Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Monday, 9 October 2017

Explaining Hand Shaking and Hugging to Hatun Tash

Dear Hatun Tash, this issue has been explained previously when Daniel and/or Lizzie were asking about Muslims not shaking the hands of the opposite gender. Please do read up and watch the video on that post and you’ll learn this is also a teaching in Orthodox Judiasm called Shomer Negiah.

I must say I’m disappointed in your colleagues as I’d imagine they would have seen my post on this topic, they should ahave shared it with you so you would not fall into the same error. Perhaps they did not see it. Who knows, you can ask them. And you can share this post with them too.

A few thoughts:

1. You can’t equate somebody not hugging you or touching you for religious reasons as them not loving you. Likewise, you can’t associate the act of you willing to hug them or shake their hands as you loving them more than they love you.

2. If you follow through your thought patter you’d say orthodox Jews don’t love Christians, Muslims and anybody else who is not in their circle of family. Would you be willing to say that in public, I hope not. I would advise you not to as it would be deemed anti-Semitic.

3. The act of hugging or shaking hands in other societies (non Jewish and non Muslim) is probably linked to social propriety and custom. These customs and norms change with time. For instance, I think, without expending time to look it up, a lady in Victorian England would not hug a non family member as it would be considered inappropriate. Likewise for other preceding time periods in the UK which

4. CS Lewis talks about the rule of propriety with regards to women's dress sense. I *think* this would apply equally to a woman’s behaviour (as well as a man’s) with respect to members of the opposite sex. I think he *could* have argued for Christian women to wear hijab in Muslim societies where being hijab-less would be seen as immodest (e.g. Saudi Arabia). This is what he writes: The social rule of propriety lays down how much of the human body should be displayed...thus while the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians the rule of propriety changes.
A girl in the Pacific islands wearing hardly any clothes and a Victorian lady completely covered in clothes might both be equally ‘modest’, proper, or decent, according to the standards of their own societies: and both, for all we could tell by their dress, might be equally chaste (or equally unchaste).

5. Having a more liberal outlook on life where one’s life is governed by less restrictions doe snot mean one’s world view is better. If that was the case then secularism of the hyper-individualist kind would be the truth. In fact, Theists who believe in a personal God Who has Spoken through Revelation would argue it is logical for God to lay down restrictions and prohibitions on behaviour.

Jay Smith Are You Proud of Your Pfander Ministries Students?

For Christians Who Call Muslims Rag-Heads...

Is Genesis 22 a Messianic Prophecy?

Advice For Muslims On Dealing With Christian Anti-Muslim Sentiment...

Friday, 6 October 2017

Advice For Muslims On Dealing With Christian Anti-Muslim Sentiment...

Part of an email advising somebody who was being run down by evangelical Christians attacking Islam:

These people actively look for people who are all jittery when it comes to their emotional polemics against the Faith. They can sense who lacks confidence and self-esteem especially in person (body language) and even on the net with the way somebody is interacting.

There’s a lot of psychology behind evangelical Christian missionaries who try to rob Muslims of faith in the Revelation of Allah. They actively look for people who struggle with English because they think they are easier targets for various reasons (i.e. the Christian can conflate the West with Christianity and thus misappropriate secular Western achievement to Christianity, it’s easier for them to dominate and manipulate a conversation if the other person has a weaker command of the language and we both know that there is an undercurrent in the West which portrays people not educated in Western institutes as lesser thinkers), their ideal is those with inferiority complexes – inferiority complexes when it comes to the West and folks who have elements of self hate within them. A great way to deal with these missionaries is to go head on and use the premises in their arguments against them.

For instance, they will talk about the Prophet being involved in war and put it alongside the Jesus of the Gospel (A Jesus who was never the head of a state nor of a group large enough to wrestle control of the region away from the oppressive Romans so it’s the fallacy of false comparisons although if that’s what they want to do, be their guest and compare Prophet Muhammad with Trinitarian Jesus!).

The premise here is somebody using violence and warfare cannot be from God. Point at the Prophets in the OT – Moses – who used violence and warfare (e.g vs the Midianites in Numbers). But go further, talk about the Trinity idea teaching Jesus is the 2nd person of the Trinity thus Trinitarians essentially believe Jesus ordered the killing of women and children (1 Samuel 15:3).

