Showing posts with label David Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Wood. Show all posts

Friday, 6 October 2017

Advice For Muslims On Dealing With Christian Anti-Muslim Sentiment...

Part of an email advising somebody who was being run down by evangelical Christians attacking Islam:

These people actively look for people who are all jittery when it comes to their emotional polemics against the Faith. They can sense who lacks confidence and self-esteem especially in person (body language) and even on the net with the way somebody is interacting.

There’s a lot of psychology behind evangelical Christian missionaries who try to rob Muslims of faith in the Revelation of Allah. They actively look for people who struggle with English because they think they are easier targets for various reasons (i.e. the Christian can conflate the West with Christianity and thus misappropriate secular Western achievement to Christianity, it’s easier for them to dominate and manipulate a conversation if the other person has a weaker command of the language and we both know that there is an undercurrent in the West which portrays people not educated in Western institutes as lesser thinkers), their ideal is those with inferiority complexes – inferiority complexes when it comes to the West and folks who have elements of self hate within them. A great way to deal with these missionaries is to go head on and use the premises in their arguments against them.

For instance, they will talk about the Prophet being involved in war and put it alongside the Jesus of the Gospel (A Jesus who was never the head of a state nor of a group large enough to wrestle control of the region away from the oppressive Romans so it’s the fallacy of false comparisons although if that’s what they want to do, be their guest and compare Prophet Muhammad with Trinitarian Jesus!).

The premise here is somebody using violence and warfare cannot be from God. Point at the Prophets in the OT – Moses – who used violence and warfare (e.g vs the Midianites in Numbers). But go further, talk about the Trinity idea teaching Jesus is the 2nd person of the Trinity thus Trinitarians essentially believe Jesus ordered the killing of women and children (1 Samuel 15:3).

Likewise, for the issue of polygamy, tell them Jesus did not forbid it according to Biblical Trinitarians and appears to allow it (Exodus 21:10) and he even says he GAVE David his wives according to Trinitarians (2 Samuel 12:8). In this instance you can also point to one of the sparks for their breakaway church movement, Martin Luther. Luther is on record saying nothing in Christian scripture forbids polygamy. [It will be a really Westernised Christian who brings the issue of polygamy up and he/she may find this very difficult and thus jump at the One Flesh verse (Gen 2:24) – they believe MOSES wrote such yet he had more than one wife so clearly the author’s understanding of the one flesh verse could not have been a proscription of polygyny].

Let’s talk about female slaves, they will bring this up. They may have even been taught to say Muslims are allowed to rape female slaves. Of course this is a prurient lie as part of their propaganda of demonisation (but the Christian you’re speaking to may not know this, so be gentle). To respond,say, “OK clearly you believe in the rights and well treatment of slaves, especially female slaves, I respect that as that is what we as Muslims are taught. But before I show you our teachings I want to share what Trinitarians believe Jesus allowed with respect to slaves, this may sound shocking so do look it up and think about it when you have some time later on, he allowed the severe beating of female slaves as long as they got up after a couple of days (Ex 21:20-21). Female slaves were taken as captives of war and married in the OT. There are some secularists, and perhaps liberal Christians, who say this was rape in the Bible but for me I don’t believe God allows rape as we are taught in the Quran (Quran 4:36) to treat slaves well and the Prophetic teaching (Sahih Muslim) is that one cannot even slap a slave – clearly rape would transgress those teachings thus cannot be allowed.”

Notice, what we’ve done my dear, we’ve started planting seeds and educating the Christian friend.

Don’t say any of this aggressively to them, say it how an educator would. You’re the teacher here. You’ve got to be the guide here. This Christian is in severe spiritual danger and his reckless elders may have effectively nudged him on to the precipice of leaving Biblical Christianity and the Abrahamic tradition.

Remember, if they come to you, your demeanour is key, you MUST be confident. Don’t be all jittery, they will sense it and that’s what they want to see. Speak with clarity and purpose. Be smart and informed, if you’re not, they will pick up on it and they will not be influenced as much by you, in fact they will take it as a cue to start influencing you! Be sophisticated and focussed, don’t bang on about America bombing Iraq like some emotional wreck – that’s not the time or place. The number of Muslims I see rattling on about Iraq, British and American imperialism in these discussions is staggering, to be honest it’s neither helpful nor relevant. It can come across as cringe-worthy and embarrassing. The Christian did not come to you as a representative of America, in many cases the Christian is not even American and is against Trump, Bush etc.. It’s a theological discussion, not political. There’s a time and place for remonstrating against the bombings of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan etc. and the contentious issue of Palestine...this discussion is not that time or place.

