Showing posts with label Hijab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hijab. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Pfander Ministries Blog on Hijab by Lizzie Schofield

A few bits of commentary on some statements made by Lizzie Schofield who works (?) for Jay Smith’s group called Pfander Centre for Apologetics. Lizzie proffers her unfortunate and misguided view on hijab which is effectively a smear:

What is the hijab all about? It’s an outward reminder of female oppression by a religion that subjugates women in almost every area of life.

Firstly, this is not true – we can discuss all this at a later date.

Secondly, when she says the hijab is “a reminder of female oppression by a religion that subjugates women in almost every area of life” it’s actually not the religion she is attacking – she’s actually attacking Muslim men. The religion cannot practically enforce anything – never mind female subjugation – it’s the adherents of that faith who practically enforce and encourage religious practices. For instance the Biblical teaching of no remarriage after divorce is not a case of the Bible/Christianity subjugating women to this law but rather the Christian community.

This, “I’m attacking Islam not Muslims” slogan in many cases is a sneaky cop-out used by Islamophobes which sadly many people (Muslims included!) don’t cotton on to. Critics like Lizzie Schofield are criticising Muslims and dressing it up as solely a criticism of Islam. They may not notice that they are actually attacking Muslims hence their howls of protest when called Islamophobes but in all reality they are attacking Muslims. But, what type of Muslims is Lizzie targeting here?

Lizzie draws a dichotomy between Muslims in the East and Muslims in the West:

There are two narratives around the hijab. The first is that of the Western muslimah, which says “I like wearing the veil. It’s my way of expressing my faith. No-one forces me to do it, it’s my choice.” And because running and swimming is awkward with a hijab, when companies produce Muslim-friendly sportswear making it easier for these women to exercise, this improves their choices. This is a good thing.

Then there is the other narrative, or rather the uncomfortable reality that wearing the hijab for most Muslim women around the world is not a meaningful choice, either because it is illegal or due to prohibitive social pressure. How often do Saudi or Afghan or Somali women wander the streets of their countries without a hijab? Even if they say to themselves “I don’t feel like wearing it today,” they cannot act on their feeling without consequences.

This is not the first time Pfander have drawn an uncomfortable dichotomy between Easterners and Westerners – see Jay Smith’s degrading comments on non-Westerners.

It’s great Lizzie Schofield is not plying the propaganda narrative of oppressed Muslim women in Britain and the rest of the West. I appreciate that but I assume the copious number of Muslim ladies in the West who have communicated the hijab is worn as a choice, specifically their choice, has something to do with her not willing to impugn Muslims in the West of such a charge.

But why treat the Muslims in the East differently?

I suspect Lizzie Schofield and her cohorts on the right wing, be they “Christian evangelists” or just regular right wingers with or without the jackboots, don’t really hear much from or about Muslim women in the East and the little they do hear is filtered to portray a certain narrative. To be fair, this will be the case for pretty much most people in the West albeit those not marooned in the right wing are more willing to look at alternative views to scope a wider perspective.

As examples of Muslim ladies being forced to wear the hijab, Lizzie picks Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Somalia. Afghanistan is a war-torn country, the Christians in the West really know how to turn weaker countries into those, so let’s discount Afghanistan. Somalia’s population according to Worldometers is less than 11.5m and Saudi’s is just over 32.5m.

Why didn’t Lizzie not go to the most populous Muslim country, Indonesia? The population of Indonesia is over 260m. A quarter of a billion! There’s no country-wide hijab law as far as I’m aware. Correct me if I’m wrong, the same applies to Pakistan – the second largest Muslim country (over 160m). And how about India, a non-Muslim country, which has the 2nd greatest number of Muslims living in it after Indonesia.

There’s no country-wide law enforcing hijab in any of those countries. It seems Lizzie is being quite selective. Sadly, this is not uncommon for Pfander Ministiries.

But let’s go back to Saudi Arabia and Somalia (I haven’t checked the law in Somalia but let’s just assume Lizzie is correct and the hijab is mandated by the law of the land there), none of this would support Lizzie’s assertion that there’s no meaningful choice. Generally, countries mandate laws which the majority of the population support, has Lizzie ever thought that most of the women in those two countries actually agree with their respective laws on hijab?

Is this a Western supremacist idea playing out? A case of “oh those Easterners don’t really want to live by such and such laws, they want to live like Westerners, so clearly their governments are forcing laws on to them”?

I do wonder if Lizzie and her fellow right wing evangelical colleagues in the West say the same thing about places like Uganda and their anti-gay laws, is Lizzie really willing to say the Christians there are forced to oppose homosexuality?

Be honest Lizzie, how many Somali and Saudi women have you spoken to? Let’s pay for your ticket to Saudi Arabia and jet you off there – I’m not willing to send you off to Afghanistan as I’m worried some Christian plane flying overhead will drop a bomb on your head. We wouldn’t want you to experience the misery inflicted on Afghans simply because some Christian soldiers, who are squatting on Native American land (post the genocide of said natives), are puppets for their natural-resources addicted elite who “serve” a growing number of civilians drunk on Islamophobia.

Anyways, pack your burkha and let’s jet you off to Saudi! [Note before you do jet off please remove your reference to Aqsa Parvez, to misuse her murder for your propaganda is shameless. Utterly shameless.]

Lizzie also mentions some small protest in Iran against the law on hijab. I didn’t check it out but hey, let’s run with it. OK, so there’s a small Iranian group protesting against one of their laws. There’s many small groups protesting against certain things in Europe i.e against abortion, immigration (Muslim immigration!) and gay marriage or those protesting against bans on acts such as bestiality. There are people protesting all sorts of laws in every country – perhaps not in North Korea. Let’s not make a big deal out of it, Lizzie.

