Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Charles erasing old LGF posts?

Per commenter "he who scoffs at danger" comes word that Charles may have been deleting old posts of his that are, shall we say, inconvenient. See the gory details here. Complete with throbbing LGF memo!

Fortunately for aficionados of the way LGF used to be, our voluminous archives (at least through early 2009 or so) do contain excerpts, and occasionally screenshots, of the insanity that Charles foisted upon the world and is now desperately trying to disavow. A recent post of his is entitled "The Roots of Sharia Hysteria," which expends a couple hundred words attempting to explain a phenomenon that Charles could much more easily recapitulate by simply looking in a mirror.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Birth Certificate fun

Charlie Johnson is throwing somewhat of a fit over the cock-and-bull stories of Barack Obama's "Nirth Certifikit", etc. More developments covered here. However, in his whole frenzy to scrape off the slime from himself for helping promote the story in the first place (, he has probably failed to notice that Vandals have desecrated French Musl.. I mean youths' graves, just in time for Eid el Adha.

That, or he doesn't give a crap. Or he's afraid to lose his large Islamophobic donor base readership, shortly after having alienating creationists, right-wing fascists and Bobby Spencer.

Anyway between the thread mentioned above when Chuckles was still wallowing in his own juvenile "Nirth Certifikit Troofer" days and the present, there have been some interesting developments in the mindset of his sycophantic worshipers. For example..
#29 Sharmuta

Come on, Barry! What's the big deal? It's only a birth certificate.

What's with the hiding?


And then:
#1 Sharmuta

I hope when others come across such links they'll use the report function and help Charles and Stinky keep the joint nice and kook-free.


Some other gems found on the same thread:

#5 warnergt
Sounds like censorship to me.


A rating of -32 for that one! To which the lizard tyrant responded:

#17 Charles

re: #5 warnergt

That's because you don't understand the meaning of the word "censorship."

You do not have a right to post anything you like at LGF. Period. If that's not to your liking, go and post somewhere else.


And finally someone just had to say it:

#15 Sharmuta

Uh- no. This is private property. Free speech rights don't apply.


Glad we got that one settled. All other comments raining down on warnergt proved one thing: The lizard army thinks their deity is free to do whatever he wants on his own freaking blog, but don't actually deny that he can be seen as the biggest pro-censorship asshat of 2008.


Here's a great quote by Chuckles, remember he's just spent the last couple of months banning people for disagreeing with him, deleting all of their posts, censoring spin off links etc etc.

Appel clearly has no idea what happens at LGF, where we have more than 5,000 comments a day debating every topic under the sun from every viewpoint.
Charles should really be a little bit more honest and add the words 'as long as I agree with them' to the end of that sentence.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How to get banned on LGF: episode #74756

A reader writers...

In today's LGF thread about the Obama video on last night's Fox news, I corrected Charles that one's tilting of the head is standard body language for listening intently. Charles seems to think otherwise. I made the mistake of calling him "Chuck" and my account was promptly blocked. [...] Chuck complains about HuffPo disabling comments, but can't stomach being called "Chuck". Hilarious....
As the same reader notes, it's fascinating how the lizard mind homes in on what it wants to see, to the exclusion of anything else however pertinent. From the same thread, an example of an avid Johnson pupil showing his master how well he's learned that little trick:

jcm 3/15/08 9:15:05 am

Body Language Dictionary.
Head tilt: The head tilt is a come hither glance in the animal kingdom. From across the room, receiving the head tilt mean "Come closer to me"; if you're standing nearby already, the head tilt means "Come even closer."

He's client #7!

You can see where the wingnuts are heading with their Obama mania!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Getting around LGF's redirection

Readers have been pointing out that Charles has resumed his cowardly practice of redirecting links from hostile blogs (such as this one) to the IDF website.

There's a simple way of getting round this problem, and that's to download the de-refer script for Firefox and configure it for LGF.

Granted, CJ can still block individual IPs (and he does), but for that problem there's another solution: proxies.

