Posts tonen met het label Art Zuid 2021. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Art Zuid 2021. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 11 september 2021


 A sculpture of a dog I saw in Amsterdam at the "Art South" exhibition in July. It is made by artist

Tom Claassen  ( 1964)  and has the simple name "Dog". He plays with the simple prnciples of sculpture monumentalism, volume, perspectives and skin. This makes the sculptures solid and robust, but at the same time approachable and accessible to a large audience.

dinsdag 27 juli 2021


 At the  "Art South" exhibition in the open air in Amsterdam was this pavilion where you could have a seat and a drink. It was decorated with art around.

Several golden hares,  made by Dutch artist Iris le Rutte,(1960) were relaxed lying down.

Or alert sitting up with flapping ears.

dinsdag 20 juli 2021

Art South

 A field full of  colors in Amsterdam.

And a sculpture of the Art South exhibition named "Big Sister" made by Marieke Bolhuis.

zaterdag 17 juli 2021


 Your blogger and hubby at the ART South Exhibition in Amsterdam. Linking to "Weekend Street/Reflections

vrijdag 16 juli 2021


 A skywatch in Amsterdam at the Art Exhibition "Art South" in Amsterdam.

Linking to "Skywatch Friday"