Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label bigotry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bigotry. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spencer Watch!

For obvious reasons, LGF Watch has been rather silent of late. Much to his credit, Charles Johnson has increasingly edged away from his past sentiment that demonized Islam and everything related to it, and has lately started thrashing people for "Anti-Muslim bigotry" and for protesting against an 89-storey islamofascist terror-breeding, infidel-beheading Ground-Zero Super-Duper-Mega-Ultra-Mosque Islamic cultural center. Yes, times have changed dramatically in Lizard Kingdom.

However, concerning his former allies and friends who have turned into his bitterest foes, none less than intellectual fraud and disgraceful "scholar" Robert Spencer, and his faithful Shrieking Harpy Pamela Geller, who is basically just that... They've become loonier and more bigoted than ever.

So while Charles Johnson's blog is actually becoming quite readable, the only way to stomache the insanity of the anti-Muslim movement is with brilliant exposure with a pinch of parody. Now, we're not planning on shifting our focus to other anti-Muslim extremists across the media, because LoonWatch does exactly that, and they do it very well.

But while LoonWatch may not be new, a new sister site of it is, which focuses on one of LoonWatch's prime suppliers of material, and it needs some publicity. So Ladies and Gentlemen, sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy Spencer Watch! It does a fabulous and long-overdue job of placing Bobby Spencer onto the manure heap of scholarship, right where he belongs. And I'm sure Charles Johnson would get a few chuckles (no pun intended) out of that.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dude, where's my self respect?

[ Link: ]

Charles Johnson:

We do have some LGF readers who are creationists, so we would be remiss if we didn’t bring to your attention a chance to win a prize of 100,000 new Turkish lira (about $63,191.14 US at current exchange rates), in a scientific essay contest being held by Turkish creationist Harun Yahya (aka Adnan Oktar): WHY IS THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION INVALID?

Comment #43, theparson:
There are some of us "creationists" who don't appreciate huckstering or subterfuge... or Charles' tone in the above quote.

Comment #48, Charles:
Hey, I'm serious! Here's your chance to win a fair amount of money just for writing something about a subject you believe in! Sheesh. Try to be nice and see what I get.

Comment #50, Walter L. Newton:
Okay, So. It's his blog. Right?

Comment #59, theparson:
Really? You are serious? No "snarkiness" intended? No underlying sarcasm? You're just trying to help?

Comment #78, Charles:
$63,191.14 sounds pretty serious to me. The offer's real as far as I can tell, although I'm not sure how all the international rules work.

So to sum it up, the host behaves likes an arse, puts a blatantly fake innocent act when called out on it, even complains about acting "nice" while geting his boot polished by the tongue of one of his minions, and won't even admit the obvious.

LGF, not a good place for maintaining your self-respect. Kudos to theparson though for standing up for himself.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Zombie is missing a braaiiin

An ingenious piece by LGF informant Zombie, who is currently risking his/her/its life in Denver, reporting on the librul demonrat-commie-anarchofascist-terrornazis. Or something..


This piece was introduced by Chuckles with this: "Zombie's latest report is on the mosque that was constructed in Denver's Civic Center Park, within sight of the capitol building. The mainstream media don't think this is newsworthy."

..and started by the undead critter with: "I first arrived in Denver's Civic Center Park expecting to see hordes of anarchists and protesters. Instead, I was confronted with this huge mosque made of translucent fabric."

First off, that's not a mosque. If you look carefully at the provided photos, it's basically two short archways, a small "chamber" in the middle with a dome on top. No prayer rooms, just pictures.

Second, this isn't "huge" by any standard. In fact, when it comes to large mosques..

.. this contraption is tiny. But we know how the words "huge mosque" are bound to unleash awe and lots of wet undergarments amongst the lizard army (.. and apologize hereby to our faithful lizard readers for showing this horrifying photo of a beautiful large mosque in Istanbul).

Needless to say, some of the comments were demonstrating the true aching love of lizards towards Muslims everywhere and/or their conviction that only the small minority of them - like with all other groups - are actually maniacs (#4, #8, #13, #24, #26, #29, #32, .. to name just a few).

And as a bonus: #22 by 'ted', with positive ratings:

" '...this huge mosque made of translucent fabric...'

