Little Green Footballs

Showing posts with label malkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malkin. Show all posts

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Beware the Paisley Intifada

Pharyngula, the science blogger, gets the whole scarf issue right. He remarks;

But she is wearing a scarf, and as we all know, good Americans wear only traditional American clothes, which do not include scarves.
It's amazing that such a trivial issue gets blown up out of all proportion by the shrieking heads of the right wing blogosphere.

The most alarming fact he comments on however is that the scarf has a paisley design. Now far be it for me to point out the problem there and not being an expert on Palestinian couture, unlike a certain Californian blogger, but I've never seen terrorists draped in paisley.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Reader ST writes to say he feels lonely when Michelle Malkin isn't on Fox News screaming at him, so he's created this little clip to keep the little harpy forever on his screen. We thought we'd share it with you.

Meanwhile reader LG sends us this amusing little tale of CJ at the Steely Dan concert.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sad truth

One of our commenters points out two (1, 2) detailed debunkings of Malkin's Iraq findings concerning the "burned alive" story on Sadly No!. Well worth reading.

(hat tip: Cokane )

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fun and games in Iraq?

Remember when Michelle Malkin came back from Iraq and held up as proof that the media are evil the fact that they're not reporting the re-opening of schools there?

The idea, presumably, was that this omission is so significant that it undermines the entire American war effort and presents a completely disorted picture of what is happening over there.

So we expect, in the interest of providing her readers with comprehensive coverage of events within the Iraqi education sector, Michelle will be blogging this latest incident extensively. Anything else might be construed as a distortion of "the truth about Iraq", right?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What's 100 dead a day compared to 1 rogue policeman?

Guys, guys, guys, are you still obsessing about Mr Hussein? No, not the Iraqi ex-dictator you seem to have forgotten about for now. That Iraqi police officer who has been speaking to the foreign media without permission, saying things you don't like.

Do you really think that, even if the guy is found out to have jihadi sympathies (or be a sergeant, not a captain), this is somehow going to change a single thing about the situation in Iraq, the quagmire YOU helped get us into?

Guys, haven't you heard there's a WAR going on? Are you going to keep jerking off to your inconsequential Hussein story or get real?