Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label creationism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creationism. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dude, where's my self respect?

[ Link: ]

Charles Johnson:

We do have some LGF readers who are creationists, so we would be remiss if we didn’t bring to your attention a chance to win a prize of 100,000 new Turkish lira (about $63,191.14 US at current exchange rates), in a scientific essay contest being held by Turkish creationist Harun Yahya (aka Adnan Oktar): WHY IS THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION INVALID?

Comment #43, theparson:
There are some of us "creationists" who don't appreciate huckstering or subterfuge... or Charles' tone in the above quote.

Comment #48, Charles:
Hey, I'm serious! Here's your chance to win a fair amount of money just for writing something about a subject you believe in! Sheesh. Try to be nice and see what I get.

Comment #50, Walter L. Newton:
Okay, So. It's his blog. Right?

Comment #59, theparson:
Really? You are serious? No "snarkiness" intended? No underlying sarcasm? You're just trying to help?

Comment #78, Charles:
$63,191.14 sounds pretty serious to me. The offer's real as far as I can tell, although I'm not sure how all the international rules work.

So to sum it up, the host behaves likes an arse, puts a blatantly fake innocent act when called out on it, even complains about acting "nice" while geting his boot polished by the tongue of one of his minions, and won't even admit the obvious.

LGF, not a good place for maintaining your self-respect. Kudos to theparson though for standing up for himself.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hilarious moments in LGF history

Found here:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Charles J {hearts} Mel P

Charles Johnson: "If there’s any hope for the Sceptered Isle, it’s going to come from people like Melanie (Phillips)."

Would that be the same Melanie Phillips who believes that evolution is "merely a theory," that "urgent questions about the (MMR) vaccine’s safety remain unanswered," and that global warming is "one of the greatest scientific scams of the modern age"?

Nice idea of hope you got, Chuckie.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Johnson Theory of Creationism?

I'm a bit sick of the IDF site, so here's the cut & paste link:

This very brief post by Charles just struck me as more than enough to post on, as it is another typical example of Mr. Johnson's tendency to make a rather short post that seems almost neutral, even though he knows full well how his "lizards" will respond. Here it is, in full actually:

The National Center for Science Education is not amused by Ben Stein’s anti-evolution film Expelled, and they’ve devoted a web site to debunking what they say are the film’s dishonest claims: Expelled Exposed

I do not think that Charles Johnson began his blog career as a "creationist/anti-evolutionary biology" hack, but he is more than attuned at this point to those who follow his lead, and in this case the total on the comments is currently at 2,334. 2,334!

Now that's a long thread by LGF standards. So what's all the fuss about?

#93 zombie 4/20/08 2:22:01 pm reply quote report
Curse you Charles for starting this thread!

I was already overwhelmed with things to do today, and now you've got me caught up in this!

Yes, this is a touchy subject for some. I post this not to start a debate here on this subject, merely to point out that the comments are an endless venting of people very angry with "those lefties" who want to "throw out the Bible". Charles even weighs in, and quite frankly some of these comments rather prove the quotes Senator Obama recently came under about "small town America" as a great example of where these "bitter" folks congregate and vent. This is a bit odd for a group of people supposedly devoted to secularism and the banning of wait, just that one particular religion, otherwise they are quite content with their hypocrisy. I hope that these comments highlight this point well. That, and Charles knows his lizards well. Very well.