Showing posts with label Jizya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jizya. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Slapping/Whipping and Belittling Dhimmis When Taking Jizya Payments From Them?

This is just one of those annoying allegations in the Islamophobes' arsenal used to demonize Muslims and Islam for political, evangelical and/or financial reasons.

The claim suggests Muslims should slap or whip the Dhimmi while taking the Jizya payment.

This quote from the explanatory notes of 'The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary' should be sufficient to get people to recognise this claim is misleading:

Some interpret being humbled (wa hum saghirun) to mean that the treaty holders should render the indemnity in a state of humility, but some say that the very fact of paying the indemnity is tantamount to this "being humbled" or "being the minority party" (R). Though the practice of forcing the treaty holders to pay the indemnity in a humbled manner was not unknown in Islamic history, many jurists, such as al-Nawawi, pointed out that the Prophet and Caliphs never did so and said that the treaty people's indemnity should be received with gentleness, as one would receive payment of a debt. Umar ibn al-Khattab reportedly agreed to call the indemnity "charity" (sadaqah) when asked to change its name from jizyah. [Loc 24960, Kindle]

Thus we see Prophet Muhammad and the Caliphs never humiliated or hurt the payers of Jizya at the time of taking payment. In fact it should be taken with gentleness as per the opinion of many jurists.

Here's a quote you may see doing the rounds on Islamophobic websites in an attempt to misdirect you from the bigger picture:

As-Sawi noted that the payment of the jizya signified that the non-Muslims are “humble and obedient to the judgements of Islam.” It ensured the “willing submission” or “state of abasement” specified by this verse and spelled out by the Bedouin commander al-Mughira bin Sa”d when he met the Persian Rustam. Said al-Mughira: “I call you to Islam or else you must pay the jizya while you are in a state of abasement.”

Rustam replied, “I know what jizya means, but what does “˜a state of abasement” mean?”

Al-Mughira explained: “You pay it while you are standing and I am sitting and the whip hanging is over your head.”

Some further resources for those willing to learn about the Jizya and Dhimmis

Status of Non-Muslims in the Islamic State - Bassam Zawadi

Muslim Sheikh and Christian Woman Discuss Jizya

Hamza Yusuf Explaining Concept of Dhimmi (Dhimmitude Explained)

Jizya is NOT Scary [Jizyah]

Islam on Dhimmis: What They Don't Want You To Know!

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Muslim Sheikh and Christian Woman Discuss Jizya

Don't call 911!!! The Muslim sheikh didn't beat her up or kill her (he just removed her misconceptions)

It is inevitable disingenuous Islamophobes are indeed going to give rise to a load of misconceptions. Sadly, Samar Gorial of ABN Sat was absolutely oblivious to rulings concerning Jizya despite having a bunch of “experts” as her colleagues. Why is this? Her colleagues consist of some of the most obnoxiously deceptive folk I have had the misfortune of encountering.

As an individual who investigates Christian outreaches to Muslims I can honestly say the outrage which I have witnessed from Samar Gorial’s colleagues and those who support the enterprise is even more debauched than Robert Morey’s fabrication of Ahadith literature.

Samar Gorial was devoid of any sound understanding of Jizyah as her primary teachers are agenda driven - an agenda which is demonization of Muslims. Thank God Muslims are on hand to clear away the bag of tricks, gags and heckles her colleagues of used for obfuscation purposes.

Why did Samar Gorial not know this?

Advice to sincere folk and Samar Gorial

If you want to learn about Islam please do not take the circus act that is the “ABN apologist” as an authority. Erm, one of them makes up his own Quran translation to convince us bestiality is Islamic, the other one peddles sex hoaxes and claims Muslims will chop off your limbs if you fix a church roof, another claims anal sex is Islamic, others claim to be ex terrorists even though nobody of Google-searching ability believes them. I need not go on – I think you get the picture. [For those interested further in these debauched characters then please search this blog or email me]

Robert Spencer Vs Imam Moustafa Zayed – Part 2

Robert Spencer was sniggering like a schoolboy whilst Sheikh Zayed was clearing up after the circus act.

Spencer has no reason to snigger. He has just been kicked across 400 pages by Sheikh Moustafa - the imam wrote a book refuting Spencer. I have the book and confirm this. Spencer and his pals should be ashamed as they allowed the lady to fall into obvious error.