Anyone got a match?"

The distant memory of an episode concerning a mosque in St. Louis comes to mind..

Monday, June 16, 2008

".. but they don't hate Muslims!"

If you've been following LGF Watch and its comments for a while, you'll have heard from a few people that the lizard army doesn't hate Muslims as people, but rather only terrorists. Also you get a cock-and-bull story about how the lizard army is only waiting eagerly for the "silent moderate" Muslims to renounce violence and fight terrorism, so that the little green sheep squad's views of roughly a fifth of the world's population can improve. This claim is endorsed by the likes of Robert Spencer, and some of the sad excuses of LGF apologists we get here every now and then.


Visit this brilliant (heh..) epic analysis of Chuckles on an article about Indian Muslims renouncing terrorism and vowing to fight against it. (And it's not the first time that has happened):

(Link: )

Breaking: Indian Muslims Commit to Fighting Terrorism
But you just know there’s a catch, and as usual it comes down to the remarkably flexible definition of “terrorism,” and the need to shift the blame: Muslims commit themselves to fight terrorism.

The comments on the thread are (not surprisingly) skeptical of this, accusing these Muslims of meaning something else by "terrorism", e.g. 'terrorism committed against them'.

Well if you read the last bit of the original article:
Qazmi earlier told IANS that there was no place for terrorism in Islam. 'Individual Muslims involved in acts of terrorism should be dealt with under the law. Why should the whole community or religion be smeared and given a tag?'

.. and ask yourself for which kind of terrorism Islam has been smeared and given a tag for, there's no room left for ambiguity. All this doesn't matter for the little green army of idjits, who won't let anything take away their justification and desire for making 1.5 billion people into scapegoats for all the world's misery.

Wingnuts eagerly waiting for a positive Muslim voice. I repeat: Bullsh*t.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

CJ cherries

Recently a poll was posted on the MSNBC website asking: "Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?". The vast majority of the participants said "Yes".

Soon enough, Chuckles produced an ingenious statement:

"Never mind that there is absolutely no legal basis for even asking the question"

Right, because it's called freedom of thought and stating one's honest opinion. And apparently in LGF-land, it's not legal.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

LGF: Only Muslim nutters count

If a man or a woman in America commits random acts of violence, you're unlikely to find mention of this on the weblog of Californian Charles F. Johnson.

If, on the other hand, a Muslim woman in New Zealand goes on the rampage, then it deserves two posts on LGF.

Can anyone seriously doubt that Johnson's twisted portrayal of the world is largely motivated by a hatred of Muslims?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Definition of Chutzpah

Chutzpah –noun Slang.

1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall.
2. audacity; nerve.



Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quote du jour

After all, doesn't the conflict between Gates of Vienna and Little Green Footballs really revolve around middle-class bigots trying to maintain the veneer of middle-class respectability?
Dennis The Peasant

Saturday, December 08, 2007

LGF vs. Bloomberg

Apparently Charles Johnson doesn't believe that diversity and embracing different cultures, religions and races solves anything.

He's pissed that Mayor Bloomberg of New York has the audacity to point out that New York, a city founded and enriched by immigration, integration and diversity, that in the fight against extremists embracing all communities trumps illegal wars, corporate corruption and botched imperialism.

Here's Mayor Bloomberg's reply to a swivel-eyed loon of the LGF variety.

Thank you for your recent letter regarding the lighting of the Empire State Building in commemoration of Eid-al-Fitr and the end of Ramadan.

While this was a private decision made by the Empire State Building Company, I admire their choice to celebrate this important event with our entire City. People have always come to New York from all over the world, bringing different customs, traditions, and faiths. This incredible diversity is one of the things that makes New York the greatest city in the world.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, our City united as never before - and we remain united today, across all ethnicities, races, and religions. I can think of no better response to the terrorists than demonstrating our determination to stand together as New Yorkers and as Americans, celebrating the unity we have found in our diversity.

Michael R. Bloomberg
Well done, Mayor Bloomberg.

(Update)...and well done the Empire State Building Company for celebrating other holidays in the same way.

Friday, October 19, 2007


True to form (in the form of a one line blog post) Charles publicises movement of European resistance to Islamization (in the form of a link to the Gates of Vienna blog). He later adds an update stating that some of the supporters of this effort are less than honorable.