Likewise, for the issue of polygamy, tell them Jesus did not forbid it according to Biblical Trinitarians and appears to allow it (Exodus 21:10) and he even says he GAVE David his wives according to Trinitarians (2 Samuel 12:8). In this instance you can also point to one of the sparks for their breakaway church movement, Martin Luther. Luther is on record saying nothing in Christian scripture forbids polygamy. [It will be a really Westernised Christian who brings the issue of polygamy up and he/she may find this very difficult and thus jump at the One Flesh verse (Gen 2:24) – they believe MOSES wrote such yet he had more than one wife so clearly the author’s understanding of the one flesh verse could not have been a proscription of polygyny].

Let’s talk about female slaves, they will bring this up. They may have even been taught to say Muslims are allowed to rape female slaves. Of course this is a prurient lie as part of their propaganda of demonisation (but the Christian you’re speaking to may not know this, so be gentle). To respond,say, “OK clearly you believe in the rights and well treatment of slaves, especially female slaves, I respect that as that is what we as Muslims are taught. But before I show you our teachings I want to share what Trinitarians believe Jesus allowed with respect to slaves, this may sound shocking so do look it up and think about it when you have some time later on, he allowed the severe beating of female slaves as long as they got up after a couple of days (Ex 21:20-21). Female slaves were taken as captives of war and married in the OT. There are some secularists, and perhaps liberal Christians, who say this was rape in the Bible but for me I don’t believe God allows rape as we are taught in the Quran (Quran 4:36) to treat slaves well and the Prophetic teaching (Sahih Muslim) is that one cannot even slap a slave – clearly rape would transgress those teachings thus cannot be allowed.”

Notice, what we’ve done my dear, we’ve started planting seeds and educating the Christian friend.

Don’t say any of this aggressively to them, say it how an educator would. You’re the teacher here. You’ve got to be the guide here. This Christian is in severe spiritual danger and his reckless elders may have effectively nudged him on to the precipice of leaving Biblical Christianity and the Abrahamic tradition.

Remember, if they come to you, your demeanour is key, you MUST be confident. Don’t be all jittery, they will sense it and that’s what they want to see. Speak with clarity and purpose. Be smart and informed, if you’re not, they will pick up on it and they will not be influenced as much by you, in fact they will take it as a cue to start influencing you! Be sophisticated and focussed, don’t bang on about America bombing Iraq like some emotional wreck – that’s not the time or place. The number of Muslims I see rattling on about Iraq, British and American imperialism in these discussions is staggering, to be honest it’s neither helpful nor relevant. It can come across as cringe-worthy and embarrassing. The Christian did not come to you as a representative of America, in many cases the Christian is not even American and is against Trump, Bush etc.. It’s a theological discussion, not political. There’s a time and place for remonstrating against the bombings of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan etc. and the contentious issue of Palestine...this discussion is not that time or place.

Take on the role of the educator in the dialogue. The evangelical missionaries have been set up to try and rob you of your faith using secular arguments – their leaders saw how the secularists decimated Christendom in Western Europe and now they have borrowed that polemical style from them because it was effective against their own faith! The only reason why it was effective was because the Christians had been conditioned to think of Western civilisation and Western laws as the pinnacle thus the Church ended up allowing divorce (their teachings do not allow divorce except in the case of adultery), staying silent on sex before marriage and even inviting Bill and Bob, and Jill and Jean, to come into their churches to get “married”. They did all this to appease their congregations who became Westerners at heart rather than true Bible believers.

They’ve lost confidence in their Book. Don’t allow them to try and do the same to you with respect to Islam.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: These evangelical Christians have been conned, they’ve been conned by “Christian” folks who have given them a load of polemics against Islam which, if applied consistently, would mean the Christian would reject Christianity and Biblical teachings. These Christian missionaries, once they wake up and start thinking about what they’re saying, are in danger of leaving the Abrahamic tradition because their Christian leaders was set them up to stumble. The evangelical Christian NEEDS you in this instance. You can be a light for them and a light for their nations. But you’ve got to be smart, sophisticated, educated, confident and concerned. YOU can do it.

Geza Vermes on How Jesus Would Have Reacted to Trinitarian Christians

For Christians Who Call Muslims Rag-Heads...

Are Evengalicals Ignoring Sola Scriptura When Talking About Prophecies in the Bible?

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?


Thursday, 8 June 2017

Ex Christian: Christian Claims of Miracles Were Fake and Tricks

This is an ex-Christian who lost faith in the charismatic Christian movement. He knew Christians cannot do miracles and felt they were trying to trick him by claims of miracles. Muslims need to be watchful for Christian missionaries in Africa and Asia trying the same tricks in an attempt to convert Muslims to Christianity.

Muslims may also want to share this video of a Christian claiming to have healed a Muslim's eyesight. It now turns out the Christian has left Christianity.

This video is also uploaded here and here

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

A Reputation for Rudeness Is Difficult to Shake Off, Ask Pfander...

This Christian group, Pfander Centre for Apologetics, comes across as really rude, condescending and obnoxious towards Muslims at times at Speakers Corner. Muslims should not make the same public relations mistakes as this Christian missionary group. Young Muslim preachers should be wary of perceptions - make sure you don't get a bad reputation in the field. Whichever community you're preaching to make sure they do not think you're rude. Politeness goes along way.

Pfander members Lizzie Schofield, Beth Grove, Sarah Foster, Hatun and Jay Smith

In this video Beth Grove is told off for being rude by a fellow Christian

In this video they are mocking somebody's lack of ability in English

In this video Lizzie Schofield is being rude and is told to stop shouting and have manners

Constant interrupting from Beth in discussion with Shabir Yusuf

I hope Lizzie Schofield, Sharon Hoy, Sarah Foster, Hatun Tash and Beth Grove will reflect on why Jay Smith's Pfander Ministries and Pfander Films has accrued such caustic and extremist anti-Muslim followers over the years. I hope Muslim preachers and Muslim organisations will be extra careful in not developing the reputation Pfander has with Muslims in the eyes of Christians they are giving dawah to.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Muslim Message to Tomi Lahren

Hi Tomi Lahren, I'm a Muslim. Please don't send America to bomb me. In fact, please don't send America to bomb anybody in Muslim countries because every time America does this, many babies, toddlers, teens, women (some whom are pregnant) and elderly people die. So please Tomi Lahren, please don't encourage the bombings of any more Muslims.

By the way Tomi, I don't live in a Muslim country, I am a British Muslim but every time the West bombs a Muslim country it makes it more difficult for me to live here in safety because it radicalises a bunch of Muslims to revenge attack Britain and that leads to the deaths of my fellow countrymen and women as in the 7/7 bombings (London).

Yeah Tomi Lahren, American and British state terrorism results in terrorism from terrorist groups in the Middle East.

So please Tomi Lahren, rise above right wing extremist talk and start thinking about peace. I would also like to invite Tomi Lahren to Islam (if she's not a Muslim already).

Barack Obama accused of terrorism by Noam Chomsky

Muslim Message to US Army Murderer - Jeremy Morlock
US Special Forces Kill Innocents - Blamed Taliban and Honour Killings (Jeremy Scahill)
Are Muslims ordered to kill people in the West? No. Imam Suhaib Webb.

Noam Chomsky on How to Stop Terrorism from ISIS etc.

Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Saturday, 18 July 2015

Why Muslims Should Complain About Andrew Gilligan

Muslims should scare journalists like the Jewish community do

I have sent a complaint off to the Telegraph about Andrew Gilligan's recent article. Other Muslims should do this too. Don't allow inertia to suppress your actions.

In a piece on the 18th of July, Andrew Gilligan labelled a Muslim activist with a history of condemning terrorism as ' one of Britain’s most notorious Islamic extremists'.

Of course it was all untrue and propped up by disingenuous quoting and an appeal to binary thinking such as appealing to Abdullah Al-Andalusi's description of ISIS as “no different to Western armies”. The fact that Al-Andalusi condemns both ISIS and Western armies is lost on is possible to equate both ISIS and Western armies without siding with either. Gilligan is not stupid he knows all this, rather he banks on the stupidity of his readers and the inability of Muslims to organise and lobby like the Jewish community in the West.

I guarantee you, Andrew Gilligan would not have dared to present such a dishonest smear job on a Jewish activist. The opprobrium of the Jewish lobby would come down on him like a ton of bricks in next to no time.

So silent are we that the likes of Andrew Gilligan unfairly attack Muslims regularly, as Mehdi Hasan pointed out:

Gilligan is a journalist who makes lots of money from "outing" as many British Muslims as he can as "Islamists" or "extremists", often on deeply dubious grounds, and with the aid of selective quotation

What does that say about Muslims and what does it say about folk such as Gilligan who feels he can (without much in the way of impunity) smear Muslim activists?

