It must be really confusing for the Lizards. Before the election they're told to believe that the Arab world loves Obama, after the election they're told the Arab world hates Obama.
We can only speculate what kind of disconnect this will cause in a reptilian brain...
Little Green Footballs
Friday, November 07, 2008
Whichever way the wind blows
Posted by X at 07:10 1 comments
Labels: barack HUSSEIN obama, Palestine
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Beware the Paisley Intifada
Pharyngula, the science blogger, gets the whole scarf issue right. He remarks;
But she is wearing a scarf, and as we all know, good Americans wear only traditional American clothes, which do not include scarves.It's amazing that such a trivial issue gets blown up out of all proportion by the shrieking heads of the right wing blogosphere.
The most alarming fact he comments on however is that the scarf has a paisley design. Now far be it for me to point out the problem there and not being an expert on Palestinian couture, unlike a certain Californian blogger, but I've never seen terrorists draped in paisley.
Posted by M.J. at 09:13 2 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, dunkin donuts, idiots, malkin, paisley, Palestine, terrorism
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Charles Johnson and his swarm of little green jackholes, certainly well known for their passion for human diversity, just can't stop giggling when they manage to find a photo of a Palestinian student holding up a protest sign in English with bad spelling and grammar. It's also known that lizards like to rip on Palestinians (and Arabs in general) by deliberately referring to them as "Balestinian Beoble", as there is no letter "P" in Arabic. Interestingly enough, the photo links back to the symbol of state-of-the-art high quality journalism, "The Sun" (My condolences to our British readers for this paper).
Alrighty then, while any sensible person will know that sloppy language is no indication for sloppy mentality, least of all when it's not your mother's tongue, we should anyhow take this from another angle:
So Charles, how many foreign languages do YOU have at your disposal to start with? And how about you show us some of your mad Arabic skills while you're at it? Surely you'll do better than the boy in the photo, right? Also there are at least 10 Arabic letters that aren't available in English, and that are very hard to pronounce for any native English speaker. How many of them would you be able to pronounce correctly?
Posted by The Sphinx at 20:23 8 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, hypocrisy, Palestine
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Charles Johnson and statistical fraud
Charles usually has the strange habit of throwing around some numbers to "prove" that Palestinians are in fact very well off, and that all this mumble about Palestinian suffering is a scam.
First off, the claim that Palestine has the lowest infant mortality rate is rather bogus. Extrapolating the statistic, that only includes three other countries, to all 22 Arab states is nothing short of silly, and rather dishonest. Because according to the CIA Factbook, there are lower mortality rates in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan (wait a second..), United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Israel and the US have an infant mortality rate more than 3 times less than the one of Gaza and the West bank.
Aside from that, Charles just can't be arsed to mention that Gaza has about 80% of its population living under the poverty line. Silly me to claim that they're suffering, right?
/update: Oh look at the happiness in Gaza! They're living in risk of drinking contaminated water! What suffering do you speak of?
Posted by The Sphinx at 20:49 0 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, faux outrage, Palestine
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What exactly do you want Charles?
Here's a choice Charles quote.
Nearly a flying pig moment this morning, as a United Nations “humanitarian” functionary condemns Palestinian rocket attacks.So really Charles what are you suggesting?
But the flying pig stays in the hangar, because at the end of it he just parrots more “peace process” fantasy-think.
The 'peace process' is fantasy-think?
So what's the alternative?
A quick look at the comments below Charles' post demonstrates the average LGF denizen's suggestions.
UPDATE: Anyone who follows Middle East news (isn't that what you do, Chucko?) would know that the UN condemns the rocket fire at civilians at pretty-much every opportunity. How come CJ has only just noticed this? Too busy playing with the fluff in his navel?
Posted by M.J. at 17:30 0 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Israel, lgf, Palestine
Monday, January 21, 2008
Charles Johnson: peace = surrender!
Senior foreign affairs analyst Charles Johnson has laid down the ground rules for solving the Middle East conflict by asserting that an Israeli withdrawal from occupied Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian territory would amount to surrender.
Of course, CJ doesn't actually explain WHY ending its foreign occupation would be a surrender, and he doesn't offer an alternative solution to achieving peace in the region.
Cynics might say that's because Johnson & Co. don't want peace, because they benefit from the conflict and because they don't actually give a shit about ordinary people over there as long as there's an opportunity to pontificate about a war most of America doesn't really understand.
We're inclined to agree with the cynics.
Posted by X at 07:30 50 comments
Labels: Israel, lgf, Middle East, Palestine
Monday, September 10, 2007
Never one to miss a 'Muslim angle'......
We at LGFW find it touching that Charles Johnson finds time to write about virulent racists (instead of accomodating them in his comments section). However, isn't it just typical that he does so whilst pointing to an article which blames the Israeli Law of Return not being narrow enough in its discrimination, the Israeli government for it's 'liberal' dealings with Palestinians and the Palestinians themselves for the neo-Nazis problem? Could Charles be any more obvious as to his own prejudice?
Posted by Bobby Dazzler at 09:45 0 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, neo-nazis, Palestine
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Playing with children
One of the most despicable facets of Charles Johnson's weblog, Little Green Footballs, is that he uses it to demonize a whole people - men, women and children alike.
By making it appear as if even the youngest Palestinian is a potential terrorist threat, Johnson can justify their indiscriminate slaughter in a war they never asked for.
