Showing posts with label balloon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balloon. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

DIY Water Balloon Flip Flops

DIY Water Balloon Flip Flops Craft

Flip flops can be so boring, but About a Mom just made these a bit more interesting. The water balloons are so tiny and colorful - and so much fun!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gender Reveal Balloons

Barksdale Blessings used balloons and confetti to make a gender reveal announcement. We're finding out (hopefully) on Thursday what our little twinners are, so something like this might just be so fun!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Re-purposed Water Balloon Pump

Find It, Make It, Love It repurposed some old bottles with pumps into water balloon pumps. Such a good idea, right?! We did some water balloon target practice a couple of weeks ago and my fingers got so raw from trying to stretch the balloons around the kitchen faucet and then tie them. This would have been so much easier!

See the Re-purposed Water Balloon Pump.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Guest Blogger - Running With Glitter - Water Balloon Flip Flops and Barrette

Hello, Someday Crafts readers. I'm very honored to be here today. It's like Christmas morning that I get to be a guest here! My name is Kelly, and I write a fun little DIY blog called Running With Glitter.

Running With Glitter

I'm a mommy to two littles and a wife to one cool CPA. I try to include my children in my crafting as much as possible. So you will find lots of family friendly recipes and projects over at my blog.

This is me and my daughter Aubrey Rose.{you would never know that she was a micro preemie born at 26 weeks!} She was the inspiration for the name of my blog. We were making Christmas ornaments and she ran thru the house with a glitter shaker. It went everywhere. I said in my mommy voice.. "No running with glitter" It cracked us both up. I don't mind a little glitter on my floor as long as fun is had. And my son, Adrian, usually has sparkles on his forehead from glittery mommy lipgloss kisses. I don't mind that either. Sparkles on the floor, sparkles on the skin, sparkles of happiness in our hearts....

The following are three of my favorite projects!

Boo Boo Box Tutorial

Butterfly Garland

Glass Marble Beauties

Summer is in full force, and it's time to head to the pool.
Today I'm going to share with you how to up-do a plain pair of
little girl flip flops and make them full of summer fun

Whats more fun than water balloons? Water balloons on your shoes!!

Here is how you can make these .....

  1. Supplies Needed: Water balloons and flip flops. I found both at Target. Total cost $3.50

  2. You need a total of 5 balloons per group. Stack 4 balloons on top of each other, ends facing opposite direction.

  3. Time to attach these guys to your shoes. Take your 5th balloon {mine is the yellow balloon in the picture} and use it to tie your stack of 4 balloons to the flip flop. This can be a bit tricky, but after doing it a couple of times, you'll be a pro. If it becomes too tricky to tie with the balloon, you could always use a strong string or something similar.

  4. I tied 4 stacks of balloons to each side, a pinky finger tip width apart. So a total of 80 water balloons per shoe. There you have it. A super fun pair of flip flops that just screams summer!

    Wait there is one more thing.. You need a matching hair bow to match your shoes, right?!

  1. Remove metal prong from center of clip. Stack your balloons together.

  2. Tie the sets of balloons to your hair clip just like you did on your flip flops

  3. Re-insert the metal clip. Turn over and make adjustments to even out the balloons as necessary

  4. Tada! Done! Was that quick and easy or what!

    Thank you again for letting me share today.

  5. If you would like to see more of my projects, you can check out my my Tutorial Page Here. There are lots of goodies there. I hope that you will drop by the Glitter Blog sometime and visit.

  6. Running With Glitter

    Mom said don't run with scissors.... but she did not mention glitter!

KELLY, Thanks for that fun, easy tutorial. My daughter (and son) would love some flip flops made with balloons! I love your writing style too! Hop over to Run With Glitter to check out more of Kelly's cuteness!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Birthday Balloon Wreath!

This bright and colorful wreath made from balloons is perfect for a birthday party or other crazy event! This hanging on my door would definitely mean "I'm happy!" It just makes me smile. (I've also seen this technique used on a hair barrette.) See how to make it at How Does She? GO HERE.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Party Ideas To Try "Someday!!"

I love Wednesdays!  I love to see what you all come up with, you are just soooo crafty!!!  Make sure you check out all of the great posts today and leave lots of sweet, wonderful comments!!!
Did you see this awesome huge jute ball over a plant?  Tracey's Trinkets and Treasures found this and removed the insides and put it over the plant.  What foresight!!!  Make sure you check this out HERE!!!

I just love jute balls!!  I don't love the price of said jute balls!!!  Enter Thrift and Chic Decor she made these cute jute balls out of jute, fabric stiffener, and a water balloon!!  How smart is that!!  I want to be like her when I grow up!!  Make sure you check out all of her awesomely thrifty and chic ideas HERE!!!
Do you have kids?  Do said kids get invited to roughly a billion birthday parties a year??  Over at Lemon Tree Crafts they came up with a great gift that won't break the bank!  Check out these cute little paint can gifts and think of all the possibilities!!  Make sure you check out their adorable blog HERE!!!
And last but not least!  How would you like to take a big bite out of the Earth?  Well if it were made out of Rice Krispie Treats, I might eat the whole thing!!  Over at Amanda's Cooking she made the Earth out of those yummy treats!!  Make sure you go appriciate the Earth and maybe take a big bite out of it as well HERE!!!!!

Don't forget to check out all the great posts and see what you love and what inspires you this week!  Also it is still time to link up to the party!! 
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Spider Web Balloons

Decorate for your Halloween party with these creepy (but very cool) spider web balloons. Aren't they amazing? Read how at Crafty Crafty.

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