Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label Jihad Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jihad Watch. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

LGF Connects Some Dots

This post has absolutely nothing to do with the picture, I just cannot stop posting it. OK, I'm finally getting around to posting this. Charles has fired another shot today at his nemesis Robert Spencer by linking to an article about Spencer by Kejda Gjermani (Medaura at LGF):

Connecting Some Dots

Opinion | Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 9:48:09 pm PST

Kejda Gjermani has been researching some Connections.

From Gjermani's article:

While I don’t think Spencer and his associates stand a chance of implementing what I fear are their stealth policies, their shrill and unfortunately universally accepted identification with “the counter-jihadist movement” is severely detrimental to the efforts of respectable intellectuals standing up to Islamofascism. Front groups for radical Islamist interests — along with their Western apologists — conveniently employ such critics of compromised backgrounds as straw men against any legitimate scrutiny of their own activities. I believe everyone acquainted with Robert Spencer’s work should consider the causes he is involved with and the company he keeps before lending him support; this is one more reason for me to write about him....

....At this point, I would like to briefly revisit the recent online debacle over Robert Spencer being caught joining a genocidal Facebook group championing the “Reconquest of Anatolia,” which would be accomplished through the ethnic cleansing and forced sterilization of the Turkish population. Anyone disposed to charitably dismiss the evil lunacy espoused by the group as merely hyperbolic sentiment ought to remember that Robert Spencer is closely associated with a man who has personally participated in an actual ethnic-cleansing campaign of similar proportions. Spencer’s family background is a reasonable fit for irredentist intentions toward Turkey, not to mention his seething hatred for everything Muslim/Islamic:

This article is rather interesting to anyone interested in Spencer beyond merely agreeing with everything he writes, and I highly recommend it, as write-ups of Spencer are rare but starting to gain more prominence online. I must also note that Gjermani mentions the fact that Spencer has threatened legal action against her, and that he does this rather regularly to people who write about him without agreeing with him and heaping praise upon him.

Here's one comment from the LGF post, and I fully expect for Spencer to fire back at this attack, so there may well be much more to post on on this subject. One thing's clear though, Johnson's not giving these attacks up anytime soon. So follow the links, have fun, enjoy that someone other than me is attacking Spencer seriously, and were Sphinx not on sabbatical, I'd say "pass the popcorn", but alas.....

9 Fat Jolly Penguin 2/24/09 10:01:57 pm reply quote

re: #6 FurryOldGuyJeans

Some will never accept the truth of the ties.

Spencer himself, for example.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Anti-Charles Pile On

Linked with fewer typos than usual, Pamela Geller has posted her latest outrage (yes, I know they come 300 times a day) at Charles Johnson, "War is Deceit--Little Green Liars":

Geert Wilders is a hunted man. He has lived the past few years with a 24/7/365 security presence. He lives under constant death threat because he speaks the truth about the violent doctrines of Islam. He has given over his life to fight for everything we cherish and hold dear - he is a hero. If the West writes the history books, he will take his place next to Churchill.

This campaign to destroy those fighting the overwhelming tsunami of the islamification of the West is not stupidity - it is evil. We expect such malevolent blathering from leftard apologists for Islamic jihad. But attacks from those that pretend to be part of the counter jihad movement are far more dangerous. Cloaked in an out of date legitimacy that expired well over a year ago, General Charles Sherman slashes and burns the few and the brave in a not so veiled attempt to decimate the ranks of the resistance.

I am surprised LGF even covered the Wilders banning in the UK -- but if you are a pretend counter jihadi, how could you not? So he did -- but not without whimpering exceptions and deceitful qualifiers.

This traitor to the cause would not even put Wilders' name in his headline --"Dutch MP Barred from Entering Britain." Imagine that. "Dutch MP" ... that's like calling Albert Einstein "German born scientist".

War is deceit -- so said the "prophet" Muhammad. I guess Chuck got the memo.

The question is - who's next? Who's left?

In the meantime, let's hope he is exposed for what he is and sticks to what he does best - exposing that scourge of our time - creationism!

"Who's left?" Apparently Andrew Bostom:

Over in the Lost Land of the Mendacious Very Little Green Craven One, and His Mindless Minions, there is a predictably distorted “discussion” of yesterday’s banning of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders from Britain, where Wilders was slated to show his film Fitna at the House of Lords.

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have informed discussions on the subject of Wilder’s banning.

Informed discussions? OK then, let's look at Robert Spencer's:

Ian Buruma said it awhile ago in the New York Times:

Whether Mr. Wilders has deliberately insulted Muslim people is for the judges to decide. But for a man who calls for a ban on the Koran to act as the champion of free speech is a bit rich.

Then Charles Johnson said it yesterday at the once-worthwhile site Little Green Footballs (no link, as the adolescent Johnson has blocked links from this site), as he continued to libel anti-jihadists with false charges of "smelly fascist associations"....

Charles' response? Just a bit in an unrelated thread as of now:

41 Charles 2/11/09 11:21:16 am reply quote

Speaking of hating love, fascist supporters all over the blogosphere are railing against me today, because I dared to criticize Geert Wilders for wanting to ban books and make religions illegal. I'm getting hate vibes through the ether.

And they can bite me.

Popcorn, anyone?

Monday, February 09, 2009

Whose Free Speech?

Posted at Gates of Vienna Vs. The World Vs. LGF. I just reposted here for fun. I didn't post the whole enchilada as it has less to do with LGF but is still a "watch" type of post that includes the mindset of the "counter-jihadosphere" as seen also by LGF. The recent posts here including Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer encouraged me to post in part here. Enjoy!:

Sorry to take the tone to a more serious note here, but there have been many comments lately regarding freedom of speech, something I am all for (despite Robert Spencer's emailed accusations to the contrary). It is just glaringly obvious that the only free speech cried for by the "counter-jihadists" is for those critical of Islam yet they would happily see all Muslims silenced. Take the case of Dutch politician Geert Wilders for example, a case that is being pounded again and again at Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs, with links in both sidebars. Here is part of Spencer's take on the issue:

I have personally heard him sound much less cavalier and indifferent than this about this question, but ultimately that is immaterial. The whole purpose of free speech laws is to protect speech that the powerful find offensive, because it threatens their power. And that, as I explained above, is why this is happening.

He also once wrote in a national newspaper: "I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book."

"Forbid that fascist book"?!? This is a case for freedom of speech and expression? Why are they crying for free speech while supporting those who want to silence their own opposition? Ahh yes, base hypocrisy. Yet someone must call them on it, so here I am.