Take on the role of the educator in the dialogue. The evangelical missionaries have been set up to try and rob you of your faith using secular arguments – their leaders saw how the secularists decimated Christendom in Western Europe and now they have borrowed that polemical style from them because it was effective against their own faith! The only reason why it was effective was because the Christians had been conditioned to think of Western civilisation and Western laws as the pinnacle thus the Church ended up allowing divorce (their teachings do not allow divorce except in the case of adultery), staying silent on sex before marriage and even inviting Bill and Bob, and Jill and Jean, to come into their churches to get “married”. They did all this to appease their congregations who became Westerners at heart rather than true Bible believers.

They’ve lost confidence in their Book. Don’t allow them to try and do the same to you with respect to Islam.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: These evangelical Christians have been conned, they’ve been conned by “Christian” folks who have given them a load of polemics against Islam which, if applied consistently, would mean the Christian would reject Christianity and Biblical teachings. These Christian missionaries, once they wake up and start thinking about what they’re saying, are in danger of leaving the Abrahamic tradition because their Christian leaders was set them up to stumble. The evangelical Christian NEEDS you in this instance. You can be a light for them and a light for their nations. But you’ve got to be smart, sophisticated, educated, confident and concerned. YOU can do it.

Geza Vermes on How Jesus Would Have Reacted to Trinitarian Christians

For Christians Who Call Muslims Rag-Heads...

Are Evengalicals Ignoring Sola Scriptura When Talking About Prophecies in the Bible?

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Numbers 31 and Deuteronomy 21 - Sam Shamoun

Now I understand this anti-Islam apologist, Sam Shamoun, has been denounced as having a double-mind by Pulpit and Pen and James White refuses to recommend him whilst considering him as somebody who "has lost it" BUT his views, if consistently applied, seem to indicate he believes Jesus singled out virgins in Numbers 31 to be raped.

Sam Shamoun: Numbers 31 and Deuteronomy 21

This video is also uploaded here

Numbers 31:

4 Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle. 15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Deuteronomy 21:

10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.
A Difficulty On the Christian Idea of Salvation and Forgiveness

Sam Shamoun and David Wood Cursed by Paul of Tarsus!

African Children and the Harm of White Jesus Imagery - Umar Johnson

Geza Vermes on How Jesus Would Have Reacted to Trinitarian Christians

For Christians Who Call Muslims Rag-Heads...

Are Evengalicals Ignoring Sola Scriptura When Talking About Prophecies in the Bible?

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?


Tuesday, 3 October 2017

A Difficulty On the Christian Idea of Salvation and Forgiveness

Asghar Bukhari writes on his FB about his experience with a Nigerian Christian:

I met a Nigerian Christian today. Well somehow [the] conversation turns to Jews backing israel. He starts telling me the Bible says God supports Jews against their enemies.

So i say, hang about. Didnt they kill your God?

He replies yes but that was Prophesy. God ordained it. And if God hadn't died he wouldn't be saved.

So i say, 'So God told them to kill Him? So you think they did God a favour by killing Him?

He actually said "Yes its Good they killed God"

He had no problem with Jews taking and cleansing the Palestinians because 'Jesus gave it to the Jews

African Christians are some of the most brainwashed people on earth. I mean how can you believe in a religion that nuts.

My thoughts

I have actually thought about this before, I don't believe this Nigerian Christian has drifted away from Biblical Christianity in what he said with what he said about Jews killing God.Christians do effectively believe God wanted the Jews and Romans to kill him - it was a prerequisite for salvation. Thus, in some way without these murderers this “gift of salvation” Christians believe in could not happen.

I've always thought why aren't those who are said to kill Jesus not considered saints as they are responsible for the salvation of billions indirectly according to Christianity? How can they be considered to be in Hell when every Christian is indebted to them indirectly for their salvation?

There is the ethical question here, why is God’s forgiveness and gift of salvation in need of Jewish and Roman murderers? If you truly believe a blood sacrifice is really needed and God really needs to die for sins then why believe God provokes people to murder Him as this means salvation and God’s forgiveness is dependent on murderers in some way, shape or form?

In Islam, God can forgive people without having to be killed by murderers. Which concept of God is better, the Christian one or the Islamic one, be honest?

There are some tough questions here, think about them and ask your pastors.

Note: A Christian friend, Denis Giron, did share this from the Catholic tradition: Catholic history has a tradition that the Roman soldier who stabbed Christ with the spear was a man named Longinus, who later converted to Christianity. He was (and in some pockets still is) revered as a saint. Admittedly, he was revered based on the belief that he converted..

Synoptic Gospels and the Idea of a Pre-Existant Jesus?

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Sam Shamoun and David Wood Cursed by Paul of Tarsus!

Paul of Tarsus cursed all Trinitarians in Galatians 1 as Paul of Tarsus never knew about the Trinity doctrine and never preached or believed in this doctrine. Thus for Paul of Tarsus, the Trinitarians preach a different Gospel to him, meaning they are cursed according to Galatians 1.