Occasionally, though, even LGF will remain silent when a particularly grim case of injustice against Palestinians surfaces that cannot - by any stretch of the imagination - be blamed on the victim.
Such as the story of Marya Aman.
Posted by X at 07:12 13 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Charles Johnson, Fashion Fascist
Reader Bill writes:
Not sure why Charles Johnson would believe that there's anything particularly Palestinian about keffiyah headscarves -- they're actually pretty widespread throughout the Arab world.
And you would NEVER find the color pattern Dunst is wearing (dark olive green and black) anywhere but Oman. And they don't call it a keffiyah there -- they prefer the term iqal.
Posted by X at 11:27 14 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Palestine
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Peace when it suits you
One of our loyal readers points out the glaring hypocrisy of LGF ridiculing peace activists in a picture at the top of the site (and implying that not only are they in league with terrorists, but will also be blown up by a green football) and Charles Johnson then throwing a fit when Hamas murder peace protesters.
As our enigmatic reader says, look at this quote by Chuckles:
"Imagine the sustained outrage that would pour out of the media if Israel had done something like this. But Hamas murders peaceful demonstrators, and it doesn’t even rate a footnote in the wire service reports."
Let's turn the roles around here. Substitute the words "the media" with "LGF", "Israel" with "Muslims", and "Hamas" with an arbitrary non-Muslim terrorist group, then "wire service reports" with "LGF" again. Looks familiar now, doesn't it..
And lets not forget the glee with which LGF celebrated the death of Rachel Corrie...
Posted by X at 22:51 9 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
CJ's jokes bomb
A reader writes to point out a post in which Charles Johnson attempts to crack a joke about war:
Here we have a picture of unarmed Palistinians who are, quite understandably, running for their lives as they see (or, more likely hear) an bomb about to land nearby. It's a powerful picture.
So, faced with the realization that this image doesn't really fit "war against the jihadis" / Israel is infallible narrative, along with the fact that it doesn't appear to be a photoshop, Charles resorts to making a childish joke about it.
Now, I say this is telling because this would appear to be the work of someone who wishes to deflect some of the guilt that goes along with cheerleading wars from the comfort of a computer chair in an undisclosed location in California. After all, the reality is that bomb probably killed a few people who weren't donning balaclavas and AK-47s. This has got to be one of the strangest (albeit creative) exercises in denial I have ever seen in my life.
And the lizards, faced with the same realization, make every desperate attempt to postulate that the photo is photoshopped, the event didn't happen, or that the bomb in the picture couldn't be Israeli. Others, like members of some demented cult, actually applaud Charles for making them laugh (because war is so funny, ya know), No one debated the how's or why's involved with the original photo. Actually, the reaction was quite the opposite. Charles' odd sense of humor actually made their day!
And to think that a couple of posts later they chide the Kos crowd for "grappling with reality".
Posted by X at 16:51 2 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Palestine, racism
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
LGF lies, the truth dies
Reader WD writes:
I've noticed the little green facists are fixated about the Hamas Mouse program. What they're not telling everyone is that the translation from MEMRI is completely wrong.
I've done a couple of posts (1, 2) about it.
Also, a guy that works on CNN's arabic desk has said MEMRI's translation is PANTS.
As has the angry arab news service.
Posted by X at 22:16 4 comments
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Why we need the MSM
The Beeb has two important stories from the Middle East on its website today.
The first is about the horror of involuntary human shields.
The second is a tragic love story.
Neither of which are going to get mentioned on LGF unless the right-wing spin machine comes up with a convicing way of distorting these stories.
Thank fuck for the Beeb.
Posted by X at 20:43 34 comments
Friday, March 02, 2007
Gaza Greenhouses II
Girlieman has an update on the Gaza greenhouses story. His post contains some very important reminders about the pattern of reporting that makes LGF stand out as a racist website.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Gaza Greenhouses
PG points us to an interesting blog post, which suggests the pictures of Israeli greenhouses in Gaza that Charles likes to show on LGF may not be all he claims.
Girlieman: LGF Publishes Fake Before and After Photos
Feel free to email us with more information on this.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Cracks in the wall
What are we afraid of? Do we not do Israel an injustice by viewing her as so delicate that entertaining a few "unpopular" ideas will lead to her extinction? The Israel I know and love can withstand such debate. In fact, I believe that Israel is only strengthened by the free exchange of ideas.
Posted by Bobby Dazzler at 10:46 4 comments
Labels: blogs, Israel, Middle East, Palestine
Friday, February 09, 2007
Hate vs Love
A few weeks ago Charles posted a cruel, mocking comment about the death of 10-year old Abir Aramin. At the time he claimed the reported circumstances of her killing were "Another Palestinian Big Lie" (
Today Abir's father has an article in the Jewish magazine Forward. It's heart-wrenching, and hope-giving at the same time.
If only we listened more to the Bassams of this world, not the hate-filled Charles Johnsons...
Posted by X at 19:11 2 comments
Friday, January 12, 2007
The figures that speak for themselves
But if you wanted to know these figures you'd be hard pressed to find them on LGF. You're more likely to find mocking posts about Muslim swimming costumes.
Posted by Bobby Dazzler at 06:40 6 comments
Labels: Charles Johnson, Civilian deaths, Israel, Palestine