Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Friday, May 08, 2009

Evolution and Global Warming

CJ today: "Shame on Fox News for lending credence to this appalling display of mendacity and ignorance [about evolution], without giving equal time to a credible scientist who could answer Luskin’s lies."

This from the same guy who promotes every anti-climate change wacko theory out there?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Evolution @ LGF?

Anyone not notice how much science Charles is posting on his blog these days? He's gone from almost zero to 100 on that topic.

Chances are that it's part of the Republican Machine strategy to give up on the religious fundies and appeal to mainstream voters who might be unsure about voting for the other candidate.

Or Charles is doing this on his own initiative, in the hope of remaining on message with McCain. In which case CJ is also going to have to start saying something about the importance of stopping global warming; reforming the medical insurance system; and improving America's energy security instead of shovelling billions at big oil.