Showing posts with label Hamza Yusuf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamza Yusuf. Show all posts
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Food - A Balanced Approach - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Food and Gluttony - Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
Terrorism is Hirabah in Sharia (Law) by Abdal Hakim Murad.
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Refutes ISIS and their idea of Caliphate
Here are a few resources which have refuted ISIS.
ISIS Refuted by Dr Abdul-Rahman Dimashqia
The Truth About ISIS - Dr Yasir Qadhi
Muslim Response to Yezidi (Yazidi) Girls Rape by ISIS Report
Muslim Imam on Beheading of Journalist, Steven Sotloff (Imam Suhaib Webb)
Muslim Scholar on ISIS and the Jordanian Pilot
Jizya and Reported ISIS Thugs Rape Assyrian Mother and Daughter
Dr Yasir Qadhi and Nouman Ali Khan on Charlie Hebdo Killings
Sh Haitham al Haddad exposes ISIS
Why isn't ISIS a Caliphate?
Russell Brand: Haters of Islam Encourage Muslims towards Extremism
Sharia Law against terrorism
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Message of Concern: ExMuslims Come Back To Islam - Don't Give Up on the Mercy of God
This is a message of love and concern to any former Muslims that are out there experiencing hardships and loneliness.
The Islamic faith is the most spiritually uplifting when you understand a faith as opposed to being a nominal and cultural Muslim. Look into Islam with a renewed focus on spirituality and a desire to get closer to God. Start of slowly with the prayer - praying to God attentively rather than nominally will lead you to feel a spiritual empowerment that all humans yearn for.
Here's a short emotional clip from Hamza Yusuf which I think is ideal for exMuslims to see their pathway back to Islam is not irrevocably hindered. There are a number of exMuslims who make the journey back home to Islam. Come on home.
Ex Muslims invited back home
If this video does not play, please see here
People converting to Islam
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Word for Wudu in English - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Vladimir Putin invited to Islam
Does Islam Really Mean Peace? Sh AbdurRaheem McCarthy
Prophecies about the Messiah
Is the Gospel of John reliable?
What does the Aramaic word name for Jesus tell us?
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Monday, 9 February 2015
Hadith Rejectors Refuted by Hamza Yusuf and Dr Jonathan Brown
A video in which we hear Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr Jonathan Brown take apart the Quran-Only Movement (Hadith and Sunnah Rejectors).
According to Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, it is a modern movement and the Quran-Only group is one of the signs of the ignorance of the time. Hamza Yusuf states Prophet Muhammad predicted the coming of this group. Nobody used to reject Hadith until recent times (times of greater ignorance).
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf states the religion falls apart without the Sunnah, he mentions that without Hadith one cannot know how to pray, perform Hajj of Umrah. Hamza Yusuf states it's Kufr to deny Mutawatir Hadith.
According to Dr Jonathan Brown the Quran-Only approach is a modern movement which is inconsistent and intellectually dishonest.
Hamza Yusuf and Dr Jonathan Brown On the Deviant Group of Quran Onlyists
What is Isnad in Hadith Studies
British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Black being linked with sin - not racist Hamza Yusuf
Here is Hamza Yusuf Hanson explaining the association of the colour black with sin:
The Prophet stated "If the son of Adam sins, a black spot appears in the heart. And if the person repents, it is erased. But if he does not it continues to grow until the whole heart becomes pitch black".
(Incidentally this notion of associating the color black with sin is not racist in its origins. The attribution has been long used, even among black Africans who refer to a person who is wretched as "black-hearted". The Qur'an says about successful people on the Day of Judgement that their "faces become white" (3:106). This does not mean "white" as a hue of skin; rather it refers to light and brightness, which are spiritual descriptions not associated with actual color. A black person can have spiritual light in his face, and a white person can have darkness, and vice versa, depending on one's spiritual and moral condition). [p8. Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf, Sandala, 2012]
White supremacy, Abraham Lincoln and Islam
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Calamities as the fruit of our tyranny
The Quran demands that we see calamities as the fruit of our own tyranny, and recognize that our suffering is rooted in our attachment to all that is other than God. For calamities compel us to acknowledge our dependence upon our Creator; they force us to see that we need to offer our servitude to none other than God alone. When we recognize this, we are liberated from the oppression of both the self and others, and whatever befalls us reveals itself as a tribulation from the sole source of all that was, is, and ever will be. The Quran states: "Those who when calamities befall them say, 'We belong to God alone, and to God we return' - these are the ones who have grace from their Lord and mercy" (2:156-157).