Just like his book response, imam Zayed was shown to have more class and substance than Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer would do well to look into “The lies about Muhammad – How you were deceived into Islamophobia”. I guess his arrogance and desire for repute and cash will prevent him; however, I could be wrong.

Paying Jizya is Biblical - Submission to Governing Authorities

Sadly Christians continue to throw their Bible under the bus and dispose every ounce of consistency whilst attacking a perfectly reasonable aspect of Islam. There is NOTHING wrong with Jizya – both Biblically and Islamically! We have already discussed this issue via a previous blog post and one by Jonathon (TGV19). For those who are interested further you can view the following pages:

Hamza Yusuf on Dhimmi

Basics on Jizya

The Bible: Christians should pay Jizya tax and other taxes

PS I have quoted the entire “Submission to Governing Authorities section (Romans 13) in the comment section so the more discerning can check for context.

Now, that’s the way to do it – honesty. Sadly, honesty is found wanting when Islamophobes take the stage.

Invitation to Islam

Would you like to learn about Islam? Ever wanted to learn the truth about Jesus and Muhammad (pbut)? Would you like a relationship with God? If yes:


ABN Sat employee – Mormon + Russian women scandal
Walid Shoebat – Even the right have exposed him as a liar
ABN Sat – Sex hoax purveyor
Muslims are brother/sisters of Jesus


May Allah reward Imam Moustafa Zayed and Brother Abdullah Kunde for their efforts. Ameen.

TAGS: Abdullah kunde, Dr Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, The Lies about Muhammad, Arab Christians, Decepetion, Missionaries, Islamophobia, Jizya, Dhimmi, Umdat As Salik, Arabic Aramaic Broadcasting Netwrok english cahnnel Paul Corinthians director bassim gorial.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Imam Moustafa Zayed Answers Samar Gorial on ABN Sat - Jizya

It is inevitable disingenuous Islamophobes are indeed going to give rise to a load of misconceptions. Sadly, Samar Gorial of ABN Sat was absolutely oblivious to rulings concerning Jizya despite having a bunch of “experts” as her colleagues. Why is this? Her colleagues consist of some of the most obnoxiously deceptive folk I have had the misfortune of encountering.

As an individual who investigates Christian outreaches to Muslims I can honestly say the outrage which I have witnessed from Samar Gorial’s colleagues and those who support the enterprise is even more debauched than Robert Morey’s fabrication of Ahadith literature.

Samar Gorial was devoid of any sound understanding of Jizyah as her primary teachers are agenda driven - an agenda which is demonization of Muslims. Thank God Muslims are on hand to clear away the bag of tricks, gags and heckles her colleagues of used for obfuscation purposes.

Why did Samar Gorial not know this?

If the video does not play, please see here

Advice to sincere folk and Samar Gorial

If you want to learn about Islam please do not take the circus act that is the “ABN apologist” as an authority. Erm, one of them makes up his own Quran translation to convince us bestiality is Islamic, the other one peddles sex hoaxes and claims Muslims will chop off your limbs if you fix a church roof, another claims anal sex is Islamic, others claim to be ex terrorists even though nobody of Google-searching ability believes them. I need not go on – I think you get the picture. [For those interested further in these debauched characters then please search this blog or email me]

Robert Spencer Vs Imam Moustafa Zayed – Part 2

Robert Spencer was sniggering like a schoolboy whilst Sheikh Zayed was clearing up after the circus act.

Spencer has no reason to snigger. He has just been kicked across 400 pages by Sheikh Moustafa - the imam wrote a book refuting Spencer. I have the book and confirm this. Spencer and his pals should be ashamed as they allowed the lady to fall into obvious error.

Just like his book response, imam Zayed was shown to have more class and substance than Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer would do well to look into “The lies about Muhammad – How you were deceived into Islamophobia”. I guess his arrogance and desire for repute and cash will prevent him; however, I could be wrong.

