Showing posts with label EDL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDL. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Newcastle Muslims Disgusted by Grooming Gangs

Following similar patterns of abuse in Rochdale, Rotherham and Oxford, the convictions have provoked fresh national debate over whether select minorities should be taking responsibility.

Dipu Ahad, Newcastle councillor, said local Muslims were “absolutely disgusted” by their crimes and feared a possible backlash. [Independent]

Do Muslims Condemn Grooming Gangs? Tommy Robinson Supporters Answered
Video also uploaded here and here

The sexual grooming of children has been condemned by Muslim leaders across the UK in a sermon read to thousands of worshippers.

Organisers Together Against Grooming (TAG) said imams at hundreds of mosques had pledged to read the sermon to congregations during Friday prayers.

The sermon highlighted how the Koran emphasised that Muslims must protect children and the vulnerable.

The policing minister Damian Green said it was a "very important" move.

"It reminds people that the vast majority, the overwhelming majority, of British Muslims, condemn child sexual abuse as strongly as any other group in modern Britain," he said.

Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, an imam at Abu Bakr Mosque in Leicester, said: "People were troubled by us reading the sermon and one man asked me how he could stop it being read.

"He said 'it was not our fault this had happened, our religion does not teach us to do these things and we are condemning it'.

"But as I said to him our only option is to speak out about it."

Mr Mogra added the sermon's message was very clear "this is an evil against humanity" and he was "absolutely delighted with the response".
[BBC News]

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Why Do Britain First Forget About The IRA When Talking To Muslims?

Britain First's Christian Jayda Fransen deputy leader seems to forget about British history and the IRA in a conversation with a Muslim as she tries to minimise the number of non-Muslim terror attacks in the UK.

This video is also uploaded here

A timeline of IRA terror attacks on British soil can be found at Reuters. Here are some examples from that timeless:

February 1974 - Coach carrying soldiers and families in northern England is bombed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Twelve people killed, 14 hurt.

October-November 1974 - Wave of IRA bombs in British pubs kills 28 people and wounds more than 200.

July 1982 - Two IRA bomb attacks on soldiers in London’s royal parks kill 11 people and wound 50.

December 1983 - IRA bomb at Harrods department store kills six.

October 1984 - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet narrowly escapes IRA bomb that kills five people at Brighton hotel during Conservative Party’s annual conference.

May 1990 - One soldier is killed and another wounded by car bomb in Wembley.

June 1990 - Soldier is shot dead at train station in Lichfield.

April 1993 - IRA truck bomb devastates Bishopsgate area of London’s financial district, killing one and wounding 44.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

The Link Between Anti-Semitism and Islam

John L Esposito: Gallup data revealed a link between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, that contempt for Jews makes a person "about 32 times as likely to report the same level of prejudice toward Muslims"

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Is Islam to Blame for Grooming Gangs? Right Wing Refuted!

If you're in the West the far right will throw this type of rhetoric your way. This was a tweet from a group trained by Jay Smith. The group is called DCCI Ministries and its run by Hatun Tash and Lizzie Schofield. The tweet reads:

Religion of Islam (its book and its prophet) has low view of women - we can't be surprise [sic] with application of it.[Link to a site which has ties with Tommy Robinson]
This tweet's argument is basically "Islam has a low view of women hence why a lot of these grooming gang members have Muslim names (they end with a link to a website which ahs ties to Tommy Robinson, the link features the names of people convicted of grooming)"

1. Islam does not allow rape or premarital sex and Islam does not have a low view of women (spiritually both genders are on equal footing)

2. The vast majority of paedophiles in this country are of Christian cultural backgrounds.

3. The stats for ethnic minority grooming are only higher for group grooming, white people come up top of the stats for grooming on an individual basis (which is expected as white people make up the majority of the population)

4. There's actually an explanation for why ethnic minorities may be represented disproportionately in grooming - night time economy. Vulnerable girls (and boys) tend to be out at night and interact more with people in the night time economy (takeaway workers, taxi drivers, etc.). Disproportionately ethnic minorities work in this economy.

5. These people part of grooming gangs are hardly people taking cues from Islamic texts - unless you think alcohol, drugs and premarital sex is Islamic.