Considering, in my last interaction with Lizzie’s blog material I pointed out Christian countries are the worst behaved sexually than any other countries one would think Lizzie wouldn’t be so quick to jump on the wagon promoting a less moderate environment for others who aren’t inflicted with the same sexually debauched societies as that which Westernised Christians have produced?

Lizzie Schofield, not only lives in one of the most sexually ill-disciplined societies in the world but she lives in one where the female body is used to market anything from cars, movies, casinos, video games etc.. Not to mention, your average woman here really can’t go out without make-up now – such is the point of no return this “Westernised Christian” society has reached. I challenge Lizzie Schofield, Hatun Tash, Sarah Foster and Beth Grove to go sans make-up for a few weeks when on their trips out to Hyde Park. Doubt they will be willing to take it up even if the Islamophobe Jay Smith asks them to!

Folks, when our women dread to go outside without make-up we know our societies have destroyed the self-esteem of women here. Westernised Christian culture is ruining women’s self esteem and confidence. Sadly, Lizzie, a victim of this “Westernised Christian” culture in an effort to avoid dealing with the problems at home wants to point fingers at societies that are purer than those produced by “Westernised Christians”.

Lizzie, you’re not fooling anybody half-way smart. And you’re not attracting anybody smart with your ideas and arguments.

There’s also a shoddy argument from Lizzie that the hijab doesn’t help against sexual harassment. She cites some survey from Egypt indicating 99% of women have experienced sexual harassment – I’m not convinced with that survey.

The problem here is Lizzie isn’t doing a like for like comparison. If you really want to find out if the hijab plays a role in helping women to avoid unwanted attention and advances from strange men the social research has to be conducted in the same place and the results are more credible if the same volunteer is used. Karim Metwaly’s social experiment in New York of the same woman wearing hijab and not wearing hijab whilst walking the streets of NY for 5 hours in each dress code supports the view the hijab does discourage men from sexually harassing women.

Surely the thinking Christian will be asking why Lizzie’s Westernised version of Christianity is inferior to Islam in that it doesn’t help women avoid catcalls and other unwanted harassment from men whilst Islam does offer something very practical which actually works. The same goes for alcohol, Islam offers a better view on alcohol than Westernised Christianity. If the Christians at Pfander Ministries believe Islam is from the devil then they have an issue in trying to explain why this religion has better moral teachings than their Christianity? Another question to lob in if they really believe Muslims follow a satanic faith, why are Muslims better behaved sexually than Christians (Christians believe they have the Holy Spirit guiding them)?

Lizzie in her pre-emptive efforts to fend off shrieks of hypocrisy puts her foot in her mouth as she effectively admits she’s a liberal Christian and that she, if consistent, is arguably closer to believing Paul of Tarsus was oppressing women:

Are Christians being hypocritical here? Occasionally at Speaker’s Corner I get admonished for not wearing a head covering by Muslims. They quote 1 Corinthians 11:4-6:

Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, 5 but every wife[a] who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. 6 For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head.

If, for the sake of argument, we take the most conservative interpretation of these verses and assume that married Christian women today are to cover their heads, there are two things to note here. 1. It is a symbolic gesture of submission to her husband, a husband who is instructed to love her “like Christ loves the church, who gave himself up for her “(Ephesians 5:25). 2. It is subject to constraints, i.e. for wives at a church gathering and only when she prays or prophesies. She is not being told to cover her head as she goes about her daily life.

Firstly, saying the headcovering is a conservative Christian understanding is an admission that her group are liberal (Westernised Christians). What else are they liberals on, gay marriage, abortion, sex before marriage, dating, women’s dress codes, female clergy etc.?
Secondly, Paul of Tarsus was ordering women to dress a certain way thus they were meant to submit to a dress code given to them by a man (Paul of Tarsus)

The Jesus scholar, Geza Vermes, thought Paul of Tarsus ordered women to wear veils on their heads because he thought they would tempt angels:

The idea of potential sexual rapport between angels and women continued to float in the air even as late as in the New Testament times. Indeed, when St Paul forbade the female members of the church of Corinth to attend Christian assemblies with the head uncovered, he justified this prohibition by his belief that the sight of their hair might lead astray some passing-by sons of heaven: 'That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels', Paul insisted (1 Cor 11:10).

If Vermes' view concerning Pauls' reasoning is correct one wonders how many early Christians thought hijab-less women as a temptation to sin. After all, if they thought angels could not resist unveiled Christian women then what about the lay Christians? So why in the world are they freely mixing with uncovered Christian women at churches every Sunday? Not only that, what about day to day activities?

Christians need to stop presenting Christianity as secularism with a belief in a trinity and blood sacrifice. It's not.

Paul's alleged precaution against sexual sin (the hijab) has largely been ignored by most Christian women. We would very much encourage Christian women to ignore Paul on his mistakes but act upon the teachings which have a ring of truth to them. The hijab is something Mary wore and something which all women should strive for. Of course, we as Muslims are not going to accept the idea that angels are tempted to sexual sin. Muslims believe angels do not disobey God.

Why are Christian men so lax in encouraging the hijab? For some reason, Christians follow Paul theologically to the letter yet ignore him practically as in this case. I'd like to see Christians ignore Paul theologically and adopt Paul's teaching of hijab...

You don't have to believe Paul's alleged reasoning for the hijab, just start handing out hijabs to women who claim to love Jesus (p).

PS You can get all your hijabs from an Islamic centre near you, please pick some literature up on the way out. Thanks. May God bless you.
Analysed: Lizzie Schofield talking to Muslims about the hijab

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Muslim Scholar Reacts Hijab Ban by European Court of Justice (Dr Yasir Qadhi)

The European Court of Justice, the highest court of the European Union, yesterday declared that it was legal for corporations to enforce a ban on all clothing that was of an overtly religious or political nature. Essentially, the equivalent of the Supreme Court of Europe ruled that it is permissible for any company to ban hijabs.

