Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label sadly no. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sadly no. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Belang and winding road

Those cheeky monkeys over at Sadly, No! are covering the Charles v. Pammy cage match in lavish, spit-take-inducing detail. Absolutely not to be missed.

[UPDATE 10/29 - Okay, this is getting weird.]

[UPDATE 10/30 - Quote of the century "In case you do not read Little Green Footballs, the blog is pro-Muslim, left-wing, politically correct.."]

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sadly, No! pick on Charles.

And win. Obviously.

Apparently, Chazmo Johnson has become bothered of late that Little Green Footballs is widely known as a racist hate site inhabited by the scummiest peabrains on the Internet outside of Stormfront.


In Chazmo’s position, a sane person might stop scouring the world press every day for anything that any Muslim or ‘leftist’ might have allegedly said or done which might help encourage scummy peabrains in an enthusiasm for exterminating Muslims and ‘leftists.’ For instance, he could recapture LGF’s former glory as California’s premier weblog for ponytailed, Hawaiian-shirt-wearing jazz guitarists who ride bikes a lot and do web design.

And in fact, he’s cleaned up LGF quite a bit in the past couple of years, since the Pajamas Media scheme started ramping up, banning some of the more whoopingly homicidal commenters (a popular individual called Rayra comes to mind) and installing a comment filter to eliminate instances of overspecificity, such as the terms ’sand nigger’ and ‘nuke Mecca.’

But then, a sane person is not Charles Johnson
Sane enough to realise hate sells though but apart from that Gavin M. gets it.

Source: Sadly, No!