Charles' moderate-liberal bona fides are about to be put to a serious test... because even though he has publicly flip-flopped on every other issue imaginable, his unconditional support of Israel has, apparently, remained steadfast.
Now the IDF has killed several foreign pro-Palestinian activists on a flotilla of boats -- which may or may not have been in international waters -- trying to deliver supplies through the Gaza blockade. To the extent that Charles cares about retaining his current leftish fanbase, which he surely does if he wants to hold on to whatever traffic he has left, he will have to tread very, very carefully -- for the almost unanimous reaction to this, at least for anyone to the left of Robert Spencer and Pammy Atlas Gellar Shrieks, is shock and horror.
If this were 2007, he would of course be coining amusing nicknames for the victims, heaping scorn on Turkey and Europe and the UN and (why not?) the moldering corpse of Yassir Arafat, and cheering silently as his readers spew every anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian cliché imaginable. But this is 2010, so he can't do that.
So what'll it be, Charles? Back to the future, ignore it completely, or (gasp!) criticize Israel for once?
Little Green Footballs
Monday, May 31, 2010
Charles' moment of truth
Posted by V at 15:36 12 comments
Labels: Israel, Palestinians
Saturday, April 04, 2009
When faked pictures do not matter either..
Here's some fauxtography that Charles Johnson didn't (and probably will never) report about:
Papers alter Israel cabinet photo
Two ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspapers have altered a photo of Israel's new cabinet, removing two female ministers.
Limor Livnat and Sofa Landver were grouped with the rest of the 30-member cabinet for their inaugural photo.
But Yated Neeman newspaper digitally changed the picture by replacing them with two men. The Shaa Tova newspaper blacked the women out.
Publishing pictures of women is viewed by many ultra-orthodox Jews as a violation of female modesty.
Other Israeli papers reprinted the altered images next to the original photos, with one headlining it "Find the lady".
The ultra-Orthodox community separates itself from mainstream society through its traditional religious practices and distinctive attire of black hats, coats and sidelocks for the men and long skirts and sleeves for the women.
Restrictions include using only Kosher telephones, and not accessing websites with content deemed inappropriate.
For a comparison between real and fake picture, click here. Now imagine for a moment if that had happened in (say) Egypt..
Posted by The Sphinx at 08:13 0 comments
Labels: bias, fauxtography, Israel
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Aww, Charles Got Hate Mail!
The conflict in Gaza has really stirred up the wackos, and they’re pouring their fury into illiterate emails sent to little old me. Here are the latest two messages sent through our contact form by Hamas supporters and Jew-haters; first, from St. Louis, Missouri, with the descriptive title “Assholes...” and the phony but almost humorous return address “”
Brought out the wackos, as opposed to the genocidal lizards....yeah Charles, that's a problem. Now the "hate mail":
You dickheads are shameless... 555+ Palestenian, mostly innocent, killed, and what 5 Israeli’s killed by chance... genocide ongoing in Gaza at the hands of the putrid and horrific Zionist criminals, and you pricks have the NERVE to marginalize and BLAME THE PALESTENIANS for their own deaths?
Well yes, LGF has turned into a comment mill for blaming the Palestinians and cheering for dead Gazans. What exactly is the problem here Chuckles?
Then we have a love note sent from Dubai, with the title, ‘Shame on little green “Hitlers”:’
You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians.
Wrong call on who the "wackos" there Charles, way wrong. Now for the obligatory "Grand Mufti comment":
9 descolada9 1/06/09 11:15:05 am reply quote
And the Hitlers dude forgot that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler during WWII. Furthermore, actions have consequences, just like idiocy has a consequence. Being an idiot who tosses the "Hitler" moniker makes you look like, uhm, well, an idiot!
30 Jetpilot1101 1/06/09 11:18:28 am reply quote
If we were "little green hitlers" wouldn't be be supporting Hamas? Seems to me his logic is a tad askew.
35 davinvalkri 1/06/09 11:18:56 am reply quote
Yeah, just keep the hate mail coming, you S.O.B.s. Just goes to show how much power the Little Green Footballs have over you! Ha. HA!
Oh, the raw power to inspire mockery....I'm feeling it "davinvalkri"!
65 LGoPs 1/06/09 11:22:32 am reply quote
On the one hand, this kind of depraved, foaming hatred is mildly humorous. On the other it is scary because it reveals the really dangerous, deranged heart of the liberal mobs mentality. Dangerous because you can't reason with it, anymore than you can reason with rabid animals.......
As opposed to the mob mentality of the Charles-worshipers? Speaking of:
66 Sharmuta 1/06/09 11:22:40 am reply quote
and you pricks have the NERVE to marginalize and BLAME THE PALESTENIANS for their own deaths?