No shit!

One of the groups he specifically mentions is Vlaams Belang. Now where have we heard that name before?

The main source of this 'resistance' is here. And here are some of the 'big names'.

Austria: Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
Belgium: Filip Dewinter
Czech Republic: Matyas Zmo
Denmark: Lars Hedegaard
France: Nidra Poller
Germany: Stefan Herre
Italy: Adriana Bolchini Gaigher
Netherlands: Dr. Johannes J.G. Jansen
Norway: Jens Anfindsen
Romania: Traian Ungureanu
Sweden: Ted Ekeroth and Reinhard
Switzerland: Dr. Arnaud Dotezac
United Kingdom: Gerard Batten

If that's the resistance we all know what to expect. Right-wing hot air, barely disguised bigotry and in some cases outright race hatred.

Where was Charles Johnson's invite?

Monday, September 03, 2007

Why are Muslims always whining about being victimised?

Possibly it has something to do with incidents like this....which I'm sure some of the swivel-eyed loons over at LGF will applaud.

Hate crime yobs target Muslims

Revolting thugs urinated on to shoes and clothes belonging to worshipping Muslims.

Police are treating the incident as a hate crime against Bath's Muslim community and say they are determined to track down the perpetrators.

The two male offenders entered the lobby of the Bath Islamic Centre in Pierrepont Street during evening prayers, before urinating on clothing and shoes left in the entrance by worshippers.

Their mindless vandalism has disgusted members of the mosque and left the belongings of five people damaged.

In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, Avon and Somerset police have now released CCTV images of the yobs.

The unprovoked attack has shocked Muslim leaders and campaigners for racial equality in Bath.
Source: Bath Chronicle

Friday, July 13, 2007

Little Green Homophobes

Well, well scratch the surface of any bigot and all manner of new prejudices come to light. Check out some of the comments that accompany Chuckles' post entitled ' PFLP Leader: Arafat Died of AIDS'.

"Now the liberals will love him even more..."

"I thought AIDS started with monkey's and not goats?"

"So on top of a murderous, rebellious, ugly d*ck head, he was a homosexual too?"

"Can we raise the Andrew Sullivan Feelings Threat Warning to "Heartache" level?"

"MO This isn't the break we are looking for. We need a former lover, with graphic pictures to move the Arab Street. ... Also it is not all great that Arafat was homosexual. This could very easily lead to a lot of gay bashing, both in the streets of Gaza, and in these forums..." [No shit? --ed]

"Hey, maybe Allah is gay and will welcome him with open arms."

"Hillary better get herself checked."

"Maybe from a toilet seat?"

"Zombie - we are due for more Cana type pics of AIDS suffering palis. Keep your photoshop open."
....and so on and so on. In one stream of comments the resident bigots at LGF manage to spew out almost every prejudice, lie, urban legend and slur associated with HIV/Aids. Well done Charles, you must be so proud.

Source: Instaputz

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who belongs to the hate and death cult now?

....asks The Realm of the Sphinx and answers it rather eloquently using the less than eloquent rantings of the moronic bigots at LGF to prove his point.

Read it all here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Excuse us....

...but the hypocrisy detector has just gone into meltdown.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Considering he's a person who operates a site which has a comments section 'fanbase' that regularly calls for (and by regular we mean almost every story....including the ones about cycling) the mass murder of Muslims, includes sick jokes and songs about dead activists, death threats, racism, homophobia and general jaw dropping bigotry........Charles Johnson sure likes to point and shriek at others doing exactly the same.

P.S. For those not realising the huge difference between LGF and Digg here's the rub. LGF is a closed community....i.e. all the comments there are generally made by regulars who share the same mindset whilst Digg is open to every nutjob who can just about manage a keyboard.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Women and children first?

It's been a while since we quoted the cesspool of the LGF comments but as Charles has had his little 'jihads' about other sites comments and their vitriol, let's just remind ourselves of the madness over there.

