Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh really?

The members of the circular firing squad that has become the right-wing blogosphere are sharpening their aim...

Quoth Charles:

I’ve made my position very clear — I won’t stand with racists and white supremacists, not now, not in the past, not ever.

Do our eyes deceive us?!

I’ve made my position very clear — I won’t stand with racists and white supremacists, not now, not in the past, not ever.

Apologies in advance for any keyboards that might have ruined. But what we'd like to know is, when did the years 2001-2007 un-happen?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


As long time LGF watchers know, "Zombie" is a well known contributor to LGF, often referred to as "An LGF Operative", example:

LGF, PJ Media, Zombie Team Up for Convention Coverage
Little Green Footballs ^ | 8-24-08 | Charles Johnson

Posted on Mon Aug 25 11:07:54 2008 by SeafoodGumbo

We have something special planned for the Democratic Convention this coming week!

Little Green Footballs and Pajamas Media are joining forces to send the undead creature known only as Zombie to the Convention, for the kind of exclusive, slightly bent coverage only an undead creature can provide.


Zombie’s reports will begin tomorrow, the opening day of the Convention. The reports will appear simultaneously at LGF and PJ Media; here at LGF they’ll show up as front page articles just like the ones I post.

We’re looking forward to this week; there’s no way to tell when or how often Zombie’s reports will show up, so stay tuned to LGF and PJ for the latest.

Way to go, LGF!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who CAIRs about a cartoon camel?

Q: Why is Charles suddenly discovering his anti-racist side and accusing film-maker Morgan Spurlock of stereotyping Muslims?

A: When Charles sees a storm brewing he likes to divert attention from the matter at hand (conveniently encapsulated in the title of Spurlock's movie: "Where in the world is Osama bin Laden?") by focusing on a spurious detail and blowing it totally out of proportion.

Fact: It requires quite a stretch of the imagination to see a picture of Spurlock in a dishdasha riding a camel as racist? Perhaps Charles is projecting here...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Guilty before charged

LGF readers got a full dose of spin from Charles Johnson the other day when the lizard-in-chief tried to manipulate reality by presenting freed Iraqi photographer Bilal Hussein as a terror operative. Note how Johnson doesn't say Hussein is a 'terror operative'. He says Hussein is a terror operative - no scare quotes, just fact. Despite being an American citizen who should be familiar with the notion that a person is "innocent until proven guilty" Charles Johnson applies his own version of justice to a man he has never met let alone knows the full story about and decides that this man is a terror operative, i.e. was involved in terrorism. From a legal point of view you might as well say that Charles Johnson's grandma is guilty of being a terror operative. It would be equally valid.

And then Charles Johnson lies outright: he claims that Hussein had "charges against him". That is simply untrue, and it shows just how far Johnson is prepared to distort the truth. Bilal Hussein was never formally charged, neither by the US military, nor by the Iraqi prosecutor. But that doesn't matter to Charles Johnson because as far as he's concerned, Hussein was charged and found guilty by the wingnut lynch mob which took two things into account when it reviewed his case: he's an Arab and he's a journalist = guilty twice over. Never mind that this lizardoid justice system makes Sharia look like an Enlightenment court. Never mind that it goes against basic logic to describe someone who never even faced trial as guilty. In the weird world of Charles Johnson guilt and innocence are concepts that can be applied whichever way you want with no regard for truth or justice.

It must be a shocking thing for Charles Johnson to see an Arab photographer walk free without being tortured, maimed or killed. Witness the joy with which LGF greeted the death of a Palestinian Reuters cameraman. Witness the seething when an Iraqi journalist is released from detention. There is something deeply wrong, not to say outright evil, in the world view of someone like Charles Johnson that it makes him rejoice in other people's suffering and furious when other people are granted a semblance of the rights that fat fuck behind his computer in California takes for granted.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Third Thread for Tuesday's Primaries

Well, aside from Johnson's gamer-esque attempt at grammatic goofiness (think "Comic-Book-Guy" on The Simpsons--actually, right down to the hair...hmmm), Slightly Less Super Tuesday, Thread the Third, I noticed something earlier noted by The Sphinx. All Johnson adds to the post is one uncertain seeming sentence, "Hillary Clinton has won Ohio...", leaving his Lizards to do the obvious. For those unfamiliar with the obvious on LGF when it comes to this election, I am referring to hurling insults and racial epithets at Barack Obama.

This third thread on the subject has over 1,000 comments so far, none of them left by Charles. The fun really kicks off with the 52nd comment, left by "Chubby Vegan":

#52 chubby vegan 3/04/2008 8:09:47 pm PST

re: #41 lawhawk

Oh, and the NAACP might sue to get them seated - even though it would run counter to Obama's interests and help out the candidate who violated the rules - Hillary.

But, that is okay. Because Barak Obama is not Black. He is an Arab American.

I will keep typing that until my fingers bleed.

Unfortunately, there are enough non-"chubby vegan"s registered at LGF to leave enough comments to really give one the true measure of the blatant racism of the Lizards, which has only reached new heights with their hatred of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Anyone still doubting the wretchedness of these people need only skim through these comments, or probably any of the election threads. Never have I seen such hatred directed at a man for having a Muslim father from Africa.

Sorry, that's not quite true. I have, at the LGF-spawned site Atlas Shrugs. On the TV program "60 Minutes" aired this past Sunday, several Ohio voters were gathered together to discuss the candidates. One man said that his vote for Obama would be a reluctant one. When asked why, he replied that he's heard too many rumors of Obama "being a Muslim", "not swearing on the Holy Bible" and "not knowing the words to our national anthem". When asked where these rumors came from in the same show, Sen. Obama replied that they were spawned from email and internet smear campaigns, and also added that using claims that anyone is a Muslim as a smear tactic is very offensive, especially (obviously) to Muslims. Well, here's that campaign in full "HUSSEIN" ranting swing, courtesy of Charles Johnson.

(I'll leave the URL for a cut & paste:

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Charles is a poor historian

Charles claims that William F. Buckley did a lot to "purge the conservative movement of its far-right nut cases, the racists and crackpots who poisoned the well for too long. "

Charles apparently forgot that the National Review, Buckley's magazine, was against civil rights for blacks:

"WHY THE SOUTH MUST PREVAIL", National Review 4 (August 24 1957), p. 149:

The central question that emerges -- and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal -- is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas where it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes -- the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race....
Gordon H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America: Since 1945, page 185

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

CJ: No racism here, move along now

Charles Johnson is a great example of the power of belief. Whatever the eyes see, whatever the ears hears, Charles Johnson is still capable of twisting things to suit his agenda.

So when a TV crew goes out to see what Americans do when they witness discriminiation, Charles Johnson turns the episode into a 'CAIR controls the media' fable. It's a lesson in delusion.

First off, he says that "ABC News does their best to set up the 'dumb American bigots' at a roadside Texas bakery". Not so. ABC set out to see how Americans react to bigotry. And, if CJ had bothered to watch the clip, he would have seen that many of the customers react the right way: they are angry at the bigot and tell him so. Thumbs up to America, thumbs down to Charles Johnson.

Next CJ states that the scenario _ a classic 'hidden camera' situation _ has "one actor wearing misogynistic radical Muslim garb and provoking the yokels as another actor pretends to be a Muslim-hater". It's difficult to know where to start with this, because naturally any form of Islamic dress is provocating to CJ (aka the ueber-yokel). If you watch the clip though, she's not actually shown talking to anyone but the sales clerk. So arguing with a sales clerk while wearing some cloth over your head is considered objectively provocative? Give us a break. It's not like she's wearing a burqa with 'Convert to Islam or I'll eat your babies' on it.

Finally, Charles say that its "all designed and staged to show how 'Islamophobic' Americans." No it's not, you chump. It's designed to show how different people react to bigotry. And your reaction, Charles, says it all.

UPDATE: Several readers have written to us to say that there are two further - more sinister - issues to this story. The first is CJ's claim that the hijab is a symbol of *radical* Islam. The implication being that if you cover your head with a cloth, you're in favor of all kinds of *radical* Islamic ideas. By this logic most people in the Islamic world are *radical*. The second, unspoken but increasingly obvious, issue Charles is trying to allude to is the Obama photo. Remember the one showing him wearing a turban of sorts on a visit to Kenya. Although CJ hasn't come out and said it, there are plenty of people in his little lizardsphere who have been spewing nonsense about Obama being a crypto-Muslim. Why, with the picture and CJ's 101 of Islam, we know he's a *radical* crypto-Muslim. Nice work, Karl.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Faux Outrage

Staying with the theme of "what's ok for Muslims ain't for Christians" Charles Johnson squeezes out a lizard tear for some of the Copts of Egypt who live in even worse circumstances than the rest of the population of that country (though he forgot to mention that being a Copt isn't necessarily a hindrance to power and riches).

Now just think what would happen if someone made a film about the lives of Muslims in East London, or Mumbai, or Shanghai, or Moscow. Do you think Charles and his loony crew would be screaming about the outrageous discrimination they were suffering from the majority population? Or would the lizards be attributing the Muslims' circumstances to their backward mindset?

Take a wild guess...

The company he keeps

VN sent us a nice little screengrab of a typical Lizard mind in full flow:

Charming, those people at , eh?

UPDATE: 'Woodie' points out that Kaintuck (the above racist) has been blocked and his comments have been deleted by Charles. Quite right. Still, two issues remain: why are nutters like Kaintuck attracted to LGF in the first place? And second, what's stopping CJ from making some public statements about the problem of racists posting comments on his blog? How about a clear statement from Charles about what he thinks of the possiblity of Barak Obama maybe becoming the first African-American president of the United States?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

LGF: Only Muslim nutters count

If a man or a woman in America commits random acts of violence, you're unlikely to find mention of this on the weblog of Californian Charles F. Johnson.

If, on the other hand, a Muslim woman in New Zealand goes on the rampage, then it deserves two posts on LGF.

Can anyone seriously doubt that Johnson's twisted portrayal of the world is largely motivated by a hatred of Muslims?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Definition of Chutzpah

Chutzpah –noun Slang.

1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall.
2. audacity; nerve.



Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Charles doest protest too much

CJ's tortuous condemnation of various fellow wingnuts has finaly been noticed else elsewhere in the blogosphere.

The weird world of Charles Johnson, #28674

How can you tell a leftist in South Carolina?

According to Charles Johnson that person:

- panders to evangelical Christians
- defends the right to display racist symbols
- and advocates discriminating against illegal immigrants.

Oh, ain't it a weird and wonderful world out there...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ah, diggums

The Sphinx writes:

Charles and his Hordes are acting willfully stupid again. There was some accusation on Digg towards LGF that they started to use the "subhuman" label to describe Arabs. Charles - being as sly as he is - claims that this is completely untrue because he has never done that himself.

Here's the post

However, his sheep squad also claim that there was never ANY incident of the term falling on LGF to describe anyone (For example see #10 and #3, who had the brain cells to quickly point out that everyone who said it was banned "instantly")

But whoops, there's one

Oh, here's another

And another

And their profiles are still there. The comments still stand, so these are users that have apparently NOT been banned. So either Charles and his minions are too stupid to figure out what's happening on their site, or they're flat-out lying. Because finding three comments in about 10 minutes only means that there's more where that came from.

And even though Charles might not have personally labeled Arabs as "subhuman", he certainly hasn't prevented himself from using the word on a few occasions

There an important note to add to what the Sphinx said: the fact that Charles doesn't explicitly say "Arabs/Muslims are subhuman," it doesn't mean that this message isn't the subtext of his entire blog. In fact, it was the genius of Dr Spock who many, many moons ago pointed out the striking similarity between LGF's anti-Muslim propaganda and the Nazis' anti-Jewish propaganda. Take The Quiz.

Charles has been trying very hard lately to present himself as the reasonable, non-racist face of Islam hatred. But anyone who reads LGF knows that his denunciations of fascists ring hollow when the message on his website is almost identical to that of the people he condemns: Islam is evil, leftists are traitors, anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.

You've got a long way to go, Charlie-boy. And until then, expect the good folk at Digg to keep pointing out what a blazing hypocrit you are.

Friday, November 02, 2007

How do you like them sprouts?

Charles Johnson (Ace Reporter) finds anti-Semites, racists and nutjobs at the Brussels Journal.

It may be a blog which he has been quite happy to link to and promote in the past but Charles has uncovered their dark secret. He's seemingly on a one man mission to expose neo-Nazi, fascists and racists in the 'anti-Jihad' movement.

With the case against Brussels Journal finished, rumours are abound that next week he's hoping to find out whether the Pope is Catholic or not.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Feeble Accusations

While Johnson is fond of the "prove it!" method of knocking his opponents (which, btw, is entirely legitimate), one of our regular readers notes that it's a little hypocritical for Charles to take this stance when he himself goes around the place accusing people of all manner of things without backing up his claims.

Take the meme that Ron Paul (of whom we have no particular opinion) is racist and anti-semitic. As our reader "A" notes CJ

"can't pull even one example out of his ass to prove the accusation. Also look at how charles calls ron "irrelevant" and says ron has a total of 5 supporters, but then at the same times complains about the giant number of paul supporters at rallies!! sounds to me like charles is a little scared of ron otherwise why would he mention ron so much? oh and here is a little speech by ron that should blow the whole "racism" accusation out of the sky."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

...and next on the list! is allegedly anti-Semitic according to Chuckles Johnson. You can almost set your clocks to the regularity that Charles hypocritically complains about other sites and their hateful comments. The only thing is, he does it at such regularity (digg, Kos, DU etc etc) it almost suggests he knows exactly where to look.

Are his 'lizards' infesting selected websites to create outrage?

It's not as if they haven't been directed by their 'leader' before.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Defending the indefensible

Paul Belien, Pamela Geller Oshry and assorted bloggers involved are trying desperately to shed Vlaams Belang and other participants of Bigotpalooza of their fascist pasts. Here's a reminder of what Vlaams Belang and their leaders support and the people they admire. No matter how they spin their new found philo-semitism they are rooted in their fascist past and surprisingly unwilling to exorcise it.

'A true idealist' is the title of a page-size interview with Bert van Boghout (1916-2003) in the VB magazine of march 1990. More correct would have been 'A true national-socialist' because Van Boghout was not just a collaborator: kreisleiter of the National-Socialist Movement in Flanders, active in the antisemite 'Volksverwering' who strove for a pure Arian Flanders by, among other things, publishing lists of Jews and freemasons, a Waffen SS volunteer at the east front, convicted to a life sentence after the war, later one of the founders of the Vlaams Blok and a distributor, until late in the 1980's through the Were Di bookservice, of German nazi literature and "historic-documentary long play records" such as 'Das Vaterland ruft' and the very pedagogic 'Wie gewinne ich eine Wahl?', with speeches of Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler at the election congress of the NSDA in 1938. The author of the tribute in the VB party magazine: Filip Dewinter.


About Staf De Clercq (1884-1942), the much hated (by the Flemish people) leader of the Vlaams Nationaal Verbond (VNV), who collaborated enthousiasticly with the nazis, Dewinter says in Haaretz: "He is one of the historic leaders of the party. This is part of the history of the Flemish nationalist movement and it is impossible to deny this. We are the descendants of this movement."
This is the same Filip Dewinter who is speaking at Bigotpalooza and Pammycakes and other racist cranks are trying to defend.

In this regard we congratulate Charles Johnson for his, albeit belated, stand against these bigots.

UPDATE: Charles has more on Vlaams Belang and the Swedish neo-Nazis. Again, no matter how much LGFW criticises Charles for fostering bigotry and hatred on his site he has to be applauded for his stance on this issue.

Friday, October 19, 2007


True to form (in the form of a one line blog post) Charles publicises movement of European resistance to Islamization (in the form of a link to the Gates of Vienna blog). He later adds an update stating that some of the supporters of this effort are less than honorable.

No shit!

One of the groups he specifically mentions is Vlaams Belang. Now where have we heard that name before?

The main source of this 'resistance' is here. And here are some of the 'big names'.

Austria: Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
Belgium: Filip Dewinter
Czech Republic: Matyas Zmo
Denmark: Lars Hedegaard
France: Nidra Poller
Germany: Stefan Herre
Italy: Adriana Bolchini Gaigher
Netherlands: Dr. Johannes J.G. Jansen
Norway: Jens Anfindsen
Romania: Traian Ungureanu
Sweden: Ted Ekeroth and Reinhard
Switzerland: Dr. Arnaud Dotezac
United Kingdom: Gerard Batten

If that's the resistance we all know what to expect. Right-wing hot air, barely disguised bigotry and in some cases outright race hatred.

Where was Charles Johnson's invite?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Charles (indirectly) endorses murderous racists

Charles Johnson should know he's playing with fire every time he tries to smear someone by pronouncing them guilty through association (his latest example is particularly ridiculous as it's actually a completely one-way relationship he's highlighting).

If Charles is going to take that line then perhaps he'd better get his house in order first. You see, the other day a teenager in Belgium was found guilty of double murder. The teenager was the son of a Vlaams Blok founder and Vlaams Belang politician - both parties endorsed by Charles.

So, by CJ's own logic, he's endorsing racist murderers and their ideological (and biological) parents. Nice!