Paying Jizya is Biblical - Submission to Governing Authorities

Sadly Christians continue to throw their Bible under the bus and dispose every ounce of consistency whilst attacking a perfectly reasonable aspect of Islam. There is NOTHING wrong with Jizya – both Biblically and Islamically! We have already discussed this issue via a previous blog post and one by Jonathon (TGV19). For those who are interested further you can view the following pages:

Basics on Jizya

The Bible: Christians should pay Jizya tax and other taxes

Invitation to Islam

Would you like to learn about Islam? Ever wanted to learn the truth about Jesus and Muhammad (pbut)? Would you like a relationship with God? If yes:


ABN Sat employee – Mormon + Russian women scandal
Walid Shoebat – Even the right have exposed him as a liar
ABN Sat – Sex hoax purveyor
Muslims are brother/sisters of Jesus


May Allah reward Imam Moustafa Zayed and Brother Abdullah Kunde for their efforts. Ameen.

TAGS: Abdullah kunde, Dr Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, The Lies about Muhammad, Arab Christians, Decepetion, Missionaries, Islamophobia, Jizya, Dhimmi, Umdat As Salik, Arabic Aramaic Broadcasting Netwrok english cahnnel Paul Corinthians director bassim gorial.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Jizya is NOT Scary [Jizyah]

Being misinformed over the Jizya

I have been watching a Chaldean Christian Satellite station (ABN Sat) and they have been prattling on about the Jizya as though it is the most obnoxious and evil thing on the planet. These Islamophobes will pull the wool over the eyes of their own folk in order to present Islam as a scary monster.

The fact remains, there is nothing wrong with the Jizya and it has been explained many times over. This post will bring you a presentation from Imam Shabir Ally (Let the Quran speak)on the Jizya. I have also presented the basics which EVERY Muslim and Non-Muslim should be aware of in order NOT to be misdirected by the “Christian” Islamophobes at ABN and other organisations who make it their business to politically scaremonger against Islam and Muslims

Researching Jizya and the Bible's support of such?

For those willing to further their research, I will furnish you a link to Jonathon’s site which covers the Jizya and features links to more extensive coverage from Bassam Zawadi. See below the video.

Bullied by the Islamophobe’s negative spin?

The Jizya is NOTHING to worry over despite all the theatrics from the Islamophobes. The Islamophobes try to bully and manipulate audiences via spin and preying on gaps in the audience’s knowledge – effectively capitalising on the vulnerable as opportunists.

Firstly, before playing Imam Shabir Ally’s presentation on the Jizya (with regards to S9:29) we should realise the Jizya is not discriminatory and is simply a poll tax which non-Muslims pay in the stead of the religious tax which is imposed upon Muslims (zakat).

Imam Shabir Ally explains Surah 9:29 – Jizya

Is the Jizya so scary? No.

The Jizya is an extremely agreeable poll tax. The Jizya is ALWAYS whatever amount both parties agree upon if the amount ever exceeds the set minimum. Now is that so scary? No.

The minimum non-Muslim poll tax is one dinar (n: 4.235 grams of gold) per person (A:per year). The maximum is whatever both sides agree upon.
It is collected with leniency and politeness as are all debts and is not levied on women, children, or the insane. [o11.4 Reliance of the Traveller, Ahmad ibn Naqib al Misri, edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Amana Publications, 1994]

Christians should NEVER argue against the Jizya: Mark 12:17

“Christian” Islamophobes are throwing their Bible under the bus in order to jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon. The fact remains NO true Christian would be opposed to the Jizya.

Christians are instructed to give unto Caesar what belongs to him (see Mark 12:17), thus paying the Jizya is hardly an issue for a Bible-believing Christian. If an Islamic government taxes a Christian the Christian should not grumble. Quite why the Christians at ABN are jumping up and down is beyond me as they pay GREATER taxes to the US government which spends its tax revenues on illicit (ANTI CHRISTIAN) actions.

I guess the stench of Islamophobia is blinding too.

More information on why true Christians should not be arguing against the Jizya

Jonathon has a whole post regarding the Bible’s instructions towards Jizya (the post contains further details on Jizya and features links to more extensive information vis-à-vis the Jizya):

Don’t be fooled or bullied by detractors who work assiduously to demonize Muslims.


TAGS: kamal saleem, usama dakdok, debate, Shamoun, david wood, emery, matt slick, sam, Robert spencer, pam geller, gorial, pastor joesph najm, mary jo sharp, jizyah, new show, videos, let the quran speak, Toronto, actforamerica, briggite, ayan hirsi ali, jiziyah, pakistani christians, iraqi, iranian, barack obama, exposed, jihad, news and views