Even if folks like Sam Shamoun and David Wood  decide to give up the Trinity doctrine they will still be considered to be cursed by Paul of Tarsus as they are suspected of rejecting Penal Substitution. Here's what Brandon Hines writes about Michael Gungor in this regard:

By denying Penal Substitution, Gungor is rejecting the true Gospel and embracing another gospel, which is no gospel at all. What does the Bible say we are to do with those who bring another Gospel? Galatians 1:8 (ESV) tells us, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” [Brandon Hines]

For the Muslim, Paul of Tarsus has no authority whatsoever. Muslim don't care who he cursed. Can Christians say the same?

How Jay Smith, Nabeel Qureshi, Sam Shamoun and David Wood Contribute to the Apostasy of Christians

Geza Vermes on How Jesus Would Have Reacted to Trinitarian Christians

Is Limited Atonement Doctrine Taught Clearer than the Trinity Doctrine in the New Testament?

For Christians who say Allah is a Deceiver- a Message from James White


Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Was David Wood Using Nabeel Qureshi's Death for Hatred?

We had to rebuke David for a video which he made using Nabeel Qureshi's last recorded words to attack the Prophet Muhammad, I hope serious-minded Christians will rebuke David too.

In David Wood's video he cited a hadith of Prophet Muhammad cursing people who take the graves of Prophets as places of worship. He misrepresented this. This is obviously out of concern for keeping Monotheism intact. This shows the value the Prophet had for pure Monotheism. He used some of his last words to remind people of the importance of pure Abrahamic Monotheism and help them keep away from shirk (a departure from pure Abrahamic Monotheism) - making places of worship over the graves of Prophets could be seen as leading to shirk.

The Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) curse on the Jews and Christians was not his last words (just some of his last words), it was not done out of hatred or rancour for them (and it was not directed at all of them), but instead he was relating to those around him his utter rejection of people worshiping prophet's graves. (i.e. indirectly telling them not to worship his grave.)

The Jews (and Christians!) are taught about pure Monotheism and its importance in the Bible. First Commandment that all Jews accept: Ex 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me".

The Prophet, amongst his last words, also reminded people to be spiritual and never forget the prayer: “The prayer, the prayer! And fear Allaah with regard to those whom your right hands possess.”
As for the Prophet's grave, here is a link to what the scholars say on this - it is clearly not a curse against Muslims who pray in that mosque!:

David also mentioned Jesus and his purported last words. Firstly, as Christian scholars admit that the Gospel authors are not reliable and the Gospel of John puts words into Jesus' mouth that he never actually said it's highly dubious for David Wood to talk like he knew what Jesus' last words. See this video of a Christian scholar admitting this about John's Gospel:

David also makes out he believes in a Jesus who is all about peace and love. Actually, Trinitarian Christians believe Jesus allowed the severe beating of female slaves as long as they got up in a couple of days and they believe he used and will use violence, David Wood's Hypocrisy on Jesus' Violence According to the Bible:

For the David Wood refutation section see here for over 70 rebukes, refutations and responses to him (scroll down and go to older posts to see the earlier ones):

Despicable David Wood Rebuked For Using Nabeel Qureshi's Death for Hatred

This video has also been uploaded here and here

David Wood may think he was just going toe-to-toe with trolls who were winding him up about Nabeel Qureshi with insensitive comments but he just played right in to their hands. Trolls exist on the internet. Don't play their game of hate and mockery.

James White Questions David Wood's Wisdom

Does Surah Al Fateha Curse Jews and Christians? Christian Missionary Claim Refuted!

Synoptic Gospels and the Idea of a Pre-Existant Jesus?

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Why Islam

Monday, 12 June 2017

David Wood's Hypocrisy on Jesus' Violence According to the Bible...

The inconsistency of David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics and Jay Smith of Pfander Ministries is staggering. He will tell Muslims they need to become Christians because Muhammad p was violent. Whilst at the same time he believes Jesus will come back and terrorize Muslims according to the Bible. This is not to mention the fact he believes Jesus ordered the killing of children and babies in 1 Samuel 15:3.

Here's a Christian missionary laying out her Biblical beliefs concerning what Jesus will do to Muslims upon his second coming. David Wood should be ashamed over his hypocrisy.

This video is also here and here

James R. White Proven Wrong by his Buddy Shamoun

ABN, Sam Shamoun and David Wood Plus 'Stupid' Christians

Refutations of David Wood (Acts 17 Apologetics, Answering Muslims)

Refutations of Sam Shamoun (Answering Islam)

Refutations of Nabeel Qureshi (Creed 2:6 Ministries, RZIM)

Did Prophet Muhammad Have Epilepsy? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Friday, 12 May 2017

Taking Away the Islamophobes' Metaphorical Porn Collection and Terror Fetish

I received this comment on a video arguing people in Muslim countries are less violent than Non-Muslims based on the murder (homicide) rates of each nation:

Great video!! The lens you look through reveals who you are! .. hence many idiotic morons suffer from a 'terror fetish' .. and need to feed that fetish with delusions of 'terror' at the expense of Islam / Muslims. Excellent videos like this one triggers intense defense mechanisms within those fools, because quite simply, disinfecting their delusions of 'terror', is like taking away their porn collection! (..hence their adamant fixation to hold on to dear life to their terror fetish) ! Stupid jackasses!