6. This type of propaganda can be turned around just to show how absurd the type of thinking behind this polemic actually is. "In Numbers 31 and 1 Samuel 15:3 boys are ordered to be killed (in the case of 1 Samuel Trinitarians believe Jesus ordered this mass killing of boys) this shows Christianity has a low view of boys thus explaining why there are so many priests and church leaders fiddling and raping young boys - here's s link to s few media reports showing church leaders getting caught in child sex abuse scandals". (I don't support this line of argument - it's simply used to show how absurd the "Christian" propaganda in the tweet is!)

Muslim Scholars on Rape

A Refutation of the ISIS is Islam Rhetoric - Tommy Robinson Needs to Read This!

 Muslim Reacts to Jay Smith's Retirement From Pfander Films

Jay Smith Pfander Ministries' Theological Problem With Christian Countries and Domestic Violence

Christian Asks About Child Killing in the Bible - Lizzie Schofield of Pfander Blog and YouTube

Christian Evangelical Propagandizes Distortion of Bill in Turkey

1 Samuel 15:3: Lizzie Speakers Corner (Paul and Lizzie Schofield)

Christian Missionaries and Pakistan's Valentines Day Ban

Hashim Corrects Lizzie Schofield of Pfander Films Website

Christian Asks About Child Killing in the Bible - Lizzie Schofield of Pfander Blog and YouTube

A Reputation for Rudeness Is Difficult to Shake Off, Ask Pfander...

Jay Smith's Pfander Films Asked to Condemn Death Threat to Muslim Apologist

Hamza Myatt and Lizzie Schofield on Violence in Bible - Unbelievable and Pfander Films Take Note

Are Jay Smith and Beth Grove of Pfander Centre Radicalising People to Hate Muslims?

Adnan Rashid Racist Abuse Condemned - Jay Smith's Pfander Films' Radicalised Viewers

Jay Smith's Student Lizzie Schofield Believes Jesus Mistreats Women in Deut 21:10-14

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Why Islam

Monday, 28 August 2017

A Refutation of the ISIS is Islam Rhetoric - Tommy Robinson Needs to Read This!

A “Christian” missionary organisation put out an anti-Islam propaganda tweet. It’s standard Islamophobic spiel which one comes across amongst anti-Muslim trolls on the internet. The tweet reads:

ISIL: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Identified as Muslims. Funded by the Quran and sunnah. Follower of Islam. Enemy of non Muslims

There are a number of issues with this tweet, aside from their misuse of the word “funded”.

1. “Identified as Muslims”. There are Muslims who don’t pray, gamble, steal, eat pork, drink alcohol, go out clubbing and partying, fornicate, watch porn, etc.. Just because an act is done by a Muslim does not mean it’s Islamic. We have to draw a distinction between the actions of Muslims and Islam – the two aren’t always in harmony due to human weakness. Likewise for Christians who drop bombs on people’s heads, carry out terrorist attacks, have gay marriages, divorce, fornicate, gamble etc., are we going to say these actions stem from Christianity?

2. “Funded by the Quran and the Sunnah. Follower of Islam”. The person misused the word “funded” here, I think they were trying to say ISIS’ actions are inspired by Islam. Let’s just analyse ISIS’ actions in he UK. They killed innocent civilians in Manchester and London. Is that allowed in Islam? No:

Dr Timothy Winter of Cambridge University states "terrorism is the arbitrary targeting of the innocent in order to place pressure on governments, which is something which doesn't have origins in Islamic culture or ethics and comes out of the French revolution and certain 19th century anarchist movements that used terrorism. As a doctrine in the Muslim world it's very recent and it's an expression of Westernisation. Terrorism, 9/11 for instance, according to classical Islamic Law is classified as hiraba which carried the death penalty" 

An excellent quote from Muhammad Asad's book rebuking evangelical Christians (Jeremiah Johnston and Craig Evans) who parse terrorist attacks in a similar manner to Islamophobic evangelical Christian propagandists "Simply put, every Muslim scholar - whether Sunni, Shia, Salafi, Deobandi - has condemned and spoken out against Daesh. Their arguments against Daesh and its acts are derived from traditional Islamic religious texts and based firmly in Islamic jurisprudence". 

So clearly they aren’t acting in accordance with Islam therefore they are not inspired by the Quran and the Sunnah. Now , for sure many of them may feel they  are acting in accordance with Islam but the vast majority of Muslims worldwide and all recognised Muslim scholarly bodies denounce their terrorist actions. The question here is who do we allow to interpret Islam, the majority of Muslims and the scholarly bodies of Islam or an obscurantist fringe and minority radical group that has very little traction and support amongst Muslims? The intellectually honest person would opt for the majority of Muslims and the scholarly bodies rather than a terrorist group.