First- it's hamas' chickens coming home to roost.
Second- we're not pricks, we're honcos. Get it right!
70 USBeast 1/06/09 11:22:50 am reply quote
"You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians."
I don't get it. The Jihadis continually proclaim that they love death. They rejoice in it. What's wrong with rejoicing in it right along with them. There's no pleasing some people.
160 maddogg 1/06/09 11:38:40 am reply quote
You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians.
Just a rerun of every time the Palis have a war with the Jews. Palis greatest talent: dying in a loud grotesque manner. They suck at any combat where you go head to head with real soldiers. Much better at firing rockets at schools. The schools don't shoot back.
172 Opinionated 1/06/09 11:40:34 am reply quote
re: #115 Nevergiveup
20:36 British PM: This is the darkest moment yet for the Middle East (Reuters)
A democracy beating the crap out of barbaric savages is the darkest moment yet for the Mideast?
Off the top of my head, when pizza parlors and buses and cafes and school cafeterias and Passover Seders and nurseries and on and on and on and on and on were the target of these same savages, when Arabs screamed for Israeli blood, just may have been darker.
OK, I'm not going to go through the next 1,000 or so comments, I think this small sample is quite enough. I just might go ahead and send in my own hate mail though, though it will be full of mockery of the mighty lizard mob mentality rather than "hate". Now what exactly was Chuckles complaining about here?
(Cross-posted at govvs)
Posted by Kiddo at 13:28 4 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Gaza, Israel, lgf, Palestinians
Monday, January 05, 2009
Hate Springs Eternal
For those who keep saying that LGF has "gone soft", from:
And some have said LGF had gotten too tame. Here's some fodder for the opposing view:
7 HoosierHoops 1/04/09 6:22:20 pm reply quote
She kind of looks Muslim to me..
/no slideshow
16 BignJames 1/04/09 6:23:24 pm reply quote
Why would any sane person...or government...allow these people into their country?
17 Iron Fist 1/04/09 6:23:33 pm reply quote
Death cultist worshipping death.
18 lifeofthemind 1/04/09 6:23:40 pm reply quote
You can not run or hide any longer you either submit or fight.
19 pegcity 1/04/09 6:23:45 pm reply quote
as far as im concerned this generation of muslim children is good as gone, she will be a wonderful punching bag for her future husband in 4 or 5 years from now
40 Wishing 1/04/09 6:26:41 pm reply quote
Do most mohammedan women carry dolls as props, or what?
58 Flying Dutchman 1/04/09 6:28:48 pm reply quote
This pics show that all those terrorists supporters are the same, no matter where they are in the world.
71 irongrampa 1/04/09 6:30:24 pm reply quote
I swear, people like that make a compelling case for genetic manipulation.
78 shanec99 1/04/09 6:31:08 pm reply quote
They are trying to say to the world that the Arabs living in the vicinity of Israel (I refuse to call them Palestinians) who danced in the streets and distributed candy while Americans burned to death and died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 are victims... and in a way they are.
They are perpetual victims:
They are victims of their own inability to chose enlightened leaders,
They are victims of their own murderous excesses,
They are victims of a warped, savage and blood thirsty philosophy,
and finally, they are victims of their own stupidity.
85 Outrider 1/04/09 6:31:49 pm reply quote
re: #65 jhrhv
my opinion is many are infiltrating the West to spread this poison. Everything I see, read, or hear points to that conclusion.
100 Wishing 1/04/09 6:35:36 pm reply quote
re: #97 Iron Fist
They all have one thing in common. They are Mohammedans.
Isnt that mohammedans? Little m? Must we capitulate even to that degree?
164 Opinionated 1/04/09 6:50:33 pm reply quote
Charles rightfully doesn't tolerate what could be labelled as calls for genocide.
But would I be out of line if I occasionally wished Israel was guilty of just 10% of which she is accused by these projecting savages.
I think just 10% would solve a whole lot of problems.
256 coldpizza 1/04/09 7:08:49 pm reply quote
Notice the difference in Humanity and good breading from the people in the link below.
I know my statement sounds like a racist, but I dont know what to think anymore regarding the Muslim Menace. These people make me want to fight! [Link:]
270 Maximu§ 1/04/09 7:13:04 pm reply quote
re: #33 yochanan
the stepford muslima looks like a convert
i expect jews to be attacked on the street over this
Yeah she does look like a convert and an ugly one at that. I once told my kids if they ever converted to Islam, I would beat the Allah out of them.
(cross-posted at Gates of Vienna Vs. LGF Vs. The World)
Posted by Kiddo at 14:40 0 comments
Labels: Gaza, Israel, Little Green Footballs, Palestinians, protests
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Simple question, simple answer
LGFW is always happy to answer any little question Charles Johnson throws out on to the interweb. Here's his latest post attacking Juan Cole (not the first time by the way).