[The Prayer of the Oppressed, Hamza Yusuf,Sandala Productions, 2010, Kindle]
What does the Aramaic word name for Jesus tell us?
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Suicide Bombing - When Scholars Are Not Listened To
When suicide bombers first emerged in the Muslim world, borrowing a page from Marxist-influenced Hindu political movements of Southeast Asia, traditional scholars condemned the innovation. But soon, extremist Muslims began quoting Qur'anic verses and hadith to support violent measures as a legitimate response to intolerable social conditions and oppression. As popular support for this innovation gained ground in Palestine and Lebanon, the scholars were drowned out, and before long, even the Arabic news media adopted references to "martyrdom operations". The Prayer of the Oppressed, Hamza Yusuf,Sandala Productions, 2010, Kindle Loc. 517]
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
What is Isnad?
Learn about Islam
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
What is Isnad?
Learn about Islam
Oppressed can become oppressors
The oppressed begins to imagine how he can hurt the oppressor, how he can cause his oppressor to feel pain. We engage in such retributive behaviour in our everyday lives, spurred by the oppression we feel from others. We feel hurt and anger, and we plan revenge. It might take a form of giving a spouse the silent treatment for a few days; it might turn into an attack on the property of those who stole from us; it might be unleashing vicious slander against someone who betrayed us; or it might be a suicide bomb against a long-standing and violent aggressor. As the enormity of the wrong increases, so too often does the enormity of the response. The Prayer of the Oppressed, Hamza Yusuf,Sandala Productions, 2010, Kindle Loc. 175
Learn about Islam:
Friday, 27 June 2014
A Moral Vision For The Future - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Hamza Yusuf: Reflections on the core values that bring us together to build the beloved community - a moral vision for the future.
[This is Session 10 of the 50th Annual ISNA Convention
ISNA Website:
Video Courtesy of:]
[Hamza Yusuf is a president, cofounder, and senior faculty member of Zaytuna College. He is an advisor to Stanford University's Program in Islamic Studies and the Center for Islamic Studies at Berkeley's Graduate Theological Union. He also serves as a member of the board of advisors of George Russell's One Nation, a national philanthropic initiative that promotes pluralism and inclusion in America. In addition, he serves as vice-president for the Global Center for Guidance and Renewal, which was founded and is currently presided over by Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, one of the top jurists and masters of Islamic sciences in the world. Recently, Hamza Yusuf was ranked as "the Western world's most influential Islamic scholar" by The 500 Most Influential Muslims, edited by John Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin, (2009).]
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Hamza Yusuf - Central Purpose Of The Human Being
People having dreams and converting to Islam:
Come to Islam
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Hamza Yusuf Explaining Concept of Dhimmi (Dhimmitude Explained)
Hamza Yusuf on Dhimmitude
What is dhimmi?
Hamza Yusuf points out that the Dhimmi system is not a negative thing. He gave the example of the Gulf War (1) where the US protected Kuwait at a COST - protection money. Hamza Yusuf states protection is not free and the Islamic dhimmi system is much cheaper than what America charged.
Hamza Yusuf gave a historically documented case of Muslims returning the Jizya because the Muslims were unable to protect the Christians and Jews of that area. Muslims weren't squeezing people for every drop - it was a case of pay if you had the capacity. Old people who couldn't pay were exempt.
A state of humiliation?
Hamza Yusuf touches on the translation of Quran 9:29 and the tafsirs. Hamza Yusuf finds it dangerous to say 'in a state of humiliation', he seems to disagree with this view. He highlights that there is a big debate over what the word 'Saaghir' means. Hamza Yusuf suggests we can look at it as 'a minority' rather than 'a state of humiliation'.
What does Dhimma mean?
Hamza Yusuf teaches us it means 'responsibility'. He also states it's the Muslims' responsibility to defend the dhimmis and their places of worship. Hamza Yusuf reminds us of the Islamic teaching of not harming the dhimmi (people in the Muslim world should be reminded of this).
Hamz aYusuf is honest, he doesn't whitewash anything and does touch on the misbehaviour of Muslims in history.
Hamza Yusuf offers an important point so we can have a realistic view of Muslim history; in Egypt it took 300 years before the Muslims reached 50% of the population, it Syria it took 500 years. Hamza Yusuf sees the existence of minorities in Muslim lands as a source of pride as it shows Muslims defended their minorities.
An article on Jizya
An article on Dhimmis:
What is dhimmi?