Just to show how problematic extremist fringe interpretations of religious texts can be let's focu on a Bible verse. 1 Samuel 15:3 has been used to support mass violence:

The story of the Amalekites has been used to justify genocide throughout the ages. According to Pennsylvania State University Professor Philip Jenkins, a contributing editor for the American Conservative, the Puritans used this passage when they wanted to get rid of the Native American tribes. Catholics used it against Protestants, Protestants against Catholics. "In Rwanda in 1994, Hutu preachers invoked King Saul's memory to justify the total slaughter of their Tutsi neighbors," writes Jenkins in his 2011 book, Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses (HarperCollins). [Guardian]

On a similar theme please listen to pastor Brian McLaren:

 How Bible Stories Were Used For Genocide, White Supremacy, Racism + Sectarian Violence

Would the same Christian be consistent and say those who massacred the Native Americans were followers of Christianity and backed by the Bible?

3. “ Enemy of non Muslims”. Erm, how about the “ISIS are also the Enemy of Muslims”? ISIS have killed more Muslims than non Muslims.

According to the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than non-Muslims. According to the UN, Muslims are the largest victims of ISIS. According to the State Department, Muslims are the largest victims of terrorism in general [Omar Alnatour – Huff Post]

And how about “Muslims are at the forefront of opposing ISIS”?

Muslims want to defeat terrorism just as much as any other American, if not more. This is why we have Muslim women like Niloofar Rahmani and Kubra Khademi who are at the very frontlines fighting terrorists. This is why millions of Muslim youth are taking a stand against ISIS. This is why tons of Muslim groups and scholars repeatedly issue statements condemning ISIS, many even being beheaded by ISIS for doing so.

This is why more than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined together to write an open letter to ISIS, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using Islamic terms. This is why Muslims are being killed by ISIS for publicly opposing this terrorist group’s persecution of Christians. [Omar Alnatour – Huff Post]

How can we defeat ISIS?

Right so how can an intellectually honest, fair and balanced person talk about terrorism committed by extremist fringe Muslim groups? Obviously they are motivated to have effect politically and they are reactionary – reacting to Western imperialism (be it direct of indirect) in most cases. Many of them have clearly adopted interpretations of Islam which depart from mainstream Muslim positions to suit their reactionary and geo-political agendas.

There has to be a two-pronged effort to defeat ISIS:

1. This is something which has been going on for a while. Muslim scholars have been refuting ISIS via the Islamic tradition. Lay Muslims and the MSM should help to disseminate scholarly denouncement and refutation of ISIS in order to stymie their flow of new recruits and to help convince ISIS members that they are in the wrong.

2. There clearly is a correlation with Western foreign policy and ISIS terrorism.
Despite what we might like to think, foreign policy is key to understanding why terrorists attack us. We may hope they only attack us because they’re barbaric or because they ‘hate our freedoms’. But time after time the terrorists clearly state that they attack us because we attack them. And it’s uncomfortable to admit, but these terrorists know they are not lying in saying that our military has been involved in killing and harassing tens of thousands of civilians, whether directly through invasions, bombings and drone strikes, or whether indirectly through propping up oppressive regimes. Our aggressive and utterly selfish foreign policy will always leave us open to attack.[Dr Leon Moosavi, Liverpool University]

There’s a cycle of violence which has to stop. We all (Muslims and Non Muslims) all have to start being more active in lobbying Western governments against unjust military and economic policies. We’ve got seriously try to build a fairer world for everyone.

 Jonathan Mclatchie: Gay Marriage is "Madness" but Terrorism is..

What the Jihadists Who Bought ‘Islam For Dummies’ on Amazon Tell Us About Radicalisation

Friday, 24 February 2017

BBC Refutes Nigel Farage on Sweden Rape Stats

The claim: Many young male migrants arrived in Sweden over the past few years, when the country accepted unprecedented numbers of refugees, and there has been a huge rise in sexual crime in Sweden especially in the southern port city of Malmo.

Reality Check verdict: Malmo, along with other urban centres in Sweden, has one of the highest levels of reported rapes in proportion to population in the EU, mainly due to the strictness of Swedish laws and how rape is recorded in the country.

The rate of reported rapes in Malmo has not dramatically risen in recent years and has in fact declined from its peak in 2010, before the recent large increases in refugees.

