Interesting that Congressmen Sam Johnson (TX 03) Ralph Hall (TX 04), State Rep Jerry Madden (Texas District 67) and Collin County Judge Keith Self would choose to invite Racist, Birther and all-round-loon Pamela Geller to headline a fund-raiser for them. Presumably, they encourage and endorse this kind of "discourse":
"So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren’t they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show!"
GELLER: "Barack Hussein Obama Jr Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines…none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr."
And Representative JODIE LAUBENBUERG (TX DIST 89) and Representative KEN PAXTON (TX DIST 70) will no doubt CHEER, as members of the PATRIOTIC HOST COMMITTEE when Ms Geller demonstrates modern Patriotism, as practiced by the GOP:
"Why isn’t CNN pursuing the nude pornographic photos of Obama’s mom…I never ran the pics, as it was unseemly and wasn’t relevant. But this assault on Palin is too disgusting. It’s time to tell the ugly truth about the enemy in the White House and his whores in the media."
Pamela Geller then "runs" alleged nude pictures of Obama's deceased mother on her cesspool blog. We will not link.
We look forward to pictures of Pammy and the Collin County Republicans. And if the local Dems don't move on this one, they should find something else to do.
Steve Kelso.
(Note: I haven't been doing much "watching" of CJ these days, since, astonishingly, he's recovering from his 9/11 Stress Syndrome. Pamela Geller, on the other hand, is a real phenomena and seems to embody the essence of rabid tribalism, racism, carnivorous sexuality and batshit craziness that seems to stir the turgid loins of Right Wing Loons and Wingnut Texans).
To V & other fellow bloggers here: maybe we should consider widening our brief, perhaps changing or adding to the blog name since Charles Johnson is slowly trudging back into the light. email discussion?