Showing posts with label Ahmed Deedat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ahmed Deedat. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Mike Licona Rebuked by Muslims: Spreading Deceit About Shk Ahmed Deedat

The spin around the speculation that Shk Ahmed Deedat read a bit from Josh McDowell’s book before he passed away is outlandish. It’s disappointing to see somebody like Dr Mike Licona spreading such intellectually dishonest suggestions.

Mike Licona stated “Deedat was apparently having second thoughts about Islam and was taking another look at Jesus”. He bases this wild-eyed suggestion on speculation that Shk. Deedat read a portion from Josh McDowell’s book the day before he passed away.

This claim was out to Shk. Ahmed Deedat’s son who responded by dismissing it as deception and a ploy to promote Josh McDowell’s book. Shk. Deedat’s son also indicated Shk. Deedat would never leave Islam.

It’s well known Shk. Deedat was debating Christians and propagating Islam on his sick bed thus it would come as no surprise that he would read Christian missionary literature as it would be part of his research and debate preparation. Mike Licona and other Christian apologists read material from the likes of Bart Ehrman and Richard Dawkins as part of their apologetics research and debate preparation, it would be dishonest to suggest they were having second thoughts about their faith based on them simply reading such material. Mike Licona should be able to see how wild and deceitful this claim is!

Sadly, Licona doesn’t appear to be the only one who is passing on deceitful rumours about Shk. Deedat. Dr Nabeel Qureshi, in his book, does inform us of "other" people spreading the absurd rumour that Shk. Ahmed Deedat repudiated Islam whilst on his sick bed.
Let’s be clear here, these “other” people who claim Shk Deedat repudiated Islam on his deathbed are internet trolls. There’s no evidence for this whatsoever.

In fact just by reading his biography or news reports concerning Shk. Deedat’s passing away people can see this claim is a load of nonsense as he was serving Islam even whilst bed-ridden up to his passing away:

August 8 marks 10 years since Deedat’s death of kidney failure at the age of 87. He was bedridden for the final 10 years of his life, after suffering a stroke that left him paralysed and unable to speak.

Though doctors initially gave him little chance to live, Deedat continued to engage in religious work until his death – communicating by using a grid of the alphabet, which he used to spell out words letter-by-letter by signalling with his eyes.
[Al Jazeera]

For more in response to Nabeel Qureshi's comments on Shk Deedat please see here

It could well be that this rumour which "other" people were spreading evolved from wishful claims by Josh McDowell:

Josh McDowell said: Amazingly, a close relative of his came to me a few years ago when I was visiting South Africa and said, “I felt you needed to know some details around the death of Ahmad. The day before he died, he asked me to find a copy of your book More Than A Carpenter. So, I brought it to him and he read some of it.” We won’t know until after this life, but there’s a chance Ahmad Deedat is in heaven.

Josh McDowell in this public statement doesn’t go as far as Mike Licona. Mike Licona appears to spin Josh McDowell’s wishful speculation into a suggestion Shk. Deedat was having doubts about Islam. Mike’s comments are certainly deceitful - whether he got them from somebody else or whether he instigated such spin is for him to disclose. Josh McDowell is irresponsible with his comments – they too are misleading. Josh McDowell would surely know that apologists do read material from the other side in order to produce responses to their claims.

What we have here is at least two big name Christian apologists who should be ashamed of themselves. Mike Licona will, if consistent, call himself a “deceitful character and he will also say the same about Josh McDowell seen as he called a Muslim such for simply adopting the logical conclusion, based on Mike’s podcast comments, of Mike believing there’s a false prophecy in the New Testament from Paul of Tarsus.

Mike Licona, at the very least, should apologise publicly.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Nabeel Qureshi's Controverisal Comments


In chapter 15 of No God but One: Allah or Jesus? Dr Nabeel Qureshi writes distastefully about Shk. Ahmed Deedat:

Along with Deedat's fame grew his inflammatory rhetoric. As a response to the pope's positive stance to interfaith dialogue, Deedat challenged John Paul II to a debate. When the pope refused, Deedat published a pamphlet titled "His Holiness Plays Hide and Seek with Muslims." He also famously began to argue that the Bible was pornographic. Further inflammatory speech during a Good Friday lecture earned him the castigation of the Australian government, and he was even banned from entry into Singapore.