Where does one begin with the absurdity of such a ruling? How does one explain that the very civilization that prides itself on 'freedom' and 'liberty' gets so worked up about a piece of cloth on a woman's head?

The simple fact of the matter is, despite all of the claims of freedom, there are inherent biases that even European supreme court judges are not immune from. It is not 'religious clothing' that they are opposed to, even though that is the language that is used. It is, specifically, the hijab. Nothing else - all bans are incidental. The ban that will result on Sikh turbans or Jewish yarmulkes are unintended collateral damages, needed only to provide the veneer of legitimacy to claim that this ban wasn't solely meant for Muslim women who choose to cover.

Had the court ruled to to ban immodest clothing (short mini-skirts; cleavage showing; etc.), all of Europe would have been in an uproar. 'How dare you legislate what a woman may or may not wear?!' they would loudly proclaim. Yet, for a woman to wish to appear modestly, and to wish to avert lustful eyes from her persona, is somehow an affront to Western sensibilities. Whatever happened to 'live and let live' here?

It is quite simple, really. That they banned the hijab is actually totally understandable. The hijab really and truly frightens them. It is a slap on their face. Given the 'freedoms' they claim to offer women, that a group of women would then choose to turn away from those 'freedoms' and embrace the ultimate freedom of lowering themselves to the laws of the Creator is a rejection of their ideals and values. By choosing to wear the hijab, these sisters actually threaten the masculinity and superiority that many in the West feel. It is, in religious terms, blasphemy in their eyes - the exact equivalent of zealous fundamentalists not tolerating icons and shrines. Just as shrines seem to contradict perfect monotheism, so too does a woman's modesty apparently contradict the sexual freedom and liberties offered by Western society. So, for champions of such 'freedoms', the hijab is an affront that cannot be tolerated.

Frankly, I personally would have much less of a problem if their hatred were explicit. If they were to say, 'We wish to ban the hijab because we are a bunch of sexist, chauvinist Islamophobes', that would actually be so blunt as to not really elicit much of a response from me. To you be your way, and to me mine, and God will judge between us in the end.

But what irritates me to no end is the hypocritical claim of upholding freedom and liberty - the notion that somehow, ideals of individual choice and personal liberties are sacrosanct and inviolable in this society as long as no one else is harmed.

No, dear Europe, that is not just true. Stop pretending that you are bastions of liberty and freedom. Cases like these, and the utter lack of outcry generated, clearly demonstrate the sheer hypocrisy and falsehood of these claims.

Liberalism, it appears, can only tolerate a spectrum of liberals. Otherwise, liberalism is just as illiberal as religious fundamentalism. But at least the fundamentalists are honest with you about what they allow and don't!

From Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Battle for the Hijab in Turkey

By 1926 the caliphate, Sharia law courts, Sufi brotherhoods, even the Arabic call to prayer, had all been abolished. Students in the new Turkish Republic attended universities where headscarves were taboo or banned outright, and the countries elites allowed no place for religion in public (for many, even private) life.

..since the late 1990s Turkey's Islamist parties have lobbied only for reforms granting practicing Muslims parity in Turkish society. Under the rule of popularly elected, and re-elected, AK party, since 2009 the lecture halls of Turkish universities bob with stylishly veiled heads often more eager to learn than their male classmates. The largest Islamic movement in the country, following the preacher Fethullah Gulen, boasts tightly organized branches not only throughout Turkey but also around the world devoted to interfaith dialogue, schooling and cultivating non-threatening Islamic piety.  'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p158

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hijab and Without Hijab - the difference in sexual harassment levels

It's amazing to see how effective the Hijab is in keeping a woman from getting sexually harassed on the streets of Christian America. However, it's sad to see the level of sexual harassment a lady receives for wearing the regular American fashion.

Clearly the regular fashion in Christian America is somehow attracting undesirable men and leading them to harass young ladies on the street.

Watch this video in which a young lady walks in the streets of Manhattan whilst wearing a t-shirt, jeans and a cardigan. You will be shocked by the amount and type of sexual harassment the lady was facing.

Contrast it with the same lady wearing the hijab, walking in the same area for the same amount of time.

It's clear that Christian Americans can learn from Muslims about the teaching of the hijab. The other sad element here is that due to the propaganda war against Muslims taking place in America, this teaching of Hijab will not receive as much positive attention and traction. If Christians were wearing the Hijab and had an experiment such as this they would be broadcasting it all around the world. However, Western Christians (on the whole) do not observe Hijab despite Paul appearing to support the Hijab

5 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman in Hijab and 5 Hours Without Hijab

Another thought that comes to my mind,  seen as the lady was wearing regular American fashion one must worry as to the sheer number of Non-Muslim women being sexually harassed by men in Christian America.

I hope some American Christian leaders will see this and end up teaching the Hijab to all of America. Muslim Americans should be doing more to promote this teaching.

This is further encouragement for women in Canada (and the rest of the West) to wear the Hijab

The hijab has liberated me from society's expectations of women - Nadiya Takolia

Polish women in Britain and British Christian Islamophobes

Muslim scholars on rape

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to IslamLearn about Islam



Sunday, 23 November 2014

Naomi Wolf: Hijab and Veil Does not Suppress Women

I've been through Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth and it was quite insightful into learning more about how the West operates in destroying women's self esteem so much so that they become consumers of not only copious cosmetics but also cosmetic surgery.

Naomi Wolf is an American feminist who does not espouse negative views on the Hijab as she, rather than swallowing Western post 9-11 propaganda, has actually visited Muslim countries and spoken to Muslim women about such topics.

