And we join the rest of the civilized world in congratulating President Obama on this superb achievement.
But not, of course, without taking a little jab at our former nemesis, whose ghastly pre-2009 blogging career would not have been possible absent the 9/11 attacks.
Little Green Footballs
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Osama sleeps with the fishes
Posted by V at 01:06 3 comments
Labels: 9/11
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Zombie's Deja Vu
The attacks on Mumbai have generated plenty of emotions, but some can only be best expressed by Zombie at LGF who seems to be having some sort of Islamo-hating re-meltdown:
The Anger:
2 zombie 11/28/08 11:07:32 pm reply quote 8
I'm just so angry about this Mumbai terror attack that I am beyond words.
It's like 9/11 all over again, emotion-wise.
3 zombie 11/28/08 11:09:18 pm reply quote 0
Steam is coming out of my ears.
The Paranoia:
42 zombie 11/28/08 11:24:40 pm reply quote 5
Also, I happened to walk by a mosque today in San Francisco just as it was letting out after Friday prayers. You never saw so many smiles and elated people in your life. They weren't exactly high-fiving each other on the sidewalk, but close; everybody had a big grin and they looked like they were on top of the world.
I can just imagine what the imam said in the sermon.
That only exacerbated my bad mood.
The understanding of another
288 Crusty 11/29/08 4:41:40 am reply quote 0
re: #2 zombie
I'm just so angry about this Mumbai terror attack that I am beyond words.
It's like 9/11 all over again, emotion-wise.
Humanity is supposed to learn from history to keep it from repeating it. But when I see people all over the world who, in the War of Terror, spend all their energy opposing and protesting the US & her allies and not saying one bad word about the terrorists, I know that humanity hasn't learned a damned thing from history.
We are therefore doomed to repeat it.
WWII begat the Gulf Wars, 9/11 begat Mumbai, Madrid, London and, under 4 years of Mr. Radical Chic from Hyde Park, who knows how many other cities.
So, anyone else think Chen threw him over the edge?
Update: And here it is, the spreading to other lizards of one's murderous intent:
38 Paul 11/29/08 6:45:01 pm reply quote 12
This is no surprise, no extra horror. They've never spared women and children. In their demented minds, I'm sure the murder of women and children "proves" their commitment to holy war. This time they even invaded hospitals and murdered the sick and helpless.
It's now very simple, we kill them before they kill us.
There you go, head on over with your laptop and let the virtual shootout begin.
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's always about 9/11 in Wingnut World
I visited LGF to check out the latest faux-outrage about the Ahmadinejad visit and found this tidbit about one of the rallies:
Speakers include Debra Burlingame, sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame,III, (Capt., USNR, Ret.), pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.
It doesn't matter that Iran condemned the 9-11 attacks or that it helped get rid of the Taliban, if the pseudo-conservatives can bring up 9-11, they can raise the fear level.
Posted by Steve J. at 04:49 1 comments
Labels: 9/11, end of the world, iran, wingnuttia
Thursday, May 17, 2007
When lizards attack
Wow, that Ron Paul guy really got Charlie's goat, didn't he? You have to be in a parallel universe to take as much umbrage at Paul's logical argument about 9/11 (that perhaps the terrorists were motivated by US foreign policy wrongs) as CJ and Guiliani did.
Why, it's virtually an article of faith among the sinking-ship Republicans that 9/11 came completely out of the blue and has nothing to do with 50 years of interventionist policies in the Middle East.
Watch the clip and imagine CJ having a cardiac:
Posted by X at 09:08 7 comments
Labels: 9/11, Middle East, republican, video
Sunday, December 31, 2006
LGF's Cognitive Dissonance
Reader LT suggested the following lines be nominated for the Charles Johnson Award for Most Idiotic News Analysis of the Year:
"I thought I was finished being surprised by the depth of our media’s corruption.'The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks claimed 2,973 victims in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. Opponents of President Bush have criticized him for raising the attacks as a justification for the protracted fight in Iraq.'
Yet the media feels no compunction about tying these two completely unrelated numbers together, as justification for their relentless self-loathing suicidal pacifist propaganda. They’ve really crossed a line this time."
So is Charles effectively saying the War in Iraq has nothing to do with the War on Terror? That's funny, because we were pretty certain it was precisely this link he was trying desperately to forge not so long ago...
Posted by X at 14:34 2 comments
Labels: 9/11, Charles Johnson, idiocies, iraq