Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label lgf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lgf. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quote Of The Decade

Honestly, some of you folks will swallow anything as long it makes Muslims look like subhumans. You should be ashamed.
Charles Johnson

Monday, April 20, 2009

Quote Of The Day

However, I have learned (to my dismay) that many of the people who portray themselves as "anti-jihad" are simply paranoid bigots, and/or religious fanatics with hidden motives, who have hitched a ride on the justifiable outrage most of us felt after the 9/11 attacks.

Charles Johnson, blogger and incredibly slow learner.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

America and the Palestinians

It's been a little quiet around here lately: just like Charles has retreated into his lair since his party lost the presidency (with a corresponding drop in traffic to LGF) so we too see little reason to provide day-to-day commentary on Chuckie's pronouncements anymore. He's a has been.

However, sore points remain, and you can be sure that one issue CJ isn't going to stop spreading lies about any time soon is Palestine. But that doesn't mean you have to leave his memes unquestioned. Start by getting an eduction:

Rashid Khalidi on Radio Open Source.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Charles Says It Will Never Be Over, NEVER!!

Hat-tip to Jeppo for this one. I am posting only part of this here for brevity, the rest is at Gates of Vienna Vs. The World Vs. LGF:

Hat-tip to Jeppo on this one:

I'm really starting to think that they're fighting just for our benefit. Sphinx, is this all just to amuse us? Can't be....OK, readers might remember the call by Pamela Geller for Charles Johnson to be publicly flogged as well as the ensuing mayhem over this post at LGF. It appears that Pamela has a case of subjective outrage (actually it's a rather advanced case, this is merely one episode being pointed out by Charles here):

And speaking of bloggers who are pushing the fascist agenda, Pamela Geller posted something on Saturday, outraged about a sheikh who called for Geert Wilders to be “flogged.”

Remember, this is the woman who recently called for me to be “publicly flogged,” because I won’t sign up with the fascists she’s shilling for, particularly the Belgian Vlaams Belang.

And now, she has deleted the post about Geert Wilders, obviously realizing that it made her look like an addled hypocrite

Ooops, pardon me for missing the post at AS folks, back to Chuck now:

Here’s the Google cache of the page that’s no longer on her blog: Atlas Shrugs: New York Sheikh Khalid Yasin in speech in Holland: Wilders must be flogged.

Well, is it hate speech? Here’s Geller wishing the same fate upon me; should she be prosecuted?

Wow, how long did Charles mine Atlas Shrugs for any little bit he could call her on for the "flogging" comment? Speaking of comments, the lizards' obliging anti-Pamela comments are really quite amusing, though not as much as the caption contest in the post below;)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Aww, Charles Got Hate Mail!


The conflict in Gaza has really stirred up the wackos, and they’re pouring their fury into illiterate emails sent to little old me. Here are the latest two messages sent through our contact form by Hamas supporters and Jew-haters; first, from St. Louis, Missouri, with the descriptive title “Assholes...” and the phony but almost humorous return address “”

Brought out the wackos, as opposed to the genocidal lizards....yeah Charles, that's a problem. Now the "hate mail":

You dickheads are shameless... 555+ Palestenian, mostly innocent, killed, and what 5 Israeli’s killed by chance... genocide ongoing in Gaza at the hands of the putrid and horrific Zionist criminals, and you pricks have the NERVE to marginalize and BLAME THE PALESTENIANS for their own deaths?

Well yes, LGF has turned into a comment mill for blaming the Palestinians and cheering for dead Gazans. What exactly is the problem here Chuckles?

Then we have a love note sent from Dubai, with the title, ‘Shame on little green “Hitlers”:’

You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians.

Wrong call on who the "wackos" there Charles, way wrong. Now for the obligatory "Grand Mufti comment":

9 descolada9 1/06/09 11:15:05 am reply quote

And the Hitlers dude forgot that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler during WWII. Furthermore, actions have consequences, just like idiocy has a consequence. Being an idiot who tosses the "Hitler" moniker makes you look like, uhm, well, an idiot!

30 Jetpilot1101 1/06/09 11:18:28 am reply quote

If we were "little green hitlers" wouldn't be be supporting Hamas? Seems to me his logic is a tad askew.

35 davinvalkri 1/06/09 11:18:56 am reply quote

Yeah, just keep the hate mail coming, you S.O.B.s. Just goes to show how much power the Little Green Footballs have over you! Ha. HA!

Oh, the raw power to inspire mockery....I'm feeling it "davinvalkri"!

65 LGoPs 1/06/09 11:22:32 am reply quote

On the one hand, this kind of depraved, foaming hatred is mildly humorous. On the other it is scary because it reveals the really dangerous, deranged heart of the liberal mobs mentality. Dangerous because you can't reason with it, anymore than you can reason with rabid animals.......

As opposed to the mob mentality of the Charles-worshipers? Speaking of:

66 Sharmuta 1/06/09 11:22:40 am reply quote

and you pricks have the NERVE to marginalize and BLAME THE PALESTENIANS for their own deaths?

First- it's hamas' chickens coming home to roost.

Second- we're not pricks, we're honcos. Get it right!

70 USBeast 1/06/09 11:22:50 am reply quote

"You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians."

I don't get it. The Jihadis continually proclaim that they love death. They rejoice in it. What's wrong with rejoicing in it right along with them. There's no pleasing some people.

160 maddogg 1/06/09 11:38:40 am reply quote

You people are truely sick! It is sicking to see how the little green “Hitlers” are enjoying the Jewish massacare of the Palestinians.

Just a rerun of every time the Palis have a war with the Jews. Palis greatest talent: dying in a loud grotesque manner. They suck at any combat where you go head to head with real soldiers. Much better at firing rockets at schools. The schools don't shoot back.

172 Opinionated 1/06/09 11:40:34 am reply quote

re: #115 Nevergiveup

20:36 British PM: This is the darkest moment yet for the Middle East (Reuters)

A democracy beating the crap out of barbaric savages is the darkest moment yet for the Mideast?

Off the top of my head, when pizza parlors and buses and cafes and school cafeterias and Passover Seders and nurseries and on and on and on and on and on were the target of these same savages, when Arabs screamed for Israeli blood, just may have been darker.

OK, I'm not going to go through the next 1,000 or so comments, I think this small sample is quite enough. I just might go ahead and send in my own hate mail though, though it will be full of mockery of the mighty lizard mob mentality rather than "hate". Now what exactly was Chuckles complaining about here?

(Cross-posted at govvs)

Monday, December 01, 2008

That Old, Familiar Feeling

This is just for those who kept saying that LGF had gone soft, gone leftist, or not bigoted anymore. Charles may have reined in his lizards for a while, but it's back to good old Islam hating at LGF now.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Sharmuta Comment of the Week

Wait, is she talking about us? ROFL

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Zombie is missing a braaiiin

An ingenious piece by LGF informant Zombie, who is currently risking his/her/its life in Denver, reporting on the librul demonrat-commie-anarchofascist-terrornazis. Or something..


This piece was introduced by Chuckles with this: "Zombie's latest report is on the mosque that was constructed in Denver's Civic Center Park, within sight of the capitol building. The mainstream media don't think this is newsworthy."

..and started by the undead critter with: "I first arrived in Denver's Civic Center Park expecting to see hordes of anarchists and protesters. Instead, I was confronted with this huge mosque made of translucent fabric."

First off, that's not a mosque. If you look carefully at the provided photos, it's basically two short archways, a small "chamber" in the middle with a dome on top. No prayer rooms, just pictures.

Second, this isn't "huge" by any standard. In fact, when it comes to large mosques..

.. this contraption is tiny. But we know how the words "huge mosque" are bound to unleash awe and lots of wet undergarments amongst the lizard army (.. and apologize hereby to our faithful lizard readers for showing this horrifying photo of a beautiful large mosque in Istanbul).

Needless to say, some of the comments were demonstrating the true aching love of lizards towards Muslims everywhere and/or their conviction that only the small minority of them - like with all other groups - are actually maniacs (#4, #8, #13, #24, #26, #29, #32, .. to name just a few).

And as a bonus: #22 by 'ted', with positive ratings:

" '...this huge mosque made of translucent fabric...'

Anyone got a match?"

The distant memory of an episode concerning a mosque in St. Louis comes to mind..

Monday, June 02, 2008

Drawing up lists

Wow! I can only agree with Charles Johnson here. (Copy & paste link)

If you ever find yourself spending valuable time to compile lists of your Zionist enemies and their secret motivations, it’s a sign that you may need a shrink
I mean listing peoples names and giving reasons why they're on the list that's just nuts. (Copy & paste link)

Even more so if you let others contribute names, add additional information for the list and then vote on who you hate the most.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Comments on the Palestinian Student Picture

Well, one thing Charles cannot do or re-link to IDF sites are screen captures of his very own followers. The comments are so full of hatred for the Palestinians that they are hard to stomach. And these are people who claim to be "defending our civilization" and on occasion noting their devotion to human rights? Sorry Lizards, you just keep hitting the target.

Despite claims that they do not hate Muslims, are not racist or bigoted, the comments show (as usual) the truth of LGF and of Charles, who lets them all stand. Aiding and abetting as always his Lizards in their spreading of hatred, as exemplified by the above comments as well as a few here:

#81 Whammo 3/30/08 9:33:22 am reply quote report

I bet young Mohammed would spell perfectly if only some Jews died in the process...

#107 RedWhiteAndJew 3/30/08 9:41:20 am reply quote report

As to the answer, it is no different than if your school remained open; that is, if you continue to cling to a hate-filled dogma, which teaches that freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and that the best you can do with your life is your death.

That answer is, "nowhere."

#113 yochanan 3/30/08 9:42:04 am reply quote report

re: #79 Iron Fist


Which was before I was born. I'm tired of being asked to pay for the crimes of my forefathers.



Wow, even an off-topic comment about blacks in America! Once the Lizards get rolling, the bigotry just knows no bounds. (For cut & paste, i.e. to not end up at the IDF site, here's the URL:
Trust me, there are plenty more comments to turn one's stomach....but then that's true of every thread at LGF, so take your pick. This is just all the worse, mocking the closing of a school and impoverished Palestinian youths who have no reason to be fluent in English in the first place.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How to get banned on LGF: episode #74756

A reader writers...

In today's LGF thread about the Obama video on last night's Fox news, I corrected Charles that one's tilting of the head is standard body language for listening intently. Charles seems to think otherwise. I made the mistake of calling him "Chuck" and my account was promptly blocked. [...] Chuck complains about HuffPo disabling comments, but can't stomach being called "Chuck". Hilarious....
As the same reader notes, it's fascinating how the lizard mind homes in on what it wants to see, to the exclusion of anything else however pertinent. From the same thread, an example of an avid Johnson pupil showing his master how well he's learned that little trick:

jcm 3/15/08 9:15:05 am

Body Language Dictionary.
Head tilt: The head tilt is a come hither glance in the animal kingdom. From across the room, receiving the head tilt mean "Come closer to me"; if you're standing nearby already, the head tilt means "Come even closer."

He's client #7!

You can see where the wingnuts are heading with their Obama mania!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Simple equations

In Charlie-land the world's so simple: Hezbollah militants raise their arms like Hitler youth? They must be Nazis, on par with a movement that murdered 6 million Jews and virtually destroyed Europe with its mighty war machine: Hezbollah = Nazis.
Meanwhile, LGF has found PROOF that GWB is the son of God:

Monday, February 18, 2008

Prophetic comment of the day

All it takes is a predominately Muslim region in Europe to gain independence - never mind all the atrocities committed against it - for the lizard army to go "EEEEK!!" (Nothing to fear but fear itself, indeed..)

Can you smell some genocidal tendencies here? And why, while I'm reading this, does the distant memory of a certain Flemish nationalist party keep coming up, along with other European neo-fascist parties? Could it possibly be that the apologists of such groups sound.. you know.. just like that?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What exactly do you want Charles?

Here's a choice Charles quote.

Nearly a flying pig moment this morning, as a United Nations “humanitarian” functionary condemns Palestinian rocket attacks.

But the flying pig stays in the hangar, because at the end of it he just parrots more “peace process” fantasy-think.
So really Charles what are you suggesting?

The 'peace process' is fantasy-think?

So what's the alternative?

A quick look at the comments below Charles' post demonstrates the average LGF denizen's suggestions.


UPDATE: Anyone who follows Middle East news (isn't that what you do, Chucko?) would know that the UN condemns the rocket fire at civilians at pretty-much every opportunity. How come CJ has only just noticed this? Too busy playing with the fluff in his navel?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Symptoms of LGF syndrome

How you end up when LGF becomes your sole news outlet:

O ye of green skin, wasn't it about time you started questioning the news source?
(Found here)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Getting around LGF's redirection

Readers have been pointing out that Charles has resumed his cowardly practice of redirecting links from hostile blogs (such as this one) to the IDF website.

There's a simple way of getting round this problem, and that's to download the de-refer script for Firefox and configure it for LGF.

Granted, CJ can still block individual IPs (and he does), but for that problem there's another solution: proxies.

Hey, Charles, haven't you heard the fundamental rule of the Interweb yet? Information wants to be free!

P.S.: Nice catch, Sphinx!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Charles Johnson: peace = surrender!

Senior foreign affairs analyst Charles Johnson has laid down the ground rules for solving the Middle East conflict by asserting that an Israeli withdrawal from occupied Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian territory would amount to surrender.

Of course, CJ doesn't actually explain WHY ending its foreign occupation would be a surrender, and he doesn't offer an alternative solution to achieving peace in the region.

Cynics might say that's because Johnson & Co. don't want peace, because they benefit from the conflict and because they don't actually give a shit about ordinary people over there as long as there's an opportunity to pontificate about a war most of America doesn't really understand.

We're inclined to agree with the cynics.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Charles Johnson: "Watch your back"

I suspect I’m not the only one who’s massively turned off by the political triangulating going on around the murder of Benazir Bhutto.

Those were the words of Charles Johnson on Dec. 27.

By Dec. 28 Charles Johnson had found his form again, and was busily linking to his favorite politpundits in a desparate attempt to hammer some sort of message out of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto before the blood dries and the news junkie caravan moves on.

Who did CJ endorse? A certain 'Scott Ott' (nasty parents), whose ignorant ramblings Chuckles describes as "serious".

What is the essence of Ott's piece? That European politicians should view the murder of Bhutto as a warning of what they will soon face - unless they muster the courage to confront the Islamic peril.

Ott is wrong on so many fronts, it's hard to know where to start. The obvious first question to Ott would be: have you ever been to Europe or Pakistan, or are you - like Johnson - a keyboard warrior whose entire knowledge of the world out there comes from Youtube and the cable channels you so despise? Then: what exactly makes you think the two places are in any way comparable? And finally: when it comes to attributing responsibility for what happened in Pakistan, shouldn't you look a little bit closer to home and perhaps mention the fact that it was the US government which originally armed the Taliban (now roving freely in Pakistan's lawless northwest)? And don't you think it might be worth scrutinizing the ongoing US support for Pakistan's shady secret service, all well-documented and at times even acknowledged by US officials?

What Ott, Johnson and others like them manifestly fail to understand is that their "bomb 'em all" approach to solving the world's problems is precisely what is causing many of the conflicts and uprisings in the first place. Iraq, Israel, Colombia, Afghanistan, Somalia and Lebanon...don't you guys ever learn a thing? Don't you realize that your ignorance coupled with your trigger-happy foreign policy is laying the foundations for the wars of the future?

Instead of warning people you have never met that they should watch their backs because the crosshairs of fanatics are trained on them (and wouldn't you just squeel with glee if a European politician did actually get killed?) it might be more appropriate if you spent your time doing some proper research about the coutries and people you like to preach about so much.

Step out of the chickenhawk role for once and visit Rawalpindi, or Ramallah, or Ankara, or Berlin, or Lyon, or Dar es Salaam, or Cairo, or Jakarta.

Muster some courage and a few brain cells to challenge a few of the preconceived ideas you have about half the world population.

Give us an informed, nuanced (drat, the evil n-word!), USEFUL opinion for once, instead of the usual mind-numbing drivel that passes for political analysis on your side of the blogosphere.

That's your challenge for 2008.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Pimping for Amazon

...or a genuine Tech Review? You decide.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quote du jour

After all, doesn't the conflict between Gates of Vienna and Little Green Footballs really revolve around middle-class bigots trying to maintain the veneer of middle-class respectability?
Dennis The Peasant