Showing posts with label Answering Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Answering Islam. Show all posts
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
The Bible Believing Christian's Dilemma: A Response to Anthony Rogers of Answering Muslims
I recall reading a response by Anthony on the problem modern-day Christians face with regards to their confidence in the New Testament. It's clear one of the reasons why Christians of today cannot be confident in the NT is due to the point highlighted below.
It's been a while since I read Anthony's response. However, Anthony's response, IIRC, in a nutshell was him arguing that no more earlier manuscripts will be found - he even cited Ehrman's opinion on the unlikelihood of new NT MSS being found that would result in edits in the NT of today.
The Christians prior to the 19th century may well have been thinking the same thing and all of a sudden, BOOM!!! The Codex Sinaticus was found.
Another point on this is, are these folk confident there's no more new ones to be found because they have found them all OR rather that they believe that many were lost (thus meaning they have no certainty in what the autographs of each book in the NT said).
No matter how the fundamentalist Christian spins it, there are a problems for the Bible-believing Christian.
Here's the old post we are discussing:
Have you ever stopped to think about all those Christians prior to the 19th century discovery of Codex Sinaiticus who used to believe the last 12 verses of Mark were inspired by God and part of the Bible (they had similar beliefs about John 7:53-8:11 and that version of Luke 23:34). NOW you and other modern day Christians will claim those Christians of the past believed in forgeries/errors.
You have no guaranty that this will not happen to you in your life time (i.e. a new MSS discovery is made and a passage is denounced as an unauthorised addition).
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Unitarians Have a Better Case Than Trinitarians
Jesus was not a Trinitarian
James White and His Followers Should Think Deeper
What Every Christian Should Know About The Gospel Of John
Title "Son of God" does not mean Divinity
Reza Aslan: Illiteracy rates at time of Jesus p
Reza Aslan on Prophecies of the Messiah
What does the Aramaic word name for Jesus tell us?
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
dave hunt, bruce Metzger, textual critics, evangelical scholars, anjem choudary, abn, sam shamoun, radical moderate, nabeel Qureshi,
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Answering Islam Refuted - Does Islam allow sex with prepubescent girls? No
This excerpt from Dr Jonathan Brown is insightful and important for many on the internet as there are misconceptions and Islamophobic allegations swirling around the internet.
Some of the take home points:
Muslim scholars historically have forbade sex with girls who are not of physical capability to undergo it on the basis that sex could be physically harmful. Thus really, if we transfer this historical scholarship and thought, then stories of young girls dying or being harmed through sex because they weren't physically ready for it would be in contradiction with Muslim scholarly views.
If somebody did have sex with a girl who was pre-pubescent, the Shariah courts considered it despicable and censured it. It was socially condemned too thus showing that Muslim communities considered this act to be despicable.
The legacy of Prophet Muhammad's (p) marriage to Aisha (ra) is the Muslim teaching that sexual relations cannot be had with anybody not physically mature enough.
Islam, contrary to what some Islamophobic bigots may say, does not allow sex if it is physically harmful for the girl. And of course, that is an outright opposition to paedophilia (sex with prepubescent girls).
...the medieval ulama considered the point at which a girl was fit for intercourse to be too varied to be firmly legislated for. It was most appropriate for the bride, groom and the bride's guardian to determine the appropriate age for intercourse.
The norm that the ulama did come to consensus on was only a general guideline: they prohibited sexual intercourse for girls 'not able to undergo it,' on the basis that otherwise sex could be physically harmful. If the groom and his wife or her guardian disagreed about her capacity for sex, a Shariah court judge would decide, perhaps after a female expert witness examined her. This was also based on the Prophet's marriage to Aisha. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity. In the case of the Hanbali tradition followed by the Mufti of Saudi Arabia, sex was allowed when the bride was 'at the age which others like her have intercourse,' specifying nine as the norm for suitability on the basis of Aisha's Hadith. A Scottish physician resident in Aleppo in the mid 1700s noted how families endeavoured to marry their children off (i.e. complete the marriage contract) at a young age but that they would not consummate the marriage until the girl 'had come of age''. Historical evidence from nineteenth-century Ottoman Palestine suggests that the husbands having sexual intercourse with wives before they reached puberty did sometimes occur. But it was rare, condemned socially and censured by Shariah court judges. Shariah courts in French Algeria in the 1850s considered it equally despicable.
'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p143
Jewish And Christian Ages of Consent.
Age of Consent for Jews and Christians?
Age of Consent in the Bible is Puberty - Bible Agrees with Prophet Muhammad's Marriage to Aisha
Here's an important video featuring Shaikh Muhammad Salah, Dr Jonathan Brown, Hamza Yusuf, Dr Bilal Philips, Shaikh Imran Hossein and Dr Yasir Qadhi which all go towards destroying the Islamophobic claim against the idea of Aisha having reached puberty.
Brief Comment on 'Satanic Verses', Dr Yasir Qadhi
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Sam Shamoun and David Wood Caught Using a Forgery
Sam Shamoun and David Wood are desperate to use anything to attack Islam. Even forgeries. Seen as Shamoun has been in the business of attacking Islam longer than David Wood, I'd suspect Shamoun may well have already come across a response telling him that the story of killing the poetess is actually a forgery. As for David Wood, I'm not sure. Either way, they are ignorant at the very least.
If video does not play, see:
More information on this claim: Asma Bint Marwan Killing is a Forgery - Don't be Fooled
Refutations of David Wood (Acts 17 Apologetics, Answering Muslims)
Refutations of Sam Shamoun (Answering Islam)
Refutations of Nabeel Qureshi (Creed 2:6 Ministries, RZIM)
Did Prophet Muhammad Have Epilepsy? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi
Sharia Law against terrorism
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
ABN Sat,
Answering Islam,
David Wood,
Sam Shamoun
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Christian apologetics to Muslims, more women in Hell Hadith
Christian apologetics organisations are doing a disservice by presenting their flocks with the standard Christian apologetics around Hadith mentioning the majority of the dwellers of Hell would be women.
Apart from not telling their flocks that there's another Hadith showing that women would outnumber men in Paradise, the Christian apologetics organisations misuse and misunderstand the Hadith they use.
At the end of the day, they pass on intellectual dishonesty - knowingly or unknowingly.
Here we see Reverend Steven Martins of EAM presenting the Hadith - it appears Reverend Steven Martins is a victim of intellectual dishonesty at the hands of those who taught him Christian apologetics in relation to Muslims.
If video does not play, please see:
Waqar Akbar Cheema of the Islamic Center for Research and Academics has discussed the Hadith here:
Do women form majority in the hell?
Whether you are a Christian or Muslim, it's important to avail yourself of these points as superficial and intellectually dishonest Christian apologetics are being circulated both offline and online.
Here are a few take-home points from Cheema's article:
Women don't go to Hell for simply being women.
In the Hadith mentioned by Christians, the Prophet stated only what he had seen during his Miraculous Journey which is not bound to remain the same for ever.
Other traditions plainly establish that in the Paradise women will be much larger in number compared to men
Rebuking Rev. Steven Martins of Evangelium & Apologia Ministries - 'Western Values'
Is the Gospel of John Reliable?
The Sicarii
More about the Paraclete
Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Learn about Islam
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Comment About Answering Islam Author
Here's a comment I received concerning Sam Shamoun of the Answering Islam website on the video below
I like how this videos exposes the lies constantly told by Sam. Hope his followers study his teachings and see the falsehood in it because technically it's a criminal act to hijack a religion based on lies, mockery, and hatred
Ted Shoebat and Christian militancy
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
I like how this videos exposes the lies constantly told by Sam. Hope his followers study his teachings and see the falsehood in it because technically it's a criminal act to hijack a religion based on lies, mockery, and hatred
Ted Shoebat and Christian militancy
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam
Sharia on Terrorism
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Tags: james white, walid shoebat, samuel green, zakir hussain, zakir naik, debate, shaded lewis, ray comfort, calvinsim, catholic
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
James White Exposes Dishonesty of AnsweringIslam and AnsweringMuslims
Well, what can you say but fair play to James White for exposing the dishonesty of certain Christians in his book 'What Every Christian Should Know About the Quran'. It's also encouraging to notice that other Christians have rebuked these two hate preachers regarding their dishonest reading and hypocritical arguments - sadly one of the hate preachers reacted angrily to his fellow Christian's rebuke.
I fear, the dishonest hate preachers who Nabeel Qureshi will not even defend, Sam Shamoun and David Wood, will continue with their online money making operations; receiving cash from gullible and hate-mongering supporters.
Whatever happened to the days of discernment where one could easily recognise the charlatan from somebody with scholarly authority? Whatever ever happened to those days? This is a problem of the internet, the lines between the amateur, the charlatan, the scholar and the downright dishonest have been blurred and people are taking advantage of this haze.
We all know the impact of dishonest Eastern Christians in the West (i.e. Ergun Caner, Walid Shoebat, Usama Dakdok etc.) who spout what they think their audience wants them to hear with a complete disregard for scholarship and accuracy yet what's not so well documented is the manner in which a number of Western Christians readily offer dishonest servings to their followers and take the cash at the end of the day.
I'm glad we can use Dr James White to expose the dishonesty and duplicity of two Christian hate preachers here - I guess a Christian exposing other Christians makes a bigger statement than a Muslim doing such in the current climate. Just like when Ergun Caner's lies were being exposed - a Muslim, Mohammad Khan of fake exMuslims was trundling along and exposing Ergun Caner pretty steadily but when James White clambered on the bandwagon there was a bigger impact as it was a Christian exposing the dishonesty of a co-religionist.
Let's pray this important video has an impact in stimulating the Christian hate preachers, David Wood and Sam Shamoun into self reflection and ultimately a change of approach on their part - a turning away from hate preaching and misinformation.
James White Condemns Inconsistency, Dishonesty, Lack of Discernment and lack of scholarly approach - David Wood and Sam Shamoun watch out...
A discussion on the Quranic Verses mentioned in the video:
Don't they and other Christians not see they are simply repelling people from their faith and their church? Don't they not stop to think that a well known Christian saying is 'the truth shall set you free' yet they operate out of the boundary of truth? Don't they know this?
It's time for Christians like James White and others to regulate the dishonest amongst their ranks - regardless of whether they are Calvinists, Armenians or whatever. Folk such as Christian hate preachers make the dialogue between Muslims and Christians uneasy and much more difficult.
The truth should be valued. A better quality of dialogue can ensue between Muslims and Christians when Christian leaders (such as pastors, apologists and elders) decide they value the truth enough to weed out the dishonest amongst their ranks
No honest, sincere and decent man could defend the manners, actions and the arguments that these two hate preachers have been espousing over the years. When will fair minded folk within Christian communities speak out? I invite those who would consider themselves fair to speak up - Samuel Green, Nabeel Qureshi, James White, Tony Costa, Bassim Gorial, Mike Licona, Tony Santana, Anthony Rogers, Hogan Elijah Hagbard, Peter Lumpkins, Mary Jo Sharp, Melissa Cain Travis, Samar Goriel, Gary Habermas, C.L. Edwards etc.
Speak up for the truth. The truth is something that does set people free - free from the guilt of dishonesty.
James White wrong about the Ebionites
Nabeel Qureshi called to denounce evangelical hate preachers and supporters
David Wood versus James White
I fear, the dishonest hate preachers who Nabeel Qureshi will not even defend, Sam Shamoun and David Wood, will continue with their online money making operations; receiving cash from gullible and hate-mongering supporters.
Whatever happened to the days of discernment where one could easily recognise the charlatan from somebody with scholarly authority? Whatever ever happened to those days? This is a problem of the internet, the lines between the amateur, the charlatan, the scholar and the downright dishonest have been blurred and people are taking advantage of this haze.
We all know the impact of dishonest Eastern Christians in the West (i.e. Ergun Caner, Walid Shoebat, Usama Dakdok etc.) who spout what they think their audience wants them to hear with a complete disregard for scholarship and accuracy yet what's not so well documented is the manner in which a number of Western Christians readily offer dishonest servings to their followers and take the cash at the end of the day.
I'm glad we can use Dr James White to expose the dishonesty and duplicity of two Christian hate preachers here - I guess a Christian exposing other Christians makes a bigger statement than a Muslim doing such in the current climate. Just like when Ergun Caner's lies were being exposed - a Muslim, Mohammad Khan of fake exMuslims was trundling along and exposing Ergun Caner pretty steadily but when James White clambered on the bandwagon there was a bigger impact as it was a Christian exposing the dishonesty of a co-religionist.
Let's pray this important video has an impact in stimulating the Christian hate preachers, David Wood and Sam Shamoun into self reflection and ultimately a change of approach on their part - a turning away from hate preaching and misinformation.
James White Condemns Inconsistency, Dishonesty, Lack of Discernment and lack of scholarly approach - David Wood and Sam Shamoun watch out...
A discussion on the Quranic Verses mentioned in the video:
Don't they and other Christians not see they are simply repelling people from their faith and their church? Don't they not stop to think that a well known Christian saying is 'the truth shall set you free' yet they operate out of the boundary of truth? Don't they know this?
It's time for Christians like James White and others to regulate the dishonest amongst their ranks - regardless of whether they are Calvinists, Armenians or whatever. Folk such as Christian hate preachers make the dialogue between Muslims and Christians uneasy and much more difficult.
The truth should be valued. A better quality of dialogue can ensue between Muslims and Christians when Christian leaders (such as pastors, apologists and elders) decide they value the truth enough to weed out the dishonest amongst their ranks
No honest, sincere and decent man could defend the manners, actions and the arguments that these two hate preachers have been espousing over the years. When will fair minded folk within Christian communities speak out? I invite those who would consider themselves fair to speak up - Samuel Green, Nabeel Qureshi, James White, Tony Costa, Bassim Gorial, Mike Licona, Tony Santana, Anthony Rogers, Hogan Elijah Hagbard, Peter Lumpkins, Mary Jo Sharp, Melissa Cain Travis, Samar Goriel, Gary Habermas, C.L. Edwards etc.
Speak up for the truth. The truth is something that does set people free - free from the guilt of dishonesty.
James White wrong about the Ebionites
Nabeel Qureshi called to denounce evangelical hate preachers and supporters
David Wood versus James White
having dreams and converting to Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Learn about Islam:
tags: shabir ally, debates, james white, William
lane craig, nabeel qureshi, Samuel green, zakir hussain, nazam
guffoor, ahmed deedat, zakir naik,
ABN Sat,
Answering Islam,
David Wood,
Sam Shamoun
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Had Aisha Reached Puberty? Dishonest Christians (Sam Shamoun and David Wood) v Scholars
Dishonest claims about Islam are rife on the internet. I really hope Christians will start to reign in the dishonest missionaries within their communities who spread such falsehoods about Islam. Here we see two internet Islamophobes, David Wood and Sam Shamoun, having their dishonesty stomped out. I really hope those who donate money to these folk will stop - don't pay for dishonesty.
The Truth about Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha
Peace be on all of the Prophets of God. Ameen.
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.
Learn about Islam:
The Truth about Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha
Peace be on all of the Prophets of God. Ameen.
Invitation to Islam
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.
Learn about Islam:
Answering Islam,
David Wood,
Prophet Muhammad,
Sam Shamoun
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Samuel Green Learns Muslims Cannot Worship Muhammad (p)
Within certain Christian evangelical groups there seems to be a clamber to misrepresent Islam as a polytheistic religion. Here we see a Christian apologist (Samuel Green) learn that Islam does not allow Muslims to worship Prophet Muhammad (p) or any creation of Allah (including Prophet Jesus p).
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? Learn about Islam: Email:
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? Learn about Islam: Email:
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Sam Shamoun, the biggest ignoramus of
Confused and noisy |
This Sam Shamoun fella just doesn't get it, does he? During the day people go to work, they study, they have meetings and do other productive stuff. Not Sam Shamoun. He spams my comment sections with hormone-fuelled nonsense. Could somebody take this guy to one side and have a word? Please.
I've just deleted a bunch of his comments. However, I had a look at one of the links he was championing. As per usual the man does not deign to argue against the pure monotheism of Islam - I reckon deep down he knows it's far superior than his trinity (I bet even he cannot picture Moses, Abraham (pbut) or any other prophet worshipping a trinity)
Another argument backfires
Let's have a look at his argument. As is his wont, Shamoun writes a tome for no reason at all (does anybody really read his material in its entirety?). His basic point is that Islam forbade adultery and fornication yet allowed intimacy with the slave girls. He then uses this to insult the brother of Jesus (Prophet Muhammad, pbut).
Some cultural, Biblical and practical education for Sam Shamoun
Firstly (sexual) intimacy is allowed with concubines (female slaves) in the Judeo-Christian tradition too. According to their traditions a number of figures in the Bible had concubines: Abraham had two concubines; Gideon: at least 1; David: many; Nahor: 1; Jacob: 1; Eliphaz: 1; Gideon: 1; Caleb: 2; Manassah: 1; Saul: 1; David: at least 10; Rehoboam: 60; Solomon: 300; an unidentified Levite: 1; Belshazzar: more than 1. [Sourced from]
Back in ancient times having a concubine was similar to marriage (though it was not marriage in name) and the children from such a union were seen to be legitimate. The same applies to Islamic times - having a female slave was similar to a marriage as well.
This 'Christian' (Shamoun) either does not know this or just throws this knowledge aside to attack Islam. It's amazing to see the number of criticisms this man levels at Islam which also insult his Judeo-Christian tradition too. Has this man no sense and no self-control?
'Concubinage was practised in many ancient cultures, especially in Mesopotamia.....where a private citizen might have one or two concubines in addition to his primary wife.....a concubine was often a slave or part of the booty of war (Judges 5:30). A man might have a concubine simply as an economical form of marriage, since no dowry or bride-price was required. A concubine could add to a man's prestige by giving him two wives and thus an increased capacity for children. Such offspring were normally delivered onto the knees of the legal wife, thus establishing their legitimacy as family members. The concubine was also another servant to add to his work force.' (Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, 1997, Vol 1, p504). [sourced from UKapologetics]
The Bible allows sex with captured women (even if already married?)
A major facet of his argument is that in Islam a man can have sexual intimacy with his slave girl (concubine) even if she was married prior to being captured. Again, this Shamoun fella misses the important context. Shamoun conveniently forgets to mention that the previous marriage is annulled and this relationship between the slave girl and the master is similar to a marriage. Therefore one can see this is not adultery/fornication.
However, this is something which may be in his Bible too. Deuteronomy 21:10-14 allows a man to marry a female captive of war that he finds beautiful. What if this woman happens to have been married prior to being captured? This seems to be extremely likely as in ancient times the women married early (the Biblical age of marriage was in fact puberty). Would one say that the modern day Bible allows adultery? No. The obvious answer seems to be that, in Judeo-Christian times, the previous marriage of the captured woman was annulled thus this was not seen as adultery. Is this not similar to what the ignoramus from was attacking Islam for? Yes, it's another case of this 'Christian' not thinking and/or throwing his Bible behind his back in order to attack Islam.
Welcome to the weird world of's biggest ignoramus!
See how quick and easy it is to refute's biggest ignoramus? He spends all day/week/month to write a tome (of nonsense). The one refuting him offers a spot of common sense, a bit of insight and a few paragraphs. It tells its own story!
In the Sam Shamoun section you will find over 50 posts denouncing, rebuking, exposing and even mocking the biggest ignoramus at Enjoy:
The insincere Christians who compare Jesus (p) with Muhammad (p):
Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.
Learn about Islam:
Monday, 15 July 2013
Sam Shamoun, you're an idiot!
Is this Sam Shamoun fella off his rocker? This video further highlights the man's idiocy and hatred. This Sam Shamoun fella actually insults his modern-day Bible just to poke fun at Muslims. He professes to be a Christian apologist too. What an idiot!
Sam, wake up.
Stop wasting your life PRESENTING STUPID ARGUMENTS and spamming on my blog. Go away, drop your hatred of Muslims and Islam, rethink your life and your religion.
Learn about Islam:
Sunday, 14 July 2013 Cons Anthony Rogers
Does it get much more dishonest and pathetic than this. The anti-Muslim website,, actually winds up conning its own contributor.
An article written by their chief writer Sam Shamoun contained some deceptive quoting which one of their other contributors (Anthony Rogers) used in a debate against a Muslim opponent on whether Prophet Muhammad (p) is mentioned in their modern-day Bible.
Watch this shocking video highlighting the manner in which is even conning its own Christian colleagues!
Anthony Rogers Conned by
If video does not play, please see:
For those who want more information on this issue please see:
Anthony Rogers - does he have enough moral and testicular fortitude to speak out?
It's important for Christians to speak out against such dishonesty. So far Anthony has not spoken out. Don't be afraid Anthony, speak the truth...
Does believe in all their resurrection stories unlike William Lane Craig?:
An article written by their chief writer Sam Shamoun contained some deceptive quoting which one of their other contributors (Anthony Rogers) used in a debate against a Muslim opponent on whether Prophet Muhammad (p) is mentioned in their modern-day Bible.
Watch this shocking video highlighting the manner in which is even conning its own Christian colleagues!
Anthony Rogers Conned by
If video does not play, please see:
For those who want more information on this issue please see:
Anthony Rogers - does he have enough moral and testicular fortitude to speak out?
It's important for Christians to speak out against such dishonesty. So far Anthony has not spoken out. Don't be afraid Anthony, speak the truth...
Does believe in all their resurrection stories unlike William Lane Craig?:
Friday, 24 May 2013
An Idiot From and ABNsat
Here we have an Assyrian Christian who works for a Christian missionary website presenting a ridiculous falsehood that his own Christian colleagues do not even believe!
In this video Sam Shamoun is caught red-handed, refuted and mocked for his utter idiocy.
If video does not play, see here:
For more information on the commentaries regarding /surah 15: 90-91 please see the link below:
In this video Sam Shamoun is caught red-handed, refuted and mocked for his utter idiocy.
If video does not play, see here:
For more information on the commentaries regarding /surah 15: 90-91 please see the link below:
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Most Stupid Argument Against Islam from a Christian?
This is a clip from a Christian TV station (ABN) which discusses Islam, in this video we see one of the presenters (named Sam Shamoun) literally throw common sense out of the window to argue against Islam. Have you ever seen a more stupid argument against Islam from a Christian TV station?
If the video does not play, please see here:
What is the origin of the trinity? Shabir Ally
If the video does not play, please see here:
What is the origin of the trinity? Shabir Ally
ABN Sat,
Answering Islam,
Missionary Scandal,
Sam Shamoun
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Perverted Christian Apologist: 'Hijabbi Hotties and Burka Babes' Video Absurdity
Wow, where to start? One of Christianity’s most active defenders on the internet has further revealed his debauched and perverted mindset with this comment:
I write bad things about your prophet, funny limerics about Muslim woman, I want to do a video called Hijabbi Hotties and Burka Babes gone wild
Screen shot of his entire comment (double click to enlarge):
Notice the sexual perversion in this Christian man’s words. He wants to make videos of Muslim women? Is this the standard of right-wing Christian bigots in America - perversion? Let's give this pervert a stern rebuke whilst warning of the pornographic mindset of some of the Christian bigots young Muslims are being hounded by. If you are a female and suspect this Christian Islamophobe (or any other) is e-stalking you please do report him and forward his comments to this blog for purposes of further exposure and rebuke.
Muslims should certainly take precautions on the net to avoid people such as this Christian apologist as these people clearly have sex on the mind - strange sexual thoughts. Sadly, I fear this attitude is not simply isolated to this rogue Christian who has also been caught preying on a female (Christian) pastor from Christian TV channel (ABN) in the past. Remember, this is a Christian who defends and promotes Christianity whilst peddling anti-Muslim/Islam rhetoric so we would imagine he is a church-going, right wing Christian. Why do these right-wing Christians show themselves up?
Perverted Islamophobes (haters of Islam)
Be wary of Islamophobes as the man who made such a comment is a prominent Islamophobe on chat sites such as Pal Talk and blog comment sections such as this one and the bigoted AM blog. He regularly insults Allah (his creator), Islam and Prophet Muhammad (p).
Who is this Islamophobic Christian Pervert?
He goes by the name ‘Radical Moderate’ on blogger and a chat site called Pal Talk. He previously used the name ‘The Fat Man’ (silly name for an obviously silly person). This Christian apologist is a supporter of many Christian ministries including Nabeel Qureshi’s Creed2:6Ministries, James White’s Alpha and Omega Ministries, Anthony Rogers, Acts 17 Apologetics`and Answering Islam. He is also a regular caller and supporter of Bassim Gorial’s Aramaic Broadcasting Network.
This pervert has claimed to have been invited to write for a prominent anti-Islam website by Sam Shamoun, if true, it simply further highlights the link between sexual depravity and the right-winged Anti-Muslim brigade. He also financially supports Islamophobes on the net as well as cheering for them. I guess he is getting his money’s worth if his goal is to become a perverted Christian missionary.
Christian needs help
Muslims should be at the forefront of denouncing and rehabilitating dangerous Christians such as this perverted Christian apologist.
I have tried to help this Christian man previously (via private communication) but his hatred of Muslims, Islam and truth is hindering him. I hope this man seeks help and rethinks his belief system. I suspect he has been deflated by all the posts showing the holes in the Bible and Christian theology, hence any Muslim attempting to help him should bear this in mind.
Muslim girls and women should steer clear of this American Christian man and people of his ilk. Be wary of Islamophobes!
Message to Radical Mod
Please rethink your ways and grow up. I invite you to a relationship with God. Do you want a relationship with God? Yes/No? If yes, please become a Muslim. Learn about Islam:
Hijab in Bible
New Testament Studies for Muslims and Christians
Tough questions Christians do not answer
I write bad things about your prophet, funny limerics about Muslim woman, I want to do a video called Hijabbi Hotties and Burka Babes gone wild
Screen shot of his entire comment (double click to enlarge):
Notice the sexual perversion in this Christian man’s words. He wants to make videos of Muslim women? Is this the standard of right-wing Christian bigots in America - perversion? Let's give this pervert a stern rebuke whilst warning of the pornographic mindset of some of the Christian bigots young Muslims are being hounded by. If you are a female and suspect this Christian Islamophobe (or any other) is e-stalking you please do report him and forward his comments to this blog for purposes of further exposure and rebuke.
Muslims should certainly take precautions on the net to avoid people such as this Christian apologist as these people clearly have sex on the mind - strange sexual thoughts. Sadly, I fear this attitude is not simply isolated to this rogue Christian who has also been caught preying on a female (Christian) pastor from Christian TV channel (ABN) in the past. Remember, this is a Christian who defends and promotes Christianity whilst peddling anti-Muslim/Islam rhetoric so we would imagine he is a church-going, right wing Christian. Why do these right-wing Christians show themselves up?
Perverted Islamophobes (haters of Islam)
Be wary of Islamophobes as the man who made such a comment is a prominent Islamophobe on chat sites such as Pal Talk and blog comment sections such as this one and the bigoted AM blog. He regularly insults Allah (his creator), Islam and Prophet Muhammad (p).
Who is this Islamophobic Christian Pervert?
He goes by the name ‘Radical Moderate’ on blogger and a chat site called Pal Talk. He previously used the name ‘The Fat Man’ (silly name for an obviously silly person). This Christian apologist is a supporter of many Christian ministries including Nabeel Qureshi’s Creed2:6Ministries, James White’s Alpha and Omega Ministries, Anthony Rogers, Acts 17 Apologetics`and Answering Islam. He is also a regular caller and supporter of Bassim Gorial’s Aramaic Broadcasting Network.
This pervert has claimed to have been invited to write for a prominent anti-Islam website by Sam Shamoun, if true, it simply further highlights the link between sexual depravity and the right-winged Anti-Muslim brigade. He also financially supports Islamophobes on the net as well as cheering for them. I guess he is getting his money’s worth if his goal is to become a perverted Christian missionary.
Christian needs help
Muslims should be at the forefront of denouncing and rehabilitating dangerous Christians such as this perverted Christian apologist.
I have tried to help this Christian man previously (via private communication) but his hatred of Muslims, Islam and truth is hindering him. I hope this man seeks help and rethinks his belief system. I suspect he has been deflated by all the posts showing the holes in the Bible and Christian theology, hence any Muslim attempting to help him should bear this in mind.
Muslim girls and women should steer clear of this American Christian man and people of his ilk. Be wary of Islamophobes!
Message to Radical Mod
Please rethink your ways and grow up. I invite you to a relationship with God. Do you want a relationship with God? Yes/No? If yes, please become a Muslim. Learn about Islam:
Hijab in Bible
New Testament Studies for Muslims and Christians
Tough questions Christians do not answer
ABN Sat,
Answering Islam,
Missionary Scandal,
Why Islam
Monday, 1 August 2011
The Name 'Allah' Used By Christians
The name Allah is not confined to Islam alone; it is also the name by which Arabic-speaking Christians of the oriental churches call upon God. [1]
Some food for thought for those nutty American Christian fundies who traverse the cyber and real world spewing out the most vile of insults directed at Allah. Do they not know they are committing blasphemy – even in the eyes of their Arab (and learned) Christian brethren???
[1] The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam, Revised Edition, Cyril Glasse, Stacey International, 2001, p42
Some food for thought for those nutty American Christian fundies who traverse the cyber and real world spewing out the most vile of insults directed at Allah. Do they not know they are committing blasphemy – even in the eyes of their Arab (and learned) Christian brethren???
[1] The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam, Revised Edition, Cyril Glasse, Stacey International, 2001, p42
Monday, 25 July 2011
Did The Prophet Know He Was Going to Heaven? The Qur'an Gives The Answer!
Time and again we've been faced with strange, inane claims made by Christian missionaries with clear intentions to defame Islam. Within the last year Nabeel Qureshi claimed that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was oblivious to whether he'd be granted entry into heaven or not. He alleges that there exists a dissatisfaction in comfort that comes with Islam, because one ultimately does not know his end, including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
(Verily, it is a river that my Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, has promised me and it has abundant goodness. It is a pond where my Ummah will be brought to on the Day of Judgement. Its containers are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Then a servant of Allah from among them will be (prevented from it) and I will say: "O Lord! Verily, he is from my Ummah (followers).'' Then He (Allah) will say: "Verily, you do not know what he introduced (or innovated) after you.)''[2]
(I entered Paradise and I came to a river whose banks had tents made of pearls. So I thrust my hand into its flowing water and found that it was the strongest (smell) of musk. So I asked, "O Jibril! What is this'' He replied, "This is Al-Kawthar which Allah, the Mighty and Majestic has given you.'')[4]
Al-Bukhari recorded this in his Sahih, and so did Muslim, on the authority of Anas bin Malik. In their version Anas said, "When the Prophet was taken up to the heaven, he said,
(I came to a river whose banks had domes of hollowed pearl. I said: "O Jibril! What is this'' He replied: "This is Al-Kawthar.'')''[5] This is the wording of Al-Bukhari.
«َُูู َْููุฑٌ ِูู ุงْูุฌََّูุฉِ ุฃَุนْุทَุงِِููู ุฑَุจِّู، ََُููู ุฃَุดَุฏُّ ุจََูุงุถًุง ู َِู ุงَّููุจَِู، َูุฃَุญَْูู ู َِู ุงْูุนَุณَِู، ِِููู ุทُُููุฑٌ ุฃَุนَْูุงَُููุง َูุฃَุนَْูุงِู ุงْูุฌُุฒُุฑ»
(It is a river in Paradise which my Lord has given me. It is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. There are birds in it whose necks are (long) like carrots.)
«ุขَُِูููุง ุฃَْูุนَู ُ ู َِْููุง َูุง ุนُู َุฑ»
(The one who eats them (i.e., the people of Paradise) will be more beautiful than them, O `Umar.)[6]
Al-Bukhari also recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that Ibn `Abbas said, "Al-Kawthar is the abundant goodness.'' This explanation includes the river and other things as well. Because the word Al-Kawthar comes from the word Kathrah (abundance) and it (Al-Kawthar) linguistically means an abundance of goodness. So from this goodness is the river (in Paradise).
(Say: "Verily, my Salah, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all that exists. He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.'') (6:162-163)
(And do not eat from what Allah's Name has not been pronounced over, indeed that is Fisq.) (6:121)
Unfortunately Nabeel's babble comes to a direct halt when faced with one of the most beautiful Surah's in the Quran: Surah Al-Kauther (or Al-Kawther). We have taken the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir and reproduced it below from IslamBasics, which clearly indicate the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will reside in heaven, no questions asked:
The Tafsir of Surat Al-Kawthar
(Chapter - 108)
Which was revealed in Al-Madinah and They also say in Makkah
ِ ุงَِّููู ุงูุฑَّุญْู
َِูู ุงูุฑَّุญِูู
ِ ]
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[ุฅَِّูุข ุฃَุนْุทَََْูููู ุงَْْูููุซَุฑَ - َูุตَِّู ِูุฑَุจَِّู َูุงْูุญَุฑْ - ุฅَِّู ุดَุงِูุฆََู َُูู ุงูุงٌّุจْุชَุฑُ ]
(1. Verily, We have granted you Al-Kawthar.) (2. Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice.) (3. For he who hates you, he will be cut off.)
Muslim, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i, all recorded from Anas[1] that he said, "While we were with the Messenger of Allah in the Masjid, he dozed off into a slumber. Then he lifted his head smiling. We said, `O Messenger of Allah! What has caused you to laugh' He said,
«ََููุฏْ ุฃُْูุฒَِูุชْ ุนَََّูู ุขًِููุง ุณُูุฑَุฉ»
(Verily, a Surah was just revealed to me.)
Then he recited,
[ุฅَِّูุข ุฃَุนْุทَََْูููู ุงَْْูููุซَุฑَ - َูุตَِّู ِูุฑَุจَِّู َูุงْูุญَุฑْ - ุฅَِّู ุดَุงِูุฆََู َُูู ุงูุงٌّุจْุชَุฑُ ]
(Verily, We have granted you Al-Kawthar. Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice. For he who hates you, he will be cut off.)
Then he said,
«ุฃَุชَุฏْุฑَُูู ู
َุง ุงَْْูููุซَุฑُ؟»
(Do you all know what is Al-Kawthar)
We said, `Allah and His Messenger know best.' He said,
«َูุฅَُِّูู ََููุฑٌ َูุนَุฏَِِููู ุฑَุจِّู ุนَุฒَّ َูุฌََّู،ุนََِْููู ุฎَْูุฑٌ َูุซِูุฑٌ، َُูู ุญَْูุถٌ ุชَุฑِุฏُ ุนََِْููู ุฃُู
َّุชِู َْููู
َ ุงَِْูููุงู
َุฉِ، ุขَِููุชُُู ุนَุฏَุฏُ ุงُّููุฌُูู
ِ ِูู ุงูุณَّู
َุงุกِ، َُููุฎْุชََูุฌُ ุงْูุนَุจْุฏُ ู
َูุฃَُُููู: ุฑَุจِّ ุฅَُِّูู ู ِْู ุฃُู َّุชِู، ََُُููููู: ุฅََِّูู َูุง ุชَุฏْุฑِู ู َุง ุฃَุญْุฏَุซَ ุจَุนْุฏَู»
َูุฃَُُููู: ุฑَุจِّ ุฅَُِّูู ู ِْู ุฃُู َّุชِู، ََُُููููู: ุฅََِّูู َูุง ุชَุฏْุฑِู ู َุง ุฃَุญْุฏَุซَ ุจَุนْุฏَู»
(Verily, it is a river that my Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, has promised me and it has abundant goodness. It is a pond where my Ummah will be brought to on the Day of Judgement. Its containers are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Then a servant of Allah from among them will be (prevented from it) and I will say: "O Lord! Verily, he is from my Ummah (followers).'' Then He (Allah) will say: "Verily, you do not know what he introduced (or innovated) after you.)''[2]
This is the wording of Muslim. Ahmad recorded this Hadith from Muhammad bin Fudayl, who reported from Al-Mukhtar bin Fulful, who reported it from Anas bin Malik.[3]
Imam Ahmad also recorded from Anas that the Messenger of Allah said,
«ุฏَุฎَْูุชُ ุงْูุฌََّูุฉَ َูุฅِุฐَุง ุฃََูุง ุจَِْููุฑٍ ุญَุงَูุชَุงُู ุฎَِูุงู
ُ ุงُّููุคُْูุคِ، َูุถَุฑَุจْุชُ ุจَِูุฏِู ุฅَِูู ู
َุง َูุฌْุฑِู ِِููู ุงْูู
َุงุกُ، َูุฅِุฐَุง ู
ِุณٌْู ุฃَุฐَْูุฑُ، ُْููุชُ: ู
َุงَูุฐَุง َูุง ุฌِุจْุฑُِูู؟ َูุงَู: َูุฐَุง ุงَْْูููุซَุฑُ ุงَّูุฐِู ุฃَุนْุทَุงَُูู ุงُููู ุนَุฒَّ َูุฌَู»
(I entered Paradise and I came to a river whose banks had tents made of pearls. So I thrust my hand into its flowing water and found that it was the strongest (smell) of musk. So I asked, "O Jibril! What is this'' He replied, "This is Al-Kawthar which Allah, the Mighty and Majestic has given you.'')[4]
Al-Bukhari recorded this in his Sahih, and so did Muslim, on the authority of Anas bin Malik. In their version Anas said, "When the Prophet was taken up to the heaven, he said,
«ุฃَุชَْูุชُ ุนََูู َْููุฑٍ ุญَุงَูุชَุงُู ِูุจَุงุจُ ุงُّููุคُْูุคِ ุงْูู
ُุฌََِّูู َُْูููุชُ: ู
َุง َูุฐَุง َูุง ุฌِุจْุฑُِูู؟ َูุงَู: َูุฐَุง ุงَْْูููุซَุฑ»
(I came to a river whose banks had domes of hollowed pearl. I said: "O Jibril! What is this'' He replied: "This is Al-Kawthar.'')''[5] This is the wording of Al-Bukhari.
Ahmad recorded from Anas that a man said, "O Messenger of Allah! What is Al-Kawthar'' He replied,
«َُูู َْููุฑٌ ِูู ุงْูุฌََّูุฉِ ุฃَุนْุทَุงِِููู ุฑَุจِّู، ََُููู ุฃَุดَุฏُّ ุจََูุงุถًุง ู َِู ุงَّููุจَِู، َูุฃَุญَْูู ู َِู ุงْูุนَุณَِู، ِِููู ุทُُููุฑٌ ุฃَุนَْูุงَُููุง َูุฃَุนَْูุงِู ุงْูุฌُุฒُุฑ»
(It is a river in Paradise which my Lord has given me. It is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. There are birds in it whose necks are (long) like carrots.)
`Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah! Verily, they (the birds) will be beautiful.'' The Prophet replied,
«ุขَُِูููุง ุฃَْูุนَู ُ ู َِْููุง َูุง ุนُู َุฑ»
(The one who eats them (i.e., the people of Paradise) will be more beautiful than them, O `Umar.)[6]
Al-Bukhari recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that Ibn `Abbas said about Al-Kawthar, "It is the good which Allah gave to him (the Prophet).'' Abu Bishr said, "I said to Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Verily, people are claiming that it is a river in Paradise.''' Sa`id replied, `The river which is in Paradise is part of the goodness which Allah gave him.'''[7]
Al-Bukhari also recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that Ibn `Abbas said, "Al-Kawthar is the abundant goodness.'' This explanation includes the river and other things as well. Because the word Al-Kawthar comes from the word Kathrah (abundance) and it (Al-Kawthar) linguistically means an abundance of goodness. So from this goodness is the river (in Paradise).
Imam Ahmad recorded from Ibn `Umar that the Messenger of Allah said,
«ุงَْْูููุซَุฑُ َْููุฑٌ ِูู ุงْูุฌََّูุฉِ ุญَุงَูุชَุงُู ู
ِْู ุฐََูุจٍ، َูุงْูู
َุงุกُ َูุฌْุฑِู ุนََูู ุงُّููุคُْูุคِ، َูู
َุงุคُُู ุฃَุดَุฏُّ ุจََูุงุถًุง ู
َِู ุงَّููุจَِู، َูุฃَุญَْูู ู
َِู ุงْูุนَุณَู»
(Al-Kawthar is a river in Paradise whose banks are of gold and it runs over pearls. Its water is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey.)[8]
This Hadith was recorded in this manner by At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Jarir. At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Sahih.''[9]
Then Allah says,
[َูุตَِّู ِูุฑَุจَِّู َูุงْูุญَุฑْ ]
(Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice.)
meaning, `just as We have given you the abundant goodness in this life and the Hereafter -- and from that is the river that has been described previously -- then make your obligatory and optional prayer, and your sacrifice (of animals) solely and sincerely for your Lord. Woship Him alone and do not associate any partner with him. And sacrifice pronouncing His Name alone, without ascribing any partner to Him.' This is as Allah says,
[ُْูู ุฅَِّู ุตَูุงَุชِู َُููุณُِูู َูู
َุญَْูุงَู َูู
َุงุชِู َِّููู ุฑَุจِّ ุงْูุนََููู
َِูู - ูุงَ ุดَุฑَِูู َُูู َูุจِุฐََِูู ุฃُู
ِุฑْุชُ َูุฃََูุงْ ุฃََُّูู ุงْูู
َِูู ]
(Say: "Verily, my Salah, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all that exists. He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.'') (6:162-163)
Ibn `Abbas, `Ata,' Mujahid, `Ikrimah and Al-Hasan all said, "This means with this the Budn should be sacrificed.''[10] Qatadah, Muhammad bin Ka`b Al-Qurazi, Ad-Dahhak, Ar-Rabi`, `Ata' Al-Khurasani, Al-Hakam, Isma`il bin Abi Khalid and others from the Salaf have all said the same. [11]This is the opposite of the way of the idolators, prostrating to other than Allah and sacrificing in other than His Name. Allah says,
[َููุงَ ุชَุฃُُْูููุงْ ู
َّุง َูู
ْ ُูุฐَْูุฑِ ุงุณْู
ُ ุงَِّููู ุนََِْููู َูุฅَُِّูู َِููุณٌْู]
(And do not eat from what Allah's Name has not been pronounced over, indeed that is Fisq.) (6:121)
[1] Muslim 1:300, Abu Dawud 5:110, and An-Nasai in Al-Kubra 6:533.
[2] Muslim 1:300.
[3] Ahmad 3:102.
[4] Ahmad 3:103.
[5] Al-Bukhari no. 4946.
[6] Ahmad 3:220.
[7] Fath Al-Bari 8:603.
[8] Ahmad 2:67. See Al-Bukhari 4965.
[9] Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi 9:294, Ibn Majah 2:1450, and At-Tabari 24:660.
[10] At-Tabari 24:653.
[11] At-Tabari 24:654.
A Flash From The Past: Nabeel Qureshi Distorts Islamic Teachings
If you guys remembered, earlier this year Yahya Snow came across something peculiar on the net, with the exception of the 'thighing' episode. Who would have known that Nabeel Qureshi, a former member of Acts 17 Apologetics now founder of Creed 2:6, would have the audacity to tell a bold-faced lie to an audience made up entirely of Christians! Astonishing at just what great lengths this man will really go to! Hateful polemics? You guessed right!:
Would Jesus (PBUH) be proud of you for your gratuitous lies against an entire faith?
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Double Dutch From an Answeringslam Author – Nakdimon
Here we have the Dutch Christian, yep they still have what some Christians deem as “Holy Spirit inspired Christians” in Holland despite the immoral anarchy of Amsterdam. Quite how Christian folk can believe those Christians have God dwelling within them (yep, that’s the Christian belief) whilst being impotent against the moral decline affecting Christian Europe is one for another day.
Here is the Answering Islam author, Nakdimon, going off on an ill-informed and hypocritical rant to deflect the attention from the fact his colleague (Sam Shamoun) has been peddling gross lies to his gullible Christian audience:
So Yahya, how about some PROOF of what you claim? This is typically you: You claim things and FAIL to provide the evidence. What "christian'' website did Shamoun get this fatwa from? What saudi scholars denounced this fatwa and on the basis of WHAT? Please provide the proof for once in your life. Thanks!
??? + The Irony + Muslims Policing Christian Con Artists
The irony is lost on this bloke as he was presenting his scribbles in the comment section to the video in which Shamoun refuses to present his "files" (aka lies)
Oh Nakdimon, calm down and do a surface level of digging. The proof is a click away on this very blog! What's the matter, are you worried you may land on a page which shatters your faith?
Nakdimon, could you operate in a consistent fashion and get Mr Shamoun to present his “proof” for his lies (aka "files") rather than trading in ill-informed and duplicitous rants. That bloke, Shamoun, has had YEARS to present his 'proof', thus far he has been conning the audience by claiming he has it on his computer (a computer bought by gullible Christian donations) yet to be “translated”.
Do you believe he has been too busy counting and collecting the donations/gifts from gullible/hateful Christians rather that presenting his “proof”. Face facts, the bloke has conned you and is not willing to admit the error in his ways. That’s why they call folk like you the sheep as you will never abjure your colleagues/leaders and ignorantly do their bidding. And that’s why Muslims are required to police Christian ignoramuses, frauds, crooks and charlatans such as Christian Prince, Dakdok, Shamoun, Kamal Saleem, David Wood, Walid Shoebat, Ergun Caner etc..
Oh another thing, it may be faith shattering for you
Seen as we have ANOTHER AI author bothering me with absurdities, we may as well present the tough questions that muted your colleague at Answering Islam (Anthony Rogers). Care to answer these questions or press the mute button in a faith shattering panic?
Sick of Christian hypocrisy?
Are you a Christian who is sick of Christian hypocrisy and dishonesty? Are you a Christian who would like a relationship with God? Come to Islam if the answer to the preceding questions is yes
Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another
Here is the Answering Islam author, Nakdimon, going off on an ill-informed and hypocritical rant to deflect the attention from the fact his colleague (Sam Shamoun) has been peddling gross lies to his gullible Christian audience:
So Yahya, how about some PROOF of what you claim? This is typically you: You claim things and FAIL to provide the evidence. What "christian'' website did Shamoun get this fatwa from? What saudi scholars denounced this fatwa and on the basis of WHAT? Please provide the proof for once in your life. Thanks!
??? + The Irony + Muslims Policing Christian Con Artists
The irony is lost on this bloke as he was presenting his scribbles in the comment section to the video in which Shamoun refuses to present his "files" (aka lies)
Oh Nakdimon, calm down and do a surface level of digging. The proof is a click away on this very blog! What's the matter, are you worried you may land on a page which shatters your faith?
Nakdimon, could you operate in a consistent fashion and get Mr Shamoun to present his “proof” for his lies (aka "files") rather than trading in ill-informed and duplicitous rants. That bloke, Shamoun, has had YEARS to present his 'proof', thus far he has been conning the audience by claiming he has it on his computer (a computer bought by gullible Christian donations) yet to be “translated”.
Do you believe he has been too busy counting and collecting the donations/gifts from gullible/hateful Christians rather that presenting his “proof”. Face facts, the bloke has conned you and is not willing to admit the error in his ways. That’s why they call folk like you the sheep as you will never abjure your colleagues/leaders and ignorantly do their bidding. And that’s why Muslims are required to police Christian ignoramuses, frauds, crooks and charlatans such as Christian Prince, Dakdok, Shamoun, Kamal Saleem, David Wood, Walid Shoebat, Ergun Caner etc..
Oh another thing, it may be faith shattering for you
Seen as we have ANOTHER AI author bothering me with absurdities, we may as well present the tough questions that muted your colleague at Answering Islam (Anthony Rogers). Care to answer these questions or press the mute button in a faith shattering panic?
Sick of Christian hypocrisy?
Are you a Christian who is sick of Christian hypocrisy and dishonesty? Are you a Christian who would like a relationship with God? Come to Islam if the answer to the preceding questions is yes
Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another
Friday, 15 July 2011
David 'Thighing' Wood Flashback
Sometimes I wonder what drives David Wood - ringleader of Acts 17 Apologetics - to go to great lengths to 'disprove' Islam. David, if you can still remember we're waiting for your and Sam Shamoun's evidence to the mythical 'thighing' episode you've constantly aired on ABN Sat. Like your friend Walid Shoebat, we know you're just full of hot air. Does it comfort you that you're able to provide your daily bread and butter and so much more by miking your Christian audience? Christians wake up! These man's lunacy knows no bounds!
Question for David Wood:
Would Jesus (PBUH) be proud of you for your gratuitous lies against an entire people?
Sunday, 10 July 2011
American Christian Bigots and the Female Afghan Parliament Fight
Why does hatred for Islam and Muslims (Islamophobia) force American Christian bigots to fall off their rockers? The same bigot who believes there are some American Christians within his community who attack other Christians in order to convert Muslims to Trinitarian Christianity (essentially the worship of a man, Prophet Jesus, pbuh)!
So a small fight breaks out within the Afghan parliament between a couple of females MPs and this American Christian bigot starts blaming Islam. I’m not kidding, he really starts to blame Islam for this!
Over last couple of decades American Christians have been dropping bombs on the heads of Muslim men, women and children in a merciless fashion (as well as shooting, raping and torturing) yet I don’t see Muslims blaming Christianity for the American Christian acts of butchery. These are acts of butchery which American Christians are still perpetrating – I guess their thirst for blood, specifically Muslim blood, has not been quenched. Why don’t we not supply these crazed American Christians with violent video games in the stead of real life weaponry – it would be a lot safer for the rest of the world.
Christians fighting each other
Maybe the Christian bigot being addressed believes these Christians (see video below) are fighting each other (Christians vs. Christians) to help their efforts to convert Muslims to Trinitarian Christianity (essentially the worship of a man, Prophet Jesus PBUH), after all, he does espouse some real nutty views.
Our advice to this American Christian bigot is to forget about promoting bigotry by commenting on a small fight in the puppet parliament of Afghanistan (puppetry controlled by none other than American Christians) and concentrate your mind on why ‘holy spirit inspired Christians’ are fighting each other and butchering Muslims. Perhaps you would like to explain why the two World Wars were Christian on Christian battles? In order to do so coherently, you need to get back on your rocker…
Christians fight other Christians for the control of a church
Armenian and Greek Orthodox Christians clashed for the control of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City
To watch the continuation of this confrontation:
American Christian bigot Dave
As for the Christian bigot who was blaming Islam, here he is getting rebuked by a commentator:
Just had to comment on the latest addition to the bigot fest that is David Wood's blog...
*Female MPs Get into Cat Fight on Floor of Afghan Parliament*
Of course Wood attributes this incident to Islam and those who follow prophet Muhammad (saws) know, the usual reductive and bigoted nonsense.
But perhaps he would like to explain these examples using the same criteria?
South Korea
Because democracy doesn't change people's hearts. It simply brings to light the attitudes of the majority...isn't that right Dave?
[What's the betting on the American fundy Christian Dave censoring such a comment...]
The David Wood section
What every Christian should know about the Bible
So a small fight breaks out within the Afghan parliament between a couple of females MPs and this American Christian bigot starts blaming Islam. I’m not kidding, he really starts to blame Islam for this!
Over last couple of decades American Christians have been dropping bombs on the heads of Muslim men, women and children in a merciless fashion (as well as shooting, raping and torturing) yet I don’t see Muslims blaming Christianity for the American Christian acts of butchery. These are acts of butchery which American Christians are still perpetrating – I guess their thirst for blood, specifically Muslim blood, has not been quenched. Why don’t we not supply these crazed American Christians with violent video games in the stead of real life weaponry – it would be a lot safer for the rest of the world.
Christians fighting each other
Maybe the Christian bigot being addressed believes these Christians (see video below) are fighting each other (Christians vs. Christians) to help their efforts to convert Muslims to Trinitarian Christianity (essentially the worship of a man, Prophet Jesus PBUH), after all, he does espouse some real nutty views.
Our advice to this American Christian bigot is to forget about promoting bigotry by commenting on a small fight in the puppet parliament of Afghanistan (puppetry controlled by none other than American Christians) and concentrate your mind on why ‘holy spirit inspired Christians’ are fighting each other and butchering Muslims. Perhaps you would like to explain why the two World Wars were Christian on Christian battles? In order to do so coherently, you need to get back on your rocker…
Christians fight other Christians for the control of a church
Armenian and Greek Orthodox Christians clashed for the control of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City
To watch the continuation of this confrontation:
American Christian bigot Dave
As for the Christian bigot who was blaming Islam, here he is getting rebuked by a commentator:
Just had to comment on the latest addition to the bigot fest that is David Wood's blog...
*Female MPs Get into Cat Fight on Floor of Afghan Parliament*
Of course Wood attributes this incident to Islam and those who follow prophet Muhammad (saws) know, the usual reductive and bigoted nonsense.
But perhaps he would like to explain these examples using the same criteria?
South Korea
Because democracy doesn't change people's hearts. It simply brings to light the attitudes of the majority...isn't that right Dave?
[What's the betting on the American fundy Christian Dave censoring such a comment...]
The David Wood section
What every Christian should know about the Bible
Answering Islam,
David Wood,
Missionary Scandal
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