Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ahmadinejad Derangement Syndrome

Wow. Charles may be on the other side of the continent, but the whiff of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's collar-less shirts in New York is enough to drive a lizard crazy!

CJ has so far put up 9 (NINE!) posts on Ahmadinejad's visit today, and counting. He's virtually frothing at the mouth that nobody has shot at Mr A yet. You have to wonder what Charles feels so threatened by. Doesn't he believe New Yorkers can make up their own mind about this guy?

As an aside, it's ironic how he describes a 55%-45% poll difference as "not much". Does he realize by how many votes Bush allegedly won the 2000 presidential election?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

LGF: Fucking peace

If you're looking for The Idiot's View(tm) on current affairs, is usually a good place to start. Take this gem, a comment from one of the lizards on the Global Peace Index in which America didn't score very highly:

This isn't a level of peacefulness - it's a level of P*SSY-NESS!

"An armed society is a polite society."
- Navy vet Robert Heinlein

OK, that was fun, wasn't it? But let's take a closer look at the index. Why did the US do so badly? Was it because of its "willingness to fight", as the above commenter claims? No, the US only scores 2/5 on that front.

With '1' being the best, and '5' being the worst score, here's where the US does badly:

Number of jailed population per 100,000 people (5/5)

Ease of access to weapons of minor destruction (3/5)

Respect for human rights (3/5)

Potential for terriorist acts (4/5)

UN Deployments 2006-07 (5/5)

Non-UN Deployments 2006-07 (5/5)

Military capability/sophistication (5/5)

Number of external and internal conflicts fought: 2000-05 (3/5)

Estimated number of deaths from organised conflict (external) (3/5)

But let's return to that idea that the availability of arms makes a society more polite. What do the lizards have to say?
"Amnesty International is a fair example of an organization being run by a flocking bunch of shitbirds."


"What a bunch of crock!"


"I hate peace activists"


"It's like the lefties sit around thinking of ways to make themselves look as stupid as possible."


"Man, I wouldn't want to live in any of the most peaceable (peaceful?) countries these loons have chosen."


"I think we should bomb all those countries that ranked higher than us, to eliminate the 'Peace Gap'."

And then there's this treasure:
"OT: The moslem who killed himself in Gitmo the other day--burying him in a sensitive way would include stuffing a Jimmy Dean sausage up his butt on the way back to sand land. IMHO"

Ah, it's always a pleasure to discuss important matters with people who know how to be polite...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Will Jews be LGF's new enemy #1?

While Charles Johnson harps on and on about "truthers" (a term he never really defines), there are two recent news items (dare we call them inconvenient truths?) he has chosen to ignore:

Among Religious Groups, Jewish Americans Most Strongly Oppose War

Poll: 75 precent of Israelis want to join EU

To be sure, CJ always has a stock answer to polls like this, namely that they have been manipulated by Leftists/George Soros/Kos Kidz/etc. But we'd like a more differentiated discussion: What do these polls tell us, if anything?