In 1996, at the height of his career, Deedat suffered a severe stroke. Among other neurological deficiencies, Deedat was no longer able to speak, and he remained bedridden until his passing in 2005. Some suggested that God had punished him for his words, and other rumours spread that Deedat repudiated Islam just before his passing. Within the Islamic world both these suggestions are resolutely dismissed. Deedat's fame continues to grow, even after his death, into legendary status.

The problem here is Nabeel lists 3 inflammatory incidents in the career of Shk. Deedat and then he veers off to talk about how he died. OK, not such a big problem...yet. The problem is, straight after this he inexplicably throws in a statement informing the reader what "some" people suggested after his death. He leaves it open ended - he doesn't opine on  what these "some” people suggested so we don't know whether he thinks there could be truth in what these "some" or "other" people suggested. He doesn't say who these "some”  people are so we don't know whether he's talking about internet trolls or serious theologians and scholars.

As a professional author one suspects the editing and proof-reading assistance Dr Nabeel Qureshi gets is considerable and the fact he is an experienced author one is left aghast at how this statement wound up in there - it's almost like a deliberate ploy to sow seeds into the mind of the reader. Seeds suggesting that these "some” people may be right!

Here's the thing, a teacher could walk into a classroom full of kids and start teaching them about the moon. These kids don't know anything about the moon and they are relying on the teacher to teach them. If the teacher slips in the old "some people say" tactic and leaves it at that he/she could get the kids going away thinking the moon may be made out of cheese:  "The moon is not a planet, it's a satellite of the Earth and it rotates at 10 miles per hour. Some people say the moon is made of cheese. OK folks let's open up those maths books, that's enough about the moon!" Do you see what the teacher did there? The teacher tossed a few facts about the moon so the kids were seriously invested in what was being discussed and then boom, the "some people say" tactic is tossed in!

The suggestion Shk. Deedat repudiated Islam while bed-ridden

Let's be clear here, these "other” people who claim Shk Deedat repudiated Islam on his deathbed are internet trolls. There's no evidence for this whatsoever. Why is Nabeel paying heed to  baseless claims from internet trolls in a  professional publication?

In fact just by reading his biography or news reports concerning Shk Deedat's passing away Nabeel can see this claim is a load of nonsense as he was serving Islam even whilst bed-ridden up to his passing away: August 8 marks 10 years since Deedat's death of kidney failure at the age of 87. He was bedridden for the final 10 years of his life, after suffering a stroke that left him paralysed and unable to speak. Though doctors initially gave him little chance to live, Deedat continued to engage in religious work until his death - communicating by using a grid of the alphabet, which he used to spell out words letter-by-letter by signalling with his eyes. [Al Jazeera]

The punished by God claim

More upsetting, why is Dr Nabeel Qureshi leaving the door open for Christians (I’d imagine the bulk of his readership will be Christian) to think Shk. Deedat's stroke and subsequent paralysis was divine punishment for his words against Christianity. The "some suggested that God had punished him for his words" statement is a minefield of problems. Nabeel doesn't tell us his theological views on this. Why leave it open ended at such a critical juncture?

You know his Christian readers are left wondering whether (or even believing!)  Jesus punishes people with strokes for things they have said against Trinitarian Christianity. Why did Nabeel mention these people's suggestion and remain silent on it? I’ve been aware of this Christian internet smear to try and undermine the impact of Shk. Ahmed Deedat’s work for a number of years. I wrote about this smear years ago.