Comparing Muslim women's dress to the skimpy MTV style dress

Naomi Wolf (in red, quotes taken from The Sydney Morning Herald) contrasts the Muslim woman dressed according to Islam with skimpily clad non-Muslim women in Europe and North America. She does suggest this represents the discomfort the Christian/Secular West has with Muslims.

A woman swathed in black to her ankles, wearing a headscarf or a full chador, walks down a European or North American street, surrounded by other women in halter tops, miniskirts and short shorts. She passes under immense billboards on which other women swoon in sexual ecstasy, cavort in lingerie or simply stretch out languorously, almost fully naked. Could this image be any more iconic of the discomfort the West has with the social mores of Islam, and vice versa?

Think about it, the blunt truth in comparisons such as these is that nobody wants to be told the women of their tradition don't value themselves relative to another to those of another tradition. Perhaps Western societies do feel this is what Muslim women dressed according to Islam are effectively intimating? Perhaps this is behind France's ban on the hijab? Perhaps the cosmetics and fashion industry don't want the Hijab to become popular in the West as it means women will be more inwardly happy and thus less inclined to buy cosmetics, cosmetics procedures and the latest outfit worn by Victoria Beckham or Kim Kardashian? Perhaps corporations which are so influential in the capitalistic West feel threatened by Muslim women dressed according to Islam as they fear it will encourage the consumers of  cosmetics and fashion to eschew such in favour of  Islamic dress.

Part of Islamophobia is to attack Muslim women and their dress sense

Naomi Wolf  points out that the West's attacks on women in Islam is part of Western Islamophobia

Ideological battles are often waged with women's bodies as their emblems, and Western Islamophobia is no exception. When France banned headscarves in schools, it used the hijab as a proxy for Western values in general, including the appropriate status of women. When Americans were being prepared for the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban were demonised for denying cosmetics and hair colour to women..

Are Western non-Muslims blind to the oppression and pressure to conform to a certain look Western women are under?

Naomi Wolf offers some though provocation for Western readers who don't understand Islam:

But are we in the West radically misinterpreting Muslim sexual mores, particularly the meaning to many Muslim women of being veiled or wearing the chador? And are we blind to our own markers of the oppression and control of women?

As I have lived in the West all my life I can testify to the blindness of  my fellow Brits when it comes to the tools of oppression used against Western women. How many of my fellow countrymen and women would even deign to think magazine covers with airbrushed models s actually a form of oppressing and destroying the self esteem of women here in the West? You really ought to read Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth if you cannot see how this is the case.

Feminist author: Hijab and Niqab (veil) do not suppress or repress women's sexuality!

Naomi Wolf destroys Islamophobic claim against Hijab and veil

Naomi spells it out quite clear here, the Western Ismaophobic propaganda of oppressed women in Muslim lands due to veiling is far, far from the truth. How does she know? Well she actually visited Muslim countries and spoke to Muslim women

The West interprets veiling as repression of women and suppression of their sexuality. But when I travelled in Muslim countries and was invited to join a discussion in women-only settings within Muslim homes, I learned that Muslim attitudes toward women's appearance and sexuality are not rooted in repression, but in a strong sense of public versus private, of what is due to God and what is due to one's husband. It is not that Islam suppresses sexuality, but that it embodies a strongly developed sense of its appropriate channelling - toward marriage, the bonds that sustain family life, and the attachment that secures a home.

So here we have Naomi, perhaps the most famous feminist author on the planet stating categorically that Islam does not suppress or repress Muslim women's sexuality!

Naomi Wolf just knocked Western propaganda about Muslim veiled and hijabi women out of the park. Way to go Naomi!!!

Veils and Hijabs are a sign that women value themselves

Outside the walls of the typical Muslim households that I visited in Morocco, Jordan, and Egypt, all was demureness and propriety. But inside, women were as interested in allure, seduction and pleasure as women anywhere in the world.

At home, in the context of marital intimacy, Victoria's Secret, elegant fashion and skin care lotions abounded. The bridal videos that I was shown, with the sensuous dancing that the bride learns as part of what makes her a wonderful wife, and which she proudly displays for her bridegroom, suggested that sensuality was not alien to Muslim women. Rather, pleasure and sexuality, both male and female, should not be displayed promiscuously - and possibly destructively - for all to see.

So Naomi Wolf learned that Muslim women (and men) don't want to display their sexuality and sexual pleasure publicly and promiscuously. This actually goes back to Anne F Downs comments and advice surrounding the chatter around a female celebrity appearing nude on the front cover of a magazine. According to her acts such as displaying nudity for all to see is devaluing oneself:

"We are worth more than this. While the human body is beautiful, this particular display does not add to or celebrate the value and strength of her as a woman. These photographs are not a great reflection of the worth of a woman."

So if we were to expand on that thought, with Muslim women covering themselves and not displaying their flesh publicly and promiscuously this would mean Muslim women are actually valuing themselves by dressing Islamically and those who are in skimpy clubbing dresses or exposing themselves through pictures, webcams etc. are indeed devaluing themselves.

It's interesting to note a world renowned feminist author is actually supporting Muslim women and the Hijab. Great. I just hope and pray this type of thoughtful approach becomes widespread. Women al over the world need to be veered away from this false notion of conservative dressing is oppression. The true oppression is the media machine of the corporations which destroy the self esteem of women based on their looks and body shape so they can sexualise them through expensive fashion, cosmetics, dieting and cosmetic surgeries.

Christian Islamophobes should think

The other interesting thing here is, a lot of Christian Islamophobes abound who rattle off the same Western propaganda which Naomi Wolf has destroyed. These Christians clearly have not looked into the teachings of Christianity and the head covering (according to Christianity women should value themselves more and dress more modestly):

Christian Women Without Hijab are Temptresses to Angels - Paul (?)


