Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

LGF fauxtography?

In a post about the attempted breaking of the Gaza embargo by former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Charles Johnson links to and quotes from an article on the Atlanta Constitution Journal website.

However, the picture he uses alongside the cited article _ and inside his "quote" tags _ is not used on the AJC site.

Is CJ trying to pass the photo (a rather unflattering one) off as the work of the AJC, when in actual fact he added it?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Return of the Daft

Charles is getting all hot and bothered about Obama's alleged plan to bring back "the draft." The draft, you ask? Like enlisting young Americans to go overseas and shoot people?

Ehm, not really. What Obama suggested is that everyone do 100 hours of community service. You know, clean up beaches, help old people across the road, that kind of thing.

Forcing kids to sign up for the military is more of a Republican kind of thing...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

LGF: Forget about McCain

His lizard minions may still believe that McCain will win this election, but Charles Johnson knows better. So instead of offering a fair discussion of the two candidates' positions that shows why McCain would make a better president, CJ spends all his time frantically digging up obscure links to left-wing radicals in the hope of discrediting Obama because it's about the only thing that could lose him the election.

Not a peep about McCain's policies, and certainly no discussion of Obama's! It's all about who met whom at a dinner party in 1981. Just why the American people should care about what Obama did 30 years ago(and more to the point, why they should trust a proven liar like Charles Johnson to deliver an accurate version of history) is slightly baffling, but CJ is probably deluded enough to believe he's doing a public service. What's so striking though is that he constantly shows himself up as a hypocrite: the press isn't doing it's job on Obama, says Charles, but what about it's failure to call Bush out on Iraq? Obama should be judged by what he did in his 20s, says Charles, but of course George W.'s youthful indiscretions were never an issue, were they?

It's the double standards on Charles Johnson's blog that mark him out as an untrustworthy, partisan chronicler of this election.

It's tempting to lean back and gloat as he spins ever faster in a last, wild attempt to throw as much dirt at Obama as possible before Tuesday, even though the election is probably a done deal. That word "probably" is the problem. LGF & Co are quite capable of whipping up enough of a bigot storm to turn the vote around yet, getting McCain & Palin into the White House and thereby shooting themselves and America in the foot more than they could ever know.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Charles and the Left

Charlie J has a peculiar relationship with the Left.

On the one hand he'll use whatever conjecture and hearsay comes his way to blame the Left for violent crimes even when there is no hard evidence yet the perpetrator had a leftist conviction.

On the other hand he goes to great lengths to sweep the real left-wing background of others under the carpet. You know, sometimes it's inconvenient to disclose to the lizards who is actually standing up for freedom, rather than manically punching lies into a keyboard...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Unwittingingly Humorous Moment of the Day

#28 Charles 6/25/2007 11:36:42 am PDT

Josiah Stevenson: if you ever find someone who stalks, smears, lies about and libels moonbat blogs, please let me know. As far as I know, this kind of obsessive behavior is only directed at right-of-center bloggers and personalities.

Previously on LGF Watch: Stalking Charles Johnson

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

LGF lies, the truth dies

Reader WD writes:

I've noticed the little green facists are fixated about the Hamas Mouse program. What they're not telling everyone is that the translation from MEMRI is completely wrong.

I've done a couple of posts (1, 2) about it.

Also, a guy that works on CNN's arabic desk has said MEMRI's translation is PANTS.

As has the angry arab news service.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Charles Johnson's twisted mind

Either Charles Johnson can't read, or he's lying.

Under the headline "Kos Kidz Call LGF 'Salubrious and Uplifting'" Johnson whines about something someone at Daily Kos wrote about his site. What that person actually said was

"Now humorous, now sad, a trip to LGF is a journey into the heart of darkness; for me, it is salubrious and uplifting to remind myself just how low a discourse can sink, and how far from that nadir we remain, even at our lowest moments."
And this is the man who praises those who call the media 'deceptive'.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Charles Johnson: Too stupid for Google News

Sometimes Charles Johnson makes it too easy for his opponents (in this case us!) to show him up for the ignorant, blinkered, bullshit spouter that he is.

Witness today's assertion by the Lizard King that "The Associated Press never uses the word 'terror' without enclosing it in quotes"

Then do a search for "Associated Press Terror" on Google News. Result? 7,357 hits. And that's just their recent output...

Granted, many instances will have the word appear in quotes. But many won't. There's terrorism in Indonesia, the Philippine terror leader, and the Somali terror suspects.

