Showing posts with label Noam Chomsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noam Chomsky. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Muslim Message to Tomi Lahren

Hi Tomi Lahren, I'm a Muslim. Please don't send America to bomb me. In fact, please don't send America to bomb anybody in Muslim countries because every time America does this, many babies, toddlers, teens, women (some whom are pregnant) and elderly people die. So please Tomi Lahren, please don't encourage the bombings of any more Muslims.

By the way Tomi, I don't live in a Muslim country, I am a British Muslim but every time the West bombs a Muslim country it makes it more difficult for me to live here in safety because it radicalises a bunch of Muslims to revenge attack Britain and that leads to the deaths of my fellow countrymen and women as in the 7/7 bombings (London).

Yeah Tomi Lahren, American and British state terrorism results in terrorism from terrorist groups in the Middle East.

So please Tomi Lahren, rise above right wing extremist talk and start thinking about peace. I would also like to invite Tomi Lahren to Islam (if she's not a Muslim already).

Barack Obama accused of terrorism by Noam Chomsky

Muslim Message to US Army Murderer - Jeremy Morlock
US Special Forces Kill Innocents - Blamed Taliban and Honour Killings (Jeremy Scahill)
Are Muslims ordered to kill people in the West? No. Imam Suhaib Webb.

Noam Chomsky on How to Stop Terrorism from ISIS etc.

Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Saturday, 23 May 2015

Adam Deen Blinded By Sectarian Motives on BBC Panorama?

FYI: I don't describe myself as Sufi nor Salafi. :)

Would it not be a shame if British Muslims were pitching up on national TV and squandering the voice they were being afforded due to desires to self-promote and/or sectarian reasons?

It would be a dereliction of responsibility and trust for a Muslim to do so in the perilous state British Muslims are in as of now.

This is where Adam Deen of the Deen Institute should be questioned. Did Adam Deen misuse his opportunity on BBC's Panorama? Admittedly, I don't have a TV set, I haven't had one for near on a decade so I was made aware of his appearance on the BBC through the internet. What struck me was how Adam Deen was being used by the BBC as a rent-a-quote character to prop up their agenda - you can decide what their agenda was/is.

However, Adam Deen is not a useful idiot. Sure he sounded foolish to anybody willing to scratch the surface and actually think about matters. This was a symbiotic relationship we witnessed. Both parties were using each other, so no, Adam's not a useful idiot.

The BBC were pushing their agenda but rest assured Adam had an agenda of his own to push:

1. Adam appeared as though he was looking to help proscribe his rivals. His sectarian rivals. For those unaware, British Muslim speakers/apologists along with their respective supporters haven't been shy in getting embroiled in embarrassing and immature spats. Adam Deen and his little gang of sectarian supporters aren't too enamoured with the Salafi iERA so it came as no surprise that Adam Deen would allow his sectarian anti-Salafi views to override the common sense narrative that inculcates foreign policy as a motor behind many forms of terrorism. Adam, sensing the opportunity, used the BBC platform to introduce himself to the nation as a Muslim who follows the Whitehall policy of remaining silent of its complicity in the problem of Muslim terrorism all the while over-playing the role of 'toxic theology' and 'puritanical Islam'. Adam spoke like a true sectarian bigot and the BBC did the rest.

Adam got a result for his narrow-minded cause which puts pressure on Salafis such as Haitham al Haddad, iERA and folk at the Green Lane mosque in Birmingham amongst many others.

These poor Muslims all oppose violence yet the scrutiny is well and truly on them now. Not everybody acts in a fair fashion, isn't that right Adam?

2. Self-promotion. Adam, by design or not, wound up pushing himself as the voice of moderation amongst British Muslims. I mean here he is on national TV condemning a bunch of other Muslims (who I repeat have consistently taught against violence and terrorism) and shoving them under the bus. It's like the guy in the office who makes his colleagues look bad in front of his manager. Office politics. It's hard to get a gig on the Beeb, I guess you don't do your credentials any harm in the quest for further air-time by following a sensationalist agenda and towing an agenda-laden line. Sober talk of unjust foreign policy and disaffected youth through unsavoury socio-economic conditions does not cut the mustard when it comes to sensationalism. People want to see bogeymen. Adam pointed at his sectarian enemies. The BBC producers aren't stupid, they expected him to do so. Predictable. Predictable because they knew of his sectarian bias.

Adam effectively used his platform to settle a few sectarian rivalries, self promote himself (knowingly or unknowingly) as the voice plus face of moderation and to curry favour from the establishment - through hiding the very real and obvious influence of foreign policy on radicalising already-disaffected young men and women.

Now you tell me, how in the world did ANY of Adam's air-time on the BBC help the average Muslim youth in Britain? In fact, it made matters worse for many Muslims as his rampant sectarian bigotry led him to amplify the calls to proscribe and label many Muslim leaders in the UK who are railing against terrorism as 'non violent extremists' following 'toxic theology' and 'puritanical Islam'.

What an absolute disaster Adam was. Adam, next time, do us all a favour and just ask your wife to take your spot or better still just ask them to get real scholars and intellectuals such as Hamza Yusuf and Dr Yasir Qadhi. It's more in the interest of British Muslims. I think I can safely assume the rest of us British Muslims would rather have less testosterone fuelled sectarian bigotry, less self-focus and more wisdom, common sense and cohesion...please!

Adam Deen vs Asghar Bukhari, George Galloway,  Experts (and possibly vs his wife too!!!)

Is 'toxic theology' behind 98% of terrorist attacks, Adam?

When asked about his motive by an eyewitness, ‎one of the men responded, “because he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries”, “I killed ‎him because he killed Muslims and I am fed up with people killing Muslims in Afghanistan”. He ‎added: “You will never be safe. Remove your government”. What’s more the style of the attack, ‎undertaken and filmed in full public view with the objective of publicising the actions to a wider ‎audience, is reminiscent of a strategy employed by the media savvy loose network, often referred ‎to as Al Qaida. While there is evidence to suggest Michael Adebolajo became radicalised through ‎the now-banned al-Muhijaroun, the group is well known to security services who monitor it closely ‎and it treads a fine line between espousing hate and undertaking violent actions. Though the ‎group may have laid the foundations for a binary and simplistic worldview, it is likely other ‎inspiration was involved in the move to action. [Myriam Francois-Cerrah]

Extremists point to western foreign policy to explain their acts. Why do we ignore them?

Often, the likes of Michael Adebowale and Michael Adebolajo, who used violence to make “points” about the Muslim world in Woolwich, aren’t “religious fanatics”. The trigger we refuse to see is our foreign policy.

Did you know that the alleged ringleader in the 11 September 2001 attacks had originally planned to land one of the hijacked US airliners and give a speech to the assembled press corps? Can you guess what he wanted to rant about, live on Fox News? Seventy-two virgins in heaven? Nope. The need for sharia law? Guess again. According to the report of the official 9/11 commission, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had intended to “deliver a speech excoriating US support for Israel . . . and repressive governments in the Arab world”.

In the vexed discussion about extremism and radicalisation, foreign policy is the issue that dare not speak its name. Our leaders zealously police the parameters of the debate, pre-emptively warning off those who might dare connect the dots between wars abroad and terror at home.

...Yet establishment figures continue to denounce those of us who cite the radicalising role of foreign policy as (to quote the former US state department spokesman James Rubin) “excuse-makers” for al-Qaeda. To explain is not to excuse. The inconvenient truth for Rubin, Johnson et al is that Muslim extremists usually cite political, not theological, justifications for their horrendous crimes.

Asked by the judge at his trial in 2010 how he could justify planting a bomb in a crowded public place, the “Times Square bomber”, Faisal Shahzad, raised the impact of US drone strikes in his native Pakistan that “kill women, children, they kill everybody”. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the “underwear bomber” who tried to blow up a US-bound airliner in December 2009, told the judge in his trial that he had worn an explosive device “to avenge the killing of my Muslim brothers and sisters” against “the tyranny of the United States”. Then there is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old suspect in the Bos - ton Marathon bombings. According to the Washington Post, Tsarnaev “told interrogators that the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack”. Ah, say the critics, but 9/11 preceded both the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and Obama’s drone war in Pakistan. They did – but the west’s support for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians preceded 9/11. As did the murderous Anglo-American sanctions against Iraq. What did the mastermind of the first al-Qaeda attack on the Twin Towers in 1993, Ramzi Yousef, say at his trial in 1998? “You have [a] so-called economic embargo [on Iraq] which kills nobody other than children and elderly people.” [Mehdi Hasan]

Why Do Sikhs Commit Terrorism, Douglas Murray?

Israelis Blame Muslims in Britain for Exposing Israel!
Growing Problem of Islamophobia in Britain

Muslim Complains About BBC The Big Questions - Nicky Campbell

About 20% of British Muslim Women Feel Unsafe in Britain

Bradford Man Fooled by ISIS (Terrorist Group)

Britain First's Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding Learn About Anti-Semitism and Christianity

British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Tags: MPACUK, British Muslims, London Muslims, Muslim Debate Initiative, George Galloway, Mehdi Hasan, iERA, Paul Williams, BBC, Haitham al Hadad, EDL, Tommy Robinson,

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Noam Chomsky backs up Cage on 'Jihadi John'

Asim Qureshi and CAGE are unfairly on the end of criticism for their comments on 'Jihadi John' (Mohammed Emwazi). Noam Chomsky seems to agree with CAGE that there are other factors that push people into the hands of groups such as ISIS.

ISIS Refuted by Dr Abdul-Rahman Dimashqia

Noam Chomsky on How to Stop Terrorism from ISIS etc.

Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Friday, 27 February 2015

Noam Chomsky on How to Stop Terrorism from ISIS etc.

Noam Chomsky calls it how it is. The message from Noam Chomsky to Barack Obama is clear: stop your own terrorism (i.e. bombing other people) and the Muslim terrorist groups will stop their terrorism and pay some attention to the grievances of the people who are sympathising and supporting the terrorists.

The truth about ISIS - Yasir Qadhi

How the Muslim calendar works

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Noam Chomsky on Barack Obama's Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign in Modern History

Noam Chomsky exposes the globalized assassination campaign of the drone attacks under Barack Obama's presidency. Noam Chomsky accuses Obama's drone attacks of being the most extreme terrorist campaign in modern history (if not ever)!

The drone campaign is officially aimed at people who are suspected of maybe one day being a threat to harm America. The drone operators are terrorists.

Noam Chomsky Accuses Obama of Terrorism

The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Israelis Blame Muslims in Britain for Exposing Israel!

Muslim Rapes in Norway and Sweden? Stop with the Propaganda Against Muslims!

Smear on British Pakistanis: Stats and Facts of British Pakistanis Grooming Girls

British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Noam Chomsky Exposes Israel

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Friday, 25 April 2014

Report Yahya Snow (and Noam Chomsky?) as Terrorist Supporters - Internet Christian Right Wing

Apparently a Christian apologist wants me reported for supporting terrorism whilst another is falsely accusing me of 'supporting terrorism', all based on a post featuring Asghar Bukhari's very true assertion that Al Qaeda murder people because of foreign policy. Now, how in the world is that supporting terrorism? The right wing give us fanciful nonsense that Al Qaeda murder people because of Islam (despite Islamic Law FORBIDDING terrorism) yet when a Muslim offers a bit of balance and says actually Islam has nothing to do with 9.11 but Western Foreign policy is what motivates these alQaeda terrorists to murder then there's a bunch of right wing Christians who are calling you a terrorist supporter. Illogical!

I've got news for these folk, Norm Chomsky is saying pretty much the same thing - Western foreign policy is at the centre of anti-American feeling amongst Muslims. Do you want to report Norm Chomsky as a terrorist for simply speaking some sense which happens to expose right-wing propaganda?

Keith Thompson said...
Someone should report him to the authorities for supporting terrorism.

Perhaps Keith did not actually read my material and was simply swayed by a David Wood lie about me.

Whatever the case may be, I invite Keith to have a rethink. Disassociate yourself from negative people, Keith. I also invite you to look into matters more deeply. There has to be a reason why all of a sudden a bunch of terrorists have popped up and began to murder us - yes, I say us as they are killing British and American Muslims in their indiscriminate bombings.

Terrorism should never be supported but we should also never falsely accuse anybody of supporting terrorism. Both are wrong.

Sharia Law against terrorism:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Right wing Christians invited to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Noam Chomsky Insight on Why Alqaeda Kill Westerners

The intellectual, Noam Chomsky, reveals some home truths our Islamophobic friends do not want you to hear...

A excerpt from Noam Chomsky Interview on CBC.
Evan Solomon talks with Noam Chomsky about his book "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance". The show is Hot Type on CBC.

In this clip of Noam Chomsky he actually cuts to the chase, the real problem Muslims have with America is the foreign policy. Sadly, people are blinded to this due to the copious amount of propaganda that is out there - Western government propaganda. Noam Chomsky is destroying the Islamophobic rhetoric. My message to the right wing, start to think. Do you really think people want to fly planes into buildings or blow themselves up because of no provocation at all?

Sure, it's not right what these terrorists such as Al Shabaab and Al Qaeda do but there's a reason to why they do it - they are provoked and frustrated largely by Western influence and actions in their lands. Time for you to acknowledge this and speak out against Western governments who are meddling in the affairs of Muslim majority countries by torturing, bombing, propping up dictators, stealing natural resources and pretty much running these countries by stealth. Time to start thinking rather than believing the lie of 'Islam is the reason why the terrorists kill Americans'...

Sharia Law against terrorism:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam: