I knew that I would still have to bring in some money to help with the bills.  My husband had a decent job with benefits.  By decent, it mostly paid our bills and expenses.   For the past 6 years, I have worked part time, babysat and did many things to bring in money so I wouldn't have to go back to teaching full-time.  Last August, I joined Paparazzi Accessories hoping it was my lucky break it life.  Surely, I could sell cute $5 jewelry!!!  I was nervous and a little insecure, but I knew this Paparazzi thing could be a definite bonus to our family!

Now, 10 months later, I can't believe how our family's life has changed.  I quit my part-time job in February.   I have 700+ pieces of inventory that are paid for and we have a savings account that is bigger than it ever has been  (even when both of us were working full-time without kids.)  And the future with Paparazzi is bright!   We know that there is so much possibility with Paparazzi Accessories. I have the potential to continue to do VERY WELL!   

Two months ago, I started making more than my husband.  I did during the month of November, but that is because Christmastime rocks!!!!   Now, I am consistently making more than him.  Between my commission and my sales (yes, I love doing parties and selling Paparazzi), I make more than I ever thought possible.  And it has only been 10 months. It's hard to believe how much I make from $5 jewelry.  Women LOVE it!

 I have worked very hard, and sacrificed much to get here.  So, it is with anxiety and excitement that I announce that my husband has quit his job that he did not love.   He will be assisting me more, doing some business/life coaching and is also doing a 90-day nutritional/weight loss business.  We are taking a HUGE risk and are praying that it works out.  Paparazzi Accessories has given us freedom to do things we would never do.   Money will be back to being a little tight, but we are hoping that in the next 6 months, things continue to go well for both of us in our businesses. We will be working HARD to make great things happen.

Because my husband has quit his job, we will be leaving Utah and our home for the next 2 months and going on the road with our 3 kids to build our business and visit family.  My husband is from Louisiana and has family in Texas and Louisiana.  We are headed to the HOT, HUMID South for July and August.  I know, we are Crazy!!!   We've booked 2 events so far in Fort Davis and Lubbock.  We plan on doing some events, talking to businesses, arranging fundraisers, doing trainings for our team in Texas and Louisiana, doing lots of parties and bringing the love to Paparazzi to the South.  I'm hoping for some amazing things to happen.   We are putting just about everything on the line to make Paparazzi continue to improve for us.  We know that it can work!!!
We are determined to make it happen!

(These are not a great picture of the most popular selling earrings.)

Because we are going to be traveling and be busy with my $5 jewelry business, I am not going to be able to keep up with this site!  I want to use my time to focus on Paparazzi while we are there.  I don't want to shut the site down or have it sitting dormant, so I am looking for help.  I am looking for someone who wants to take over the posting for about 2 months.  I would communicate with you once a week or so just to see how it is going, but other than that, the blog is yours.  I would hope you would post 1 or 2 times a day.  You could keep the income from the time that you are running the blog.  I have many people contact me about advertising that I just don't follow through with because I'm too busy.  If you do more to bring in more money, then that is yours.  There is a possibility that I may want you to continue after we get back, but that is yet to be decided.  You will need to know how to do most of this without training you because I am leaving in a week and am trying to get everything ready!  It's busy.

In order for me to make a quick decision, please send your name, your blog URL, and any information you want me to know about you (including why you would like to assist with my blog) in an email to  I want to make a decision by Monday since I am leaving Tuesday.

If you are interested in Paparazzi Accessories, you can read more on my Paparazzi blog and contact me or if you live in Texas or Louisiana and want FREE jewelry, I'd be happy to do a party for you.  Just shoot me an email at and let me know where you live.  If you live somewhere else, I have team members who can do parties or answer questions too.  I have over 400 team members in 44 states now!  This is the same quality as Claire's Boutique, but only $5!!!!!!!

 Paparazzi Accessories just got a new website and it is so nice.  You can check out examples of the jewelry HERE.  My team is growing rapidly because of the support that is offered and the success that comes with trendy, affordable accessories.   I would love to help you earn money from home like I have done and many of my team members have done.   I am on the strongest team in the whole company and would love for you or someone you know to join me.   Please send me an email at for any information about hosting a party, wanting jewelry or information on joining.  My consultant number is #1681 if you just want to join (but I'd love to talk with you first).

Thanks for all of you who read my blog.  It's been a fun hobby of mine for the past 4 years!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Here We Come Disneyland!!!! (Thanks Paparazzi!)


Guess What?

My family won a trip to Disneyland! 

Since September, Paparazzi Accessories (the direct sales $5 jewelry company I joined in August) had a promotion and the top 5 people won a trip to Disneyland!  I was #5!!!!   My family is leaving next week!  I haven't told my kids yet.   It's going to be a huge suprise when we let them in on the surprise.   I'm really excited!  It's a dream come true.  

SO, next week I will be having a ton of fun with my kids at the "Happiest Place on Earth."   About 18 months ago, we took the kids to Disneyland and I did a week of Disney posts.   I think I will do something like that again.   I'll use the same button and same name - Disney Days!

<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

If you would like to have a Disney-related guest posts in my Disney Days line up, I need the html code in by this Friday.   I probably only need 8-10 submissions and I'm not going to take doubles of the same or similar things.   The only requirement is that you put your button or blog name on the top with a link back to your site and you post on your blog that you are guest posting at Someday Crafts.   Send submissions to

Other news about Paparazzi is that I quit one of my jobs this past month.   It is a bittersweet decision that took me a long time to do.   I loved my job as an aide at a Special Education Pre-school, but I make some much better money selling cute $5 jewelry than I did working there and I needed the time to be a mom and run my business.

If you are thinking about starting your own little business or already are doing direct sales, Paparazzi Accessories is awesome.   I have quite a few ladies who have sold or do sell Scentsy, 31 bags, designer jeans, Avon or other party plan, join my Paparazzi team and do better because of the irresistible $5 jewelry.   They book more parties and sell more because women can't get enough of the $5 accessories.   The new Spring line is seriously so cute!  Here's just a few items that are new!

                                          This necklace is SO gorgeous on!!!!!!!
Women love that they can get a stunning necklace and earring set for only $5!!!!
They came out with leather bracelets.  Some are feminine and some are unisex!

SO many cute earrings!  Silver earrings sell the best!

I'm a headband convert!  I love to wear headbands!
Clips are so versatile!  They can go anywhere - in your hair, on a necklace, purse, belt, shoes, shirt, sweater, suit, etc.
Rings! Rings! Rings!  Doesn't this one just say "Happiness."

The four best reasons to join Paparazzi are:
1.  Everything is $5!!!  There are little girl rings, bracelets and earrings which cost less. Women love a great deal.  Paparazzi is less expensive than Walmart and so much cuter!!!
2.  The company is new.  There are NOT many consultants near you.   Most of the people in your area have never even heard of Paparazzi!  You have a huge market to sell to.
3.  Commission is 45%   That rocks!
4.  Sell at home parties, in offices, at craft shows, at fairs and expos, and in retail businesses.  Wherever women are, women will buy it!

I'm SO grateful for the opportunity I have to be part of Paparazzi.   It has been a HUGE blessing to my family.  It has changed my life!  I can actually afford to accessorize now!

You can read more about why I get to go to Disneyland for free by reading Jewelry For Five

If you would like to buy $5 accessories, you can see some of what I have available at

Please email me at if you have any questions.

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