Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

How Folks Like Robert Spencer Poison White Evangelical Minds

White evangelicals are also the least likely Americans to know a Muslim.

..survey after survey indicates that white evangelicals are the least excited about their new neighbors. They show the highest levels of support for restrictions on Muslim immigration and the most skepticism toward Muslim Americans.

Much of the fear among evangelicals “is because people do not know Muslims,” said Michael Urton, associate director of the COMMA Network (Coalition of Ministries to Muslims in North America).

According to a PRRI poll conducted last year, 74 percent of white evangelicals, 66 percent of white mainline Protestants, and 63 percent of white Catholics said they saw Islamic and American values in conflict.

Though Muslim Americans are growing in number and prominence, a majority of white evangelicals do not know a single one. In a Pew survey released this year, just over a third (35%) say they have a personal connection to a Muslim.

In a LifeWay survey, slightly more than half of evangelical pastors saw ISIS as a true indication of what Islamic society looks like.

Warren Larson, former director of the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies, called such beliefs “very damaging for ministry and mission among Muslims.” After 9/11, “quite a few evangelical books came out warning Christians to steer clear of Islam. Fear of Muslims grew substantially,” he said. “I felt such Christian writings often lacked solid research and were deficient in helping fellow believers reach out to Muslims with love and understanding.”

According to the Arab Barometer Survey, a majority of Muslims across 10 countries said they’d be comfortable with neighbors of a different religion and supported their right to practice their faith. In Iraq—where Christians have been expelled by ISIS—82 percent of Muslims were comfortable with non-Muslim neighbors.

“While knowledge about Christianity is low, tolerance of non-Muslims is high across the Arab world,” said Michael Hoffman, of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project.

“Would a Muslim feel the American church is a safe place for them? The answer probably is they would not,” Cashin said. [Christianity Today]

Friday, 12 May 2017

Taking Away the Islamophobes' Metaphorical Porn Collection and Terror Fetish

I received this comment on a video arguing people in Muslim countries are less violent than Non-Muslims based on the murder (homicide) rates of each nation:

Great video!! The lens you look through reveals who you are! .. hence many idiotic morons suffer from a 'terror fetish' .. and need to feed that fetish with delusions of 'terror' at the expense of Islam / Muslims. Excellent videos like this one triggers intense defense mechanisms within those fools, because quite simply, disinfecting their delusions of 'terror', is like taking away their porn collection! (..hence their adamant fixation to hold on to dear life to their terror fetish) ! Stupid jackasses!

Islamophobes like Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Tommy Robinson may want to think about this.

Term Dar Al Harb Explained - Dr Musharraf Hussain and Justin Parrott

Ben Shapiro Refuted by Ali Ataie and James White: "The Myth of the Tiny Radical Minority"

Explanation Hadith of Blind Man Killing His Slave for Insulting Prophet Muhammad

Muslim Refutes Pastor Steven Anderson's Anti-Gay and Anti-Muslim Propaganda

 Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Michael Ben Ari Exposes Islamophobes

I wonder if Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, FOX and other right wingers will make a song and dance about this? If it was a Palestinian Muslim ripping up the New Testament you just know that the right wing would have been making a big deal out of it. This just speaks volumes about what the right wing are about: Islamophobia.

Ben Ari, of the National Union Party, had his legislative aide, Itamar Ben Gvir, photograph his destruction and released the photo Tuesday to the daily Maariv. Lawmakers had received in their Knesset mailboxes copies of the new edition of the New Testament released by the Bible Society, which distributes Christian books, Ynet reported. Some returned it to the society and others quietly disposed of it.

“Sending the book to lawmakers is a provocation. There is no doubt that this book and all it represents belongs in the garbage can of history,”

Ben Ari said, adding that it “galvanized the murder of millions of Jews” throughout history, including during the Spanish Inquisition. Michael Ben-Ari a religious conservative was photographed tearing up a copy of the New Testament which was given to him by Israeli Evangelicals


BBC Question Time: A Jew Confirms George Galloway is Not Anti Semitic Zionist Hypocrisy Over

Israelis Blame Muslims in Britain for Exposing Israel! The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Bible Condemns Pam Geller and Other Islamophobes

16 But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising his words and scoffing at his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against his people, until there was no remedy. [2 Chronicles 36:16]

The Bible condemns people like Pam Geller and other Islamophobes who insult and mock Prophets such as Prophet Muhammad (p).

Bible-believing Jews and Christians would not take part in exhibitions designed to insult Prophets of God.

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

Pastor learns about Hijab

Trend: Christians Leaving Christianity

British Muslims Protested to Defend Jesus p

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Monday, 26 May 2014

Paul of Tarsus + Anti-Muslim Hoaxes About Saudi Muslims and Bikinis

The anti-Muslim hate preachers were out in force recently peddling a story about Saudi Arabia fining Italian women who were wearing bikinis. Yep they were peddling a hoax. A made up story.

However, the Christian extremist followers amongst them may want to contemplate on what Paul of Tarsus (author of some of the books in the New Testament!) would have thought of Bikini clad Europeans. He had some interesting views as he is believed by Christian fundamentalists to have enforced the head covering on praying women and if they did not comply Paul was in favour of cutting their hair off. I'm not too sure what any European bikini wearing woman would make of that. Not only this, Paul (according to the Jesus scholar, Geza Vermes) believed Paul thought women with no head coverings were temptations for the angels.

This is the hypocrisy of anti-Muslim Christians. A lot of the time, when they aren't just peddling straight up hoax stories these folk are foolishly falling into hypocrisy as they just aren't aware of the teachings within Christianity.


Saudi Muslims Fine Bikini-Clad Italians $3500? Nope: It’s a Hoax

Here’s a classic example of how anti-Muslim hate grows on the Internet:
One week ago, the Internet was abuzz over reports that Saudi Arabia fined three Italian tourists $3500 for wearing bikinis in the presence of Muslims. The story was circulated on an obscure Italian-language news site, which referenced an earlier story published on April 28, 2014 at Giornale de Corrriere.  [Source]


Become a Muslim if you love Jesus (p)

Sexism: Reason to change the Bible

Discover Islam

New Testament Discussed

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Pakistan Blocking Blasphemy Twitter: Christian Theologians Should Be Happy

Christian Fundamentalist Hypocrisy over Pakistani Censorship of Blasphemy

I'm not too sure what all the fuss is about here. If the report of Pakistan blocking blasphemous tweets are correct the Christian right-wing in America really should have no problems. Yet we have Zionists who play up for the Christian right wing making a fuss about this.

IF you know Christian Trinitarian beliefs you will know they believe Jesus ordered the killing of apostates who preached a new faith. One of the church fathers, St Augustine, is thought to have agreed with the persecution of heretics.

Not only this, one of Christianity's most famous theologians John Calvin is believed to have supported execution for blasphemy and heresy:

Calvin went to his deathbed believing that the execution was just because Servetus was a blasphemer and a heretic — a murderer of souls.[From:]

It seems to me Trinitarian Christian history and theology is not really being taught to the masses in American right wing churches. Just exactly what are these right wing Christian Islamophobic folk taught in their churches?

So next time a bunch of American Christian ring wing fundamentalists and/or Zionists make a big deal out of Pakistan simply censoring blasphemy you know to shout HYPOCRISY!


Twitter Blocks ‘Blasphemous’ Content in Pakistan After Complaints, AFP, May 22, 2014

Islamabad:  Microblogging site Twitter has blocked dozens of tweets and accounts in Pakistan after officials asked for access to “blasphemous” and “unethical” content to be stopped.
The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) submitted at least five requests from May 5 to 14 asking Twitter to block access to specific tweets and accounts for users in the Islamic republic.
It is thought to be the first time Twitter has withheld content specifically for users in Pakistan, though the government has shut the site down in the past.

Most of the offending material concerned anti-Islam accounts and an annual online competition to draw caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, but the accounts of three US porn stars were also listed.
Religion in Pakistan, where 97 percent of the population are Muslims, is extremely sensitive and images of the prophet, which are forbidden in Islam, cause grave offence.

Pakistan blocked Twitter completely for a brief period in May 2012, along with Facebook, over the same competition.

But according to the website Chilling Effects Clearinghouse the latest episode is the first time Twitter has agreed to withhold content for users in Pakistan.

Chilling Effects is a collaboration between several US law schools which monitors attempts to suppress online content. Twitter works in partnership with the site to publish requests to withhold its content.

Attempts by AFP in Islamabad to access the material in question were met with messages saying the content was withheld in Pakistan.

In its requests to Twitter, PTA described the content, which also included images of the Koran being desecrated, as “blasphemous” and “unethical” and said it violated the Pakistani penal code.
A PTA official said they regularly write to Twitter and Facebook asking them to remove objectionable content.

“We had requested Twitter to remove the unethical and blasphemous tweets and searches and it is good that they have taken action,” the official told AFP.

Perceived insults to Islam and the prophet can provoke violent public reactions in Pakistan.
The country’s strict blasphemy laws, currently the subject of a fight pitching the authorities against some of the leading TV stations, can carry the death penalty.

A crude anti-Islam film posted to YouTube in 2012 triggered violent street protests in Pakistan that left more than 20 people dead and led the government to block the video-sharing site — a ban that remains in force.

Pakistan’s parliament on May 6 voted unanimously to lift a ban on YouTube, in a non-binding resolution that was nonetheless welcomed by free speech campaigners as an important symbolic move.

Twitter did not immediately respond to an AFP request for comment.

 Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

Monday, 19 May 2014

Anti-Muslim Hitler - Mufti Bus Advert Exposed

An Islamophobe is running a propaganda ad using the picture of the Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler:

Pamela Geller’s new ad running on 20 Washington D.C. buses.- Screenshot from Washington Post Her new offering stars Adolf Hitler and the mufti of Jerusalem, spiritual leader of Palestinian Muslims in the first half of the 20th century, the Washington Post reported.

Sponsored by Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative, the ad is headlined “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran” and includes a photo of the mufti, Haj Amin el-Husseini, having a conversation with Hitler. It began running on 20 Metro buses in the U.S. capital last week, and will remain on display until mid-June.

However, it's all propaganda as Pamela Geller, the person responsible for the advert, is clearly operating a double standard as well as an ignorant standard. For those who wish to learn the truth about the Mufti of Jerusalem and his relationship with Hilter see below:

This is absolutely astonishing. It highlights the utter hypocrisy and the dark  propaganda machine of the Zionists.

And Skurnik was not the only Jew fighting on the side of the Germans. More than 300 found themselves in league with the Nazis when Finland, who had a mutual enemy in the Soviet Union, joined the war in June 1941.
The alliance between Hitler and the race he vowed to annihilate — the only instance of Jews fighting for Germany’s allies — is one of the most extraordinary aspects of the Second World War, and yet hardly anyone, including many Finns, know anything about it.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about 2 groups fighting FOR Hitler - 1 group is vilified, besmirched and even used to smear the religion of that group and to tarnish all the co-religionists of this group whilst the 2nd group who fought for Hitler are not even mentioned widely (until now) and when they are mentioned their circumstances are explained with balance, empathy and context

So here we have a group of Finnish Jews who fought FOR Hitler yet they are not vilified whilst the Mufti of Jerusalem who sided with Hitler is unfairly presented in an unbalanced and negative light by the Zionists' propaganda machine. Interesting.

It gets even more interesting; the reason why the Mufti and the Finnish Jews chose to side with Hitler was because they had a common enemy (the British for the Mufti and the Russians for the Finnish Jews).

So why the hypocrisy? Why have the Zionists, for years, publicised the actions of the Mufti, ignored the context and presented him to be an ogre when he was only looking to oppose a common enemy (the British who had occupied his land) WHILST doing a combination of ignoring, understanding, contextualising the actions of the Finnish Jews who sided with Hitler for the same reason (a common enemy)? Why one rule for the Muslim and another for the Jew? Zionist propaganda!

Here is a post which I produced some time ago concerning the Zionist misuse of the actions of the Mufti of Jerusalem:

Bishop Friedrich Coch saluting Hitler in 1933
Anti-Muslim propaganda has no regard for humanity, context and truth. Of course it serves the interests of the Zionists, rogue Christian missionaries and the extreme far-right to portray Muslims as folk who are ready to butcher innocent Jews at the drop of a hat. This bout of anti-Muslim propaganda also distorts history and context with regards to Hajj Amin al-Hussaini (Mufti of Jerusalem).

The interesting thing here is, those very advocates of this propaganda against Muslims re the Mufti of Jerusalem's support of Hitler do not bat an eye-lid when it comes to Italy, the home of the Vatican (the centre of Catholic Christianity) nor do they bother to ponder upon Protestant Christian Germany which was the birthplace of Martin Luther (who initiated the Protestant Reformation). We could find a ton of Christians who sided with Nazi Germany at one point in time. Would it be fair to label these folk as Jew-hating racists? No.

Having said, the Islamophobes pluck out the example of the Mufti of Jerusalem without offering any context and even offering deception. Right wing propaganda is geared towards people who are bigoted in some capacity, poorly educated and/or those who have little inclination to research further - that's the right-wing in a nutshell.

Why did the Mufti of Jerusalem side with Hitler against Britain and the Allies?

The answer is partly in the question: 'Britain'. Britain had occupied the Arab territories (specifically Palestine) for decades at that time. There was a growing Zionist movement which was pushing for a Zionist stateas well as a growing Arab nationalist movement which championed a Palestinian state.

The Mufti, seeing that Britain (the country occupying his land) was at war with Germany, chose a side - he chose Germany. Think about it, this seemed to be an opportunity for him to free his people of British hegemony and realise the Arab Nationalist movement's goal of a Palestinian state. There was no anti-Jewish motivation.

In fact he even told local Jews that he had no enmity towards them:
A more rational explanation for the work  of this man was that he was an Arab National. Initially he was against the British occupation of Palestine, and fought against this occupation, leading to his subsequent arrest and exile. When the British gave amnesty to all exiled nationals, he returned and found that the Zionist movement was gaining momentum, and he fought against the movement to try to protect Palestine. There are records of him addressing the local Jews, who had resided there for centuries, telling them that he had no enmity towards them. The big issue hat he had was with the loss of Palestinian land in an unjust land-grab.
Sadly, the Islamophobes and those who have been duped by this Muslim Nazi SS Division propaganda are oblivious to the  facts and context concerning Haj Amin al-Husseini's support of Germany

The propaganda: ‘Muslims aided the Nazis in World War II against the Jewish people’
Have the Islamophobes been offering forgeries in their attempts to make more out of the Mufti of Jerusalem's support of Germany? Well, the following claim is not even backed up by the transcript records:

This is one of the most horrific accusations against the Muslims. This is based upon the allegations that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem colluded with Hitler during the Second World War to exterminate Jews. There is also allegations that during post war trials against the Nazis, the Mufti ‘s name was mentioned in testimony alleging his support of the Nazis.

The aforementioned Pamela Gellar mentions in an article:

During the Nurmeberg Trials in July 1946, Eichmann’s assistant, Dieter Wisliczeny, testified that Mufti was a central figure in the planning of the genocide of the Jews

However, court transcripts of the Nurmeburg trials show no mention of the Mufti in Wilsliczeny’s testimony.
Hmm, no court transcripts. Interesting. Do Islamophobes even ask for evidence or do they just run with stuff that supports their agenda of hatred?

Muslims Saved Jews From Hitler - Some Information for the Islamophobes

It had been built by the French government to honour the Muslim forces that fought alongside the French in World War I. The history of the beautiful mosque does not stop there. During World War II, the imam of the mosque was well-known to have distributed falsified certificates to Jews to fool the Nazi forces into thinking that they were Muslims.