Hey, Charles, haven't you heard the fundamental rule of the Interweb yet? Information wants to be free!

P.S.: Nice catch, Sphinx!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ex-lizards speak out

More of Charles' former minions are coming out of the woodworks and discussing how and why they were banned from LGF. It will be of little surprise to our readers that the most frequent cause for banning is outright dissent against the LGF party line.

(hat tip B!)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Attention Firefox users

You know Charles' cutesy little game whereby he redirects links from anti-LGF sites to the homepage of the IDF?

Well, thanks to writer-inner B.S. we now have a workaround, at least for Firefox.

Just go here and download and install the RefControl add-in. Then, restart Firefox and select Tools > RefControl Options...

To link directly to LGF posts without the nuisance of copying and pasting links, click Add Site, then enter "" in the Site box. We don't know whether LGF will accept "blocked" or "forged" referrals, but we do know that if you select Custom and then enter the URL of your choice -- or would do nicely, but feel free to invent your own lest the exposure-shy Mr. Johnson decide to block your IP address -- then you'll go directly to LGF and Charles' closely-watched referral numbers will go haywire. You can test it using one of the links at the top of this page.

Knowing Charles, he's probably already hard at work on a way to eliminate this loophole -- if it were up to him, he'd undoubtedly choose to block "hostile" incoming traffic entirely -- but for now, you may as well take advantage of this. You'll also be helping Israeli taxpayers, for they are the ones who pay the bills for all the extra IDF website traffic that Charles' redirect has generated over the years.

[UPDATE 4/9 18:08 - Charles surrendered more quickly than a Frenchman facing a Muslim with a bottle full of gasoline. Heh.]

Monday, March 05, 2007

New LGF disclaimer

Girlieman points out that a new disclaimer has crept onto LGF recently, which reads:

"Comments are open and unmoderated, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Little Green Footballs. Obscene, abusive, silly, or annoying remarks may be deleted, but the fact that particular comments remain on the site in no way constitutes an endorsement of their views by Little Green Footballs."

To which Girlieman remarks:
New or not, it's bullshit. Charles deletes posts he disagrees with (and bans the poster) but allows vile hate filled posts that serve no purpose whatsoever to remain. Draw your own conclusions about what the management does nor does not endorse. Like everywhere else, actions speak louder than words.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Stalking Charles Johnson

When Charles Johnson refers to this blog, as he has done repeatedly over the last few days, he invariably describes us as "stalkers".

The fact is that if we were really interested in stalking Mr Johnson, we would be ringing his private phone number in the middle of the night and breathing heavily at him; we would be publishing pictures of the inside of his home; we would follow him in a dark saloon as he cycles along the California coast; and we'd write extensively about his friends and family and his life before he became a celebrity blogger.

But we don't.

This blog isn't about Charles Johnson the man. It's about the evil ideology which he embodies: an ideology that regards Muslims, Arabs, and people with a different point of view as subhuman. It is an ideology which has its counterpart in some of the crazier manifestations of 'liberal' America, but which only seems to reach its full apogee in the rantings of the wingnut-o-sphere, where Charles Johnson is a vanguard member.

This blog is about documenting and exposing the hypocrisy and racism that is the daily fare on Little Green Footballs. Is it any wonder, therefore, that Johnson is trying to shut us down by calling us 'stalkers' and urging his minions to bombard Blogger with complaints?

Good luck to him, but he won't succeed. We're in this for the long haul, and if Charles Johnson finds that troubling, so much the better.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Banned by LGF?

Have you or someone you know been banned from posting on the weblog Little Green Footballs? Then we'd like to hear from you!

Please send us your name (or pseudonym), an email address we can contact you on (anonymous addresses are fine) and a one-line explanation of why you were banned.

Sunday, January 11, 2004


BBC News: Censored in the People's Republic of China

Indymedia: Censored in the People's Republic of China

Blogger: Censored in the People's Republic of China

Little Green Footballs: Freely available in the People's Republic of China