Showing posts with label Sikhism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sikhism. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Sikhs, Don't be Swayed by the Anti-Halal Meat Sikh Preachers (Response to Basics of Sikhi)

I don't know if this stance against Halal meat is emanating from Muslim-Sikh tensions from years back in India/Pakistan but let's put some scrutiny on this. A preacher who runs the Basics of Sikhi movement has been caught presenting anti-Muslim propaganda to prop up this idea that Sikhs cannot eat Halal meat and should not even go to establishments which sell it (I guess he has something against Tescos, Sainsburys and Waitrose as all of them sell Halal and/or Kosher meat.

It's interesting this Sikh preacher does not mention anything about Kosher meat, which is slaughtered in a similar way to Halal meat. Why is it only Halal meat?

Also why is he not talking about not going to places which sell alcohol (never mind consume alcohol) as alcohol is something which leads to untold misery, where's the consistency? This again leads me to think this is something motivated by Muslim-Sikh tensions of the past rather than something sanctioned by a sincere person.

One thing I found puzzling was this man's appeal to 'compassion' and his insistence that Halal meat is 'behreham' yet he was part of a gang which along with its allies killed 1000s of people in painful and shameful ways. Not to mention the bombings of innocent families. That's what is behreham.

This preacher needs to get his head straight.

What's more, is it even established that a Guru prohibited Halal meat or was it the Rehit which was composed in 1931?

The video runs through his arguments and corrects him using a number of sources including a recording of rabbi Pinchas Taylor.

If this video does not play please see:

What is Halal or Kosher Meat?

Halal and Kosher meat is ritually-slaughtered meat according to Islamic and Judaic religious principles, respectively. There are many similarities between Halal and Kosher Meat. For meat to be lawful for Muslim or Jewish consumption:

* The animal must be healthy and not diseased
* The animal must be free from injury or defect
* A prayer is said before the slaughter
* It must be performed by a competent individual with a surgically sharp knife and not by machine
* The slaughter involves a single quick incision to the neck, cleanly cutting the jugular vein
* The blood must be fully drained from the carcass of the animal
* There are requirements for cleanliness, sanitation, and purity

Many adherents to this practice contend that the advantage of this method is that it ensures rapid, complete draining of the blood which keeps the meat fresh and free from impurities. They also consider this method to be the least painful and humane method of slaughter for the animal, causing unconsciousness within a couple of seconds

What is Islam’s viewpoint on animal welfare?

Under Islamic guidelines, as with Judaic, any undue pain for the animal must be avoided. It is forbidden to treat an animal cruelly during its lifetime or during the slaughter. If the animal is killed by a blow, strangling, electric shock or drowning in water, its meat is not considered permissible.
Islamic practices dictate that the animal is not allowed to be put down in view of other animals neither is the knife to be openly shown to the animal to be slaughtered. This would cause the animals distress and is not best practice.

Although the slaughter of animals is allowed for food consumption, it is strictly forbidden for sport or enjoyment. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) often chastised people for the mistreatment of animal and spoke to them about the need for mercy and kindness. [iERA]

For further information on Halal meat see Why do Muslims eat Halal meat?

And here is a foum post which may be of interest to Sikhs by user called Brooklynwala:

Like many Sikhs, I grew up eating meat.� It was something I never really questioned until I was in college and started learning more about the treatment of animals on factory farms and the environmental impact of the meat industry.

I never understood what halal truly meant, but the message I got from my parents and others in the community went something like this:� Halal is the way Muslims slaughter animals, and it involves killing the animal slowly and painfully.� And lots of gushing blood.� We Sikhs don�t believe in torturing animals, so we don�t eat halal meat.� Sound like a familiar story line?

This, of course, contributed to my perception of Muslims as barbaric people who were dirty, had multiple wives and questionable morals, and killed my ancestors during partition.� In the context of the messages I received from family and community growing up, the story about halal fit right in � yet another way Muslims are backwards. As is abundantly clear in my writing on this blog, this is in stark contrast to how I see Islam and the Muslim community at this point in my life.�

But I grew up with these messages and stereotypes just like most of my Sikh peers did. Really, what�s all the fuss about halal?� Why aren�t Sikhs supposed to eat halal meat? Section Six of the Sikh Rehat Maryada (Code of Conduct) states: The undermentioned four�transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided: 1. Dishonouring the hair; 2. Eating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way; 3. Cohabiting with a person other than one’s spouse; 4. Using tobacco. The most common argument I usually hear to explain the halal ban is simply that the Rehat Maryada says so.� No disrespect to the Rehat Maryada or the (attempted) consensus-based process through which it was created in the first half of the 20th Century, but this is not a sufficient reason in and of itself.� If the lives our Gurus have taught me anything, it is to think critically, question everything I�m told, and to always keep the love of Waheguru in my heart.�

So an argument based solely on citation of the Rehat Maryada (which our Gurus were not involved in writing) is not convincing to me. Another common argument I hear is the aforementioned animal welfare argument:� that slaughtering the Muslim way is unnecessarily painful for the animal�it�s a slow death and a form of torture.� With jathka meat, on the other hand, the animal is killed swiftly, experiencing minimal pain. Scientific research reveals a more complicated reality, however.� A 1978 German study found that halal slaughtering actually caused less pain to calves and sheep than slaughtering after the animals were stunned by a captive bolt (the industry standard).� A more recent New Zealand study, on the other hand, found that stunning reduces the pain of the slaughter.� However, according to a study cited by the Guardian last year, �90% of animals killed for halal food in 2004 were stunned first.

As in mainstream food production, the animal’s throat is then cut.� So this supposedly sinister method, it seems, is not that different after all.� Research studies aside, the intention of halal (and for Jews, kosher) slaughtering is to minimize pain and suffering to the animal.� The Guardian states: The definition of halal is anything that is legal or lawful for Muslims. In terms of meat, this can apply to what kind of animal is used (not pigs, for instance) and the way they are killed: an animal must be healthy, the butcher must make a recitation dedicating it to God, and the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe are cut with a single swipe from a sharp knife. As with kosher meat, the idea is that the animal dies immediately and the blood drains away. [my emphasis] And in fact, if the animal is not killed immediately with a single swipe, it is not considered halal.

Thus, not eating halal because of our concern for animal welfare simply doesn�t make sense.� If this was our primary concern in our food choices as a community, then I would argue we should talk about a Sikh prohibition of all factory-farmed meats, eggs, and dairy products.� Animals on factory farms (or the official term, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, CAFOs) live in grotesquely unnatural, overcrowded conditions, never seeing the sun or grazing in the grass.� Pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics, these animals are treated simply as units of production rather than living beings.� There is nothing respectful or humane about the treatment of animals on factory farms, so why are we so concerned about halal and not worried about the cows that become our Big Mac or produce the milk in our cha?

A final explanation of the Sikh ban on halal meat I have often heard is we should not partake in the ritual or sacrificial killing of an animal.� Of course, we Sikhs are not proponents of ritual for the sake of ritual: jaalo aisee reeth jith mai piaaraa veesarai || Burn away those rituals which lead you to forget the Beloved Lord. naanak saaee bhalee pareeth jith saahib saethee path rehai ||2|| O Nanak, sublime is that love, which preserves my honor with my Lord Master. | (Guru Granth Sahib, p. 590) But talk to a devout Muslim or Jew about halal or kosher, and you�ll likely find that they think of their respective religion�s practice of killing an animal as a necessary means to show respect to the animal and to God, since the animal is a creation of God.� Is saying a prayer and remembering God while ending the life of a living being for the purposes of eating a blind ritual?� Even if we don�t see it as a necessary step for our own religious practice as Sikhs, I would argue that it is not fundamentally contrary to the Sikh way of life.
But growing up I never thought about where my spicy deep-fried chicken strips were coming from.� Or the living (and dying) conditions of the cow that made up the thinly sliced pieces of meat in my Arby�s roast beef sandwich.� As long is it wasn�t halal, it was all good Yes, I am raising questions and concerns about a guidelines set forth in the Rehat Maryada, and perhaps some readers will take issue with that.� But over sixty years after our code of conduct was officially approved by the Panth, don�t we owe it to ourselves as a community to continually look inward and ask questions about where we are and where we are going? From my own observations about the Sikh prohibition of halal meat, it does little to protect the well-being and humane treatment of animals and even less to get us closer to Waheguru.� Instead, the prohibition of halal meat spreads misinformation and perpetuates stereotypical and demeaning attitudes about Islam and the Muslim community.�

While I have heard some say the prohibition is not about halal specifically, but about any sacrificial meat, the Rehat Maryada explicitly singles out �an animal slaughtered the Muslim way.�� Rarely do I hear any talk of kosher meat being taboo for Sikhs. At the heart of Sikhi is Ik Onkar � One Divine Light that shines in all human beings.� Waheguru connects us all.� Guru Gobind Singh was always clear that the Khalsa�s war was never against Muslim people or Islam, but it was against tyranny, which at the time was epitomized by Aurangzeb’s empire.� Sadly, many in the contemporary Sikh community � maybe even a majority � have taken home a different message which they have taught to their kids, and their kids taught to their kids, and so on.

For those who argue Guru Nanak banned Halal meat this could be of interest to them:

There is no mention of the prohibition of Halal for Sikhs, either in Guru Granth Sahib or in the Bani of Guru Gobind Singh according to my knowledge. However, the taboo of Halal for the Khalsa is found in the Rehit Namas, which were written by others long after the death of Guru Gobind Singh. These Rehit Namas have been used in drawing up the current Rehit Maryada (code of conduct) for the Sikhs. Sardar Piara Singh Padam has compiled fifteen Rehit Namas in a book form with his critique as a foreword. Every Sikh should read this book to understand the motives of the authors of the Rehit Namas. Some of the contents of the Rehit Namas are spurious, inconsistent with Gurbani, and unflattering to the Khalsa. Those who interpret Guru Nanak's hymn (abhakhya ka kutha bakra khanha, eating the meat of a male goat slaughtered in a Halal manner) as condemnation of eating Halal, should read his commentary on the behavior of Khatries of his time in Asa Di Var, on page 471 of Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak did not condemn the partaking of Halal meat, rather he condemned the hypocrisy of the Khatries. The Khatries had abdicated their religious duties of defending their country and the weak, and taking a resolute stand against tyranny and injustice. Furthermore, the subjugated Khatries had adopted the language, manners and dress of their Muslim conquerors whom they called malech (polluted ones). Some of them sought employment with the Muslim conquers, and some of them held high ranks, and were responsible for the persecution of the Hindu masses. However, these Khatries were very strict and rigid in the practice of caste system and other meaningless rituals. It was in this context when Guru Nanak ridiculed Khatries by pointing out that while they were meticulously observing the ritual purity of their food and kitchen by not allowing people of lower castes near their kitchens, they were eating the flesh of animals slaughtered in a Halal fashion by Muslims whom they considered malech. I have the following questions for those who interpret the above described hymn as condemnation of partaking Halal. If Guru Nanak had proscribed Halal, then why the Tenth Nanak had to declare Halal as a taboo for the Khalsa? Were not the Sikhs following Guru Nanak's teachings? How come there is no statement on the taboo of Halal by either of the other Eight Nanaks? If Guru Gobind Singh had appointed Guru Granth Sahib as the eternal Guru of the Sikhs, then why Sikhs have to look for their Rehat Maryada (code of conduct ) in other places like Rehit Namas? Should not Guru Granth Sahib be a guide for a Sikh in every walk of life?  [The Taboo of Halal for Sikhs]

Sikh Men Disrupting Wedding Ceremonies in Gurdwaras Aren't 'Radicals'!

Why Do Sikhs Commit Terrorism, Douglas Murray?

Sikhism: Sex Outside of Marriage and Homosexuality - Perplexed!

Sikhs Who Over Emphasise Muslim Abuse of Sikh Girls

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

Numerical miracle in Quran

British Muslims Protested to Defend Jesus p

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Conversions to Islam

Learn about Islam


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Sikh Men Disrupting Wedding Ceremonies in Gurdwaras Aren't 'Radicals'!

Sikhs Bullied by Western Secular Liberalism

As a Muslim, I'm disappointed in the way the liberal media presents practicing religious folk. Sikh men, who have been disrupting and protesting against weddings in Gurdwaras between Non-Sikh men and Sikh women, have been presented as 'radicals' and 'extremists'. While actually when you think about it, they are not radicals nor extremists.

They are simply trying to ensure their faith is observed and their Gurdwaras do not promote and/or allow actions which are forbidden in Sikhi (Sikh Reht Maryada, a Sikh Code which only allows Sikhs to marry via the Anand Karaj ceremony). Marriage between a Non-Sikh and a Sikh is forbidden. So too is gay marriage.

Now, I actually see the concerns of these Sikh protesters. They are seeing their traditions and faith being changed to conform to Western Secular Liberalism. I'd imagine one of the concerns amongst the Sikh communities here in the UK is a fear they are becoming like the numerous churches who have consistently made concessions to appease Western Secular Liberalism. Why would a Sikh want to allow a wedding ceremony which is forbidden according to his scholars to take place in his place of worship, a place which is sacred to him/her - the Gurdwara? The Sikhs with greater foresight will also recognise this as a stepping stone to Western Secular Liberalism's current pet toy - gay marriage.

Think about it, if these Sikhs sit on their hands and keep their mouths shut then how long before they begin to see folk calling for gay marriages in their Gurdwaras? What other concessions after that? Are Khalsa Sikhs going to be pressured into removing their 5 Ks because Western Secular Liberalism does not want them to act and look different? After all, Western Secular Liberalism is all about trying to mould everybody into one mindset.

No, they aren't 'radicals' or 'extremists'. They are just religious Sikhs who don't want their Gurdwaras involved in practices which they believe to be prohibited within Sikhi. Sure, the Sikh protesters opposing these wedding ceremonies are using methods which do not chime with Western sensibilities but that does not make them 'radicals'. Sure, reports of violence and intimidation should be condemned but at the same time it should not be used to malign all the Sikh protesters and those who hold views against Sikh-nonSikh weddings.

Here are a few snippets from various reports of what the Liberals would call 'radicals' and 'fanatics' - I have highlighted the grievances of the protestors so folk can see where the Sikh ire is coming from:

LONDON: A wedding between a Sikh girl and a white man being conducted at Southall Gurdwara here on Friday had to be cancelled when some people stormed it to stop the ceremony.

Protester Jaspal Singh said “the Anand Karaj (marriage ceremony) is specifically for Sikhs. “We have no grievances with any of the couples, nor any problem with mixed race or inter-faith marriages. Our issue is with those in charge of our gurdwaras. Some gurdwaras in the UK are simply ignoring rulings by Sikh authorities, so protesting is our only option. [Read more here]

Sikh leaders called for restraint last night after about 40 religious protesters forced the abandonment of a wedding at a conference and banqueting centre in Slough, Berkshire, by storming the venue and seizing a holy book central to the ceremony.

Angered that the sacred text, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, was being used in a place where alcohol, meat and cigarettes were available, the protesters snatched the book from a priest who fell to the ground amid chaotic scenes. [Report from 2005]

Under the media radar, such disruptions of interfaith marriages at Sikh gurdwaras have become worryingly commonplace across Britain. In July 2013, a Sikh woman and her Christian husband in Swindon were locked out of their own wedding by 40 protesters, who afterwards posted a gleeful video online of the bride’s mother pleading with them to stop. When the BBC Asian Network looked into the controversy that year, its reporter met a family who’d had their windows smashed as a warning about an upcoming marriage. Most were too afraid to say anything in public.

Shamsher Singh, of the National Sikh Youth Federation, says it objects to this religious ceremony being appropriated by non-Sikhs. “They can have prayers inside the gurdwara, they can have part of the function inside a gurdwara, just not the religious ceremony. That’s reserved for those of the Sikh faith.” [Read more]

Why Do Sikhs Commit Terrorism, Douglas Murray?

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

What Non Muslim Women Really Think About Muslim Men

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Numerical miracle in Quran

British Muslims Protested to Defend Jesus p

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Conversions to Islam

Learn about Islam


Friday, 2 January 2015

Sikhs Who Over Emphasise Muslim Abuse of Sikh Girls

This is a repost to Sikhs who over emphasise abuse committed by Muslims in relation to Sikh girls while pretty much ignoring the far greater number of abuse cases involving Non-Muslims. Is there some sort of prejudice that leads a Sikh to focus on Pakistani Muslims and Muslims in general rather than other faith/ethnic groups?

What about all the abuses Sikh girls receive from non Muslim English and Afro Caribbean guys? And what about the abuse from Sikh guys?

To think that a minority such as the Muslim minority in the UK is doing some sustained and planned abuse is stupid.  And to not mention the abuses Sikh girls face from Sikh guys and nonMuslim English guys is shocking.
Muslims and Sikhs need to work together more in the UK:
One of the problems in ethnic communities such as the Sikh community is white supremacy. A lot of people looking up to the dominant culture of white English people and thus never saying anything about the negative influences the English culture and communities (esp boys) are having on Sikh girls.
For some reason, I don't think it's the Muslim communities that are encouraging Sikh girls to wear immodest clothing, go out drinking, clubbing and dating. I don;t think Muslims are the ones looking to recruit Sikh girls (or any other ethnic girl in the UK be she Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jew or whatever) for pornographic pictures and videos.
All this focus on instances involving Muslim boys while ignoring the far greater number of instances involving Non-Muslims (i.e. NonMuslim Sikhs, Hindus English and Afro Caribbean boys).
People need to stop with this over exaggeration of bad instances involving Muslims. 
Wake up!
Learn about Islam:

Monday, 26 May 2014

Muslim and Sikh Dialogues


I had the pleasure of participating in an interfaith discussion at Aston University in Birmingham on Wed. Mar. 5, 2014. What was unique for me about this event is that for the first time I engaged in a panel in which the Sikhs were represented.

The similarities between Sikhism and Islam were especially highlighted when I referred back approvingly to what the Sikh representa
tive said more than once. The similarities are due, of course, to the fact that the founder of Sikhism seemed to have intended to incorporate some aspects of Islam and some aspects of Hinduism into his new religion. Thus we find that Muslim monotheism and Hindu reincarnation both find a place in Sikhism. It was also admirable, in my opinion, that many of the Sikh young men in the gathering had donned their turbans. Surely, most people like to fit in with their environments, and it is a sign of their deep commitment to their faith that these youths dared to be different.

Just to be clear, however, we should point out that Islam does not specify a particular style of clothing. Muslims are basically free to wear whatever is customary in a land. The main stipulations are that a Muslim should not wear the religious garb of another faith, should not cross-dress, and should, obviously, cover themselves in accord with the demands of decency in society.

For me, the most important point arising from this experience is this: I feel that we as Muslims have not done enough to share the message of Islam with the Sikh youth. My feeling is that the older generation will be very much against any attempt to share this message with them. But the youth who are so dedicated to their faith may have open minds. The ideas of Islam which are so rational, and the ways of Islam which are so practical, are bound to appeal to some of them. They want to please their creator. The Quran is a revelation from that creator telling us how to please him. Why are we so reluctant to share this message with our brothers and sisters in humanity?
Muslim country ranked best at respecting women!

Muslims against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Friday, 28 March 2014

Muslims respond to the news of Sikh girls raped by Muslims in UK

Muslim leader speaks out against grooming gangs:

Learn about Islam:
Tags: grooming, basics of sikhi, iran,pakistani, indian, british, jatt, caste, crime, sas, Sikh awareness society, islam is true, why islam, sikhawarenesssociety,

Sikhism: Sex Outside of Marriage and Homosexuality - Perplexed!

Now, I'm a Muslim who is looking to learn more about Sikhism in order to understand Sikhs and chiefly to be able to better communicate Islam to them. As homosexuality is a current topic I noticed one Sikh website stating that homosexuality in not mentioned in the Sikh scriptures (Guru Granth Sahib), I also noticed it was claiming there's no mention about sex outside of marriage:

Sex outside of marriage is discouraged within Sikhism, although no reference to that is made within the Guru Granth Sahib. Homosexuality is not mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib.

The website later goes on to suggest that homosexuality was not considered sinful by the Gurus because it was not mentioned by them:

If the ten living Gurus believed homosexuality to be sinful, then they would have addressed the subject within the Guru Granth Sahib, and the fact that it has been ignored suggests that the Gurus considered it to be inconsequential because the primary function of dharma is to unite the individual soul which is genderless with the supreme soul which is also genderless.

However, we have already seen this website also states that sex before marriage is not mentioned by the Guru Granth Sahib. Would the website also suggest sex before marriage is not sinful in Sikhism too?

It's something for the website author to ponder upon.


In order to be spiritual one needs to block out the destroyers of spirituality - homosexual acts and sex before marriage would be considered as impediments to spirituality. This is the beauty of Islam, it offers spiritual practices along with parimeters (rules) which keep one away from the destroyers of spirituality thus enabling spiritual development.

People having dreams and converting to Islam:

Learn about Islam:
Tags: basics of sikhi, golden temple, Sikhism, gay Sikhs, lesbian Sikhs, dawah man, debate, convert, prophet, islam is true, sheikh, zakir naik, hamza Yusuf, bjp, sickhi, Sikh boyfriend,sikh girlfriend, dating, muslims, muslim, alcohol, black, clubbing, university, homosexuals, does Sikhism allow homosexuality, Pakistani, iniindian, Bangladeshi, Asian, desi, culture, Punjabi, basics of shikhi, gurus, prophets, bbc, asifa Lahore,

Monday, 17 March 2014

Sikh Convert to Islam in UAE fears for family’s safety back home

A Muslim convert believes his family in India are in danger because he changed religion.

Last year Abdullah Singh, 37, told his relatives he was converting from Sikhism. Since then, he says, his wife and two children have been receiving death threats.

He said he was disowned by his family and cut out of his inheritance.

Mr Singh is desperate to bring his wife, Rebecca, four-year-old son Ankosh and two-year-old daughter Hatel to the UAE but cannot because his salary is too low.

To qualify for family sponsorship a resident must earn a minimum of Dh4,000 a month. He earns Dh800. “Returning to India is out of the question,” said Mr Singh, 37, who was known as Nidhan Mohinder Singh before his conversion.

Read more:

Are you Sikh and want to learn about Islam?

Here a few links for you to peruse and learn about Islam:
