Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Charles Johnson: Microsoft in the Mind

Here's a great example of all the bloody-minded bigotry and bile that wells up whenever Charles sets eyes on the word Europe. His hatred of Europeans - their ideas, their views, their actions - blinds him to such basic facts that he really makes a fool of himself:

The European Union is very jealous of Microsoft’s success: EU fines Microsoft record $1.3B.

That’s B as in Billion. Maybe the EU should put all that rarefied brainpower of theirs to work and write their own Intel-based operating system and GUI, instead of forcing Microsoft to give away trade secrets to second rate European companies.

Shudder. For one dark second, I imagined what an OS designed by the EU might look like. (link)

First of all it might be worth pointing out why we're talking billions: because the U.S. dollar has falled dramatically under the reign of George Bush II, so that $1.3bn is now the equivalent of 850 million Euros.

Second, it wasn't a European company that complained about Microsoft to the Commission. It was Sun Microsystems Inc., based in Silicon Valley, USA.

Third, as for Europeans writing their own operating systems, CJ might like to consider that one the most successful OS's of recent years is Linux, originally written by a Finn (with lots of input from all over the world, including the US).

Just goes to show that CJ is an idiot even when he's not complaining about Muslims.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why the quote marks Charles?

Sometimes he's bigoted, sometimes he's dishonest and sometimes he's just plain stupid. This however is just odd.

Armed Serbian “youths” in Belgrade have attacked the US and German embassies, and the US embassy is on fire.
Now we all know that Charles is very keen on the myth that the MSM use the term "youths" to disguise the fact that the dreaded Muslim hoardes are smashing up Europe. So much so that he uses the term in quote marks at every given opportunity. One wonders then why he would use it here. Why would Serbian yobs be given the dreaded quote marks? It doesn't help that the article you quoted doesn't actually use the term "youths", that just adds to the oddness of the post.

After all these "youths" attacked the US Embassy in protest against Kosovo declaring its independence and are therefore highly unlikely to be Muslims.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Prophetic comment of the day

All it takes is a predominately Muslim region in Europe to gain independence - never mind all the atrocities committed against it - for the lizard army to go "EEEEK!!" (Nothing to fear but fear itself, indeed..)

Can you smell some genocidal tendencies here? And why, while I'm reading this, does the distant memory of a certain Flemish nationalist party keep coming up, along with other European neo-fascist parties? Could it possibly be that the apologists of such groups sound.. you know.. just like that?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meanwhile, in Poland

The EU has declared that it will refuse to provide funding to Radio Maryja, an ultra-conservative Catholic radio station that features anti-Semitic programming.

Jerusalem Post:

The European Union is highly unlikely to fund a Polish ultra-nationalist Catholic radio station which is infamous for its anti-Semitic programming, a European Union official said Monday.

The chances that the controversial Polish radio station Radio Maryja would get EU funding for the expansion of a journalism school are "close to zero," a European Commission spokesman in Israel said.


The issue comes just weeks after Israel and American Jewish groups urged the Polish government to act following the most recent anti-Semitic remarks by the powerful head of the radio station, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk.

Rydzyk reportedly accused the Jews of greed in a potential government compensation deal on confiscated property, and denounced Polish President Lech Kaczynski as a "fraudster who is in the pockets of the Jewish lobby."

Given the lizards' inordinate fondness for Poland, and their passionate hatred for the EU, we can expect this interesting bit of news to be mentioned on LGF in, approximately, never.

Monday, September 10, 2007


In March of this year, longtime LGF favorite and Pajamas Media contributor Paul Beliën praised German anti-feminist author and talk-show hostess Eva Herman, who had written a book urging today's German woman to remain in her Küche with her Kinder except when she is attending her local Kirche.

Today Frau Herman, who incidentally has been married four times, was fired from her job at the Nord-Deutsche Rundfunk for making comments such as:

values like the family, children and motherhood, which were promoted in the Third Reich too, were later scrapped by the 68ers

as well as praising the Nazis for the "high regard" they held for motherhood, Sophie's Choice notwithstanding.

We assume Dhr. Beliën is currently too busy snorkeling through the large vat of saliva he has produced during the current Belgian government crisis to pay much attention to Frau Herrmann's travails. But just imagine if a German imam had said such a thing.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Those evil journalists

Once again those dhimmi journalists in Euroland have been kow-towing to Islamofascism and denying the existence of terrorist cells on the continent while a lone voice of reason on the other side of the world (Charles Johnson) and his loony green friends battle valiantly to bring you the truth the lefty MSM won't.

With the help of a mere four videos stolen from 'UKTV', of course...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lost in the ethersphere

As Charles dwells on serious terror incidents he's missing news about how Muslims are infiltrating Jewish schools and banlieue youths clash with 'locals' in Spain. Is CJ losing his touch?