Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label digg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digg. Show all posts

Sunday, August 03, 2008

New Feature: LGF threads on Digg

Some clever guy (you know who you are) had the bright idea of adding the latest LGF-related threads on Digg to the top of the page. Since most of us can't post on LGF, Digg is where you can vent your spleen about the latest racist claptrap on LGF.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Instant LGF classics

Behold lizards massively biting themselves in the tails. It all started when CJ whined about "Children on crack" at attacking his poor website, and that included.. that's right.. the rather old Digg entry of LGF Watch! (link: )

Here we go again at Digg - LGF Watch - Keeping an eye on those rabid racists at Little Green Footballs.

But wait! There’s more: Digg / lgfuckballs.

Complain to Digg about this ongoing abuse of their site at:
Apparently Chuckie wasn't capable of realizing that the LGF Watch entry has been submitted over 1.5 years ago, otherwise he wouldn't be saying "Here we go again". Notice how the entry has been infested with lizards trying to have some fun.

But that's not all, the comments that ensued on that thread are just hilarious..
#55 Sharmuta

You know- when you have nothing better to do with your time than stalk a website, you might really want to consider therapy.
#56 Charles

They've been doing it for years. And they've also registered numerous accounts at LGF, and tried to pose as friends of the site until they're exposed and blocked. It's beyond insane. I suspect that there is money behind this.
If you scroll waaay down the main LGF Watch page:

"Do you want to advertise on LGF Watch and help a good cause? All revenue is donated to The International Red Cross (CDN$525 so far...)"

Beside that, no.. we're not getting any money for this. Speaking about money..
#60 JammieWearingFool

It's quite pathetic.

There's also some loser out there who calls his site Instaputz, and he obsesses over Glenn Reynolds.

Seriously, you have to have no talent whatsoever to just sit around and blog other people's material.
Right, because when Charles isn't busy "stalking" the Obama website, he is most certainly not grabbing other peoples' material and adding only 7 or 8 words of original content. No sir, Chuckles is very talented indeed.
#143 Charles
If there isn't money behind the stalkers, they're even crazier than I thought.
It's called not-trying-to-make-profit-at-the-expense-of-others. Speaks volumes that this d00d thinks it's crazy.
#176 swamprat

re: #143 Charles

Your very first obtuse post. Get a cup of coffee. They are nuts. And very angry at a blog that points out the warts and pimples adorning their positions and beliefs.
Hang on, I thought this relationship worked the other way round.
#188 JeremyR

re: #143 Charles

Charles, you have posted stuff against the Obamination. That makes you fair game for Soros and fiends. You also take well aimed shots at the Religion of pieces, which makes you the enemy of 1 billion fanatics and fanatic supporters.
Only a lizard will tell you that 1 billion Muslims are fanatics or support fanatics. (LGFers aren't anti-Muslim, nooo..). Funny that I don't feel like one..

Just another day out at LGF..

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Charles Johnson: 'thieving' hypocrite

Little Green Footballs isn't normally a place for reading about the latest goings-on in the world of internet culture, so what provoked Charles Johnson into writing three posts in two days (1, 2, 3) about what has become known as the 'Digg revolt'?

Well, first of all Charles hates Digg because the users there don't like LGF. So naturally anything the Digg users do is bad.

Second, Charles has discovered his passion for defending intellectual property rights over the First Amendment. Let's be charitable and assume that CJ's opinions in this matter are based on his former life as a bit-piece recording artist who made a living of sorts from royalties incured from record sales.

And to Charles the issue of IP rights is a with-us-or-against us matter. Quote:

"You either respect the concept of intellectual property, or you don’t."
Indeed. There's only one small problem with Charles Johnson's argument: his website, which hosts advertisements from which Johnson presumably earns an income, is based entirely on ripping off the 'intellectual property' of others.

Charles Johnson reposts articles from other publications, photographs nicked from other websites, and videos captured from commercial broadcasters, and uses all of this material without paying the creators a cent or in some cases even acknowledging their authorship.

If you believe in strict IP rights you might call Charles Johnson's activities illegal.

We call it hypocritical.

Unless Charles stops posting other people's material on his website, or pays them for using it, you can kick his opinions on the 'Digg revolt' where the rest of his opinions belong: in the bin.

P.S.: You can digg this post.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Digging where it hurts

CJ has a problem with the 'mob rule' ( , that has seen his postings buried by DiggErs who don't approve of his racist filth. We say right on!

This morning a little birdie dropped these links on our doorstep. Apparently they make it even easier to bury LGF, Malkin and Hotair posts. We're not ones to hold them back:

Bury LGF on Digg

Bury Malkin on Digg

Bury Hotair on Digg

Monday, February 26, 2007

Digg Derangement Syndrome

An LGFWatch reader writes:

Check out this thread

Then count the number of posts where Charles has complained about Digg in the last 48 hrs. Digg derangement syndrome at LGF is more like it. He's using Digg to get traffic, and it works, then he complains about how the stories are getting buried (in multiple posts). All the while blaming it on the 'leftist moonbat mob'. It's kinda loony.