Anti-American professor Juan Cole has rather famously claimed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was “misquoted” in his infamous “Israel must be wiped off the map” statement. Search Google for that phrase and you’ll find tons of lefty and Islamist web sites eagerly promoting Cole’s obfuscation.Well Charles, where shall we begin?
So how will the malevolent Juan Cole and his useful idiot followers explain this?
1. You assert that Juan Cole claimed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was 'misquoted'. You're correct he did, and as Juan can actually speak and read Farsi (he's translates works in Arabic too) I'd take his word above yours.
2. By implication you're claiming that Ahmadinejad wasn't misquoted even though anyone able to read English would be able to see that the poster you use as 'proof' attributes the quote to Imam Khomeini, not Ahmadinejad.
3. Here's Juan Cole's take on the translation of Ahmadinejad's speech.
The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."4. So in answer to your question Charles, easily.
Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
5. Charles Johnson calls Juan Cole malevolent. Bonus points for projection.
Posted by M.J. at 06:22 35 comments
Labels: ahmedinejad, Charles Johnson, idiots, iran, Israel, juan cole
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What exactly do you want Charles?
Here's a choice Charles quote.
Nearly a flying pig moment this morning, as a United Nations “humanitarian” functionary condemns Palestinian rocket attacks.So really Charles what are you suggesting?
But the flying pig stays in the hangar, because at the end of it he just parrots more “peace process” fantasy-think.
The 'peace process' is fantasy-think?
So what's the alternative?
A quick look at the comments below Charles' post demonstrates the average LGF denizen's suggestions.
UPDATE: Anyone who follows Middle East news (isn't that what you do, Chucko?) would know that the UN condemns the rocket fire at civilians at pretty-much every opportunity. How come CJ has only just noticed this? Too busy playing with the fluff in his navel?
Posted by M.J. at 17:30 0 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Israel, lgf, Palestine
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Israel does the right thing (again)
Many of Charles' minions are sure to be flummoxed by this:
Israel will extend gay couples full adoption rights, thanks to a ruling by Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Sunday.
Previously, gay couples could adopt only if the child was one of the partners’ biological offspring.
“I welcome the decision,” said Welfare Minister Isaac Herzog. “There is no reason why same-sex couples who meet the criteria for adoption should not be able to join the process of adoption and of parenthood. We must adapt to the spirit of the times and the changes that are afoot.”
Israel has moved quickly on gay civil rights since the Knesset decriminalized homosexuality in 1988. There have been no restrictions on gays serving in the military since 1993. In 2000, the age of consent for gays was lowered to 16, to match the legal age for consensual sex for heterosexuals.
Gay couples are given most federal rights in Israel, although gay marriages (which are only religious marriages in Israel) are not permitted. Gay marriages performed abroad, however, are recognized as of 2006. Private companies as well as the public sector are required to give gay employees the same benefits as straight employees.
In this respect, as in many others, Israel is much more in line with liberal European democracies than with its principal patron and protector.
Posted by V at 17:36 0 comments
Labels: Israel
Monday, January 21, 2008
Charles Johnson: peace = surrender!
Senior foreign affairs analyst Charles Johnson has laid down the ground rules for solving the Middle East conflict by asserting that an Israeli withdrawal from occupied Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian territory would amount to surrender.
Of course, CJ doesn't actually explain WHY ending its foreign occupation would be a surrender, and he doesn't offer an alternative solution to achieving peace in the region.
Cynics might say that's because Johnson & Co. don't want peace, because they benefit from the conflict and because they don't actually give a shit about ordinary people over there as long as there's an opportunity to pontificate about a war most of America doesn't really understand.
We're inclined to agree with the cynics.
Posted by X at 07:30 50 comments
Labels: Israel, lgf, Middle East, Palestine
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Saturday night linkage
Some news items sent in by our dear readers that you're unlikely to read about on LGF:
A tale of racist bullying in America.
The most pro-American country in Europe is...?
Another 40-year anniversary.
Posted by X at 22:14 2 comments
Thursday, May 17, 2007
LGF: Blind on one eye
While Charles Johnson has the time to lament fundamentalist demagogues ("RIP, Jerry Falwell") and post on alleged honor killings in Manchester, he curiously doesn't say a word about a racist attack in Tel Aviv. Three guesses why...
Posted by X at 09:27 2 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Daily Kos deletes video shocker!
For somebody who makes a living from hate, hysteria is always on a bigger scale at LGF.
At the web’s premier “progressive” site, Daily Kos, the neo-Nazi video posted in a diary yesterday (on Holocaust Remembrance Day) by “Sabbah” has been removed, with a typically weasely note explaining that linking to the video was really OK, because it makes some good points: Portrait of a Great Taboo: The Power of the Israel Lobby in the United States.The video was not a neo-Nazi one. Full stop.
