Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Symptoms of LGF syndrome

How you end up when LGF becomes your sole news outlet:

O ye of green skin, wasn't it about time you started questioning the news source?
(Found here)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Plumbing the depths

Take a look at this.

Pelosi in a Hijab

The modern Democratic leadership.

She was visiting a mosque. Big deal. Is Johnson seriously trying to suggest that no American political figure whilst on a diplomatic mission hasn't respected the feelings of the nation and culture they are visiting?

PS perhaps Johnson's further shock at the fact that St John the Baptist's head is allegedly a relic at the mosque (he highlighted this fact, presumably to make a ham fisted reference to Islam and beheading) would be eased if he actually read up on history of St John.



Can you imagine if a left wing site, say Daily Kos ran this article?

Laura Bush in a Hijab

The modern first lady

One would imagine a pro-Bush hack like Johnson would consider it a smear job.
(Thanks to Anon in the comments)

UPDATE: Oh diddums. Charlie is having a fit because he's been found out for the ignorant, two-faced hypocrit that he is. Perhaps when he calms down a bit he'll bother to do some research into the subject he seems to be so interested in: Syria. And maybe he'll find out more America's current involvement there than he cares to know - or post about on his little green weblog...

UPDATE: A short quiz on the matter from Radamisto