Message to Kim Kardashian and a message to teen girls pressurised to take nude pics

The hijab has liberated me from society's expectations of women - Nadiya Takolia

Muslim scholars on rape

Sharia Law against terrorism:
Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Hypocrisy + Hijabi fired for wearing Hijab + Christian Minister Wears Hijab!

What is interesting to note here is how strikingly similar the outfits are for each faith, yet the attire worn by women from the Islamic faith is married to words such as ‘oppressed’, ‘medieval’, ‘backwards’.

There is a lot of National and International media coverage and literature regarding why Muslim ...women cover; with some of these studies/opinions interpreting the attire as a mark of male domination, backward culture practises, restriction of a woman’s freedom and more recently; a security threat.

Yet, people from other faiths share incredibly similar attires but never face anywhere near the same discrimination as Muslims – one society, 2 different rules! [MPACUK]

Here's MPACUK's comment on a woman in France who was fired from her job for simply wearing the Hijab!

France’s top court has sustained the decision of a privately run childcare centre to fire an employee (Fatima Afif) for wearing the Hijab to work.

The Hijab simply covers the head not intelligence or drive. The Hijab does not restrict a woman from interacting with other members of society, or from being a proactive member in the community. The Hijab does not imply that women are mediocre to men, nor is it a symbol or indication of an oppressed woman that needs freeing or res...cuing. It is a choice and should be respected as such.

Here's the comment of a female Christian minister who wears Hijab at times:

I am a Christian minister in America.  Although I don’t always wear hijab, often times I do in prayer/dua, in daily routine, and even in church!!! God sent me many beautiful Muslim friends. Really, I cannot imagine my life without them. They have been there for me in good times and bad. Some Christians have taken issue with me about this matter but they are not God. My God says it is good. So I tell them that if they don’t like it too bad. Hehe

There is so much hypocrisy in all the Christian movies of the Old-testament and the Gospel. The women wear them. Mary, mother of Jesus is always presented wearing a hijab in our Christian paintings. The Catholic nuns wear them. African women wear head dresses. In many Christian churches, women wear  head coverings  before entering to worship. It is their belief according to the way they interpret the scriptures in the Gospel!!!

Christian women in many parts of the world wear them and yet they have the audacity to criticize a Muslimah (Muslim woman) for her hijab!!! Too many Christians are singling out the Muslims and just picking on them. Well, me and many of my Christian friends know the meaning of fairness & respect. I will preach it ’till the day I die!!! I dedicate this to all my Muslim friends…Alhamdulillah!!!

Christian hijabi interviewed by Muslim hijabi

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Christian Hijabi Interviewed by Muslim Hijabi

This is amazing. A Muslim hijab wearing woman came across a CHRISTIAN hijab wearing woman and interviewed her.

It's interesting that the Christian woman felt the hijab helped her to lower her gaze when guys were around. The Christian lady is saving her hair for her future husband and she is opposed to the over-sexualisation of women in Western societies - she even threw 80% of her old clothes away as they were not appropriate (such as clubbing clothes).

I hope this video helps Christians and others to understand further about some of the benefits of the hijab and further look into Islam's teachings on modesty.

Christian who wears hijab/veil

I just wish the pastor who was questioning the hijab watches this video and learns something from it. Also, early Christians such as Paul did promote the idea of head covering according to Geza Vermes and saw the woman without the head covering as a temptation.

Statistics show Muslims to have the least premarital sex out of all the major faith groups studied:

Christian man defends hijab wearing women

An old post:

My friend (Jack) from TogetherForPeace speaks out against hatred against the hijab. Note, I apologise for some of his language, he was emotional and I can personally vouch for Jack as a fair man. The Christian hate preachers which this site has been encountering over the years (and some of their followers) can learn a great deal from Jack.

Please note, Jack is a well respected Christian and is not amongst those who waste their time on anti-Muslim hate sites. I just hope this inspires other Christians to speak out against haters amongst the Christian community.

I really hope this can inspire some Christians to stand up against Christians who are picking on Muslims on the requires backbone, courage and a stand up type of person to do this. Are you capable of this?

God bless Jack and God bless all fair people. May Allah guide him to Islam. Ameen

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Fifa: Christian and Muslim womenallowed to wear hijab and Sikh men allowed to wear turban during football matches

Players will now be able to wear a hijab or turban during football matches, according to the sport's governing body.
Football's world governing body FIFA has authorised the wearing of head covers for religious purposes during matches.
That will allow female Muslim players who wear a hijab in everyday life to cover their heads during matches as well. FIFA added that male players will also be authorised to do so following a request from the Sikh community in Canada.

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

Monday, 24 June 2013

Christian Hijabi Apologises to Muslim Women and Confirms Christians should dress modestly too

I found this comment from a Christian lady who covers her head and dresses modestly in my 'comments pending' section on my Word Press blog which I have somewhat left neglected.

This lady actually apologizes for and is ashamed of  Christians who have treated Muslim girls and women badly simply because of the head covering they were wearing.

This is the Christian lady's comment which was in response to my post entitled 'The Niqab (Veil) in the Bible – Ban is Unbiblical':

Thankyou for this; so few people realise that Christians are actually required to veil to. I do not understand so-called ‘Christians’ who scorn women and girls who wear a headcovering or veil – obviously they don’t read their Bibles!

First, I must apologise for any ‘Christians’ who have treated you badly because of the Muslim headcovering. I am very sorry for this and I am ashamed of these people who call themselves Christian.

I say this because I am a headcovering Christian. Never heard of one? I’m not surprised. There are very few headcovering Christians. The most well-known are the Amish and Mennonites. There are a few others, and I think the practice is growing increasingly common (although we are still very much in a minority). There are so many references in the Bible to modest dressing and headcovering and they are always ignored!

There are some differences between the Muslim and Christian headcovering, however. And I don’t just mean the fact that very few Christians pay attention to it! At the same time, there are some similarities.
I know that a Muslim veiling pulls under the chin and covers all of the hair. Christian veils tend to cover to withing a few centimetres of the hairline at the front, pulling back under a hairbun and hanging down the neck. Some churches (such as the Amish and Mennonites) use a ‘kapp’ which looks like a bonnet. (The word Paul used in 1 Corinthians actually translates with a meaning of ‘something which hangs and drapes’). Some churches (such as the Hutterites) do actually wear veils which tie under the chin.
It is my understanding that it is required to cover the chest area also, to give more modesty. But many headcovering Christian women and girls (including myself) also wear cape-dresses, which have an extra, looser, layer over the chest area to provide more modesty, in much the same way as a hijab which hangs down.
Please know that I do understand the intolerance many Muslim women and girl recieve for dressing modestly and wearing a covering. Many often look at me and believe that my father is oppressing and controlling me, forcing me to wear long skirts, loose clothing, and a headcovering. It’s simply not true. It’s my choice; the clothing to protect my modesty and prevent men and boys from looking at me the wrong way, hurting me and sinning in their minds and body; the headcovering as my personal submission to God’s will.
It saddens my heart to see the experiences many veiling women have had with so-called ‘Christians’ who harrass and mistreat them for their veiling and modesty. At the same time, I know that the opinions and mistrust these woman have of Christians is completely warranted and I despair over these ‘Christians’ who do this and pray for their enlightenment.

Note: A subtraction to this comment was made for theological reasons.

I'd like to thank this lady for standing up for Muslim women.

Please pray for this lady. May Allah protect and guide her. Ameen.

The Bible and Niqab

Hijab and the Bible

Learn or convert to Islam? See here:


Sunday, 26 June 2011

Christian Women Without Hijab are Temptresses to Angels - Paul (?)

Dress code for Christian females
Muslim women and Christian women united by the HIJAB!!

We all know Paul was an advocate of the Hijab (head covering) to the extent of essentially forcing Christian women to wear the Hijab by offering the ultimatum of chopping off their locks (hair) or wearing the Hijab, but we are not sure why Paul was so in favour of the Hijab.

The Jesus scholar,Geza Vermes, offers some insight concerning our difficulty and his theorizing is interesting to say the least:

The idea of potential sexual rapport between angels and women continued to float in the air even as late as in the New Testament times. Indeed, when St Paul forbade the female members of the church of Corinth to attend Christian assemblies with the head uncovered, he justified this prohibition by his belief that the sight of their hair might lead astray some passing-by sons of heaven: 'That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels', Paul insisted (1 Cor 11:10). [1]

Christian men tempted by Christian women without hijab?

If Vermes' view concerning Pauls' reasoning is correct one wonders as to the extent early Christians thought hijab-less women as a temptation to sin. After all, if they thought angels could not resist unveiled Christian women then what about the lay Christians? So why in the world are they freely mixing with uncovered Christian women at churches every Sunday? Not only that, what about day to day activities. I cannot ever recall seeing a lay Christian woman in hijab yet I have lived in the Christian West all my life!

Christians need to stop presenting Christianity as secualrism with a belief in a trinity and blood sacrifice. It's not.

Paul ignored by Christian women...

Paul's precautions against sexual sin (the hijab) have largely been ignored by most Christian women.

We would very much encourage Christian women to ignore Paul on his mistakes but act upon the teachings which have a ring of truth and sense to them. The hijab is something Mary wore and something which all women should strive for.

Of course, we as Muslims are not going to accept the idea that angels are tempted to sexual sin. Muslims believe angels do not disobey God.

Christian men...

Why are Christian men so lax in encouraging the Hijab? For some reason, Christians follow Paul theologically to the letter yet ignore him practically as in this case. I'd like to see Christians ignore Paul theologically and adopt Paul's teaching of hijab...

You don't have to believe Paul's alleged reasoning for the hijab, just start handing out hijabs to women who claim to love Jesus (p).

PS You can get all your hijabs from an Islamic centre near you, please pick some literature up on the way out. Thanks. May God bless you.

Invitation to Islam

Do you want a relationship with God? The God who created Jesus and whom was worshipped by Jesus? If yes, please come to Islam today.

[1] The Nativity, Geza Vermes, Penguin Books, 2006, p53


Become a Muslim if you love Jesus (p)

Sexism: Reason to change the Bible

Discover Islam

New Testament Discussed

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Has Paris Hilton Converted to Islam?

?Paris Hilton - Hijab pic?
Is Paris Hilton a Muslim? Rumour Alert!

OK, it appears there is a picture of Paris Hilton wearing the Hijab (head covering) and rumours are abound that she has converted to Islam. There is no statement from Miss Hilton but London Muslim squashes the entire hullabaloo:

For those thousands of you who are somehow finding your way to this blog to establish if Paris Hilton has reverted to Islam I can assure or perhaps reassure you she has not.

The rumour online appears to have spread rapidly and as Churchill mentioned a lie travels around a world before the truth gets it's pants on which was said before the Internet.

Muslims and non-Muslims should wait for confirmation from the individual concerned rather than fuelling rumours of celebrities converting to Islam. I recall there were similar scenarios over Ronnie O’Sullivan (snooker player) and Will Smith (Hollywood actor).

So wait for Miss Hilton to confirm/deny the rumours rather than believing them as the interent is awash with hoaxes, misinformation and rumour.

A word on Paris Hilton’s Hijab picture

I don’t know whether the picture is genuine or a photo-shop but it may help “promote” the hijab amongst those who are thinking or rethinking the Hijab.


The picture of Paris Hilton in Hijab seems to be a certain photoshop. LM reiterates Paris Hilton has not become a Muslim, though there are no comments from Miss Hilton:

Can LM for the last occasion try and make clear that Ms Hilton is not a Muslim, she has not reverted to Islam, does not wear a Hijab, her new name is not "Tahira" and she will not be opening a new Islamic school in Hollywood. However, should anyone out there be in a position to get a statement from her PR guys I'd be extremely grateful.

Angelina Jolie defends Muslims

Hijab in the Bible

Christian Missionary Pastor converts to Islam

Haters and the Pakistan porn statistics


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The Niqab (Veil) in the Bible – Ban is Unbiblical

We have already learned the head covering is a mandatory requirement for dutiful Christians according to 1 Corinthians 11:6. Paul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) was pro-hijab [1]

Some Muslim women add a face veil to the hijab – this is called the niqab. Does the Bible contain any reference or instruction pertaining to the niqab?

There is no explicit teaching within the Bible instructing the wearing of the face veil – this does not mean the Bible militates against the niqab nor does it give Christians carte blanche to harass Muslim ladies whom decide to wear such a covering.

However, the veil does crop up in the Old Testament [2]. From such instances, we can extract valuable insights in so far as the stance Jews and Christians should take on the subject of banning the veil.

The veil in the Bible – Old Testament

The key Biblical reference is the word “tsaiph” in Genesis 24:65 but we shall first look into the veil (tzammah) in Song of Solomon in Song of Solomon 4:1, 4:3 and Isaiah 47:2 as well as the mufflers in Isaiah 3:9
The veil in Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) 4:1 and 4:3

Song of Solomon is a puzzling piece of poetry which scholars differ as to its interpretation; either literal, typical or allegorical [3]

Of course there is a romanticised feel [4] to the verses [5] in question and thus the veil here could have been for ornamental purposes – part of the finery a bride would wear, but Fausset’s Bible dictionary considers the tzammah to be “a mark of modesty and subjection to her lord” [2]

The veil in Isaiah

Isaiah 3:18-19 indicates the veils were used as finery amongst the women of zion and we also realise, through Isaiah 47:2, Babylonian women wore veils too [6].

There is very little we can glean about the veil from Isaiah and Song of Solomon aside from the fact the veil was something that existed prior to the teachings of Muhammad (p) and women did wear such a covering.
The early portion (ch 1-39, Proto-Isaiah) of the Book of Isaiah is attributed to the Prophet Isaiah (p) and is dated ca 700 BCE. Conservative Christian view dictates Solomon is the author of the Song of Solomon and the date of writing is thought to be circa 900 BCE. However, there is a Biblical reference to the veil which precedes the Song of Solomon.

The veil in Genesis 24:64-65

Conservative Christian view dictates Genesis was authored by Moses (p) and dates the writing circa 1400 BCE.

And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel
For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself [Genesis 24:64-65 KJV]

Note: vail is an alternative spelling for veil

Here, Rebekah covers herself with the veil in the presence of her future husband, Isaac. The veil did not stop with Rebekah or her contemporaries. We have already seen the veil was still in use during the times of Solomon and Isaiah.

Hebrew women did generally appear in public without veils [7] though wearing the veil was not unheard of and at times some would appear in public with the full face covered except one eye – nevertheless all the women would observe a covering of the hair, that’s to say, they would wear a head scarf [8].

The union between Rebekah and Isaac (p) is thought to be ca 1800 BCE thus women were wearing the veil some twenty four centuries prior to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (p)

From where did the veil originate?

Smith and Easton in their respective Bible dictionaries tell us in no uncertain terms the veil was not part of a general dress code[9] [10]. Smith cites three “exceptional” cases for the use of the veil; concealment of a woman with loose character, ornamental purposes and by betrothed maidens in the presence of their future husbands.

The big question that begs to be asked is from whom did the custom of veiling oneslef originate from? Where did Rebekah learn of such a teaching? Was it through Abraham (p)? Was it via Rebekah’s father (Bethuel) or was it handed down by her forefathers (linking all the way back to Noah, p)?

It is possible the veil was taught by an Old Testament Prophet or figure, however we do not know for sure. Going by the Genesis account we see tacit approval for the veil by Isaac (p) in so far as he did not object to the veil. To glean and speculate further we can note Rebekah was not specifically instructed to wear the veil – she just wore it without any prompting or fuss – thus the practice of wearing the veil (at least in the presence of a future husband) was already established and could have origins preceding Abraham (p).

Regardless of who introduced such a practice we can all appreciate the veil was not frowned upon and was used to further modesty – even for those of loose character.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic faiths valuing and teaching modesty – thus the veil furthers modesty. No sincere Christian or Jew should be supporting the ban on burqas, hijabs or niqabs.

Typology – is Rebekah’s veil telling us something?

Previously, we saw the Bible was considered to have multiple layers of meaning; Origen certainly subscribed to this view. Could the instance of Rebekah wearing the veil contain a hidden, esoteric meaning for those who scratch well beyond the surface?

In modern times, the veil has become synonymous with Muslim ladies. Muslims subscribe to pure monotheism; a monotheism which Muslims pride as Abrahamic. Is there something to be told here – an indication via the Bible as to which theology is most closely linked to Abraham (p)?

Banning the veil – secularism gone mad

Syria has introduced a ban on the niqab in universities in a move to “protect” its secular identity. Mainland Europe is taking centre stage in its banning of the veil – France and Belgium have already done so.

France even threatens to levy fines [11] on wearers of the niqab – so much for freedom of religion.

Any banning of the niqab is an affront to Western religious freedom and certainly a smack in the face to those who have a regard for the Bible and Biblical characters.



[1] Hijab refers to the head covering and a modest style of accompanying dress.
1 Corinthians 11:6 (NIV): If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.

[2] The mitpachath (Rth 3:15), tsaiph (Genesis 24:65; Genesis 38:14; Genesis 38:19), and radial (Song of Solomon 5:7; Isaiah 3:23). Moses' veil was the masveh (Exodus 34:33-35), related to suth (Genesis 49:11). An ample outer robe, drawn over the face when required. Mispachot, the false prophets' magical veils or "kerchiefs" (Ezekiel 13:18; Ezekiel 13:21) which they put over the heads of those consulting them as if to fit them for receiving a response, that they might be rapt in spiritual trance above the world; placed "upon the head of every stature," i.e. upon persons of every age and height, young and old.
Re' aloth, light veils worn by females, called "mufflers" (Isaiah 3:19), from rahal "to tremble," i.e. tremulous, referring to their rustling motion. Tzammah, translated "locks" (Song of Solomon 4:1; Song of Solomon 4:3), the bride's veil, a mark of modesty and subjection to her lord. Isaiah 47:2, "take off thy veil," or "thy locks," nature's covering for a woman (1 Corinthians 11:15), a badge of female degradation. Anciently the veil was only exceptionally used for ornament or by women betrothed in meeting their future husbands, and at weddings (Genesis 24:65).
Ordinarily women among the Jews, Egyptians, and Assyrians, appeared in public with faces exposed (Genesis 12:14; Genesis 24:16; Genesis 24:65; Genesis 20:16; Genesis 29:10; 1 Samuel 1:12). Assyrian and Egyptian sculptures similarly represent women without a veil. It was Mahometanism that introduced the present veiling closely and seclusion of women; the veil on them in worship was the sign of subjection to their husbands (1 Corinthians 11:4-15) {Fausset, Andrew Robert M.A., D.D., "Definition for 'Veil' Fausset's Bible Dictionary". Fausset's; 1878.}

[3] There are three general trends of interpretation2: 1. Literal - belief that it should be interpreted literally line by line in its historical setting. 2. Allegorical - thinking that King Solomon symbolized Jehovah's love for Israel or Jesus Christ's love for the Church, the Bride. These give the book higher spiritual meaning and canonical recognition but fail to accept the historical reality of the events. 3. Typical - thinking that it contains types, e.g. Solomon as the type of Jesus Christ and the Shulamite woman as type of the Church.{Merrill Unger, R. K. Harrison ed. The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, (Chicago: Moody Press, Chicago, IL 60610), 1988}

[4] The king attempts to win the Shulamite's affection solely by offering flattering words about her anatomy – Michale S Cole’s commentary on Song of Solomon

[5] How beautiful you are, mydarling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Mount Gilead. {NIV Song of Solomon}

Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.{NIV Song of Solomon 4:3}

[6] 18In that day the Lord will snatch away their finery: the bangles and headbands and crescent necklaces, 19 the ear-rings and bracelets and veils, { NIV Isaiah 3:18-19 }

2 Take millstones and grind flour; take off your veil. Lift up your skirts, bare your legs, and wade through the streams.{NIV Isaiah 47:2}

[7] Hebrew women generally appeared in public without veils (Gen 12:14; 24:16; 29:10; 1Sa 1:12). - Easton's Bible Dictionary

[8] According to Rabbi Dr. Menachem M. Brayer (Professor of Biblical Literature at Yeshiva University) in his book, The Jewish woman in Rabbinic literature, it was the custom of Jewish women to go out in public with a head covering which, sometimes, even covered the whole face leaving one eye free. 76 He quotes some famous ancient Rabbis saying," It is not like the daughters of Israel to walk out with heads uncovered" and "Cursed be the man who lets the hair of his wife be seen....a woman who exposes her hair for self-adornment brings poverty." Rabbinic law forbids the recitation of blessings or prayers in the presence of a bareheaded married woman since uncovering the woman's hair is considered "nudity". 77 Dr. Brayer also explains that veil of the Jewish woman was not always considered a sign of modesty. Sometimes, the veil symbolized a state of distinction and luxury rather than modesty. The veil personified the dignity and superiority of noble women. It also represented a woman's inaccessibility as a sanctified possession of her husband. 78 - Sherif Abdel Azim, Ph.D.- Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

[9] Hebrew women generally appeared in public without veils (Gen 12:14; 24:16; 29:10; 1Sa 1:12). [Easton's Bible Dictionary]

[10] With regard to the use of the veil, it is important to observe that it was by no means so general in ancient as in modern times. Much of the scrupulousness in respect of the use of the veil dates from the promulgation of the Koran, which forbade women appearing unveiled except in the presence of their nearest relatives. In ancient times the veil was adopted only in exceptional cases, either as an article of ornamental dress (Solomon 4:1; 4:3; 6:7) or by betrothed maidens in the presence of their future husbands, especially at the time of the wedding (Genesis 24:65) or lastly, by women of loose character for purposes of concealment (Genesis 38:14). Among the Jews of the New Testament age it appears to have been customary for the women to cover their heads (not necessarily their faces) when engaged in public worship. {Smith’s Bible Dictionary}

[11] Police in the western city of Nantes said the veil - which showed only her eyes - restricted her vision and could have caused an accident {}

Sunday, 7 November 2010

1 Corinthians 11:6 Supports the Hijab

Paul supported the hijab. Christian ladies should think twice before attacking the hijab. Paul, in 1 Corinthians seems to be forcing the hijab on ladies.

Ahmed Deedat responds to a lady who questions the Muslim veil by bringing up this Biblical verse.

Cut off her hair?

If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. (NIV Bible)

***The Veil is in the Bible***