It is not possible to connect crimes to the ethnicity of the perpetrators as such data is not published.

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage made this claim on LBC radio on Monday 20 February, when he discussed the recent comments by US President Donald Trump about terrorism in Sweden.

Mr Farage said there had been no specific terrorist attacks in Sweden since large numbers of refugees arrived there, but, instead, he claimed Sweden had seen a dramatic rise in sexual crime and its southern port city of Malmo - the third largest city in the country - had become Europe's and possibly the world's "rape capital".

So, has there been a big rise in sexual crime in Sweden and have the numbers of rapes increased in Malmo since Sweden took in an unprecedented numbers of refugees?

The first thing to say is that the part of the claim referring to the number of refugees is certainly true.

Sweden has been one of the biggest recipients of refugees in the EU in recent years.

According to Eurostat, the agency that collects statistical data from all EU countries, in 2015 Sweden had over 162,000 asylum applications or 1,667 asylum seekers for every 100,000 citizens.

A large majority of the 2015 asylum seekers - 114,470 - were male, 45,790 of them between 18 and 34 years of age.

Have there been more sexual offences in Sweden?

"Sexual offences" is a very broad term, which refers to a range of all sex-related crimes in Sweden.

Rape is one of the sexual offences, but other crimes such as paying for sex, sexual harassment, indecent exposure, sexual exploitation, molestation and trafficking are included in the numbers as well.

During 2015, the year in which Sweden took the largest number of asylum seekers, the number of reported sex crimes and rapes actually decreased by 11% and 12% respectively compared with 2014 - 18,100 sex offences were reported to the police, of which 5,920 were classified as rape.

This was preceded by a rise of both sex offences and rapes reported to the police in 2014.

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Bra) says this rise is due to the changes to the legislation in 2013, which made it tougher.

Similar increases in the number of reported cases were seen in 2006, after new sex offence legislation came into force in April 2005.

Since then, Sweden has recorded every reported case of sexual violence separately.

That means, as Susanne Lekengard from Bra explains, that if a person comes to the police and reports being raped by a partner or husband every day for the past year, the police will record each of these events.

In many other countries these incidents would be recorded just once: one victim, one type of crime and one record.

Also, paying for sex became one of the crimes counted in the statistics.

Sweden does not publish the ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences.

Read the rest here

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Britain First's Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding Learn About Anti-Semitism and Christianity

Britain First's Plot Backfires: Islam and Christianity - Anti Semitism

Britain First's Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding were trying to cause further divisions between British Jews and British Muslims

Jayda Fransen was trying to frame Islam as being Anti-Semitic yet when put alongside experts in Islam we just see how lacking in intellectual and scholarly fortitude her propaganda piece was.

It takes somebody like Professor Tariq Ramadan, of Oxford University, to blow away their propaganda piece and Dr Timothy Winter, of Cambridge University, to teach us about Christian History and Anti-Semitism.

Britain First claims to be a Christian organisation so I'm not sure why the two most prominent members of Britain First are unaware of Christian Anti-Semitic history.

Britain First Members Getting Punched in the Nose Intellectually

Video also uploaded here and here

Numerous well-known Islamic jurists and scholars have affirmed that there is no religious basis of prejudice against Jews.

...Tariq Ramadan says: 'there is nothing in Islam that gives legitimization to Judeophobia, xenophobia and the rejection of any human being because of his religion or group to which he belongs. Anti-Semitism has no justification in Islam, the message of which demands respect for the Jewish religion and spirit, which are considered a noble expression of the People of the Book'

...Historically, we have many precedents of goodwill shown by Muslims to the Jews. Jews thrived for four hundred years in al-Andalus amidst the Muslims during the peak of medieval Islamic civilisation.

...Anti-Semitism is against the basics of Islam. Islam promotes humility and warns against keeping enmity and anger in one's heart. It is a positive sign that many Muslim intellectuals, such as Akbar Ahmed and Tariq Ramadan, are speaking out against anti-Semitism by Muslims. It is also crucial that the Jewish leaders also follow suit and encourage better understanding between Muslims and Jews.

Islamic Political Radicalism - A European Perspective, Edited by Tahir Abbas, Anti-Semitism Amongst Muslims - Haris Aziz, Edingburgh University Press, p80

Murder Rates in Muslim Countries Compared to Non Muslim Countries.