And of course, anyone who criticized their disgusting little exercise in antisemitism was only trying to distract people from the real subject.
A neo-nazi forum had uploaded the video and put its own logo on it. The person putting it up on Kos didn't realise.
This was pointed out and the video was pulled but according to Charles Johnson this means that 'anti-semites are welcome' at Kos. Of course in Charles Johnson's little world any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic and everything on Kos is worthy of hysterical wailing.
It makes it even more sad when he complains about people stalking him doesn't it?
Posted by Bobby Dazzler at 18:49 1 comments
Labels: aipac, Charles Johnson, daily kos, hypocrisy, Israel
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Oh Sweet Lord
Religious nuts issuing death threats to artists? Not an issue for Charles Johnson.
Religious nuts beating up women who won't submit to their dictat? Not an issue for Charles Johnson.
Remember kids, the story only gets the LGF seal of approval if it's got Muslims in it!
Posted by X at 21:04 5 comments
Labels: christianity, Israel, racism
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Charlie and the UN
Charles Johnson's hatred of the UN tends to blind him of some basics facts about the organization, as we saw again this week when the West Coast hateblogger took a shot at the Human Rights Council ( In his post 'UN Human Rights Council Kowtows to Islam' CJ fails to mention that it was European countries which opposed the 'defamation of religion' resolution while the US didn't raise any objections to the OIC's proposal.
As for his discovery this week that Human Rights Watch said last September the rights council shouldn't be so obsessed with Israel (, he fails to mention that the same argument has been made by two UN secretary generals and pretty much every European country in the council. Of course mentioning that might give the lizards the impression Europe and the UN (as an institution, rather than its various forums) might be sane after all. Can't have that!!!
Posted by X at 13:36 1 comments
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Why we need the MSM
The Beeb has two important stories from the Middle East on its website today.
The first is about the horror of involuntary human shields.
The second is a tragic love story.
Neither of which are going to get mentioned on LGF unless the right-wing spin machine comes up with a convicing way of distorting these stories.
Thank fuck for the Beeb.
Posted by X at 20:43 34 comments
Friday, March 02, 2007
Gaza Greenhouses II
Girlieman has an update on the Gaza greenhouses story. His post contains some very important reminders about the pattern of reporting that makes LGF stand out as a racist website.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Gaza Greenhouses
PG points us to an interesting blog post, which suggests the pictures of Israeli greenhouses in Gaza that Charles likes to show on LGF may not be all he claims.
Girlieman: LGF Publishes Fake Before and After Photos
Feel free to email us with more information on this.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Will Jews be LGF's new enemy #1?
While Charles Johnson harps on and on about "truthers" (a term he never really defines), there are two recent news items (dare we call them inconvenient truths?) he has chosen to ignore:
Among Religious Groups, Jewish Americans Most Strongly Oppose War
Poll: 75 precent of Israelis want to join EU
To be sure, CJ always has a stock answer to polls like this, namely that they have been manipulated by Leftists/George Soros/Kos Kidz/etc. But we'd like a more differentiated discussion: What do these polls tell us, if anything?
Posted by X at 11:05 5 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Cracks in the wall
What are we afraid of? Do we not do Israel an injustice by viewing her as so delicate that entertaining a few "unpopular" ideas will lead to her extinction? The Israel I know and love can withstand such debate. In fact, I believe that Israel is only strengthened by the free exchange of ideas.
Posted by Bobby Dazzler at 10:46 4 comments
Labels: blogs, Israel, Middle East, Palestine
Friday, February 09, 2007
Hate vs Love
A few weeks ago Charles posted a cruel, mocking comment about the death of 10-year old Abir Aramin. At the time he claimed the reported circumstances of her killing were "Another Palestinian Big Lie" (
Today Abir's father has an article in the Jewish magazine Forward. It's heart-wrenching, and hope-giving at the same time.
If only we listened more to the Bassams of this world, not the hate-filled Charles Johnsons...
Posted by X at 19:11 2 comments
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Reality vs the Lizard World
As Charles continues to quibble copy-editing mistakes and moan about how people are ignoring his bogus wingnut conspiracy theories that 'everything the media writes about Iraq is a lie', the world keeps on turning and throwing up uncomfortable facts.
For example, over the past week a senior Cheney aide has accused the administration in court of making him the fall guy to protect one of Bush's prize assets.
The Israeli president faces rape charges and the Israeli prime minister is up for corruption.
And the sheer depravity of American society was once again on show for all the world to see (1,2,3).
Of course, not a peep about any of this on LGF. Charles would much rather run racist cartoons reminiscent of Der Sturmer than reflect reality on his blog...