[ Link: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/32002_And_Now_the_International_Anti-Darwin_Essay_Contest/comments/#ctop ]
Charles Johnson:
We do have some LGF readers who are creationists, so we would be remiss if we didn’t bring to your attention a chance to win a prize of 100,000 new Turkish lira (about $63,191.14 US at current exchange rates), in a scientific essay contest being held by Turkish creationist Harun Yahya (aka Adnan Oktar): WHY IS THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION INVALID?
Comment #43, theparson:
There are some of us "creationists" who don't appreciate huckstering or subterfuge... or Charles' tone in the above quote.
Comment #48, Charles:
Hey, I'm serious! Here's your chance to win a fair amount of money just for writing something about a subject you believe in! Sheesh. Try to be nice and see what I get.
Comment #50, Walter L. Newton:
Okay, So. It's his blog. Right?
Comment #59, theparson:
Really? You are serious? No "snarkiness" intended? No underlying sarcasm? You're just trying to help?
Comment #78, Charles:
$63,191.14 sounds pretty serious to me. The offer's real as far as I can tell, although I'm not sure how all the international rules work.
So to sum it up, the host behaves likes an arse, puts a blatantly fake innocent act when called out on it, even complains about acting "nice" while geting his boot polished by the tongue of one of his minions, and won't even admit the obvious.
LGF, not a good place for maintaining your self-respect. Kudos to theparson though for standing up for himself.