30 Mark Roth 5/24/2007 1:51:34 pm PDT

This is not news. I had a similar plan for the solution to the palestian/Israeli issues. It goes like this:

Pay each palestinian man, woman, child and infant $5000, load them onto airplanes and ship them to Riyad. Once there push them out and repeat until all "palestinians" were safely in Riyad. Then nuke Riyad.

A physician friend of mine had a question about the plan, because he felt the cost of nukes was perhaps unwarranted.

"What altitude do you plan to push them out at?" he asked.

Obvious solution to the problem.

Sarkozy has the "right" idea.
Via The Sphinx in the comments

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tariq Nelson picks on Charles Johnson

....and wins, obviously.

Last week, Blogger Umar Lee posted a picture that ultimately proved to be a brilliant demonstration that “Islamophobes” (I really don’t like that term and prefer anti-Muslim bigot) are indeed the ideological inheritors of the racists that used to lynch blacks in the early twentieth century.

Umar posted a picture of a lynching with a gathering of racists around and wrote in the caption: “1950 Little Green Footballs Gathering”. This simple picture and a few words from Umar drew the ire of Charles Johnson, the moderator of Little Green Footballs - and anti-Muslim bigot and racist – as well as other anti-Muslim bloggers. These anti-Muslim bloggers posted links to the picture for their legions of readers to comment at Umar’s site. And did they ever!


After reading the sick and racist comments from the Little Green Footballers on Umar’s blog, I wanted to share this with everyone to let everyone know that it is important NOW more than ever to support Muslim institutions such as the Muslim Link and our masjids to make them stronger. We must educate and befriend our non-Muslim neighbors before these bigots mis-educate them. We must define ourselves before they define us as people like “Gus” (The slave character in The Birth of a Nation).

I don’t say this so that we can go wallow in victim-hood or to get involved in wacky conspiracy theories – many of the anti-Jewish conspiracy theories are put out by the far right racists and we should reject this. This is also not to say that Muslims do not do stupid things. But it is not fair to portray all of us as irrational medievalists. We should also know that there are Nathan Bedford Forrestts (founder of the KKK) out there and they are looking to turn hearts and minds against us.

As I write this, my children are sound asleep. They along with your children have done nothing to deserve to be treated like beasts. Let’s resolve to leave a strong and peaceful legacy for them.

Well said Tariq.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Glass house

Before Charles bleats on about nasty comments posted on the WaPo website, perhaps he'd like to spend some time scrutinizing his own blog:

#77 Lizard by the Bay 4/16/2007 10:13:19 am PDT

Blog Posting from Rosie: “Don’t fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers.”

She stands by that statement. In the meantime, Bush gets cut no slack for being the father of twin girls. According to Rosie, you all still need to fear him more than any genocidal Muslim with a nuke. Evidently, parenthood doesn't let you off the hook if you're Republican, only if you're Muslim.

In the meantime, just how many babies have come crawling out of Rosie's fat oozing crack? Zero by my last count. "Hey Rosie, you need a dick for that!"

And while I've got your attention, click on that link and just try to read that blog "posting". Most 13 year olds display better writing skills on their MySpace pages. To the list of Rosie attributes, which include deeply stupid, loud, obnoxious, fat, ugly, dangerous, and sex pervert, we can now officially add profoundly illiterate. [our emphases]

Charming, Charles.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Where hate mongering leads....

....I would imagine if a group of 'Muslim' youths did this Chuckles and his acolytes would be typing so fast the Cheetos dust from their fingers would create a small orange tornado.

Fortunately for him the victims here are an Algerian immigrant and her one year old son. Something tells me the wingnutosphere will pass on this one.

If only it had been committed some French youths in Paris, eh Charles?

An Algerian woman and her one-year-old baby were sexually assaulted in broad daylight in Glasgow in a racially aggravated attack. The 33-year-old woman was pushing her son in his pram through the Yoker area of the city when a group of young men threw stones at them and kicked the woman. One man then exposed himself, indecently assaulted the woman and attempted to perform an indecent act on the one-year-old boy.

The woman, who cannot be identified, had her headscarf torn from her head. She escaped by snatching her son from his pram and running away, leaving behind the pram, headscarf and a baby's bottle.
Racism, bigotry, violence, misogyny and child abuse. All committed by non-Muslims. Nothing to see here, move along.

Source: The Herald and BBC Radio 4