Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

7 Tips to Being a Better Stay-At-Home-Mama

I've been struggling with the overwhelming feeling of not being a good enough mom recently. My almost 1-year-old is a very difficult child, and now I'm going to add in a newborn in a month. It's very overwhelming. So this post caught my attention and I had to share it with you. I love the reminders that Seven Graces gives!

See 7 Tips to Being a Better Stay-At-Home-Mama.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sports Mom's Survival Bag

It's time for spring sports - soccer, football, little league, the list goes on. This fun little survival bag from Posed Perfection is perfect for yourself or a fellow parent. And Mother's Day is coming up too! What a cool idea!

See the Sports Mom's Survival Bag.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mother's Day 2014 Categorically Crafting Party

Welcome to the
Mother's Day
Categorically Crafting Show

where you can show off all of your fun projects for

Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of Spring. We would love to see any craft projects, clothing, décor, activities, gift ideas, or food ideas that correlate with Mother's Day! (If it doesn't fit in this specific category though, you are welcome to link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday.If you have joined a project that fits this theme to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of projects to show off, please choose your favorites. Remember to link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page. This makes it easier for readers to find your awesome ideas.

Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

This linky will be open until May 24th, 2014, so keep checking back for more inspiration!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The 10 Reasons I'm a Great Mom Challenge from The Pink Lab

My BFF who writes over at The Pink Lab created a challenge to help uplift and encourage other moms. I think it's a fabulous idea. I see so much judgement and tearing down of other moms and I truly wish that we could be more loving and compassionate towards each other. We all have our own trials and things to overcome within our families and with our children. It's impossible to know, just by simply looking at another mom, exactly what they are dealing with at any given moment.
This is why I think it's so important that we, as moms, can recognize what the good qualities are within ourselves. Maybe if we can see the good things we do, then we can take some time to see the good things that other moms are doing.
So this challenge that Heather at The Pink Lab created is basically to come up with 10 things that we feel we do good as mothers, so here's my list of 10 things:
1. My little boy gets practically smothered in hugs and kisses everyday because I love him so much. And he still loves to snuggle me and give me kisses on my cheek.
2. I teach him how to pray and be like Jesus so that one day he can be a worthy of man of God.
3. I take the time to play with my guy everyday - despite all the other things I have to do.
4. I try to teach my little guy to be a little less shy (and more outgoing) than I am.
5. I try to get my son to eat more than Macaroni and quesadillas - and then give him vitamins and Pedia Sures when he refuses :)
6. I take some time to teach my son something new everyday.
7. I let him choose some of the things that we do everyday so that he can learn to be more independent and make good choices.
8. I teach my son to clean and take care of things for himself so that he will be prepared for living on his own (and with his future wife) someday. 
9. Despite the fact that I don't really care about superheros or Star Wars, I take an interest in them anyway.
10. I'm always there for him in the middle of the night when he calls out for me because of a bad dream or when he's scared.
I'd love (and so would Heather) to hear about the things you're good at as a mother. You're welcome to take the challenge in the comments or write your own blog post. And feel free to let Heather know what you think of her challenge. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Mom Comfort Hospital Gift Bag

two ten designs: new mom comfort gift bag
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I know about 50 new mommies or mommies-to-be that would definitely appreciate a little gift like Two Ten created. It's so thoughtful (dry shampoo and acetaminophen...need I say more?) and cute! I might just have to put together a few for all those new mommies.
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