Hamza Yusuf points out that the Dhimmi system is not a negative thing. He gave the example of the Gulf War (1) where the US protected Kuwait at a COST - protection money. Hamza Yusuf states protection is not free and the Islamic dhimmi system is much cheaper than what America charged.
Hamza Yusuf gave a historically documented case of Muslims returning the Jizya because the Muslims were unable to protect the Christians and Jews of that area. Muslims weren't squeezing people for every drop - it was a case of pay if you had the capacity. Old people who couldn't pay were exempt.
A state of humiliation?
Hamza Yusuf touches on the translation of Quran 9:29 and the tafsirs. Hamza Yusuf finds it dangerous to say 'in a state of humiliation', he seems to disagree with this view. He highlights that there is a big debate over what the word 'Saaghir' means. Hamza Yusuf suggests we can look at it as 'a minority' rather than 'a state of humiliation'.
What does Dhimma mean?
Hamza Yusuf teaches us it means 'responsibility'. He also states it's the Muslims' responsibility to defend the dhimmis and their places of worship. Hamza Yusuf reminds us of the Islamic teaching of not harming the dhimmi (people in the Muslim world should be reminded of this).
Hamz aYusuf is honest, he doesn't whitewash anything and does touch on the misbehaviour of Muslims in history.
Hamza Yusuf offers an important point so we can have a realistic view of Muslim history; in Egypt it took 300 years before the Muslims reached 50% of the population, it Syria it took 500 years. Hamza Yusuf sees the existence of minorities in Muslim lands as a source of pride as it shows Muslims defended their minorities.
An article on Jizya
An article on Dhimmis:
and Alqaeda, why they commit terrorism - Asghar Bukhari
Muslims against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Muslims against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Hamza Yusuf Destroying Islamophibia: Men and Women in Islam
Men And Women (In Islam) - Hamza Yusuf
Hamza Yusuf speaks about the relationship between men and women, and their interplay within Islam. Adds emphasis to the female gender in order to try and combat fears and unguided opinions generally held concerning their role by both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
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Hamza Yusuf speaks about the relationship between men and women, and their interplay within Islam. Adds emphasis to the female gender in order to try and combat fears and unguided opinions generally held concerning their role by both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
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Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Hamza Yusuf Speaking to Bill Gates
Bill Gates sitting with Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf at the Global Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi.
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf speaking to Bill Gates about Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, “You are trying to eliminate diseases of the body with vaccines and my teacher is trying to eliminate diseases of ignorance with the vaccines of ideas!”Reblogged from ibnpercy
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Prophet Muhammad (saw) in the Bible - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
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Muslim scholar on One Direction: Muslim girls and boys don't listen to this music!
Muslim scholar, Hamza Yusuf, has warned Muslim girls and boys from listening to One Direction. In fact, he is against anybody listening to it, Muslim or Non-Muslim. The sheikh highlights some of One Drections lyrics which appear to be teaching disobedience to parents and sex before marriage.
Even though the band, One Direction, includes a Muslim singer (Zayn Malik) it does not mean the songs and the actions of One Direction are wholesome and in accordance with Islam.
As Muslims we should recognise popular culture is not something which we should be trying to imitate. Assimilation into the West is not our purpose. We need to show people the beauty of our religion and cultures rather than allowing Western popular culture to shape us. We need to recognise the dangers of pop and hip hop music. The music industry is a very powerful industry that parents should be wary of.
I pray Zayn Malik can have some influence in directing One Direction to a better direction and/or leaves the band and becomes a true leader for the Muslim community in the UK and the West in general. Ameen.
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf on One Direction - Short Video
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam to Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Tags/; islam is true, One Direction Islamic view, pop bands, miley cyrus, rap, zakir naik, Yusuf islam, cat stevens, abdal hakim murad, pharrell Williams, x factor, hijabi, muslims, muslimah, imam, iran, tour, music industry, Madonna muslim boyfriend,happy british muslims video, night clubs, dancing, partying, alcohol, drinking, smoking, Mormons, walid shoebat,
Even though the band, One Direction, includes a Muslim singer (Zayn Malik) it does not mean the songs and the actions of One Direction are wholesome and in accordance with Islam.
As Muslims we should recognise popular culture is not something which we should be trying to imitate. Assimilation into the West is not our purpose. We need to show people the beauty of our religion and cultures rather than allowing Western popular culture to shape us. We need to recognise the dangers of pop and hip hop music. The music industry is a very powerful industry that parents should be wary of.
