Charles is boiling in rage about a Daily Kos diary talking about how America needs to feel the damage inflicted on Iraq by getting "invaded" and "occupied".
It should be noted that LGF Watch doesn't support the idea that America should be invaded or occupied, however the reactions at the little green loony bin are just rich:
#12 looking closely
I hear Al Queda in Iraq is still looking for recruits.
Maybe this diarist ought to volunteer.
To address the thin gruel of his post, the Iraqis *WANT* the US military to be there. So why should we leave?
no. They don't.#16 Bubblehead II
re: #4 phoenixgirl
Mexico. It's already happening, The invasion, the war torn streets, the destruction of entire neighborhoods, ect.
Of course it's totally obvious that the destruction those darn mexicuns are causing all over America, even in a neighborhood near you, is legitimately comparable with the carpet-bombing of Iraqi cities during the invasion, in which a few
tens of thousands have died, especially that loads of Mexicans are productive members of American society and taking up jobs that even the lizardoid army would refuse to do. Can I get a "Nuke Mexico!" now?
#30 galloping granny
re: #17 JamesTKirk
Can we start with Berkeley?
As far as I am concerned, anyone who wants Berkeley is welcome to it. Glad to hand it over. Might even pay somebody to take it. What a waste of oxygen that crew is. They spout enough hot air to be responsible for "global warming" all by themselves!
No comment needed.
#50 zmdavid
We need someone to come, kill all the violent terrorists in our country and rebuild our infrastructure at no cost to us?
I'm all for it.
Great, and I'm sure that the millions of Iraqi civilians who have lost innocent family members and are
leading this kind of dandy life regard all of that as "no cost". Nice, eh?
#67 BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey
We don't know what it's like to be in a war zone, prick? There were war zones in lower Manhattan, the Pentagon and over the skies of Pennsylvania on 9/11/01. Just don't question their patriotism.
Sure, 9/11 was bad enough, but comparing this one-time incident with a since-5-years-unresolved and ongoing conflict that has taken a few hundred-fold more lives and a much greater toll on the lives of the remaining population is a bit dishonest, no?
Now, in response to the Berkeley remark:
#77 samsgran1948
re: #30 galloping granny
But you need to make sure that the People's Republic of San Francisco is included with Berkeley.
.. and don't you dare call them racist!
And on and on it goes. It's not as if they were really
opposed to the Iraq war either. Deskchair warrior-ism at its best!