The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Dtory of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the the Holocaust by Karen Gray Ruelle and Deborah Durland Desaix. - According to this book, the Jews as well as downed Allied forces were sheltered in the mosque until they could escape safely.

For more examples of Muslims saving Jews during World War II, please see:

Quotes in red from, Islam: Silencing the Critics, Zia Sheikh, 2nd Edition, 2012


Yes, the Mufti of Jerusalem did side with Hitler's Germany (just like millions of Christians in Italy and Germany) but the Mufti did not side with Hitler for reasons of anti-Semitism. He wanted freedom from British rule and a Palestinian state - this was his motivation in siding with Germany. He was even on record telling local Jews he had no enmity towards them - his enemy was Britain and Zionism (there are a number of Jews who oppose Zionism)

One wonders why the Islamophobes don't make mention of such. Intellectual dishonesty, deception, spin and distortion of facts are the hallmarks of Islamophobes who want folk to hate Muslims.

My message to the Islamophobes and those who in contact with their material is, think and research!

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

Saturday, 17 May 2014

White Privilege: Amer Ahmed Exposes Pam Geller and Robert Spencer

I salute Amer Ahmed. The man is speaking a lot of sense in tackling Islamophobia and denouncing Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. We need more brave people like Amer ahmed to stand up to the hidden bigotry that is sweeping across America and Europe like wildfire - Islamophobia. These people would not even deign to target Jews yet they go for the easier target of Muslims. Muslims will always be an easier target as long as good people stay silent. It's time for good people to stand up and be heard - it's time to denounce hatred of Muslims and hatred of Islam.

During his White Islamophobia workshop at the White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, Amer Ahmed  attacked Islamophobic money-makers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for their work demonizing Muslims:

We have these peddlers.  These Islamophobes who make it their career now peddling hate.   We have Robert Spencer… and he’s with Pamel Geller who gets access to media.  It’s interesting because Muslim people are a group of people you can vilify and there isn’t an outrage.  She put up these posters in subways and things like that, that say, “In the war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.”

The close association of Islamophobia with white nationalism has already been touched on. I can see why White nationalists could be drawn to right wing websites bashing Muslims:

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Pam Geller Continues to Lie

Perhaps Pamela Geller has not seen the video which exposes her lie about honor killings and Islam. Sadly Pamela continues with here lies and distortions, she's working this honor killing lie assiduously. Here's her latest comment while misusing a recent honor killing news story coming out of Pakistan:

'Honor killing is very much an Islamic tradition, enforced not just by family, but community and mosque'

She's been refuted on this before. Honor killing is NOT Islamic. This time she even throws the smoke grenade of 'enforced by mosques'. What nonsense. Why would mosques enforce something unislamic?!

Pakistanis need to get the message over to the less well educated Muslims in Pakistan to let them know honor killings are not allowed in Islam.

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:

Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Analysis: 'Saudi woman gets 150 lashes for driving' (Pam Geller Lie)

Such is the dishonesty among Islamophobes. They misrepresent this report and mislead people into thinking a Saudi woman received 150 lashes because she was driving. Somebody called Pamela Geller even deceptively entitled their piece 'Saudi woman gets 150 lashes for driving'!

It's clear she is lying as even the alleged news report she references clearly indicates the Saudi woman resisted arrest and struck police officers. This Saudi Arabian woman resisted arrest and attacked police officers - hence the punishment. Anybody who did that in the UK, Europe of America would be facing some sort of punishment from the law of the respective land. 

The punishment of 150 lashes is not for driving. Will hateful people on the net stop lying about Muslims. PLEASE!

Here's the alleged report, you can even see from the report the 150 lashes are not for driving.: A WOMAN in Saudi Arabia has been sentenced this week to 150 lashes and eight months in jail for driving and striking police officers who arrested her, news websites in the kingdom have reported. 
Women in the conservative country are prohibited from driving.
It appeared that the particularly harsh sentence was handed down because of the charges of resisting arrest and attacking police officers, according to various reports.
There has been no official confirmation of the verdict and the woman's name has not been published.

You can imagine a bunch of gullible Islamophobes believing the spin around this story and then wrongly bashing Muslims and attacking Islam. If you want to learn about Islam's stance on women watch this videoby Kamal El-Mekki

Are women Oppressed in Islam? No - Kamal El-Mekki

White Supremacists amongst haters of Muslims

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Pamela Geller Abusing Sexual Abuse Victims' Misery

Islamophobes and their shameful misappropriation of the sexual abuse of a school girl is pathetic but  so predictable as they've been rebuked for their insensitive actions before

Image of Pam Geller
Here's the thing, you have a group of men, believed to be Muslims, who have been sentenced for sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl in Buckinghamshire, UK. NORMAL people feel for the abused girl and pray for the girl. Islamophobes (ABNORMAL people) decide to misuse the suffering of the girl and use it to bash Muslims and even falsely claim Islam is behind it.

My message to Pamela Geller is to develop some sensitivity - life is not about making money through bashing Muslims and Islam. Find a decent way of making money because what you are doing is distasteful and corrupt.

Oh and Muslims are not allowed to rape ANYBODY (even slaves). There has been Muslim condemnation of sexual grooming gangs throughout the UK, here's a Muslim community leader speaking out against such vile acts of abuse.

Does allow rape? No

Now you tell me if a normal, decent person would misuse the following horrific case of abuse just to make some money out of hating on Muslims and Islam:

FOUR men from south Buckinghamshire have been found guilty of sexually abusing a vulnerable schoolgirl over an eight month period.

Nazakat Mahmood, Ghulfaraz Nawaz, Haroon Rauf and Omar Sharif were convicted of committing a string of sexual offences against the girl between December 2011 and July 2012.
She was just 14 years old at the time of the abuse.

Mahmood, Nawaz and Rauf forced the girl, who was often plied with alcohol, to perform sex acts on them and pressured her into having full sex on several occasions in the Chesham area, Reading Crown Court heard.

After the trio were arrested, Sharif blackmailed her into having sex with him - including in her pyjamas in a graveyard in the middle of the night, jurors were told.
Full news story here

May Allah help the victim at this time of suffering and need. May Allah support her family. May Allah bless them further and guide them. May Allah make those who misuse these stories to hate Muslims see the error of their way. Ameen.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Learn about Islam:
tags: pam geller exposed, pam geller refuted, atlas shrugs

Friday, 18 April 2014

Taqiya Explained for Pamela Geller

There is a constant stream of Islamophobes (haters) carping on about how Muslims are allowed to lie to non-Muslims whilst appealing to something called “taqiyyah” (also spelled, “takiya” and “taqiyya”)

Rather than relying on shoddy hate sites/Christian missionaries to educate us about taqiyyah we shall rely on SCHOLARLY authority – largely in the form of R. Strothmann’s relevant section in “Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam” (by H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers)  and Cyril Glasse’s Concise Encyclopedia of Islam

What is “Taqiyyah”, “Takiya”, “Taqiyya”?

This term is spelt variously; “taqiyyah”, “takiya” or “taqiyya”.

“Takiya (A.), caution, fear (see glossarium to Tabari S.V. T-K-A) pr kitman, “disguise” is the technical term for dispensation from the requirements of religion under compulsion or threat of injury.” [1]

“Taqiyyah (From the root word waqa “to safeguard”; “self-protection” and hence “dissimulation [in order to protect oneself]”).” [2]

So, taqiyyah (takiya, taqiyya) is concerning dissimulation due to force – i.e. when an individual is forced to conceal.

Sadly, Islamophobes and Christian missionaries – in order to obtain an unchecked platform and/or demonise Muslims – have misapplied this term in their exaggerated claims of “Muslims are allowed to lie to the unbelievers”.

At what level of force is Takiya (Taqiyyah, Taqiya) justified?

“But an individual is not justified in takiya nor bound to hidjra [emigration] if the compulsion remains within the endurable limits, as in the case of temporary imprisonment or flogging which does not result in death” [1]

So, this make a mockery of the Islamophobes’ general suggestions of “Muslims are allowed to lie to the unbelievers” as even under threat of imprisonment and flogging Muslims are not justified in takiya. The level of force which justifies oneself in takiya is that of an unbearable level.

Takiya (taqiyya, taqiyyah) and the type of lies…

One may ask, what type of “disguise” is allowed under takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya)?

Let’s be clear about takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya); “The principle of dissimulation of one’s religious beliefs in order to avoid persecution or imminent harm, where no useful purpose would be served by publicly affirming them.” [2]

So takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya) is not used to convert folk to Islam nor is it used in Islamic text books or anything of such a nature. It is simply a form of concealment used to avoid persecution!

For further clarity, we are not talking about general, everyday fibs here, thus the ethical question of dishonesty is bypassed:

“The ethical question whether such forced lies are nevertheless lies, such a forced denial of the faith nevertheless a denial, is not put at all by one “who conceal himself” as he is not in a state of confidence which would be broken by lies or denial.” [1]

Sadly, our Islamophobic counterparts attempt to convince the gullible that takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya) allows Muslims to lie (or conceal) about aspects of their faith (Islam) as well as lie in general.

Recently, Islamophobes were accusing Senator Keith Ellison of taqiyyah. Try learning what taqiyyah (takiya, taqiyya) is before accusing folk of it, you may just look less silly if you take this advice on board!!!

Famous case of Taqiyyah (Taqiyya, Takiya)

A common example of takiya (taqiyyah, taqiya) involves a Muslim (Ammar B. Yasir, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, p) being forced to worship idols and insult the Prophet of Islam. [1] [3]

The level of force the polytheists applied on Ammar bin Yasir can be imagined by Amr bin Maymoon’s statement, “The polytheists tortured Ammar with fire. [3]

“Abu Ubaydah bin Muhammad bin Ammar bin Yasir said: The polytheists seized Ammar and they did not let him off until he was forced to insult the Messenger of Allah and say good things about their deities [3]

Ammar bin Yasir told Prophet Muhammad (p) of what he was forced to say.

“The Prophet (p) said: “Say it again if they ask (i.e. force) you to do so”.” [3]

So, in order to avoid such torture the Prophet allowed Ammar bin Yasir to use “taqiyya”

If Jesus (p) had done the same, our Christian friends would have lauded it as an act of piety and mercy. Instead we see Islamophobes exaggerating this form of concealment in order to demonise Muslims. It’s a crazy old world!

Taqiyyah and the Shi’ites (Shia)

"It is, however, associated most closely with the Shi’ites who practiced taqiyyah systematically and widely during periods of Sunni domination to hide their beliefs from Sunni Muslims. "[2]

Obviously, if these Shi’ites felt they would have been persecuted for publicly announcing their shia beliefs, one can understand why they concealed (used taqiyya) their beliefs.

Is taqiyyah allowed in the Quran?

Our Islamophobic friends jump up and down in joy whilst proclaiming taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya) is allowed in the Quran. Let’s analyse (via scholarship) the two Verses they cite.

Quran 16:106 and taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya)?

Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom. [Pikthal translation of the Quran 16:106]

The reason for this verse is unanimously said to have been the case of Ammar b. Yasir, whose conscience was set at rest by this revelation when he was worried about his forced worshipping of idols and objurgation of the Prophet. [1]

The story of Ammar bin Yassir is relayed earlier in the article (see above).

Tabari says on Sura 16:106 (Tafsir, Bulak 1323 sqq.24.122): If any one is compelled and professes unbelief with his tongue, while his heart contradicts him, to escape his enemies, no blame falls him on him, because God takes his servants as their hearts believe [1]

The Quran’s (16:106) allowance of uttering disbelief whilst under extreme force is hardly justification for the outrageous smears the Islamophobes propagate.

Quran 3:28 and taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya)?

Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying. [Pikthal translation of the Quran 3:28]

This Verse instructs Muslims to not take the unbelievers as patrons over the believers but does allow for this in the case of fear. Tuqatan is used here (a verbal noun of taqiyyah). Tafsir Jalalayn explains:

“unless you protect yourselves against them, as a safeguard (tuqātan, ‘as a safeguard’, is the verbal noun from taqiyyatan), that is to say, [unless] you fear something, in which case you may show patronage to them through words, but not in your hearts” [Tafsir Jalalayn – 3:28]

It is hardly something Islamophobes can latch onto as evidence for their demonization of Muslims as this Verse allows concealment (taqiyyah, taqiyya, takiya) in the case of fear (i.e. to avoid persecution). We are essentially back to where we started as initially stated on taqiyyah:

Takiya (A.), caution, fear (see glossarium to Tabari S.V. T-K-A) pr kitman, “disguise” is the technical term for dispensation from the requirements of religion under compulsion or threat of injury. [1]

Taqiyyah (From the root word waqa “to safeguard”; “self-protection” and hence “dissimulation [in order to protect oneself]”). [2]

Taqiyya is acceptable till the Day of Judgement

Ibn Kathir, a prominent authority writes, "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil may protect himself through outward show." As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad's companion, al-Hassan, who said, "taqiyya is acceptable till the Day of Judgment [i.e., in perpetuity]."

Islamophobes make a big deal out of Muslims believing taqiyya (taqiyyah, takiya) is acceptable to this very day and beyond. So what? There is NO issue here whatsoever.

Think about it, if, in the future, an extreme Christian/Hindu/Islamophobe put a gun to a Muslim’s head and asked him to denounce Islam in order to preserve his life would you really have qualms in the fact the Muslim would be allowed (according to Islam) to do so in order to protect his life?

Abraham (p) and taqiyyah

In the Biblical account of Abraham, Sarah and Pharaoh we notice Abraham (and Sarah) concealed the fact Sarah was his wife as he feared death:

When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live.
Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.” [Genesis 12:12-13 NIV]

Where are the Christian Islamophobes to demonise Abraham, Sarah and the Bible? Nowhere!

Why are people not exaggerating this to mean the Bible allows Jews and Christians to lie to non-believers just as they do against Muslims in the case of taqiyyah? The answer is hypocrisy as Islamophobes work an anti-Muslim agenda assiduously whilst refraining from using the same absurd modes of exaggeration/deception against Christians and Jews!

The “Apostle” Paul and taqiyyah?

Paul, in Corinthians 19, was using a strange tactic to convert people. So strictly speaking, Paul did not practice taqiyya as he was not under threat of harm and his “concealment” was in the avenue of evangelism rather than that of self-protection. Paul was concealing himself as a Jew (to convert Jews), as a gentile (to convert gentiles) and as the weak (to convert the weak).

19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.
22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. [Corinthians 9:19-22, NIV]

Of course, Christian apologists would extend explanation towards Paul’s strange actions in order to exonerate him of the allegation of deception but you can see why there is a potential cause for concern here – especially in the light of the numerous deceptive episodes involving Christian missionaries ever since Paul’s strange actions.

Why are our Christian Islamophobes not concluding Paul’s actions to mean all Christians can lie whilst evangelising folk?

I have caught Christian missionaries, on numerous occasions, lying to convert folk to Christianity. If you want to exegete this New Testament account to mean Christians are allowed to use deception whilst evangelising you will have a stronger case than that of the Islamophobes’ exaggerations on Muslim allowance of taqiyyah (concealment due to fear).

Lying about the Prophet Muhammad (p)

Islamophobes, in an attempt to obtain an unchecked platform, do suggest Muslims misinform (“use taqiyya”) about the Prophet Muhammad (p). This is an utter absurdity as it is a grave sin for a Muslim to misinform about the Prophet Muhammad as the Prophet stated:

Whoever lies about me intentionally shall take a place for himself in hell (al-Adhkar (y102), 510-12) [4]

In fact, presenting misinformation about the Prophet (p) was considered an extreme offense amongst early Muslim communities:

Habib ibn ar-Rabi’ said that it is disbelief to alter his [Prophet Muhammad’s] description and its details. The one who does that openly is an unbeliever. He is asked to repent. [5]

So much for the Islamophobes claims of “Muslims using taqiyyah” regarding Prophet Muhammad (p).


Taqiyyah (taqiya, takiya) is not something to be writing home about. To use this practice to brandish Muslims as untrustworthy (or to demonise them) is unscholarly and unjust.

If you do encounter an anti-Muslim bigot on the internet crying “taqiyya” (there are plenty about), please do send him/her away educated.

There are a number of Islamophobes who do make cash and political inroads out of demonising Muslims with all this exaggeration concerning taqiyyah (takiya, taqiyya) amongst other absurd claims concerning Muslims. These folk do influence other folk on the internet to propagate these misconceptions – thus it is our job to present the truth to counter the many anti-Muslims deceptions out there.

"During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" - George Orwell

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Pam Geller and honor killings:



[1] Article by R. Strothmann, Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam, H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers, Fourth impression, 1995, E.J. Brill Leiden. New York. Koln p. 561 - 562

[2] The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam, Revised Edition, Cyril Glasse, Stacey International, 2001, p450-451.

[3] Men and Women around the Messenger, Sa’d Yusuf Abu ‘Aziz, Translated by Suleman Fulani, Darussalam, 2009, p. 286-287

[4] Reliance of the Traveller, Translated by Nuh Hamim Keller – Amana Publications, 2008, r8.0, p 747

[5] Muhammad, Messenger of Allah – Ash Shifa of Qadi Iyad, translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley, Madinah Press, 2004, p. 387

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Response: Son hits his mother on national TV - إبن يضرب والدته على الهواء

A son kicks his mother live on Arabic TV, it becomes viral and some Islamophobes use it to attack Islam by claiming this is how Muslims treat women. It's all opportunistic malice on the part of the Islamophobes.

The TV program seems to be unworthy and an imitation of your average Jeremy Kyle or Jerry Springer show. What is the point of taking family disputes on to TV? Are people so dumbed-down nowadays to consume trashy TV?

Anyways, to the Islamophobes who are using the actions of an angry teen (whom I'd imagine regrets his actions) to attack Islam with, what if somebody turned on Jerry Springer and used the arguments/fights on there to attack Christianity? Would you consider that to be fair? No. So why the double standards when discussing Islam? This incident is an aberration in Muslim countries - this is one of the reasons why it went viral - it's something shocking.

To the Islamophobes who want to learn something about the treatment of mothers in Islam:

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship…” [al-Ahqaaf 46:15]

Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “A man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, who among the people is most deserving of my good companionship?’ He said, ‘Your mother.’ The man asked, ‘Then who?’ He said, ‘Your mother.’ He asked, then who?’ He said, ‘Your mother.’ He asked, ‘Then who?’ He said, ‘Your father.’”

Learn about Islam:

Son hits his mother on national TV - إبن يضرب أمه على الهواء
 يضرب أمه عبر برنامج تلفزيوني Son attacks his mother -
   إبن يهجم على أمه

Karima Tsarnaev Victim of Islamophobes

I just came across some Islamophobic blog run by this person, the Islamophobes are calling for the wife (Karima Tsarnaev) of the 'Boston Bomber'  to be charged for being an accomplice.

To the Islamophobes, you can't charge somebody if they are innocent and/or there's no evidence against them. Stop hate-mongering against Karima Tsarnaev. There's no evidence this lady has done anything wrong.

Muslims against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Pamela Geller Refuted: Honor Killings and Islamic Law (Sharia)

Pamela Geller entitles a video, 'Islamic Honor Killings in the West'. This is a contradiction of terms as Islamic Law opposes honor killings.

Pamela Geller wrongly claims that honor killings is a practice under Islamic Law (Sharia). This is a blatant falsehood. In the video we see Dr Bilal Phillips teach that Honor Killings is not allowed according to Islamic Law - in fact he teaches that the Sharia (Islamic Law) sees honor killing as MURDER which is punishable by execution.

It's interesting to notice how Muslim scholars such as Dr Shabir Ally, Hamza Yusuf and Dr Bilal Phillips all disagree with the wild assertions of Pamela Geller concerning the Islamic view on honor killings. Sadly, people like Pamela Geller continue to spread their ignorance and prejudice and the scholarly voices are being drowned out.

Watch Pamela Geller's falsehoods on Honor Killings and Islamic Law are corrected by clips of Hamza Yusuf, Dr Shabir Ally and Dr Bilal Phillips

If video does not play, see

Aside from the misinformation Pam Geller presents about Islam's view on honor killings the other worrying aspect of her work is her misappropriating of pictures of the victims of honor killings. Islamophobes such as Geller will trample on the misery and the hurt of others just to pursue their agenda of attacking Islam and demonizing Muslims. Truthful and sincere people don't do this.

Another point that came out of the video is that honour killings, as mentioned by Hamza Yusuf, have a long history and indeed are not simply peculiar to Muslims. Hamza Yusuf menions that it has taken place in Arab Christian communities as well as Mexico. Of course, honor killings are not limited to these communities - all communities have experienced honor killings be they Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist etc.. Hamza Yusuf mentioned the figure of 20 million abortions having been conducted in America, isn't this at least in some instances a form of honor killing?

And finally, Dr Shabir Ally mentions those who perpetrate honor killings are not following the Quran, he then mentions that he can find something that can be described as honor killing in the Bible. I Wonder if Pamela Geller would call Dr Shabir Ally and ask him for the Bible references and then make a video about Christianity and Honor killing entitled 'Christian Biblical Honor Killngs'? Guess she won't. Guess the donations and other support she receives would diminish quite considerably if she did. That's the nature of the business of ISLAMOPHOBIA!

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:

Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:
tags: islam is truth, amina sarah said, yaser said, murdered, honour killings unislamic see muslim sheikhs confirm this, Jessica Mokdad, Pakistan, Jordan honor killings, Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt, Robert spencer, walid shoebat, usama dakdok,  Nonie Darwish; Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; and James Lafferty Robert spencer, david wood, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), zainaab, sahar and geeti shafia, rona amir shafia, aunt, Canada, honour killing, zainab shafia, noor almaleki, shafia, tater harun, harry potter afshan azad, muslim girls dating, hindu, nonmuslim, Switzerland, uk, tulay goren, torture, feroz mangal khatera sadiqi yasmine and Sabrina larbi-cherif, boyfriend, ayman udas, poet, artist, aasiya Hassan, hatin surucu Germany, muslim girls, western, banaz mahmood, police, atlas shrugs, aqsa parvez, hijab,

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Rabbis Help Muslims Fight a Hate Group (Pam Geller Loses Again)

This is the type of tonic the fight against anti-Muslim forces requires - two rabbis speaking out to protect Muslims against a well known Islamophobe (Pamela Geller). Here is the statement by Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson concerning Great Neck Synagogue's decision to give a platform to Pam Geller:

We write as rabbis devoted both to our faith community and to human rights for all peoples.  We were disheartened to learn that the Great Neck Synagogue has invited Pamela Geller to speak on April 14. Geller has a long track record of hateful and virulently anti-Muslim views that seek to divide American Muslims and Jews, rather than unite them.

Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson
 Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson
Both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League have  designated Geller’s “Stop Islamization of America” organization as a hate group. As was recently reported in the Jewish Week, Etzion Neuer, director of community service and policy for the ADL’s New York region, said that Geller “under the guise of fighting radical Islam, absolutely demonizes an entire religion. In directing her rhetoric at the entire Islamic faith, she fuels anti-Islamic bigotry. Geller doesn’t do us any favors,” he continued. “She muddies the waters because she hands the platform to the extremists in our midst. Instead of thoughtful, fact-based dialogue on the issues, we get incendiary rhetoric and xenophobia.”

We cherish our relationships and friendships within the local Muslim community. Both Temple Beth El of Great Neck and Temple Sinai of Roslyn share deep and abiding connections with the Islamic Center of Long Island. Our communities have broken bread together, studied together, engaged in social action projects together, and our children have learned from each other as well.  The local Muslim community adds immeasurably to Long Island’s vitality, and we are blessed by their commitment to the betterment of our society. Their presence among us affirms the essence of America’s greatness, a nation founded on the principles of democratic pluralism.

We state unequivocally that Geller’s inflammatory rhetoric does not represent us or the great majority of Jews in Great Neck and on Long Island. Hate speech has no place in synagogues. Synagogues should be places for worship, positive dialogue and reasoned political debate. The right of free speech is vitally important, but Geller crosses the line from political to hate speech. In sharp contrast, Judaism teaches us to respect the traditions and values of other faiths.

Last fall the group T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (formerly Rabbis For Human Rights-North America) echoed that sentiment with its effective New York City subway ad campaign that countered Geller’s offensive anti-Muslim subway posters.  T’ruah’s message challenged: “In the choice between love and hate, choose love. Help stop bigotry against our Muslim neighbors.”

We share T’ruah’s vision, reflecting our faith’s mandate to work for understanding, unity and peace among all humanity. Geller’s messages seek to divide peoples, and fail to acknowledge that even with significant political differences, Jews and Muslims are working to build the world of justice and compassion that both faiths demand. Rather than trying to denigrate a diverse community and rich tradition, we must find ways of respecting one another and working together on shared concerns.

At this season of the year following the Passover festival, Jews study a tractate of the Talmud called Ethics of the Fathers.  We are mindful of Hillel’s enduring words in the opening chapter: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” The time is now to stand – for ourselves, for our fellow citizens, for our common humanity and kinship.
We hope Great Neck Synagogue leaders will take a hard look at their decision and ask themselves why they are giving a platform to someone who has devoted her life to defaming fellow Americans of a different Abrahamic religion.

Rabbi Michael White is the Senior Rabbi at Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Rabbi Jerome Davidson is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck and teaches at the Hebrew Union College, New York City.

From The Jewish Week -

UPDATE: Great news! The Synagogue has cancelled Pamela Geller's appearance.

Chris Hedges on Islamophobes:

Jewish scholar on Mary's age at time of betrothal to Joseph: