
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Apostates, Heretics, & False Doctrines II

Apostasy/Heresy Central: "Jesus Was Spoken Into Existence"

What amazes me is the sheer volumes of individuals who can't identify false doctrine. For a babe in Christ I certainly understand this dilemma and am here to hopefully encourage your spiritual growth and add a dimension of discernment to your spiritual walk. The problem is that we are seeing more and more of  individuals who have supposedly been around church, attending bible studies, listening to the preached message for years and who still yet don't know how to identify false doctrine or either just don't care. 

False Teachers And Heretical Teaching

In the following video, I don't know which to be more incensed by; the preacher spouting off what is clearly false doctrine, or the people that are sitting, cheering, praising and seemingly eating up every word? In my opinion, both are in a desperate situation.

Dr. Mark Chironna, who seems to be an open repository of false and non-biblical claims, has done it once again. Listen for yourself as Dr. Chironna claims that Jesus was "spoken into existence" when God said "let there be light" in Genesis 1:11. This is truly unbelievable from anyone calling themselves a Christian. I mean I would expect to hear something like this from a Jehovah's Witness or even a Mormon, but certainly not a Christian. Which makes me wonder, does Mark Chironna claim to be a Christian minister?

(Click the read more tab for the video)

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Clergy Sexual SINS Pt. 2

Often individuals can become desensitized to clergy sexual abuse and the real costs associated with sexual misconduct in general. These cases are often only considered in terms of monetary value and not the real human value and equity that is lost as a result of these incidents. Because things can be covered and "out of sight" is sometimes "out of mind" individuals can get a sense that there are no problems and that everything will simply just work out.

COGIC...Just In Case

The most easy thing to do is believe that incidents like this are confined to the Catholic Church. Quite the contrary is true. The COGIC has experienced sexual abuse and clergy sexual misconduct at what I consider to be an alarming rate over the last 20 years as documented This issue was addressed in the 2009 session of the General Assembly of the Church Of Gon In Christ. The official minutes record the following:

"He (Judge Enoch Perry) reported that in over 100 years, there have been 20-25 processed cases of sexual misconduct. He stated statistically the numbers are significantly small; however, there should not be one case among us. Judge perry reported there has not been one successful lawsuit against the church; cases have either been settled or dismissed. He further stated that Bishop Blake supports the church's zero tolerance policy against sexual misconduct." ~ [2009 COGIC General Assembly Minutes Pg. 2 Para. 2 parenthesis added]  

Later, Presiding Bishop Charles Blake remarks included the following:

"Presiding Bishop Blake thanked Judge Perry for his remarks regarding the church's policy in relationship to sexual misconduct. he pointed out that, on average, the church spends about $800,000 to settle legal matters many of which have to do with accusations of sexual misconduct. (Who made the comment? and that one singe lawsuit has the potential to bankrupt the church.)" ~ [2009 COGIC General Assembly Minutes Pg. 3 Para. 2 as it is in the minutes]

Now it seems to be somewhat of a disconnect. How can a settled lawsuit be unsuccessful when $800,000 on average is paid toward the settlement and legal matters regarding it? According to Perry's numbers,  this would mean that about $16,000,000 to $20,000,000 dollars (almost $200,000 per year over 100 years) have been paid out to adjudicate matters of this kind and this is only from the national church perspective. I believe these numbers don't even begin to tell the real story however, because the fact is that it has been documented that over the last 20 years there have been over 35 visible cases of clergy sexual misconduct and abuse among COGIC clergy. Some of these cases were highly publicized and ended in incarceration.

If we condense even Perry's numbers (which are more than likely understated) into the 20 to 25 year period of time in which we can document publicized cases of abuse and misconduct, that would mean that the church has paid an average of approximately $1,000,000 per year toward the adjudication of sexual misconduct cases. Remember this is $1,000,000 per year of national report and auxillary fund dollars collected and paid to defend and or settle sexual abuse, misuse, harassment, and other sexual misconduct cases.

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Clergy Sexual SINS Pt. 1

I wonder how many ministers are outraged at his?

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