Dr Nabeel Qureshi is medically trained so he will know that it really isn’t anything unusual for an aged man of 78 (yes, he was 78 when he had the stroke!) to have a stroke as yearly “around 110,000 people have a stroke in England and it is the third largest cause of death”. It's even less unusual for an aged man of a south Asian ethnicity (Shk. Deedat was of Indian origin) as this ethnicity along with those of African and Caribbean heritage are predisposed to developing higher blood pressure thus more likely to have strokes! [Medical information and stats on stroke taken from the NHS]

So why the big deal about him having a stroke at 78? On top of this, Dr Nabeel Qureshi would know having communication problems after a stroke is common: Many people have communication problems after a stroke.  About a third of stroke survivors have some difficulty with speaking or understanding what others say [Source]

But, the fact he had problems speaking is neither here nor there as Shk. Deedat was blessed by God to be able to communicate still to the extent of debating members of the clergy whilst bed-ridden:

Despite his condition, Deedat was able to discuss politics and debate with members of the Christian clergy who visited him. Using a grid of the alphabet, Deedat signalled with a blink for 'yes' or a widening of the eyes for 'no', guiding his son to spell out words letter by letter. [Al Jazeera]

Dr Nabeel Qureshi and these “some” people need to be careful as this opens the door to stigmatise all stroke victims and all those, young and old, who are disabled and have difficulties speaking. If Dr Nabeel just doesn’t want to directly say he believes Jesus *may* have punished Shk. Deedat due to it impacting the “Jesus loves you” emotionalism Dr Nabeel and his colleagues preach then why be indirect about it by hiding behind internet trolls?

If Nabeel truly believes this *may* be the case, why not say it upfront? Right now, it's all rather unclear but it doesn't paint Nabeel in a positive hue as it stands. Well, let’s wait for Dr Nabeel Qureshi to answer. He’s producing vlogs – I’ve been keeping tabs on them as well as praying and fasting for him -  so it will not be an issue for him to spend a couple of mins just explaining his comments in his book as this is both upsetting and disappointing.

Questions for Nabeel to touch on with grace
  1. Why did you write about what some people suggest (internet trolls) with, what appears to be, strategic placement to sow the seeds of thought that these “suggestions” may be true?
  2. Do you believe Jesus may have punished Shk. Deedat, yes or no? I know as a Trinitarian you do believe Jesus allowed the severe beating of female slaves in Exodus 21:20-21 and ordered the killing of children and mothers in 1 Samuel 15:3.
  3. Will you apologise for any offense caused?
Ending with positivity and respect

A few thoughts on Shk. Ahmed Deedat. He showed tenacity in character and conviction in Allah when he was afflicted at an old age with health problems.

If anything, Shk. Deedat should be heralded as an inspiration to people who are suffering from health problems – he not only continued with his work but he also continued to resolutely affirm Allah’s mercy:

Right up to his death, Deedat was studying. He dictated tracts and continued his communication with people around the world."The latter part of the shaikh's career was extremely focused," Hendricks said. In his room, Deedat had two framed quotations by his bedside. One was a verse from the Quran, Chapter 21, The Prophets: "And (remember) Job, when He cried to his Lord, 'Truly distress has seized me, but Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful'." The second read: "There is no end to what a man can achieve if he does not mind who gets the credit." [Al Jazeera]

Did Ravi Zacharias Spread a False Story About Ahmed Deedat?

Does Surah Al Fateha Curse Jews and Christians? Christian Missionary Claim Refuted!

Nabeel Qureshi: True Christians Can Perfom Miracles Greater than Jesus!

JD Hall: Nabeel Qureshi is making Christians look Stupid

How Jay Smith, Nabeel Qureshi, Sam Shamoun and David Wood Contriubute to the Apostasy of Christians

Nabeel Qureshi: Is the Trinity in Genesis 1:26

Nabeel Qureshi's Friend on Doctrine of Taqiyyah

Indonesian Muslims Converting to Christianity?

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Friday, 18 March 2016

Did Ravi Zacharias Spread a False Story About Ahmed Deedat?

This video has also been uploaded elsewhere, if this video does not play please see here

Ravi Zacharias relayed a strange story about Sheikh Ahmed Deedat in an interview in which he was addressing the atheist, Richard Dawkins. Ravi Zacharias claimed Sheikh Ahmed Deedat slapped a Christian on stage and asked the Christian to give him his trousers and the Christian took them off on stage.

Strange story. There's no video evidence of this incident.