I pray Zayn Malik can have some influence in directing One Direction to a better direction and/or leaves the band and becomes a true leader for the Muslim community in the UK and the West in general. Ameen.
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf on One Direction - Short Video
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam to Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Tags/; islam is true, One Direction Islamic view, pop bands, miley cyrus, rap, zakir naik, Yusuf islam, cat stevens, abdal hakim murad, pharrell Williams, x factor, hijabi, muslims, muslimah, imam, iran, tour, music industry, Madonna muslim boyfriend,happy british muslims video, night clubs, dancing, partying, alcohol, drinking, smoking, Mormons, walid shoebat,
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Okay From African Word Wokay - Hamza Yusuf
'Okay' is a word which originates from Africa according to the scholar, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
When the slaves came over from West Africa they used the word 'wokay' as a positive response to the slave masters' orders. This word was changed to okay and now it's recognised all over the world. Little did we know of the African origin of the word!
Percentage of Muslim slaves brought to the Americas:
African and Arabs Marrying at time of the Prophet p:
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
When the slaves came over from West Africa they used the word 'wokay' as a positive response to the slave masters' orders. This word was changed to okay and now it's recognised all over the world. Little did we know of the African origin of the word!
Percentage of Muslim slaves brought to the Americas:
African and Arabs Marrying at time of the Prophet p:
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Pamela Geller Refuted: Honor Killings and Islamic Law (Sharia)
Pamela Geller entitles a video, 'Islamic Honor Killings in the West'. This is a contradiction of terms as Islamic Law opposes honor killings.
Pamela Geller wrongly claims that honor killings is a practice under Islamic Law (Sharia). This is a blatant falsehood. In the video we see Dr Bilal Phillips teach that Honor Killings is not allowed according to Islamic Law - in fact he teaches that the Sharia (Islamic Law) sees honor killing as MURDER which is punishable by execution.
It's interesting to notice how Muslim scholars such as Dr Shabir Ally, Hamza Yusuf and Dr Bilal Phillips all disagree with the wild assertions of Pamela Geller concerning the Islamic view on honor killings. Sadly, people like Pamela Geller continue to spread their ignorance and prejudice and the scholarly voices are being drowned out.
Watch Pamela Geller's falsehoods on Honor Killings and Islamic Law are corrected by clips of Hamza Yusuf, Dr Shabir Ally and Dr Bilal Phillips
If video does not play, see
Aside from the misinformation Pam Geller presents about Islam's view on honor killings the other worrying aspect of her work is her misappropriating of pictures of the victims of honor killings. Islamophobes such as Geller will trample on the misery and the hurt of others just to pursue their agenda of attacking Islam and demonizing Muslims. Truthful and sincere people don't do this.
Another point that came out of the video is that honour killings, as mentioned by Hamza Yusuf, have a long history and indeed are not simply peculiar to Muslims. Hamza Yusuf menions that it has taken place in Arab Christian communities as well as Mexico. Of course, honor killings are not limited to these communities - all communities have experienced honor killings be they Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist etc.. Hamza Yusuf mentioned the figure of 20 million abortions having been conducted in America, isn't this at least in some instances a form of honor killing?
And finally, Dr Shabir Ally mentions those who perpetrate honor killings are not following the Quran, he then mentions that he can find something that can be described as honor killing in the Bible. I Wonder if Pamela Geller would call Dr Shabir Ally and ask him for the Bible references and then make a video about Christianity and Honor killing entitled 'Christian Biblical Honor Killngs'? Guess she won't. Guess the donations and other support she receives would diminish quite considerably if she did. That's the nature of the business of ISLAMOPHOBIA!
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:
“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”
Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:
Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
tags: islam is truth, amina sarah said, yaser said, murdered, honour killings unislamic see muslim sheikhs confirm this, Jessica Mokdad, Pakistan, Jordan honor killings, Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt, Robert spencer, walid shoebat, usama dakdok, Nonie Darwish; Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; and James Lafferty Robert spencer, david wood, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), zainaab, sahar and geeti shafia, rona amir shafia, aunt, Canada, honour killing, zainab shafia, noor almaleki, shafia, tater harun, harry potter afshan azad, muslim girls dating, hindu, nonmuslim, Switzerland, uk, tulay goren, torture, feroz mangal khatera sadiqi yasmine and Sabrina larbi-cherif, boyfriend, ayman udas, poet, artist, aasiya Hassan, hatin surucu Germany, muslim girls, western, banaz mahmood, police, atlas shrugs, aqsa parvez, hijab,
Pamela Geller wrongly claims that honor killings is a practice under Islamic Law (Sharia). This is a blatant falsehood. In the video we see Dr Bilal Phillips teach that Honor Killings is not allowed according to Islamic Law - in fact he teaches that the Sharia (Islamic Law) sees honor killing as MURDER which is punishable by execution.
It's interesting to notice how Muslim scholars such as Dr Shabir Ally, Hamza Yusuf and Dr Bilal Phillips all disagree with the wild assertions of Pamela Geller concerning the Islamic view on honor killings. Sadly, people like Pamela Geller continue to spread their ignorance and prejudice and the scholarly voices are being drowned out.
Watch Pamela Geller's falsehoods on Honor Killings and Islamic Law are corrected by clips of Hamza Yusuf, Dr Shabir Ally and Dr Bilal Phillips
If video does not play, see
Aside from the misinformation Pam Geller presents about Islam's view on honor killings the other worrying aspect of her work is her misappropriating of pictures of the victims of honor killings. Islamophobes such as Geller will trample on the misery and the hurt of others just to pursue their agenda of attacking Islam and demonizing Muslims. Truthful and sincere people don't do this.
Another point that came out of the video is that honour killings, as mentioned by Hamza Yusuf, have a long history and indeed are not simply peculiar to Muslims. Hamza Yusuf menions that it has taken place in Arab Christian communities as well as Mexico. Of course, honor killings are not limited to these communities - all communities have experienced honor killings be they Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist etc.. Hamza Yusuf mentioned the figure of 20 million abortions having been conducted in America, isn't this at least in some instances a form of honor killing?
And finally, Dr Shabir Ally mentions those who perpetrate honor killings are not following the Quran, he then mentions that he can find something that can be described as honor killing in the Bible. I Wonder if Pamela Geller would call Dr Shabir Ally and ask him for the Bible references and then make a video about Christianity and Honor killing entitled 'Christian Biblical Honor Killngs'? Guess she won't. Guess the donations and other support she receives would diminish quite considerably if she did. That's the nature of the business of ISLAMOPHOBIA!
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:
“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”
Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:
Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
tags: islam is truth, amina sarah said, yaser said, murdered, honour killings unislamic see muslim sheikhs confirm this, Jessica Mokdad, Pakistan, Jordan honor killings, Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt, Robert spencer, walid shoebat, usama dakdok, Nonie Darwish; Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; and James Lafferty Robert spencer, david wood, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), zainaab, sahar and geeti shafia, rona amir shafia, aunt, Canada, honour killing, zainab shafia, noor almaleki, shafia, tater harun, harry potter afshan azad, muslim girls dating, hindu, nonmuslim, Switzerland, uk, tulay goren, torture, feroz mangal khatera sadiqi yasmine and Sabrina larbi-cherif, boyfriend, ayman udas, poet, artist, aasiya Hassan, hatin surucu Germany, muslim girls, western, banaz mahmood, police, atlas shrugs, aqsa parvez, hijab,
Hamza Yusuf,
Honor Killings,
Pam Geller,
Shabir Ally,
ExMuslims Come Back To Islam (Emotional Video of Hamza Yusuf)
If you are an ex Muslim please come back to Islam. Islam is a way of life that enables one to have a relationship with God. Islam is a beautiful religion which if full of proofs and spirituality. Please watch this video, the door is still open...
ExMuslims Come Back To Islam Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Emotional
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
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ExMuslims Come Back To Islam Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Emotional
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Learn about Islam:
tags: islam is truth, apostate, murtad, farhan qureshi, ozzycda, colin, rifqa bary, zakir naik, brother Imran, iera, hamza tzortzis, council of exmuslims, british, American, Pakistani, Iranian, Arabic, nabeel qureshi, al fadi, abnsat, walid shoebat, kamal saleem,
tags: islam is truth, apostate, murtad, farhan qureshi, ozzycda, colin, rifqa bary, zakir naik, brother Imran, iera, hamza tzortzis, council of exmuslims, british, American, Pakistani, Iranian, Arabic, nabeel qureshi, al fadi, abnsat, walid shoebat, kamal saleem,
Honor Killings Not Islamic - Bilal Philips and Hamza Yusuf (Honour Killings)
In this video we see Dr Bilal Philips mention that Sharia does not allow Honour Killings. We also hear Sheikh Hamza Yusuf discuss honor killings as being a global problem rather than a Muslim problem.
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.
Learn about Islam:
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.
Learn about Islam:
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