As for the use of the term 'terrorist', the wingnut-o-sphere really need to get a handle on why journalists are reluctant to use the term without extreme caution. Phil Rees' "Dining with Terrorists" is a good primer on the subjet.

So, the next time Charles accuses the MSM of stupidity or blatant lying, point him to this post.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Charles eats crow

While staying stumm on the Jamil Hussein affair, CJ has found time to abjectly apologize for lying to his readers about a photograph of John Kerry. Charles had false claimed (based on his usual useless sources) that Kerry was being "shunned" by troops on a recent trip to Iraq. Turnes out that wasn't true.

Come on Charles, what are you waiting for? How about some mea culpa for Jamil Hussein? Or are you going to try and let this one quietly disappear under the lizard rug?

Another wingnut conspiracy theory bites the dust

Jamil Hussein. What a farce, eh? Michelle Malkin does her best to backpeddle ahead of the fiasco she will experience when traveling to Iraq, and Charles Johnson and a host of other 'nutsphere bloggers FINALLY, GRUDGINGLY take notes of something the Associated Press publishes:

That guy they've been declaring a straw man? The Iraqi policeman the wingnuts said didn't exist? Well, it looks like he might exist after all. The Iraqi government seems to have done what hundreds of keyboard-humpin' chickenhawks in Iowa weren't able to do: track down Jamil Hussein.

How inconvenient. Suddenly, the LGF - Malkin - Powerline - Iraqslogger - Flapping Heroes-Dennis Prager conspiracy theory about how the mainstream media is making up sources/stories/colluding with terrorists/lying/undermining America etc etc just falls apart.

Should we be surprised? Not really. The flimsy accusations and crazed ramblings were bound to hit the buffers sooner or later. But what any sane person might be a little stunned by is the speed with which the crazies in LGFistan have changed their tune to chime with this latest revelation.

As Bob Geiger rightly notes:

Of course, now that they've been caught for the umpteenth time writing nonsense and smearing people using "facts" that turn out to be utter rubbish, most of the conservative bloggers are either shrugging their shoulders or continuing to spin outlandish excuses for why their bizarre quest is still righteous.

Shame you still got egg on your face, Charlie. Not everyone is as ungracious as you though:

"[Michelle Malkin] and we were wrong about Jamil Hussein. Whether we're wrong about the rest of it, too, we'll see. Apologies, though, to the HA readers for having led you on a bit of a wild goose chase, however well founded and well intended our suspicions were." (link)

So there's hope yet for sanity among part of the U.S.-based commenteraty. Sadly not among the lizard crowd, though.


The man who nailed the warbloggers' hypocrisy over 'fact-checking' the Iraq War has given those loons another broadside. Read Eric Boehlert's take on 'Jamilgate'

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Charles Johnson: Twisting and shouting

While Charles himself continues to play down the high toll the campaign in Iraq has taken on US service members' lives, he accuses 'peace groups of "celebrating" their deaths.

Now let's see...

"United for Peace and Justice, a coalition of more than 1,300 U.S. peace groups, urged demonstrators to wear black armbands or ribbons with the number 3,000 in white print and to phone radio stations and write letters to newspapers to call attention to the death toll."

Does Charles normally celebrate with a black ribbon and a silent vigil? Do his readers really believe this shit?

And in all his posts about the 3,000th soldier dying in Iraq, not once has CJ bothered to justify their sacrifice. That tells you something about the strength of his arguments.

Monday, November 10, 2003

LGF: Publishing hoaxes

Charles Johnson admits that an advert purporting to be from anti-Semitic groups active at Rutgers university is actually a hoax ( One item later he publishes what appears to be another hoax (, claiming to show a real picture taken at an anti-Apartheid Wall demo in Los Angeles.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

LGF: when in doubt, distort

Charles Johnson digs up some interesting stories for his lizardoid minions now and then. Stories they would otherwise not be reading about. Such as the news about the International Day of Action against the Apartheid Wall the Israelis are building ( Naturally, Charles doesn't like the line that the protest groups are taking. So Charles smears the protesters by claiming that, on 9 November, "Terror Supporters [will] Celebrate Kristallnacht". Far be it for us to quibble about the precise terminology employed, but could it be that Charles is stretching his readers' credulity a little far by declaring that peace protesters = terror supporters, and that they are the kinds of people who would "celebrate" Reichskristallnacht? Then again, it all fits into Charles Johnson's mission to distort reality and defame his opponents.
This kind of story is a typical example of Johnson's twisted perception of reality, and should serve as a warning to all those at risk of taking him seriously as a credible witness of current affairs.