In fact Sheikh Deedat's son, who was asked about this, has denounced this as untrue. See the screenshot (click to enlarge):

A South African pastor (Bobby Freddy) who knew Sheikh Deedat wrote:

"The story about the late Deedat from Zacharias is highy Questionable. I don't think Zacharias verifed his source/information.I knew the Late Ahmed Deedat personally and engaged with him often since early 70s. I personally don't think he would have done such a thing."

A Malaysian who is a former student at the university Ravi Zacharias refers to denounces Ravi's story as a fib (click to enlarge):

One of Sheikh Deedat's students who spent a lot of time with him suspects it's a made up story:

"I spent a lot of time with Deedat and know cameras were even in his office to record encounters with missionaries. If it were the case it would be on film as he recorded everything" [Yusuf Bux]

I have skimmed through 3 different Sheikh Deedat lectures held in Malaysia which are online (see links below) and I did not see this alleged incident! Here are the three I skimmed through:

The Message to Mankind (in Malaysia) by Ahmed Deedat

Ahmed Deedat - Islam the Message of Peace and Truth - English FULL - Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

The Miracle of Miracles (in Malaysia) by Ahmed Deedat

Lastly, the story does not even seem plausible. Why would a grown man take their trousers off on stage at a university. Much less a lecturer? And  evenIF this part of the story was true how can one use such a story to malign Ahmed Deedat? Shouldn't one be looking at this 'lecturer' who chose to strip on stage?


This story seems like a lie. Whether Ravi was a victim or perpetrator of this suspected lie is in question.  A public comment from Ravi Zacharias' organisation as per the scandal concerning his credentials would be most welcome.

If Ravi is unwilling to commit to this story a public apology to Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's students, friends and family would be highly encouraged too. This of course must be upsetting and emotional for them.

May Allah give Sheikh Ahmed Deedat paradise and may Allah bless Sheikh Deedat's family and friends with further good. Ameen.

Ravi Zacharias Scandal: Not A Dr and Not a Visiting Scholar at Cambridge

Dishonesty and bad arguments from Ravi Zacharias' Mentee Dr Nabeel Qureshi

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Sharia Law against terrorism

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 13 May 2015

James White on Ahmed Deedat

Title of the video by darkness2noor: Was Ahmed Deedat wrong about 'Sons by the Tonnes' in the Bible? Answering Dr. James White!

Professor Reza Aslan on the title, "Son of God".

Reza Aslan teaches that Jesus did not call himself by the title "Son of God" but rather others ascribed this title to him and numerous figures are called by this title in the Bible.

Nor, by the way, did Jesus call himself "Son of God," another title that others seem to have ascribed to him. (Contrary to Christian conceptions, the title "Son of God" was not a description of Jesus's filial connection to God but rather the traditional designation for Israel's kings. Numerous figures are called "Son of God" in the Bible, none more often than David, the greatest king - 2 Samuel 7:14; Psalms 2:7, 89:26; Isaiah 42:1). Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Reza Aslan, The Westbourne Press, 2013, p136

Prophecies about the Messiah

Is the Gospel of John reliable?

What does the Aramaic word name for Jesus tell us?

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Christian Attacks on Ahmed Deedat

What I've noticed is that there is a strong aversion from the Christian apologetics community towards Ahmed Deedat. In fact, there's a few cheap shots going around. This is quite sad as Ahmed Deedat was simply arguing against those arguments that Christians were putting forward to him at the time, so to claim he didn't understand Christianity or the Trinity based on this is quite folly. As for his mistakes, we must remember he didn't have any formal training in the Bible. We must also remember apologetics has moved on since then, Ijaz Ahmad comments on a critic of Ahmed Deedat :

For example, he openly criticizes Shaykh Deedat, a man who responded to the evangelical setting of the 80′s and 90′s. Yet demeans him based on the apologetics of the 21st century. It’s easy to attack a dead man, it takes real bravery and intelligence to attack a living man who uses today’s apologetics.

Of course, Muslim apologetics has moved on since then. I mean how many people back in those days were talking about the forgeries in the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John? How many people back in those days were talking about book of Hebrews being of unknown authorship? You get the picture, nobody was whipping out Bart Ehrman back in those days. People were simply responding to each other. Ahmed Deedat was dialoguing with preachers and what have you. These Christian opponents of Ahmed Deedat didn't have anything substantial to offer.

