Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Charles blames the 'Media' *Yawn*

This is just so easy. Charlie still refuses to get it.

Bottom line: the mainstream media are disgraceful once again, carrying water for a known radical Islamic organization and failing to do due diligence in covering the story.
No Charles.

Bottom line: Your site, through your carefully structured anti-Muslim bias attracts people who make open threats against Muslims and their property. Pointing that out and exposing you as someone who enables intolerance and threats of violence is not libel. Why should they contact you? The comments were on your site, made by your 'lizards', you've spent two posts and haven't once apologized for the statements that openly threatened Muslims and their property.

Neither have you apologised for your original post which incited the comments.
Why apologise?

Well it was complete and utter rubbish that's why. Which was either deliberate anti-Muslim propaganda or perfect example of what's wrong with 'citizen journalism'.
Gateway Pundit has the pictures of a huge tower being constructed in St. Louis City, complete with loudspeakers for blaring the adhan
And here's an interesting paragraph in the St Louis paper Charles links to today.

But Madina Masjid's spiritual leader, Imam Muhamed Hasic, said the minaret is symbolic, not practical. There is no sound system or speakers on the minaret, which is scheduled to be completed next week. He said the minaret will not be used to call Muslims to prayer.
As a bonus Gateway Pundits pictures have no loudspeakers.

So there you have it.

The comments which were reported to the FBI stemmed from an LGF post which was factually incorrect. So Charles, you're in no position to complain when it's pointed out your in the wrong. Be a man and admit it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

...and next on the list! is allegedly anti-Semitic according to Chuckles Johnson. You can almost set your clocks to the regularity that Charles hypocritically complains about other sites and their hateful comments. The only thing is, he does it at such regularity (digg, Kos, DU etc etc) it almost suggests he knows exactly where to look.

Are his 'lizards' infesting selected websites to create outrage?

It's not as if they haven't been directed by their 'leader' before.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Charles Johnson, Hypocrisy Defined

Thanks to alert reader "anonymous" for reminder about Johnson's "stalker" post earlier this year.

Frequent commenter "timur" congratulates Pamela Geller on her website (no link for her):

Where are the suicide bombers when you really need them? One well placed Moslem with a bomb vest could have taken out Sheehan and the whole moonbat colony. A golden opportunity missed!

Posted by: Timur | Monday, July 30, 2007 at 08:17 AM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Free Kareem

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cracks in the wall

LGF Watch would like to congratulate long time reader and supporter Richard Silverstein for his article Cracks in the Wall, which was published earlier today at the Guardian's CommentIsFree online blog. We hope you'll give it a read and also check out all the other articles currently published there in response to the Independent Jewish Voices debate. This quote from his essay, in this bloggers mind, sums up the current feeling from anyone with an honest interest in Middle East peace.

What are we afraid of? Do we not do Israel an injustice by viewing her as so delicate that entertaining a few "unpopular" ideas will lead to her extinction? The Israel I know and love can withstand such debate. In fact, I believe that Israel is only strengthened by the free exchange of ideas.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wait a cherry pickin' minute!

The next time Charles Johnson or any of his moronic followers claim that their madness is just being cherry-picked, that Charles is somehow being crucified for the popularity of his site and that comments on a website mean nothing point them to this post.

Charles Johnson - Hypocrite of Note