Yep, people do think we are sitting ducks. The only reason why we are perceived this way is due to our unwillingness to put aside theological, personal and cultural differences in order to act as a block. I guarantee you the likes of Gilligan would think twice before smearing a Muslim if that was the case.

And don't fall into the trap of perceived insignificance, just because somebody is smearing Muslims on a national/international stage it does not mean your little Facebook page, blog, website or YouTube channel cannot make any difference. The internet is an equaliser. It may act as a fly in the face of the media monster and better still 100s of Muslims doing the same thing would certainly have a similar affect that the Jewish community have on the media - no journalist wants 100s of flies in his/her face.

The Telegraph's complaints page:

Here's my complaint I sent to The Telegraph


I would like to express great concern at a clear breach of your paper's desire for accuracy and integrity.

Mr Andrew Gilligan in the piece has clearly been demonstrated to have embarked on disingenuous quote-mining. Quite how he labels Mr Abdullah Al Andalusi as 'one of Britain's most notorious Islamic extremists' when Mr Andalusi has consistently denounced terrorism is beyond me.
However, what may dismay you more than Mr Gilligan's sensationalist labeling without any supporting evidence is Mr Gilligan's disingenuous quoting. He somehow managed to misuse an anti-ISIS article by Mr Andalusi for the purposes of smearing Mr Andalusi as a supporter of ISIS!

Please do look into these two responses to Mr Gilligan's article to further your investigation.

1. Chairman of Atheist Ireland, Michael Nugent, runs through Mr Gilligan's betrayal of journalistic integrity:

2. Mr Andalusi himself offers a responses which sheds further light on Mr Gilligan's lack of journalistic scruples:

I would urge you to fully investigate this as Mr Gilligan's article is misleading to say the least.

Another question does arise here, would Mr Gilligan have abandoned honesty in an attempt to smear a Jewish public speaker or is this simply Mr Gilligan feeling standards of consistency and honesty are not so important when attacking Muslim activists in this current climate of Islamophobia.

Kind regards
Yahya Snow

Muslim Complains About BBC The Big Questions - Nicky Campbell

Why Do Sikhs Commit Terrorism, Douglas Murray?
Did Muslims or Zionists Send Death Threats to Jenny Tonge?

Dr. Jonathan Brown's Response to - ISIS - Terrorism - Beheadings!

Noam Chomsky on Barack Obama's Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign in Modern History

Noam Chomsky on How to Stop Terrorism from ISIS etc.

BBC's Andrew Neil Disgusts British Muslims and All Others Who Value Good Journalism

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Car Chat: Drive along with Dr. Yasir Qadhi and Brother Eddie from The Deen Show | 14th June 2015

In this discussion brother Eddie from The Deen Show talks about a number of different topics with the special guest Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, one of them is the issue of Transgender, and what Islam says about it.

Recently for the few that didn't hear about this Major Media World News, was that Caitlyn Jenner (born William Bruce Jenner) who is also a 1976 Olympic champion and American television personality decided to go from being a man to trying to be a women, which caused a huge Media firestorm, to which the famous Rapper Snoop Dog commented saying that the ex-Olympian Bruce Jenner was not deserving of such huge media attention for his decision and Vanity Fair cover, when there were other series Humanitarian projects and issues going on in the world that are largely being unreported that really deserve series Media Attention. (Example: like the innocent humans being persecuted and killed in Burma/Myanmar and other places in the world).

Others points covered:

1. How people will have 1,000,000 small purposes in life if they don't figure out the true "Purpose of life".

2. People experimenting with everything in life because their heart is restless, unhappy, void of peace and contentment.

3. Suicide and depression on the rise because the heart is not connected and charged. 4. Number one suicide site in the world

5. How a person can reach true happiness and contentment in life

6. Dr. Yasir Qadhi on the thawb

7. Recent news of very young College University and PHD students who died right after graduation.

8. Playing the lotto hoping to find purpose by hitting it big

9. Victoria Secret's and how things look good from the outside but Roy Raymond the founder jumped off the golden gate bridge for what was missing on the inside.

10. Celebrities like Robin Williams and others who can't find fulfilment in superficial, material worldly things, and what the only solution to this problem is.

Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi and Brother Eddie in this car chat drive along. Link to video

*** The above video description is taken from The Deen Show's Fan Page.*** ~ [YQ Admin]

Best Religion for Homosexuals and Bisexuals? Islam or Christianity?