I think when you contextualise Ahmed Deedat then you begin to understand him and through this understanding the criticism is tempered.

Here's what a Muslim commentator, Alexander, wrote about Ahmed Deedat (with some alterations):

  They think shaykh Ahmad Deedat (rahimahullah), May Allah forgive him and have mercy on him, didn't have strong arguments. He was the best man in his time doing the work that he did regardless of what you may think. He destroyed all the christian rethoric and and silenced the greatest christian preachers in his time. His arguments based on the Quran will never get old or refuted because they are based on Allah's Word. He made it clear to both christians and muslims that Christianity don't have anything to offer and that the bible they have isn't anywhere close to the originals. He called to the worship of one God and warned against the disbelief (ie trinity and man made gods). He cleared up all the lies of the Christian missionaries of all different sects and showed us the flaws in their arguments. There wasn't any christian in the world that could hide from him and his lectures. He explained who Jesus (p) really is in the bible and the Quran and made it clear and convincing. May Allah have mercy on him. Ha traveled the world and lectured even at old age and he didn't stop his dawah until his last breath. May Allah forgive him. He didn't have any special degrees and showed us it isn't needed. We don't have to know who Paul is or the historical backgrounds of this and that to refute christians, Allah is sufficient for us. One of the stronger arguments Deedat had on the Christian nation was the different copy's of the bible and the changes made over time all of whom Bart Ehrman and other historians and Christians confirm for us today to be true. In other words it doesn't matter if you think you can win a debate with a muslim sometime because Allah's religion will prevail either way, and the truth will always stand against falsehood.

Allah says:

"Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Quran) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished..." (21:18)

And Allah says:

"They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Islam, this Quran, and Prophet Muhammad SAW) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it)."(61:8)

And how can one forget the biggest cheap shot at Ahmed Deedat that Christians are pressing:

Rather than modern Christian apologists attacking Sheikh Ahmed Deedat with such zeal, why don't they not try to spend time to reflect on questions such as this:

Have you ever stopped to think about all those Christians prior to the 19th century discovery of Codex Sinaticus who used to believe the last 12 verses of Mark were inspired by God and part of the Bible (they had similar beliefs about John 7:53-8:11 and that version of Luke 23:34). NOW you and other modern day Christians will claim those Christians of the past believed in forgeries/errors.

You have no guaranty that this will not happen to you in your life time (i.e. a new MSS discovery is made and a passage is denounced as an unauthorised addition).

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. 

Learn about Islam:

Friday, 4 April 2014

Dr James White Wrong About the Ebionites

First off, if I am not mistaken, Dr. White criticizes Muslims for mentioning the Ebionites. Now on one hand he does make the good point of saying they were a later group and not part of the first generation. Fair enough. He then said that the Ebionites did not believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, but rather a natural birth between Mary and Joseph. This is true. Except not true of a second group of Ebionites who DID believe in the Virgin Birth. This can be clearly seen in "Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History" translated by C.F. Cruse pg. 93. I also want to point out that when Muslims bring up Judaizers or Jewish Christians, and the connection to the Ebonites, they are not far off the mark in the discussion. If one reads the works of Robert Eiseman and sees the theological positions of the early Jewish-Christians and the history of their movement, one could understand the importance of studying their beliefs.

I would be interested to see what Dr. White thinks about the works of Robert Eisenman. It would seem that a number of scholars, Bart Ehrman included, see the variation of Christian theology. It would also seem apparent that studying the works of Eisenman and Ehrman even if they are "liberals" is certainly knowledge that people interested in Christian theology and history should read and consider. []
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:
norman geisler, ergun caner, sbc, Baptist, catholic, tony palmer, ahmed deedat, muslim debate,yusuf bux, Yusuf ismail, zakir naik, bassam zawadi, ijaz ahmad, sam shamoun, yahya snow, nabeel qureshi, apologist, alpha and omega ministries, ozzycda, james white refuted, catholic answers, latest debate, protestant, shabir ally, sheikh, nt wright, Robert price, islam is the truth, Quran, Muhammad, Jesus, trinity refuted, brother Imran, iera, paul Williams,Kerrigan Skelly