The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Holocaust Denial & Bridging the Jewish-Muslim Divide ~ US Imam Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Smear on British Pakistanis: Stats and Facts of British Pakistanis Grooming Girls

British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Sunday, 10 May 2015

Tommy Robinson Looking for Attention Again

People like Tommy Robinson don't speak and protest against drone strikes which regularly kill innocent brown people all the while they attempt to self-promote themselves through Islamophobic actions under the guise of some greater moral cause.

Tommy Robinson would do well to look at the following piece and start protesting for the right of the brown skinned Muslims to live:

Noam Chomsky on Barack Obama's Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign in Modern History

Here's a snippet from a report on Tommy Robinson's latest misguided attempt to garner attention:

EDL founder Tommy Robinson plans 'Draw Mohammed' contest for UK Far-right figurehead
Tommy Robinson has vowed to host his own "draw Prophet Mohammed" event in Britain in solidarity with victims of a gun attack after a similar event in the United States. Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – revealed the controversial plot in the wake of violence in Dallas at a Draw Mohammed event, attended by anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Welders and organised by Pamela Geller, an outspoken critic of the religion with whom Lennon shares significant common ground. [IB Times]

Respect: Pakistani Muslims in Bradford Protested Against Prostitution

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

Brief Comment on 'Satanic Verses', Dr Yasir Qadhi

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Friday, 6 February 2015

Muslim Thanks Theresa May: Another Victory for Honesty and Humanity

Theresa May did a good job in preventing Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from misappropriating the killing of Lee Rigby for their own agendas of hatred and propaganda.

For the type of hatred and propaganda these two propagate see:

Pamela Geller

Robert Spencer

Oh and in case anybody seriously thinks these two really care about British soldiers, ask them if they even know who Christopher Alder is. He was a black man, a former paratrooper who had served in the Falklands. He died in police custody and the officers were said to have been guilty of 'unwitting racism'

Do people really think Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller did not have an agenda of self-promotion and Islamophobia?

Two internationally recognised writers who were barred by Home Secretary Theresa May from visiting Greenwich in the aftermath of soldier Lee Rigby's brutal murder by Islamic extremists have lost a legal bid to challenge her decision.

American nationals Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer - whose views are said to be "regarded by some, perhaps by many, as Islamophobic" - were denied entry to the UK after the minister concluded that their exclusion was "conducive to the public good".

Their attempt to get a judicial review of May's decision was thrown out today by three judges at the Court of Appeal in London, who ruled that the proposed challenge had no prospect of success. []

Robert Spencer: No Go Zones in Paris

BBC Question Time: A Jew Confirms George Galloway is Not Anti Semitic

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Saturday, 8 June 2013

A Video for the EDL Members and Supporters - Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on Muslims

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says he as an orthodox Jew is a champion of Islam and the Jewish community owes Muslims a debt of gratitude for taking them in and tolerating them after they were kicked out of Catholic Portugal and Catholic Spain. He says these Jews were never persecuted by Muslims.

I'd like to invite any EDL members or supporters to Islam. Have you ever wondered who Jesus really was? Have you ever wanted to research Islam for yourselves? If so, see here:

Friday, 7 June 2013

EDL Must Watch: Woolwich terror attack: Ex British Army Sikh responds to London terror attack

Here an ex British soldier gives his analysis on the Woolwich terror attack, the motives behind the terror attack, the media coverage of this attack.

This Sikh blogger believes it's about injustice and actually shuns the narrative of blaming Muslims


Video description: Short blog about London Woolwich terror attack, the killing by beheading of British Army soldier Lee Rigby. An ex-British Army officer Sikh Londoner responds to the media and political response to the attack. It is deplorable that such events took place and yet the response by our politicians has been ridiculous in insisting that we just get back to our lives and leave them to run our country.

Learn about Islam:

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Names and Addresses of EDL Members and Supporters (Donors) [EDL Invited to Islam]

I was recently sent a link to a file containing 'Names, Numbers, Addresses and Criminal Records of EDL members and leaders leaked by Anon'

This material seems to be circulating around the internet.We as Muslims should always remember we should never try to take the law into our own hands regardless of the misery the EDL are heaping on Muslim communities across the UK.

We should act with wisdom; we should not pass this file on (we don't even know the legitimacy of the information within the file), we should not attempt to confront any of the 'EDL members' or 'EDL donors'.

At the end of the day, we should all remember, some or all of these EDL members may well become Muslim one day. Allah knows best.

Islam is for everyone. Islam can rescue EDL members from the current downward spiral these folk are in.

Let's remember that far right activists can and have converted to Islam in the past, here is a recent case in the example of Arnoud Van Doorn:

AMSTERDAM -- A leading member in far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders' party has reverted to Islam after an extensive study about the Islamic religion and Muslims. Read more:

Geert Wilders Confidante and Former Far-Right Politician Arnoud Van Doorn Converts to Islam

Are you an EDL member or supporter, why not learn a bit more about Islam? See here

Learn about Islam

Monday, 27 May 2013

Mosque in Grimsby Attacked

The racist are really coming out of the woodwork after the terror attack in Woolwich. Two people have been arrested on suspicion of arson following a fire at an Islamic cultural centre in Grimsby, Lincolnshire. CCTV appears to show three petrol bombs being thrown over the gate of the building on Weelsby Road.

Sky's North of England Correspondent Gerard Tubb, who has seen the footage, said they hit a door, wall and rubbish bin. "A man then rushed out of the mosque and through the flames before grabbing a fire extinguisher to put the blaze out," he said.

Diler Gharib, chairman of the mosque, told the Grimsby Telegraph: "We had just finished our prayers and were discussing how to thank our neighbours for the support they have shown us over the past few days when we heard a bang and saw fire coming under the door. "I grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out and then two more petrol bombs hit the fire escape and the bin so I had to put those out too." The mosque was targeted last week when a brick was thrown through a window, shattering a pane of glass that fell onto a sofa below.

There had been a police presence around the building and an officer arrived moments after the fire was extinguished.A spokesman for Humberside Police said no one was injured in the fire. Read more:

Sunday, 26 May 2013

George Galloway: Islam Not to Blame for Terrorism

The far-right are out in force following Michael Adebolojo's attack in Woolwich, London. The British MP, George Galloway, adds some balance to the political discussion by adumbrating the actual reasons behind Muslim terrorism whilst doing away with the narrative of the EDL (and other far-right groups) that Islam is not to blame.

Dr Zakir Naik Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly? Zakir Naik's Discussion with American Customs

Saturday, 28 August 2010

English Defence League (EDL): Embarrassing Video Footage in Bradford (August 2010)

Spectacular footage of EDL getting absolutely humiliated and exposed for the trouble-makers they are

Talk about morons travelling to a city (Bradford) and humiliating themselves. I've always considered the EDL as social misfits and here is the proof which exposes them for what they really are.
I have embedded two videos in this post. The first shows Sky News humiliating the EDL by showcasing their botched attack on a car as well as their in-fighting.

The second shows the infamous punch thrown at an EDL trouble-maker (which is now dubbed as the “super-punch”).

First video: EDL getting humiliated by Sky News (via Yahya Snow)

Sky news humiliate and “pwn” the EDL who were in Bradford causing trouble. Sadly for them their antics backfired and they were arrested and were even on the end of a hiding by Bradford youths.

And they have the audacity to wonder why English women avoid EDL members!

If you are sympathetic to the EDL then please have a rethink and stop wasting your lives with these losers.

Second Video: EDL member is on the end of a shuddering punch from a Bradford youth. Why travel all the way to somebody's city (Bradford in this case) to "protest" when NOBODY in the city of Bradford wants you to enter (never mind carry out your silly "protest"):

bradf ed - The best home videos are here

Interesting insight into the EDL reaction from a YouTube video uploader:

The EDL demo in Bradford was a disaster. EDL organiser Jeff Marsh chickened out of attending their own demo, less than 800 EDL showed up, and “peaceful” EDL jar-heads attacked police with bricks and bottles and even attacked the EDL’s own stewards!

EDL supporter “British Lion” posted on Facebook saying “What a F**king shambles. 700 – 1000 up (sic) throw some rocks and start fighting each other. No surrender? No fucking clue would be more like it” –

EDL’s Steve Caroll admitted attacking an Asian before the Bradford demo had even started –

As for the EDL supporters shown in this video – people oppose the EDL because of what it is, not because of what some EDL activists say they’d like it to be, and the facts are simple – the EDL is being used as a Trojan Horse by Nazis and BNP activists…

Taken from video description:

Any info or feedback:

I found a succinct summary of the EDL:
Many of these characters suffer from low esteem and seek to blame others for the impoverishment of their lives. By organising tiny grupuscules, giving themselves titles, and bleating away on internet forums they believe they are doing ‘something’ and are actually being ‘someone.’
Taken from: