Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label flamewars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flamewars. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2007


As we noted earlier this week, an increasing number of long-time lizardoids are abandoning LGF and recongregating at Gulf Coast Pundit, where they indulge in copious Charles-bashing and gleefully predict who among the lizards will be the next to be banned for the "crime" of cross-posting at GCP and LGF. The sticky thread in which LGF refugees introduce themselves to the group reads like a veritable Who's Who of disenchanted denizens of "AtS" ("Across the Street") as they refer to LGF.

One thread in particular caught our eye. It's in reference to this post, in which Charles coyly chides Fox and other news outlets for using "his" research without compensating him.

Writes psychotic ex-Lizard "rayra:"

Betting the PJM* finances have run out and when he looked around he saw his declining stats and talent pool he panicked. And started looking for someone to blame. And that’s where the crapola about ‘sabotage’ comes in. As if it was the result of some devious plan and not his own coddling of psychotics.

Leaving aside the fact that "rayra" is decidedly a few tacos short of a combination plate -- elsewhere at GCP, he/she has expressed a sincere desire to see us, the authors of this blog, murdered in some particularly cruel and inventive way** -- he/she does have a point, one we and others have been repeating for years, namely that the emperor of LGF is, in fact, stark raving nekkid.

And just to place a few more faggots*** on the pyre, it might interest the GCPers and whomever else stops by here that the author of these words is a registered Lizard in good standing, i.e. one whose posting activities at LGF and elsewhere have managed to remain below Charles' radar.

Have a nice day, Charles!

* Pajamas Media, of course
** forum searching is not available to non-members; maybe someone could help us out
*** bundles of dried kindling

[UPDATE 9/29 7:07 AM - Heh.]

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Send in the clowns

For someone who whines about his site being censored on a daily basis, Charles Johnson doesn't seem to mind using his delightful genocidalist commenters to restrict debate elsewhere.

Oops. I think I “accidentally” posted her links. I guess she thought no one would notice her little outburst of hatred. Hope she doesn’t have to close her comments. That would be a tragedy.
Yes Charles, let's hope. Let's hope she keeps her head up and rises above the mentally abnormal crap your commenters inflict on other sites. Let's hope she doesn't have to deal with the usual false accusations of anti-Semitism. Let's hope she doesn't get the usual flood of junk and abuse through her e-mail system. Let's hope it doesn't happen. Of course we know it will. History, especially where LGF is concerned, tends to repeat itself.

Let's hope she rides it out and deletes the crap.