For Gay Men: What's Better Islam or Unitarian Universalism?

Rick Warren and Elton John - Muslim Response!

Experience with Israeli Border Control

People converting to Islam

More about the Paraclete

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

Pastor learns about Hijab

Trend: Christians Leaving Christianity

British Muslims Protested to Defend Jesus p

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Monday, 8 June 2015

Muslim Scholar on Jealousy

When you feel jealousy against another person, the only person you're harming is yourself.

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "I warn you against envy, for envy eats up good deeds just as a fire destroys wood."

If you really desire that which your brother or sister has, then instead of pleasing Shaytan and wishing evil for them, please Allah and pray that Allah increases your brother and sister in their blessing. If you do this, Allah will send an Angel who will make du'a for you to have the same!

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whenever a Muslim makes du'a for his (Muslim) brother in his absence, an angel is appointed to say: 'Ameen, may the same be for you too'." ~ [Sahih Muslim]

Taken from Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

Oldest British Convert to Islam, Br Mohamed Keith-Kinglsey Cunliffe?

I'm Muslim and I've sinned and want forgiveness

Muslim Response: Texas Shooting at Islamophobe Drawing Event and Pamela Geller Exposed

Islam Growth Rate - Global

Dr Yasir Qadhi: The Distortion that Prophet Muhammad 'Robbed Caravans'

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Sharia Law against terrorism

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Cyber Bullying: Don't Spread Sex Lies on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and other Social Media

A girl was slandered and this led to her losing her life. Police and journalists said the rumoured video was not even of her.

Respect to Brother Ali Dawah for reaching out to young Muslims and teaching them the gravity of slander. FaceBook and the like can be very dangerous tools. Be careful and think before acting.

Lithuanian Woman on Islam

Russell Brand: Haters of Islam Encourage Muslims towards Extremism

Russell Brand - Muslims Treated Like Jews in Germany in the 30s

Did Muslims or Zionists Send Death Threats to Jenny Tonge?

QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

What Muslims Should Do

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Be watchful of Allah (by adhering to His commandments), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you ask, ask of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help.

And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah has ordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you. The pens had been lifted and the ink has dried." ~ (at-Tirmidhi)  --- Taken from Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

What is Isnad in Hadith Studies

Who was Ibn Majah?

The Honesty of Sunni Scholar, Daraqutni
Rise of Sunnis and Decline of Mutazilites
Who was Abu Isa Tirmidhi?
Ibn Taymiyya Dream of Prophet Muhammad p

Learn about Islam


Monday, 25 May 2015

Advice for young Muslims

If you are able to, then become a Scholar. If you cannot become a Scholar, then become a student [of Islam]. If you cannot do that, then show love for them. If you are unable to do even that, then (at least) do not hate them. ~ ‘Umar b. Abd al-Aziz, the Khalifah of the Muslims (d. 101 AH)

From Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Friday, 15 May 2015

Are Your Family Non Muslims?

Abu Bakr (radi Allahu ‘anhu) was the only major Companion whose entire immediate family members eventually became Muslim. His mother, father, sons and daughters all eventually embraced Islam. Every other companion of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) had at least one close relative that did not accept Islam. (In fact, even the uncle of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) did not embrace Islam).

If your loved ones are yet to become Muslim, be sure to invite them to this beautiful religion through your manners and good actions before your words and speech.

For those whose loved ones did not accept Islam, find comfort and solace in knowing that Allah tests those whom He loves the most, and know that great men and women who came before you also had loved ones that did not become Muslim and passed away, yet they put their trust in Allah and never questioned His infinite wisdom. And in Allah the All-Knowing and Most-Wise do we entrust all our affairs.

From Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

People converting to Islam

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

Pastor learns about Hijab

Trend: Christians Leaving Christianity

British Muslims Protested to Defend Jesus p

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Monday, 23 March 2015

Muslim Complains About BBC The Big Questions - Nicky Campbell

If you viewed the ganging up and the premeditated attacks on two Muslim guests on Nicky Campbell's The Big Questions and you feel like you want to do something please do complain. It will only continue to happen if you stay silent, make your voice heard to the BBC and help make it easier for Muslims on such shows in the future.

You can complain using the BBC complaint page. If you wish to use my email complaint you will have to truncate it in order for it to meet the character limit on the BBC's complaint form.

Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to lodge my concerns related to a segment on The Big Questions (Episode 10, Series 8) which I believe aired on Sunday March the 15th.
The segment was entitled 'Do British Muslims have a problem with apostates?'.
Mr Nicky Campbell drifted away from the topic in what seems to be a deliberate and premeditated attempt to corner two of the Muslim guests (Mr Mohammed Shafiq and Mr Abdullah Al Andalusi).
Mr Campbell departed from neutrality and went on the offensive in order to corner Mr Andalusi about something totally unrelated to the topic. Nicky drew a really tentative link between Mr Al-Andalusi and a London imam and thus demanded rather forcefully that he condemns this imam for alleged comments which were totally off-topic. The link between Mr Al-Andalusi and his imam was merely them having shared the same platform in the past. Mr Al-Andalusi has shared platforms with people like the former EDL leader, Tommy Robinson. So Mr Campbell was being rather selective here. For Mr Campbell to draw such a tentative link and then veer away from the topic in hand while aggressively asking the guest to condemn this imam was an abandonment of neutrality, a basic level of integrity and respect.
A similar approach was adopted by Mr Campbell with regards to Mr Shafiq in which Mr Campbell again veered away from the subject in a premeditated attempt to corner Mr Shafiq for unrelated past comments on social media. Mr Shafiq expressed his concern while on the show stating it appears to be a 'witch-hunt' against certain guests - two Muslims guests (himself and Mr Andalusi).
Aside from this, even the title of the topic and the general approach seemed to be stacked against Muslims. Surely, a fairer approach would have been, not to simply focus on former Muslims but to open up the discuss for people of a variety of faiths to discuss their experiences with their families upon them leaving their respective faiths. Framing the discussion solely on Muslims can easily turn into a witch-hunt against Muslim.
I do believe this segment of the show did the BBC a disservice.
A few further considerations
Amal Farah seems to have an unhealthy intent on attacking her former faith. Moreover, she uses the standard Islamophobic arguments and exhibits clear signs of ignorance. Her claim that Taqiya is about 'tricking Western audiences' not only highlights her ignorance of the concept of Taqiya but also draws attention to her odd distinction between Muslims and the West; she would do well to remember there are millions of Muslims in the West...she should know as she used to be one.
Abdullah Al Andalusi has wrote a review  in which he makes a few good points but in my opinion he should have been more direct in answering the question about apostasy as he ultimately invited the focus on himself. I assume the topic would have been announced before his appearance on the show thus he would have had time to prepare for such questioning. Muslim speakers need to prepare answers for such panel shows which are direct, succinct and in accordance with mainstream Islam.
A reminder so people don't repeat the '0 exMuslims have been killed for apostasy in the UK' line, an incident in 1989:

Moslem who cut his daughter's throat because she decided to become a Jehovah's Witness was convicted of murder Tuesday and sentenced to life in prison.

There's a good little clip of Dr Yasir Qadhi discussing apostasy and whether they should be killed in Non-Muslim countries:

Should Ex Muslims Be Killed in the West? Dr Yasir Qadhi
The BBC would do well not to use anybody from CEMB in the future, this group just seems to be an anti-Muslim hate group.

Did Muslims or Zionists Send Death Threats to Jenny Tonge?

ISIS Refuted by Dr Abdul-Rahman Dimashqia

The Truth About ISIS - Dr Yasir Qadhi

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Muslims Support Simone Powderly

This pressure on women to conform to a certain look needs to be opposed at every opportunity. It's demeaning to women. Women should not be reduced to physical appearance and black women should not be pressured into a more Euro-centric appearance.

A woman from south London says she was left shocked and embarrassed after she was asked to change her hairstyle to get a job. Simone Powderly had braids in her hair when she went for an interview at a recruitment agency and says she was told they weren't suitable when selling "high end" products.

Jamie Foxx Invited to Become Muslim (If not already Muslim)

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Muslim Response to 50 Shades of Grey

[FREE EBOOK: Like A Garment]

These days, a lewd book-to-movie adaption, 50 Shades of Grey, has become very popular even among Muslims. I firmly believe we must again address the sensitive issue of Islamic sexuality and halal

I'm pleased to re-release a FREE Ebook entitled "Like A Garment" based on the successful online seminar Like a Garment: Practical Steps to a Blissful Marriage.

The Ebook discusses intimacy from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as explicit taboo topics of romance and sexuality. This will insha Allah help the married and single alike in preparing a blooming relationship.

Get Your Copy Here:
From Dr Yasir Qadhi's Facebook