Islamophobes like Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Tommy Robinson may want to think about this.

Term Dar Al Harb Explained - Dr Musharraf Hussain and Justin Parrott

Ben Shapiro Refuted by Ali Ataie and James White: "The Myth of the Tiny Radical Minority"

Explanation Hadith of Blind Man Killing His Slave for Insulting Prophet Muhammad

Muslim Refutes Pastor Steven Anderson's Anti-Gay and Anti-Muslim Propaganda

 Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Thursday, 4 May 2017

For Christians who say Allah is a Deceiver- a Message from James White

Video also uploaded here and here

54. And they [the disbelievers] schemed and Allah schemed; and Allah is the best of schemers.

This text is often cited as evidence of some kind of dishonesty on Allah’s part, but the honest reader recognizes that just as God sent a lying spirit into the mouths of false prophets as a means by which He brought just punishment on those who rebelled against Him (1 Kings 22:33), and just as the New Testament warns that those who refuse to love the truth will be caused to love a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11), this text could well be saying that when people scheme against Allah and His ways, they will find Allah is significantly better at that activity than they are. [James White]

Monday, 1 May 2017

James White Questions David Wood's Wisdom

David Wood attention-seeks by reposting empty “death threats” he receives from people behind usernames on YouTube which in all likelihood seem to be from kids. I say they are empty because Wood goads them and tells them where he will be. Wood, to this day, this is a strong indication those “death threats” are not serious. Of course reposting them helps with bringing in the donations as some Christians are raised on Christian martyrdom stories and think this is a sign of true evangelism.

Cenk Uygur Proves Mulims Are not More Violent than Christians

Murder rates in Muslim countries are lower than those in non Muslim countries.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

David Wood Rebuked by James White for "False Witness"

David Wood was sadly propagating further malicious falsehoods. This time he accuses a Christian ministry, Pulpit and Pen, of having a role in Ergun Caner's son's suicide. Thankfully James White and Richard Pierce were on hand on social media to rebuke David Wood for such "false witness"

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Nabeel Qureshi: True Christians Can Perfom Miracles Greater than Jesus!

I think RZIM's Dr Nabeel Qureshi's exegesis of John 14:12-14 would be lapped up by the Prosperity Gospel crowd. It's essentially telling Christians that they get anything they want if they pray to Jesus (a man!) and ask him for whatever they want. Here's the Gospel passage Nabeel Qureshi uses to claim Christians can perform miracles greater than those given to Jesus:

12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Video of Nabeel Qureshi talking about miracles and John 14

If the video does not play, please see here

To be fair, I know another strand of Christianity would exegete this passage as referring to preaching the "Gospel" rather than works of healings etc.

Having said that, Nabeel is effectively giving a falsification test for judging who is a "true" believer in Christianity: they should be able to perform greater works (miracles) than Jesus. Well, Nabeel (other Christians) why aren't you guys down at your local hospitals healing the deaf, blind, disabled and terminally ill? Why haven't we not seen you guys in war zones bringing peace to war-torn lands? Why haven't you not ended poverty in deprived areas of South America, Asia and Africa?

There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide, Nabeel Qureshi, surely thinks at least 10% of them are "true" Christians. That would be at least 200m Christians. Why is it that we are more likely to see Christians online (some of whom are Nabeel's friends) spewing hatred against Muslims rather than in hospitals trying to heal people or in warzones bringing an end to innocent people being bombed by imperialist forces like America, Russia, ISIS etc.?

JD Hall: Nabeel Qureshi is making Christians look Stupid

Muslim Indonesian Women Tricked By Christiam Missionary Men?

Muslims Becoming Christians in Lebanon? Missionary Bus-Start Scandal Bites Again?

Christian Missionary Propganda About Asmirandah Zantman's 'Conversion' (Indonesian Actress)

Oldest British Convert to Islam, Br Mohamed Keith-Kinglsey Cunliffe?

Faith Change: Islam rapidly grows as Christianity declines in UK

Slovakians converting to Islam

Notes from Sean Finnegan's interview with Patrick Navas: Is the Trinity Biblical

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Why Islam

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Muslim Refuses to Troll Christmas

Last Sunday (18.12.16), I must have been one of very few people who attended a mosque (to worship) and went to a church (not to worship) in the space of 5 hours.

The mosque’s morning prayer was, as usual, spiritual providing out-of-this-world experiences. It was more sombre and emotional as it included a moving supplication for the Muslims in Syria and Burma (the Rohingya people) given the recent news of suffering, persecution and fear subjected to our brothers and sisters over there.

I didn’t have to wait too long for the church service at a local historic church I visit from time to time. I listened to the reverend’s sermon

The sermon was focussed on Mary (perhaps surprising for a Protestant church) – an attempt to draw inspiration from Mary’s life and reinvigorate the status of Mary. Inevitably Christmas was mentioned followed by a pushback against materialism in this holiday period. The Reverend spoke of his own household being one that actively limits materialism and debt at this time of the year to one present each via a secret Santa.

What struck me was the mention of Christmas and the condemnation of consumerism simultaneously. It struck me because I had a thought for a blog recently. A thought that I am not proud of. A thought to post about Christmas and go tit-for-tat with the insensitivity of a look-at-me Christian polemicist, David Wood.

He mocked Muslims and Ramadan by labelling it a month of gluttony. My thought was to talk about the gluttony during the festive period here in the West. The Christmas festive period! Surely it would be easy for me to cobble together some stats showing how the consumption of food and drink increases during the month of December along with the amount of money spent. That post would really get David’s followers thinking.

But no! The Reverend saved me from being a bigot hurting people’s religious sentiments like that. He spoke against consumerism and impressed on us all that this period is not about gluttony, greed or individualism.

Whether I had a serious intention of making such a bigoted and hurtful post against my Christian friends is unknown as I get a number of ideas for blog posts and the majority of them never materialise. Perhaps the idea would have been lost to brain dust without the words of the reverend. God knows best. But I needed to hear that reverend say what he said.

So let’s say it together: Christmas and Ramadan are not about gluttony, greed, excess or consumerist culture. They are not about gluttony. They are real religious events for real religious people. They will continue to be so despite the efforts to commercialise them.
Here's David Wood trolling Muslims by attacking Ramadan
If the video does not play, please see here

Conversions to Islam

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

David Wood Attacks Ramadan. Acts 17 Apologetics Refuted

David Wood trolls Muslims by claiming Ramadan is all about gluttony. David gets his facts wrong again. Here's a hard-hitting response to David:

If this video does not play, please see here

And here's a point-by-point response to David Wood by Aqil Onque (including a debate challenge):

Conversions to Islam

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Friday, 23 December 2016

James White's Comments Rebuke Arguments of Jay Smith and David Wood

James White made some important statements about arguments against the Quran and the Prophet which are being used by Christian  apologists - these statements if applied consistently condemn the methods of  Jay Smith and David Wood as inconsistent and unfair.

We've all seen wild-eyed Christian apologists on the internet coming out with attacks against the Prophet such as the thighing hoax , necrophilia claim or the claim of cross dressing. All of those mentioned are from David Wood. But the polemics of Jay Smith, Usama Dakdok or Joseph Najm from ABN would all tie in with James' criticism of arguments against Prophet Muhammad.

To be honest, they could have been from many more Christian polemicists, that's how rampant this abandonment of fairness, truth, and respect for others and oneself actually is  amongst internet Christian polemicists. One thing that is clear, Muslims have been looking  at each other perplexed due to the noticeable lack of Christian elders, pastors or even their more mature colleagues to rebuke them or make some sort of statement about polemics that are quite frankly embarrassing to any Christian with a shred of desire for truth, accuracy, consistency and fairness.

We know it's difficult for a Christian to come out and do so due to the way Christian apologetics to Muslims works - it's herd mentality and group think. The person who doesn't join in winds up having less support, less popularity and I'd imagine less cash!

So it's great to see James R White making these statements about Christians using unfair and inconsistent polemics against the Quran and the Prophet.

I've personally spoken out against the polemic that Paul of Tarsus performed a homosexual act during a circumcision. I was told they (those who propagate that polemic) only do so because "they (the Christians) do it to us (the Muslims)".  Clearly, there's a vicious circle of malicious polemics. 

If the video does not play, please see here

James does not name Christians who attack Islam with unfair and inconsistent arguments who he claims "threw him under the bus" but that's immaterial here. It's important to know, if you apply James White's statements consistently and are familiar with the methodologies of David Wood and Jay Smith then one would conclude his statements about unfair and inconsistent attacks on the Prophet and the Quran would at the very least apply to a bulk of their work. There's no two ways about it. Anybody who has seen their arguments knows they operate on an inconsistent and unfair paradigm. I just hope some church elders can pull them aside and talk to them.

I think James White and those Christians who are of a similar mindset will agree with this piece 100% :

How Jay Smith, Beth Grove, Usama Dakdok and David Wood contribute to the apostasy of Christians

Notes from Sean Finnegan's interview with Patrick Navas: Is the Trinity Biblical

Tovia Singer: Does the New Testament Teach Jesus is God?

Why Islam

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

How Jay Smith, Nabeel Qureshi, Sam Shamoun and David Wood Contribute to the Apostasy of Christians

Muslims have refuted ad nauseum the claim that Islam allows rape of concubines (see here and here for examples) so I am not looking at refuting this claim. This is a focus on the idea of consistency (or rather a lack of it) when it comes to the Bible.

In this video we see a Christian apologist give a standard response to the idea of the Old Testament (yes, that's the Bible) allowing women to be captured and used as concubines or married off to the captors. His answer seems pretty straight forward to semi-smart people.

James White's comments condemn Jay Smith, Sam Shamoun, David Wood and Beth Grove

If the video does not play, please see here

Anybody who can process the idea of context, judgement of God, and understand the fallacy of presentism can argue against Western secular humanist critique of Abrahamic religions and religious figures.

Sadly, what I'm noticing on the Muslim-Christian apologetics/polemics scene is a tendency to ignore such factors and argue as Western secular humanists against the other religion. This happens amongst the Christian camp. Westernized Christians go so far as to adopt an inconsistent standard of argumentation to attack Islam whilst ignoring or being unaware of their indirect attack on the Old Testament and the Trinitarian view of Jesus.

Glaring examples would include polygamy, capital punishment, violence and concubinage. The example of concubinage takes a life of its own as Christian polemics propagandize in order to equate that to rape and even introduce new, misleading and emotive terminology for concubines - "sex slaves"!

For the serious-minded and smart Christian evangelist there are two problems:

1. The argument is inconsistent as the Old Testament allowed soldiers to take captured women (Num 31:16-18, Num 31:31-40, Deut 21:10-14). The Old Testament is the word of Jesus along with the Father according to Trinitarian theology thus, for the Trinitarian, to argue this is rape is to indirectly accuse Jesus of allowing rape.

2. The Christian polemicist is setting Christians up to stumble out of the Church with premises which aren't couched in consistent Biblical thought. Think about it, a young Western millennial Christian is effectively being taught by Christian polemicists like David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi, Sam Shamoun and Jay Smith that polygamy, concubines, warfare and capital punishment make a religion false. These millennials are being set up to stumble out of Christianity as they later build up their knowledge base of the Old Testament. This is all because "feel good Christian" polemicists like Wood and Smith don't appear to have the intellectual honesty or foresight to factor in consistency with the Bible.

Christians are quite often scoring own goals. That desire for the quick buck, quick convert or quick boost in personal popularity can quite easily assist the undoing of some young Christian's faith further down the line.

Surely smart Christians can see this. Sadly for Christianity there are less and less smart Christians operating in this arena and even fewer have the fortitude, or regard for Christianity, to take on their "feel good Christian" missionaries.

A Question of James White's Consistency Re Prof. JR Daniel Kirk and Bart Ehrman

Muslim Imam Response to Paris Terrorist Attacks

Similarities Between Catholic Terrorist Group IRA and Muslim Terrorist Group ISIS

Explanation: Zaynab Bint Jahsh's Marriage to Prophet Muhammad p Dr Yasir Qadhi

Dhul Qarnayn and the Exegetes' Speculation of Alexander The Great

Murder Rates in Muslim Countries Compared to Non Muslim Countries.

The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Thursday, 21 April 2016


O People of the Scripture, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know [it]? 

One of the signs of the last day is that there would be imposters and liars and they would assume the garb of religious men. The people would believe the lies and disbelieve the truth. For certain, we see this widespread now and in particular, we will see it hear from the content of this article and what it’s addressing. It’s sad that such a refutation has to be drawn up, but what can one expect in this time and age and also from religious zealots who lack intellectual and academic integrity? Evidently, not much.

The issue under discussion in this article is dealing with an accusation or blatant lie that was made against the Prophet Muhammad (S) and his wife Aisha. It came from the source, and posted by David Wood, a young Christian apologist and one notorious for misrepresenting the beliefs of Islam along with his colleagues.

The article stems from a broadcast from their channel (Trinity Channel), and as presented there, they fabricated the story that the Prophet Muhammad (S), prior to consummating the marriage with Aisha used to perform an act termed “mufaakhathah”, which implies placing the male organ between the thighs (only, not penetrating her) of a woman and moving himself until climax is reached. The explicit reason given was because she (Aisha) was too young and too small to receive formal penetration. SO AS TO NOT HURT HER, this action was employed. Moreover, from the article itself as well as the broadcast, this apologist wants to give the impression to their ill-informed audience that this act was a more preferable act over a normal act of intimacy, grossly insinuating that the Prophet (S) seemed to target young virgins who were too young for formal intercourse. This is the back drop of this issue. So now let us proceed to refute it.

POINT #1: I checked all of the hadith in Arabic that was cited in their article about the wives of the Prophet (S) and this act and I didn’t find in any single one of them, this term “mufaakhathah”.  Moreover on this point, Aisha was in fact the only virgin wife of the Prophet Muhammad (S), as she proudly expresses.  So, to somehow imply that this was some common practice of the Messenger of ALLAH (S) is just nonsense.  

POINT #2: The first airing of this matter on their broadcast I believe was in 2010. The article in which they attempted to support their baseless lie was not put on their website until March 2014.  That’s 4 years later! Why would it take 4 years to finally provide proof for a claim that was said to be a (common) Islamic practice?  MOREOVER, the original source of theirs, which they stated, was an Arabic online fatwa.
So the primary source is not from Islamic sources but a claimed fatwa found online that was in Arabic!  ARE YOU SERIOUS??? MOREOVER AGAIN, the fatwa as translated and displayed in the article has absolutely no reference source or anything to trace the Fatwa back to who issued it.  It has no website at the bottom of the page.  It has no name of the Mufti or Islamic council or committee issuing the fatwa.  IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT A POSED QUESTION AND AN ANSWER.  
Then, in the response to the question, the alleged Mufti after given a definition of this term Mufakhathah cites just one Hadith. And guess what? You guess it, THE HADITH HAS NO NARRATOR!?!  It says that it was reported in one narration… You have to be kidding me, right??? But it gets worse, the Hadith book that is cited is Ibn Maajah.  Now, one might ask, what is the matter with Ibn Maajah?  Nothing, although there are Hadith in that collection that would need to be verified before one can claim anything about it.  But a Mufti, a scholar will ALWAYS give the strongest proof for his argument if its available. So no Scholar would quote Ibn Maajah over Sahih Muslim or Sahih Bukhari. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON’T EVEN BRING A NARRATOR, SO YOU HAVE NO CHAIN TO VERIFY IT!!! And know for sure that the Hadith quoted in the article has a basis in Sahih Bukhari in multiple places. SO THE ALLEGED FATWA, FROM BEGINNING TO END, HAS UTTERLY AND MISERABLY FAILED, WITH A NO NAME MUFTI, A NO NAME SOURCE, AND A NO NAME NARRATED HADITH.  How ironic, the person who composed the article gave more proof than their source. Let us move on now to the composer of the article and his claims.

POINT #3: The composer of the article, and I don’t know if it is in fact David Wood or if he just posted it and the author of it is unknown, but the composer of the article makes the point about the picture of the alleged fatwa, sayiing, “But this won’t convince Westernized apologist, who despite their profound ignorance of their own sources, nevertheless believe that they know more about Islam than their scholars and jurist…” So, we are supposed to be convinced by an anonymous online fatwa with absolutely no trace to any Islamic source, about an unfounded and unsupported practice, posted by an antagonistic Christian apologist website? Do I need to respond to that? I would ask, can I respond to that without hurting the feelings of those behind this.  Let the rhetorical question speak for itself because we have a lot more to say about the rest of this poorly composed article used as proof for a lie.

POINT #4: The funny author of this article then says the most absurd thing. He says, “For those of us who are more balanced in our approach and less obsessed with defending Muhammad at all cost, THE MUSLIM SOURCES PROVIDE ABUNDANT MATERIAL ON THE ISSUE OF THIGHING. In order to avoid any accusations of deception, however, I will  (1) limit myself to narrations that are available online for everyone to read, and (2) proceed step by step showing how Muslim scholars arrive at their conclusions”. Wow! Where do I start? “The Muslim sources provide abundant material on the issue of thighing”. Yet, this guy has not produced a single piece!!! NOTHING OF PROOF AND EVIDENCE IN THE WHOLE ARTICLE HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIGHING, EXCEPT THE ANONYMOUS FATWA AND WE ALREADY DEALT WITH THAT. Well, he may argue, I listed four Hadith and they all are authentic in Sahih Bukhari. PROOF!?? Oh really.  Let’s examine his cited Hadith.  We will pair them in two as he has done in his article.

Hadith #1: (His 2nd )     Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).

This Hadith is found in Sahih Bukhari in the Book of Menses, under the topic, “Fondling a menstruating wife”.  This is the same exact Hadith that the author of the article cited and this is what he used for his proof of “Thighing”.  Yes, this is what he used out of the abundant material out there on “Thighing.” Yet, ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE IN THIS HADITH DOES IT MENTION “THIGHING” NOT IN THE ENGLISH NOR IN THE ARABIC!!! It would be enough to stop here as it is clear that the whole article is rubbish, but let us indulge for a minute. The Arabic word used is “FA YUBAA SHI RUNI” meaning, so he would fondle me (or caress me).  Literally to touch, skin to skin.  Like hugging or caressing. The word comes from the root word BASHARA which has a wide semantic field, from meaning human being to good news. This word is a 3 form verb meaning to put one’s self or skin to another’s self or skin. So in context of the Hadith, it implies to hug and caress and rub.  That’s what fondling is.  Add to that the fact that there is a severe prohibition in Islam against approaching a woman intimately while on her menses.  And this is the reason why the Prophet (S) ordered his wives to cover themselves; so as to make clear that there is no activity in that area.  Lastly and most importantly on this point, is the question, WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH PLACING ONES MALE ORGAN BETWEEN THE THIGHS OF A VIRGIN, SO AS TO NOT TO HARM HER BECAUSE SHE IS TOO YOUNG AND SMALL BUT STILL TAKE ONES PLEASURE?  PLEASE ANYONE TELL ME?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  IT’S ANOTHER LIE FROM THOSE WHO LOVE TO DO SO.  THIS CASE IS RESTED.

Hadith #2 (His 1st)   Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: When I got married, Allah's Apostle said to me, "What type of lady have you married?" I replied, "I have married a matron.” He said, "Why? Don't you have a liking for the virgins and for fondling them?" Jabir also said: Allah's Apostle said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?'

This Hadith is in Sahih Bukhari in the book of marriage, under the title “The marrying of matrons (divorced or widowed ladies).” Now, before I comment on the Hadith in relation to this topic.  Let us see what the author had to say about this and its connection to the subject at hand. This weird and trouble minded individual stated, “Notice that Muhammad found the practice of fondling VIRGINS preferable to sex with adult woman”.  First and foremost, and yet again, what does this Hadith have to do with the action of “Mufaakhathah” as was the sole premise of their reason to produce this article? Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!

But, to move on.  So, here again, there is no mention of the word “Mufaakhathah” in English or in Arabic. More interesting here, the word used in this Hadith is not the same word used in the other Hadith of Aisha. The word used in this Hadith in the Arabic is “LI ‘AAB” and in the second usage highlighted above is “TU LAA ‘IBU.” All of these words used in this Hadith stems from the root verb “LA’IBA” which means to play. Yes to play, and the connotation of play in this word from its origin is to play the way people play games or sports, pastime, amusement.  Let me note here, that I believe the first word highlighted is not a good translation. Although there is nothing wrong with fondling ones wife, I just don’t think it serves well the backdrop of this Hadith. However, I left it for the integrity of the argument and also to respect the translation.  The Companion in question was also a young man himself, so the Messenger of ALLAH (S) inquired why he married an older woman who was married prior. Why not someone around his age for them to enjoy each other better and have fun with each other. It was a very thoughtful question and one free from the perversity of this author and his likes. I really wish I had time to go into his further response, as this was a shortened version of a longer narration. It was such a beautiful answer he gave back to the Messenger of ALLAH (S), hopefully another time. But that was the essence of this Hadith.  And this is what this tired author produced as evidence for “Thighing.” Can you believe the nonsense perpetrated here? It’s sad to even have to waste time refuting this, but there are people who believe these guys and take everything they say as truth. How sad. How sad.

In closing the author mentioned two further Hadith stating the fact that Aisha expressed how she used to wash off the traces or spots of semen that were found on the garment of the Prophet (S). One of these Hadith was in fact a question posed to her about it and the other, was general information. I will forfeit pulling up the Hadith and citing it here, for this case has been closed a long time ago. But, to make sure we don’t leave any room for error. The two Hadith cited about Aisha washing semen from the clothes of the Prophet (S) had absolutely no relation at all to the Hadith about fondling cited above, AND NONE OF THE HADITH CITED HAD ANYHTING TO DO WITH THEIR HOAX STORY OF “THIGHING.”

Final remarks. The life of Prophet Muhammad (S) is very open, even to matters relating to his private life.  So much so that we could even have a discourse on a subject like this.  Given that fact, if all you have to bring forward of ridicule and scorn is the fact of him fondling HIS WIVES, or being intimate with HIS WIVES, which is an act that every man does, then you have in your own opposition proven the sublimity and nobility of this great man and his character. It is only through lies that you can blemish him and what he has brought and done for humanity, but none of your lies will cause even a stumble in the path of those who know who the Prophet Muhammad (S) is. We pray ALLAH open your eyes and heart to the noble status and stature of The Messenger of ALLAH (S), may the choicest prayers and peace be upon him forever and upon all those who follow him in goodness until the end of time. Ameen, and praise to ALLAH, the Lord and Sustainer of all things.

Links related to thighing:

The Thighing of Aisha a brief refutation (update 2016/3/10: Grammar errors fixes, and Format fix)

David Wood: Yahya Snow Censors and Conceals 'Evidence'?

Pornographic Lies on ABN by David Wood