Showing posts with label Dhimmi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dhimmi. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Slapping/Whipping and Belittling Dhimmis When Taking Jizya Payments From Them?

This is just one of those annoying allegations in the Islamophobes' arsenal used to demonize Muslims and Islam for political, evangelical and/or financial reasons.

The claim suggests Muslims should slap or whip the Dhimmi while taking the Jizya payment.

This quote from the explanatory notes of 'The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary' should be sufficient to get people to recognise this claim is misleading:

Some interpret being humbled (wa hum saghirun) to mean that the treaty holders should render the indemnity in a state of humility, but some say that the very fact of paying the indemnity is tantamount to this "being humbled" or "being the minority party" (R). Though the practice of forcing the treaty holders to pay the indemnity in a humbled manner was not unknown in Islamic history, many jurists, such as al-Nawawi, pointed out that the Prophet and Caliphs never did so and said that the treaty people's indemnity should be received with gentleness, as one would receive payment of a debt. Umar ibn al-Khattab reportedly agreed to call the indemnity "charity" (sadaqah) when asked to change its name from jizyah. [Loc 24960, Kindle]

Thus we see Prophet Muhammad and the Caliphs never humiliated or hurt the payers of Jizya at the time of taking payment. In fact it should be taken with gentleness as per the opinion of many jurists.

Here's a quote you may see doing the rounds on Islamophobic websites in an attempt to misdirect you from the bigger picture:

As-Sawi noted that the payment of the jizya signified that the non-Muslims are “humble and obedient to the judgements of Islam.” It ensured the “willing submission” or “state of abasement” specified by this verse and spelled out by the Bedouin commander al-Mughira bin Sa”d when he met the Persian Rustam. Said al-Mughira: “I call you to Islam or else you must pay the jizya while you are in a state of abasement.”

Rustam replied, “I know what jizya means, but what does “˜a state of abasement” mean?”

Al-Mughira explained: “You pay it while you are standing and I am sitting and the whip hanging is over your head.”

Some further resources for those willing to learn about the Jizya and Dhimmis

Status of Non-Muslims in the Islamic State - Bassam Zawadi

Muslim Sheikh and Christian Woman Discuss Jizya

Hamza Yusuf Explaining Concept of Dhimmi (Dhimmitude Explained)

Jizya is NOT Scary [Jizyah]

Islam on Dhimmis: What They Don't Want You To Know!

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Hamza Yusuf Explaining Concept of Dhimmi (Dhimmitude Explained)

Hamza Yusuf on Dhimmitude

What is dhimmi?

Hamza Yusuf points out that the Dhimmi system is not a negative thing. He gave the example of the Gulf War (1) where the US protected Kuwait at a COST - protection money. Hamza Yusuf states protection is not free and the Islamic dhimmi system is much cheaper than what America charged.

Hamza Yusuf gave a historically documented case of Muslims returning the Jizya because the Muslims were unable to protect the Christians and Jews of that area. Muslims weren't squeezing people for every drop - it was a case of pay if you had the capacity. Old people who couldn't pay were exempt.

A state of humiliation?

 Hamza Yusuf touches on the translation of Quran 9:29 and the tafsirs. Hamza Yusuf finds it dangerous to say 'in a state of humiliation', he seems to disagree with this view. He highlights that there is a big debate over what the word 'Saaghir' means. Hamza Yusuf suggests we can look at it as 'a minority' rather than 'a state of humiliation'.

What does Dhimma mean?

Hamza Yusuf teaches us it means 'responsibility'. He also states it's the Muslims' responsibility to defend the dhimmis and their places of worship. Hamza Yusuf reminds us of the Islamic teaching of not harming the dhimmi (people in the Muslim world should be reminded of this).

Hamz aYusuf is honest, he doesn't whitewash anything and does touch on the misbehaviour of Muslims in history.

Hamza Yusuf offers an important point so we can have a realistic view of Muslim history; in Egypt it took 300 years before the Muslims reached 50% of the population, it Syria it took 500 years. Hamza Yusuf sees the existence of minorities in Muslim lands as a source of pride as it shows Muslims defended their minorities.

An article on Jizya

An article on Dhimmis:

AlShabaab and Alqaeda, why they commit terrorism - Asghar Bukhari

Muslims against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Islam on Dhimmis: What They Don't Want You To Know!

Brother Ali from the Answering Christians blog has posted a very interesting piece on Dhimmis:
How often will Christians admit that Muhammed pbuh guaranteed them safety and rights (btw the Jews and Christians at the Prophet's time DID take him as a Prophet of God)

“Someone who unjustly kills a dhimmi (person under protection) cannot get a whiff of Heaven. However, its fragrance is felt from a distance of forty years. (Sahih Bukhari, Jizya, 5)

2. Our Prophet (saas) said: “Whoever oppresses a dhimmi or burdens a weight over him more than he can carry, I will be his enemy.”

3. Whoever oppresses a dhimmi or loads a work that is over his strength or takes something away from him by force, I am his foe on the Day of Judgment.” (Abu Dawud, Kharaj, 31-33)

4. “I am claimant of anyone who depresses a dhimmi. The one who I am claimant of (in this world), I am also claimant of on the Day of Judgment.” (Ajlouni, Kashf al-Khafa’ II, 218)

5. Holy Prophet (saas) commands: Beware! I will be complainant of those who act cruelly and heartlessly to these people (who are bound by agreement) and restrict their rights or who load a work over what they can sustain or take away something out of their will, on the Day of Judgment.” (Abu Dawud, Jihad; (İslamda Devlet Nizami [Islamic State Order]), Abu’l-A’la Mawdudi, Hilal Yayınları, 1967, p. 71)

[Interjection: as you can see, the Prophet Muhammad (p) stood up for the rights of the Dhimmis and warned MUSLIMS against unjust treatment of the dhimmis (the protected people). Where are the Islamophobes to tell you this? Nowhere. The Islamophobes want to scare folk into hating Muslims and Islam whilst cashing in on the misguided fear]

6. In any one of the countries conquered at the time of Hazrat Omar, not even one place of worship was failed to respect. Abu Yusuf writes:

“All places of worship were left as they were before. Neither were they demolished, nor the defeated people were deprived of their properties or belongings.” (Abu Yusuf, Kitabu'l-Haraj; Islam’da Devlet Nizamı, Abu’l-A’la Mawdudi, Hilal Yayınları, 1967, s. 74)

7. Hazrat Ali said, “Whoever is our dhimmi, his blood is as blessed as ours, his property is as protected from damage as ours.” In another verse it is related that Hazrat Ali said the following: The property and life of the ones who accept status of Dhimmi is blessed as ours (the Muslims).” (Islam’da Devlet Nizamı "Islamic State Order”, Abu’l-A’la Mawdudi, Hilal Yayınları, 1967, p. 76)

8. In the agreement which our Holy Prophet (saas) decreed the articles to Ibn Harris ibn Ka’b, who is a Christian, and other Christians:

“The religion, churches, lives, chastity and property of the entire Christians living in the East and the West are under the protection of Allah, His Prophet (saas) and all the believers. None of the people embracing the religion of Christianity will be forced to accept Islam. If one of the Christians suffers murder or injustice, Muslims are obliged to help him, he narrated the verse: “Only argue with the People of the Book in the kindest way…” (Surat al-Anqabut, 29/46). (Ibn Hisham, Abu Muhammad Abdu’l-Malik, (v.218/834), as-Seerat an-Nabaweeyat, Daru't-Turasi'l-Arabiyye, Beirut, 1396/1971, IV/241-242; Hamidullah, Al-Wasaiq, s.154-155, No.96-97; Doğu Batı kaynaklarında birlikte yaşama, “Living together in Eastern and Western sources”, p. 95)