Showing posts with label Robert Spencer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Spencer. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

A Passionate Muslim Response to Brannon Howse Defending James White - Exposing Robert Spencer and Usama Dakdok

Dear Brannon Howse

I will get into passionately defending Dr James White in a few moments but first I need to address you and your inconsistencies directly sir.

Sir, I agree there are Christians looking to build empires and are using their faith to make a few dollars and feed their egos. You, Mr Brannon Howse, are associated with two very such Christians.

Anybody, who has the ability to google ” Usama Dakdok” will know there is something very fishy about this “evangelist”. Some of the clouds hanging over this shady character are listed in the Usama Dakdok section. You have also appealed to what you deem to be "Christian behaviour" (i.e. respectful behaviour) to rebuke folks in a “secret Facebook group” mocking and attacking you, Shahram Hadian and Dakdok. It seems ironic, considering the man you roll with has a reputation for wild-eyed comments, malicious slander, dishonesty and mockery. In case I’ve lost you, I’m referring to your friend Usama Dakdok.

You are promoting liberalism indirectly too and Catholicism. You are also rolling with somebody who has seemingly railed against conservative Christian attitudes towards homosexuality. Step forward, Mr Robert Spencer. A younger version of you, the Christian activist Theodore Shoebat (son of the well known hardline Christian Walid Shoebat), has this to say about your liberal, anti-Bible and pro-homosexual (?) Catholic friend:

Spencer describes the author and the book as such: “Bruce Bawer is to be commended for his honesty and courage in writing this superb novel.” Robert Spencer expresses his own anti-Christian hatred in this line of his perverted article:

“Bawer is the author of the 1997 book Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity — an eloquent, impassioned rebuke to the judgmental fundamentalism in which, Bawer contended, all too many Christians place adherence to dogma, in particular that of the sinfulness of homosexual activity, above the demands of Christian charity.”

An anti-Christian book is described by Spencer, a supposed Catholic, as “an eloquent, impassioned rebuke” to “judgmental fundamentalism”. A Christian would never describe a sodomite book with such words.

You probably don’t know that Robert Spencer is on record saying Islam leads to Muslims leading fine, moral and upright lives. That is in complete odds with the fundamentalist Christians (those who hang with you?) who say Islam is from the devil – how is the devil leading people to live “fine, moral and upright lives”? You may want to take this up with Spencer.

You see, you railed against Dr James White but, if you’re consistent, you will be ranting about Usama  Dakdok, the Catholic who promotes liberalism (Robert Spencer) and, wait for it, somebody called Brannon Howse for associating with and promoting the two aforementioned gentlemen!

Sir, you have egg on your face. You may want to try to keep this off Worldview Weekend and hope this is not seen by your financial backers. If you are sincere, you will accept the points being made and recognise your inconsistencies. If you are willing to discuss this and debate what Dr White did as well as Christian doctrines I am willing to come on your show and defend Dr James White against Spencer and/or Dakdok as well as yourself. I understand minister James will not come on your show, I am willing to come on your show. Not for an interfaith dialogue! I am looking to come on the show to hold to account Usama Dakdok, defend brother White and imam Yasir, rebuke you as well as discuss the Bible and Christian doctrines. You see, I’m confident that I can show you difficulties with Christian beliefs (e.g. the Trinity, Hypostatic Union, Blood Atonement, Biblical inerrancy, etc.) and problems with the Bible (both internal and external issues).

The question here is, are you willing to hear what a Muslim has to say? We have put our lives in danger being salt and light for Christians in efforts to reach lost people. We’ve had death threats from people linked to a fundamentalist Christian group; we are not intimated by fundamentalists who are trying to prevent us from peacefully and lovingly reaching the lost. We are peace loving Muslims who want to reach out to your community. You may have watched one or two of brother White’s debates, he struggles in debates to defend ideas such as the Trinity, deity of Jesus and trustworthiness of the Bible. Perhaps that is why you are eagerly trying to close down dialogue. Truth outweighs church traditions. Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Passionate defence of Minister White

Brannon Howse, you have attacked minister James White via straw-men arguments and misinformation. Sir, if you truly believe you have the Holy Spirit in you then surely you are a walking refutation to the belief the Holy Spirit dwells within Christians and guides them in scripture and daily life. Allow me to go into detail:

1. You’ve misrepresented brother White by misrepresenting his event with Dr Yasir Qadhi as an interfaith dialogue, it was not an interfaith dialogue about compromise and syncretism. It was a learning and teaching opportunity. Both respective audiences (Muslims at the mosque and Christians at the church) had an opportunity to learn about what the other respective faith teaches. It would be akin to a Christian going on to YouTube and listening to a lecture by somebody of another faith explaining what they believe. I, being involved in preaching the historical Jesus to Christians, regularly go to the best teachers Christianity has to offer in order to learn about aspects of their faith. I just finished reading some material written by the former archbishop of the Church of England the other day (Prof. Rowan Williams - I hope to use some of it to minister to Christians). I’ve learnt about the Trinity doctrine from folks like RC Sproul and Wayne Grudem – Christianity’s biggest names. I am in a church in the UK listening and learning as well as looking for opportunities to plant seeds. I've attended church organised gatherings where I have I moved people to acknowledge Jesus is not God and the Trinity is not biblical.

I do it because I love Christians. I want Christians to move away from, what rabbi Tovia Singer would call “idolatry”, the Trinity doctrine – a 4th century doctrine which Paul of Tarsus had no knowledge of. For me to do this, I must be familiar with what your religion and what your scholars actually teach. I encourage folks like James White and yourself to learn about Islam from Muslim scholars, that way you will see just how empty, shallow and fallacious the evangelical propaganda about Islam truly is - James White can attest to this as he has seen the type of wild-eyed rhetoric from folks like Robert Morey, Sam Shamoun, David Wood, Usama Dakdok Jay Smith and other low-level thinkers in the evangelical camp via-a-vis Islam. Search this site and you'll find a number of refutations of such low level polemics. Needless to say, James is increasingly avoiding such low-level polemics (although he is still using some arguments which are low level - I have his book and may do a book review).

2. You have made a big deal of half of this event taking place in a church (the other half taking place in a mosque). Minister White has explained it was a ticketed event and it was not a Sunday service.

3. Much has been made of James’ “kindred spirit” comment. Obviously he did not mean he and imam Qadhi shared the same theology and religion – he meant that both share conservative views on different religious sides who have both been involved in championing their respective orthodoxy and conservatism against a growing tide of liberalism in America (the type of liberalism you were indirectly promoting by having Robert Spencer!)

4. The biblical argument that minister White has gone against the Bible because he was “unequally yoked” with imam Qadhi is a disingenuous argument. This is not about marriage. Ironically, Sam Shamoun,  a friend of Dakdok's making money out of the Christian Islamophobia industry and a chief amongst those attacking brother James, also exegetes the verse as a reference to marrying and really close friendship to non Christians. One of Shamoun's friends, Jonathan McLartchie, regularly invites non Christians (atheists, Muslims, Mormons etc.) to present their beliefs to Christians in an apologetics academy.

6. Lastly concerning James' point about ISIS , smart Christians may have realised what James White was saying about the Islamic texts being inconsistent and thus Christians unable to make a definitive proclamation on whether Islam teaches ISIS teachings or not can be used against the Bible with regards to the Trinity idea and Christian soteriology. If James is consistent in believing the interpretation of a small fringe group being at odds with mainstream traditional Islamic beliefs makes the texts inconsistent then he will have tough questions to answer concerning modalism and Arminianism - leading to him denounce the Bible as inconsistent (that's if he is consistent) as he won't be able to appeal to taking scripture as a whole as modalists and Arminians have texts supporting their conclusions. Of course, as Muslims we would say ISIS decontextualising texts and not factoring into account the whole of the Islamic tradition. An example of this would be, terrorism, something which is not allowed according to Sharia yet ISIS carry out terrorist acts.

Responses to and posts about James White

Christian lady emails me about Brannon Howse!

Is Brannon Howse promoting liberals?

Yasir Qadhi Rebukes Robert Spencer and other Right Wing Bigots Attacking the Minister White-Dr Qadhi Dialogue

James White Warns Churches Against Using Sam Shamoun

How Folks Like Robert Spencer Poison White Evangelical Minds

For Christians who say Allah is a Deceiver- a Message from James White

Contradiction: Robert Spencer Runs Away From Muslim Debater Yusuf Ismail
Brief Chat on Andy Bannister's Approach to Evangelism Re Jonathan McLatichie's Facebook

1 John 2:22 Manuscript Discussion

Is Christian Persecution Complex Harming Muslim-Christian Dialogue?

Do Jay Smith's Pfander Centre for Apologetics Really Preach Trinitarian Views on Jesus?

Does Jesus use Violence and Force According to Trinitarian Christianity?

Synoptic Gospels and the Idea of a Pre-Existent Jesus?

Robert Spencer Shocks Evangelical Christians: "Islam Promotes Good Morality"

Islamophobic Evangelical Christians are flocking to Robert Spencer to attack Muslims and Islam for purposes of "political Christianity" but little do these people know Robert Spencer believes Islam promotes good morality and it helps Muslims live good and moral lives. I guess Robert Spencer will not be repeating what he said here too loudly in front of the evangelical pay-masters who want him to serve "political Christianity". Too late Robert, it's out in the open.

This video is also posted here and here

Barack Obama is a Christian and Jesus is a Muslim

Age of Consent for Jews and Christians?

Foolish Christian Argument 'that Quran Teaches Earth is Flat' Back-fires

Muslim Imam Response to Paris Terrorist Attacks

Similarities Between Catholic Terrorist Group IRA and Muslim Terrorist Group ISIS

Explanation: Zaynab Bint Jahsh's Marriage to Prophet Muhammad p Dr Yasir Qadhi

Dhul Qarnayn and the Exegetes' Speculation of Alexander The Great

Murder Rates in Muslim Countries Compared to Non Muslim Countries.

The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam:

Friday, 30 June 2017

Yasir Qadhi Rebukes Robert Spencer and other Right Wing Bigots Attacking the Minister White-Dr Qadhi Dialogue

Many of you are aware that I had a dialogue with James White, a Reformed Baptist minister who has achieved a solid reputation amongst many conservative Christians. (You can find the videos of the debates in the first comment).

What most of you are probably not aware is the severe online character assassination and smear campaigns that Mr White has had to endure from some of his fellow Christians, albeit of the Far Right sector of this country.

Why would any believing Christian be irritated at Minister White, who was allowed into our mosque, and who was very frank about his beliefs regarding Jesus, the Redemption, the Trinity and even the fact that he believes all of us are going to Hell!? (Listen to the entire two-part lecture to get the whole picture, and my response).

Well, apparently, these Far Right individuals truly believe that Muslims are so dangerous, so evil, so deadly, that the mere fact that Mr. White can sit with us, and essentially humanize us as people who believe in our faith, entails that Mr. White is in fact helping and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis, Al-Qaeda and other groups (albeit indirectly - he is, according to the analysis of such discerning self-professed intellectuals as Robert Spencer, a 'useful idiot').

A few points to make:

1 - For the record, I did not personally receive any negative comments from any Muslim for inviting Mr. White into our masjid (although I'm sure some Muslims online and in other parts of the world might object). From our side, we all understood the need to have a frank dialogue, and that I speak at a Church where most people had never met a Muslim, and Mr. White speak at our mosque in return.

2 - I cannot deny that one of the reasons any Muslim would talk about Islam in front of a non-Muslim audience is to demonstrate the beauty of Islam, and hope that some amongst them find in it the true message that Jesus himself preached. And I know full well that Mr. White's intentions, which he has expressed explicitly, was to hope that some Muslims convert as they listen to him explain Christianity.

3- However, one of my overriding reasons to wish to speak at a conservative Church was quite simply to dispel the utterly nonsensical notion that the majority of Muslims somehow wish to overthrow the government and install Sharia law in America. The truly terrifying reality for all of us Muslims is the evil nature of the hatred that people like Spencer and people of his ilk perpetrate. That hatred, compounded with the fear-mongering of politicians and the false patriotism of a disgruntled group, whips up the popular support needed to pass such dastardly measures as the recent ban on Muslim immigrants from seven countries. If things persist and the situation deteriorates, that hatred will eventually be used to inflict violence and persecute our women and children and us, as the Japanese were here in America, and as other races and religions were at times of persecution in other lands.

I would be happy if any Christian who listened to my lecture converted. But if they choose not to convert, that's their business to decide, and Allah's to judge. It is not my duty to do anything more than speak.

Islamophobic bigots like Spencer have fabricated this myth of us Muslims (less than 1 % of this land!) having desires to subjugate the rest of the 99 % to our laws and religion. Sadly, many innocent Christians believe these lies, and Spencer continues to profit from that fear (See:…).

4- So, essentially, what terrifies Spencer and the Far Right bigots who falsely invoke the noble Prophet Jesus' name as they spey hatred is to actually see two very committed people, a Baptist Minister and a Shaykh, agree to disagree, even as they harshly dismiss each other's faiths and theologies, and argue exclusive salvation for their own faiths. That simple civility - the act of agreeing to disagree - is something that these individuals, wallowing in hate and lies and wanting the rest of us to do the same, simply cannot tolerate.

Hence, the vicious attack on Mr. White.

James, if you're reading this, know that I strongly disagree with your views on Islam, and that it pains me deeply, because I genuinely care about you and like you, that you have such negative (and in my opinion incorrect) views about the Quran, and about our Prophet. Yet, that disagreement doesn't stop me from having a genuine respect for your commitment and sincerity. And that is why I will defend you against your fellow Christians as they smear your name and accuse you of all types of falsehoods.

The real idiots are those who wish to provoke fear and whip up hatred between the two largest religions of the world. Disagree all you want, but live and let live. And if you claim to be a follower of Jesus, then as a Muslim let me tell you: you might want to start by practicing what he preached.

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Refutes ISIS and their idea of Caliphate

How Folks Like Robert Spencer Poison White Evangelical Minds

For Christians who say Allah is a Deceiver- a Message from James White

Contradiction: Robert Spencer Runs Away From Muslim Debater Yusuf Ismail

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

How Folks Like Robert Spencer Poison White Evangelical Minds

White evangelicals are also the least likely Americans to know a Muslim.

..survey after survey indicates that white evangelicals are the least excited about their new neighbors. They show the highest levels of support for restrictions on Muslim immigration and the most skepticism toward Muslim Americans.

Much of the fear among evangelicals “is because people do not know Muslims,” said Michael Urton, associate director of the COMMA Network (Coalition of Ministries to Muslims in North America).

According to a PRRI poll conducted last year, 74 percent of white evangelicals, 66 percent of white mainline Protestants, and 63 percent of white Catholics said they saw Islamic and American values in conflict.

Though Muslim Americans are growing in number and prominence, a majority of white evangelicals do not know a single one. In a Pew survey released this year, just over a third (35%) say they have a personal connection to a Muslim.

In a LifeWay survey, slightly more than half of evangelical pastors saw ISIS as a true indication of what Islamic society looks like.

Warren Larson, former director of the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies, called such beliefs “very damaging for ministry and mission among Muslims.” After 9/11, “quite a few evangelical books came out warning Christians to steer clear of Islam. Fear of Muslims grew substantially,” he said. “I felt such Christian writings often lacked solid research and were deficient in helping fellow believers reach out to Muslims with love and understanding.”

According to the Arab Barometer Survey, a majority of Muslims across 10 countries said they’d be comfortable with neighbors of a different religion and supported their right to practice their faith. In Iraq—where Christians have been expelled by ISIS—82 percent of Muslims were comfortable with non-Muslim neighbors.

“While knowledge about Christianity is low, tolerance of non-Muslims is high across the Arab world,” said Michael Hoffman, of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project.

“Would a Muslim feel the American church is a safe place for them? The answer probably is they would not,” Cashin said. [Christianity Today]

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Contradiction: Robert Spencer Runs Away From Muslim Debater Yusuf Ismail

Robert Spencer the Coward

ROBERT SPENCER is one of the most vicious and cowardly Islamophobic extremists in the world today! After having agreed in principle to DEBATING me in S.A. and claiming that most "defenders of Islam" run away from him, HE has now BACKED out from the in- principle debate, stating he wants nothing to do with me because he finds me RUDE (?!?) Nice excuse! Taken from Yusuf's FB

Robert Spencer, somebody who his Islamophobic financial backers would call a courageous man as he puts his life on the line by criticising Muslims and Islam, is running away from an experienced Muslim debater  (one of the more articulate and intelligent ones out there) due to...erm ... perceived rudeness.

This is a guy his fan boys and girls would have us believe is risking life and limb...yet somehow he is afraid a Muslim debater may upset his feelings due to rudeness.

I don't buy Robert's excuse for a second. Any fan of his with an iota of reasoning would not buy it either.

In any case, doesn't it not serve Spencer's propaganda if he does share a podium with a rude Muslim? Of course!

Think about it, Robert Spencer wants to tar Muslims as savages so it kind of defeats his purpose in not conversing with 'rude' Muslims after all he's constantly prattling on about Muslims who have committed some sick crime here in Europe and trying to paint us all with that brush so surely it would have served his smear campaign to share a podium with a rude Muslim.

Having said that, I've followed a fair bit of  Yusuf Ismail, I don't really see much rudeness from him. Being robust in a debate is not rudeness. Debaters can be and are regularly robust. I guess Robert Spencer feared being exposed by Yusuf Ismail for the charlatan he truly is.

It's quite sad. It means Robert Spencer just ducked being taken apart logically by Yusuf Ismail.

Cowards will be cowards.

Robert Spencer Making Rape Claims Up

Robert Spencer: No Go Zones in Paris

Robert Spencer next to a Real Professor of Islam (Dr Yasir Qadhi). Charlie Hebdo Attack, Was it Islamic?

Paul of Tarsus + Anti-Muslim Hoaxes About Saudi Muslims and Bikinis

Robert Spencer Refuted By Shabir Ally: Muhammad Did Exist!

Honor Killings: Robert Spencer Lies About Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Michael Ben Ari Exposes Islamophobes

I wonder if Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, FOX and other right wingers will make a song and dance about this? If it was a Palestinian Muslim ripping up the New Testament you just know that the right wing would have been making a big deal out of it. This just speaks volumes about what the right wing are about: Islamophobia.

Ben Ari, of the National Union Party, had his legislative aide, Itamar Ben Gvir, photograph his destruction and released the photo Tuesday to the daily Maariv. Lawmakers had received in their Knesset mailboxes copies of the new edition of the New Testament released by the Bible Society, which distributes Christian books, Ynet reported. Some returned it to the society and others quietly disposed of it.

“Sending the book to lawmakers is a provocation. There is no doubt that this book and all it represents belongs in the garbage can of history,”

Ben Ari said, adding that it “galvanized the murder of millions of Jews” throughout history, including during the Spanish Inquisition. Michael Ben-Ari a religious conservative was photographed tearing up a copy of the New Testament which was given to him by Israeli Evangelicals


BBC Question Time: A Jew Confirms George Galloway is Not Anti Semitic Zionist Hypocrisy Over

Israelis Blame Muslims in Britain for Exposing Israel! The Hitler Propaganda on Muslims

Friday, 6 February 2015

Robert Spencer: No Go Zones in Paris

Daniel Pipes first introduced the idea of 751 No-Go Zones in France. He now admits he was mistaken.

Fox News apologised for the No-Go Zones propaganda that they aired.

But what about the man styled as a 'truth-teller', Robert Spencer?

Well, Robert is caught presenting the SAME fabrications on Jamie Glazov's 'The Glazov Gang'

Zionist Hypocrisy Over Jews in Finland Who Fought For Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem

Statistics: Ethnic Minorities in Bradford District and White Majority

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Thursday, 5 February 2015

Robert Spencer next to a Real Professor of Islam (Dr Yasir Qadhi). Charlie Hebdo Attack, Was it Islamic?

Robert Spencer is presented as an authority on Islam and Muslims but the truth is Robert Spencer looks ignorant when put next to a real expert - Professor Yasir Qadhi.

In this video, Robert Spencer is claiming the Charlie Hebdo killings were Islamic. He's corrected by featuring clips of Dr Yasir Qadhi, who teaches us the Charlie Hebdo attack was NOT Islamic and that he knows of no Muslim scholar who would claim those attacks were Islamic.

Robert Spencer next to a Real Professor of Islam. Charlie Hebdo Attack, Was it Islamic?

If video does not play see:

For those who want to learn about Islam from experts then avoid people like Robert Spencer and seek out people like Dr Yasir Qadhi.

Qadhi teaches in the Religious Studies Department of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. Additionally, he has completed a doctoral in theology at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.[2][4]
Qadhi is also the Dean of Academic Affairs and an instructor for the AlMaghrib Institute,[4] a seminar-based Islamic education institution. The instructors travel to designated locations in the US, UK and Canada (and more recently, Malaysia) to teach Islamic studies in English

Zionist Hypocrisy Over Jews in Finland Who Fought For Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem

Statistics: Ethnic Minorities in Bradford District and White Majority

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam


Monday, 2 February 2015

Robert Spencer, Should Apostates in America, UK and Australia Be Killed According to Sharia

Here wee see Robert Spencer claiming that the killing of an apostate (from Islam) in America is obligatory according to Sharia.

However, when we listen to the expert, Dr Yasir Qadhi, we see Robert Spencer is ignorant. Apostates in Non-Muslim countries such as the UK, USA, Canada and Australia are not killed according to the Sharia as per Dr Yasir Qadhi's comments.

This is the importance of trying to understand the Sharia from experts such as Dr Yasir Qadhi rather than untrained men like Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer, Does Sharia call for Killing of Apostates in America

Also uploaded here

Muslims in gangs, prisons and unemployed, why?

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Why was Nabeel Qureshi spreading lies - honor killings?

Effort in trying to educate people to what Islam ACTUALLY is a great thing. So, when I see an ignoramus pop over and start talking about Islam and propagating the exact same misconceptions that Muslims and Muslim scholars have been educating (yes, EDUCATING) people away from then one is left annoyed to say the least.

It's Nabeel Qureshi spreading misinformation (again). You know, I'm not an expert on Christianity BUT surely Christianity teaches Christians NOT to go around spreading misinformation?!

It gets more frustrating because these people don't generally come back and correct themselves, they just leave the misinformation out there.

Just recently I posted an excerpt from one of Dr Jonathan Brown's books, in which he's teaching there's a consensus amongst Muslim scholars AGAINST honor killings.

Here's Nabeel Qureshi completely spreading misinformation about honor killings.

Video also uploaded here and here
Here is further refutation for Robert Spencer to think about, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:

Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Sharia Law against terrorism

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Monday, 26 May 2014

Paul of Tarsus + Anti-Muslim Hoaxes About Saudi Muslims and Bikinis

The anti-Muslim hate preachers were out in force recently peddling a story about Saudi Arabia fining Italian women who were wearing bikinis. Yep they were peddling a hoax. A made up story.

However, the Christian extremist followers amongst them may want to contemplate on what Paul of Tarsus (author of some of the books in the New Testament!) would have thought of Bikini clad Europeans. He had some interesting views as he is believed by Christian fundamentalists to have enforced the head covering on praying women and if they did not comply Paul was in favour of cutting their hair off. I'm not too sure what any European bikini wearing woman would make of that. Not only this, Paul (according to the Jesus scholar, Geza Vermes) believed Paul thought women with no head coverings were temptations for the angels.

This is the hypocrisy of anti-Muslim Christians. A lot of the time, when they aren't just peddling straight up hoax stories these folk are foolishly falling into hypocrisy as they just aren't aware of the teachings within Christianity.


Saudi Muslims Fine Bikini-Clad Italians $3500? Nope: It’s a Hoax

Here’s a classic example of how anti-Muslim hate grows on the Internet:
One week ago, the Internet was abuzz over reports that Saudi Arabia fined three Italian tourists $3500 for wearing bikinis in the presence of Muslims. The story was circulated on an obscure Italian-language news site, which referenced an earlier story published on April 28, 2014 at Giornale de Corrriere.  [Source]


Become a Muslim if you love Jesus (p)

Sexism: Reason to change the Bible

Discover Islam

New Testament Discussed

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Muslim Sheikh and Christian Woman Discuss Jizya

Don't call 911!!! The Muslim sheikh didn't beat her up or kill her (he just removed her misconceptions)

It is inevitable disingenuous Islamophobes are indeed going to give rise to a load of misconceptions. Sadly, Samar Gorial of ABN Sat was absolutely oblivious to rulings concerning Jizya despite having a bunch of “experts” as her colleagues. Why is this? Her colleagues consist of some of the most obnoxiously deceptive folk I have had the misfortune of encountering.

As an individual who investigates Christian outreaches to Muslims I can honestly say the outrage which I have witnessed from Samar Gorial’s colleagues and those who support the enterprise is even more debauched than Robert Morey’s fabrication of Ahadith literature.

Samar Gorial was devoid of any sound understanding of Jizyah as her primary teachers are agenda driven - an agenda which is demonization of Muslims. Thank God Muslims are on hand to clear away the bag of tricks, gags and heckles her colleagues of used for obfuscation purposes.

Why did Samar Gorial not know this?

Advice to sincere folk and Samar Gorial

If you want to learn about Islam please do not take the circus act that is the “ABN apologist” as an authority. Erm, one of them makes up his own Quran translation to convince us bestiality is Islamic, the other one peddles sex hoaxes and claims Muslims will chop off your limbs if you fix a church roof, another claims anal sex is Islamic, others claim to be ex terrorists even though nobody of Google-searching ability believes them. I need not go on – I think you get the picture. [For those interested further in these debauched characters then please search this blog or email me]

Robert Spencer Vs Imam Moustafa Zayed – Part 2

Robert Spencer was sniggering like a schoolboy whilst Sheikh Zayed was clearing up after the circus act.

Spencer has no reason to snigger. He has just been kicked across 400 pages by Sheikh Moustafa - the imam wrote a book refuting Spencer. I have the book and confirm this. Spencer and his pals should be ashamed as they allowed the lady to fall into obvious error.

Just like his book response, imam Zayed was shown to have more class and substance than Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer would do well to look into “The lies about Muhammad – How you were deceived into Islamophobia”. I guess his arrogance and desire for repute and cash will prevent him; however, I could be wrong.

Paying Jizya is Biblical - Submission to Governing Authorities

Sadly Christians continue to throw their Bible under the bus and dispose every ounce of consistency whilst attacking a perfectly reasonable aspect of Islam. There is NOTHING wrong with Jizya – both Biblically and Islamically! We have already discussed this issue via a previous blog post and one by Jonathon (TGV19). For those who are interested further you can view the following pages:

Hamza Yusuf on Dhimmi

Basics on Jizya

The Bible: Christians should pay Jizya tax and other taxes

PS I have quoted the entire “Submission to Governing Authorities section (Romans 13) in the comment section so the more discerning can check for context.

Now, that’s the way to do it – honesty. Sadly, honesty is found wanting when Islamophobes take the stage.

Invitation to Islam

Would you like to learn about Islam? Ever wanted to learn the truth about Jesus and Muhammad (pbut)? Would you like a relationship with God? If yes:


ABN Sat employee – Mormon + Russian women scandal
Walid Shoebat – Even the right have exposed him as a liar
ABN Sat – Sex hoax purveyor
Muslims are brother/sisters of Jesus


May Allah reward Imam Moustafa Zayed and Brother Abdullah Kunde for their efforts. Ameen.

TAGS: Abdullah kunde, Dr Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, The Lies about Muhammad, Arab Christians, Decepetion, Missionaries, Islamophobia, Jizya, Dhimmi, Umdat As Salik, Arabic Aramaic Broadcasting Netwrok english cahnnel Paul Corinthians director bassim gorial.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Honor Killings: Robert Spencer Lies About Islam

This is a shocking lie by Robert Spencer on the Michael Coren show. On this show, Robert Spencer claims that the Quran and Sharia (Islamic Law) support honor killings!

Even the most gullible Robert Spencer fan must have raised an eyebrow to that humongous lie. Let's call it for what it is, a lie. Robert Spencer is passing on falsehoods and he's getting paid to do so - he always looks sharply dressed so I guess he isn't short of a bob or two. Stop giving him cash, that's one way of getting the message across to him and those of his ilk.

In this video we see a clip of Robert Spencer making his claim and thus getting refuted via a clip from a real scholar - we see Dr Bilal Phillips teach that Honor Killings is not allowed according to Islamic Law - in fact he teaches that the Sharia (Islamic Law) sees honor killing as MURDER which is punishable by execution.

Watch Robert Spencer Refuted on Honor Killings in Quick Time!

Here is further refutation for Robert Spencer to think about, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:
tags, islam is true, jihad watch, spencer watch, islamophobes refuted, breitbart, loon watch, spencer watch,

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Robert Spencer Refuted By Shabir Ally: Muhammad Did Exist!

Of course Prophet Muhammad (p) was a real person. Here is Dr Shabir Ally commenting on the absurd claim that he did not exist.

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Robert Spencer Making Rape Claims Up

Here's Robert Spencer caught red-handed in presenting a lie. The modus operandi of Islamophobes such as Robert Spencer is to foment an atmosphere of fear, that's to say these folk want people to view Muslims as the bogey-man. Inciting such emotions will obviously be a factor in increasing the revenue Robert Spencer and those of his ilk are generating. $$$

Robert Spencer is rebuked for his false allegation that Prophet Muhammad (p) raped his wife, Safiyyah (ra). This is a huge lie. A lie which flies in the face of scholarship. In this video we see scholarship expose Robert Spencer for the liar that he is.

Robert Spencer's Rape Lie

Robert Spencer just highlighted his ignorance as Saffiyah was given the choice between being set free and going back to her people or marrying Prophet Muhammad (p). She chose to marry Prophet Muhammad (p), see this citation from the biography writer Martin Lings:
He [the Prophet Muhammad - Ed.] then told Safiyyah that he was prepared to set her free, and he offered her the choice between remaining a Jewess and returning to her people or entering Islam and becoming his wife. “I choose God and His Messenger,” she said; and they were married at the first halt on the homeward march.5 Sourced from:

There was no rape.

A quick synopsis on the situation of Safiyyah (ra). After the battle of Khaiber she became a captive. Prophet Muhammad (p) gave her the option of going back to her people or staying with the Muslims and marrying him. She CHOSE to marry him.

She loved the Prophet a great deal and even mentioned that she never met anybody with better character/manners than the Prophet (p).


Debate: Robert Spencer v Nadir Ahmed on whether slave girls are allowed to be raped:

Islam on slave girls/concubines:
Christian apologist appears to believe rape is allowed in Bible:

Miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad (p):

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Debate Review: Does Islam Teach Rape of Women Captives of War (Robert Spencer v Nadir Ahmed)

This seems to have been a debate which has stemmed from the hideous wall of internet anti-Muslim propaganda which claims Muslims are allowed to rape women captives of war. Of course we have already seen, from Islamic sources that rape of slave girls/captives is NOT allowed, see here:

However, this  debate between Robert Spencer and Nadir Ahmed is useful in highlighting the utter lack of supporting evidence on the part of those who claim Muslims are allowed to rape captive women. So one wonders, why do so many anti-Islam bigots on the net eagerly propagate such a claim? It’s simple; firstly it fits their agenda of demonizing Muslims as hordes waiting to invade the West to rape European and North American women, secondly they continually repeat the claim with the hope that if they repeat a lie again and again people will start to believe such a lie.

Robert Spencer v Nadir Ahmed - Does Islam teach rape of women captives of war?

Debate Review - an easy victory for the Muslim

Nadir Ahmed, the Muslim debater, actually won the debate in his opening statement by making mention of the fact that the opposition (Robert Spencer in this case) has NO evidence from the Islamic sources despite the vastness of the Islamic sources.

Nadir Ahmed also alerts the audience to the fact that there is NO teaching in Islam that justifies the rape of slave women. So here we see not only is there no instance of rape recorded in the Islamic sources but there is also no teaching allowing such rape!

Nadir goes further, he concludes from the fact that there is no instance of rape in the Islamic sources that there must be a moral teaching out there which does not allow Muslims to rape their captives.

[OUTSIDE OF DEBATE NOTE: A moral teaching can actually be found in the Quran. The Quran (4:36) teaches that one should be good to the slaves (obviously rape is not treating slaves well thus rape does not seem to be allowed in Islam)

Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbour who is near of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful [Translation of the meanings of Quran 4:36 by Muhsin Khan]

Also we have sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (p) which forbid hurting the slaves physically and emotionally (see here) – thus obviously raping of captive women is not allowed]
Nadir looks into the example of the Prophet Muhammad (p) and finds 3 narrations of events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (p) regarding slave women which he believes are evidence for a moral example which taught people not to rape (see criticism section for more discussion on one of these narrations)

Robert Spencer has no evidence

Spencer makes the claim that as slaves are the ‘property of another human being’ then they have no rights or will, Spencer then intimates the slave can be raped as she cannot say no. This argument does not stand against Islam as slaves do have rights in Islam and moreover the slave is not allowed to be hurt and must be treated well. Thus Spencer’s intricately built argument has no basis against Islam. Robert Spencer simply argues a straw-man here.

Robert Spencer makes a big play on the fact that Muslims are allowed to have sexual relations with slaves. However, he offers no evidence that these slaves can be raped. In fact Robert Spencer if he is consistent would then also claim the Bible allows rape too (ref Numbers 31). The truth is Robert had nothing. The mere fact that captives are people whom a man is permitted to have sexual intercourse with does not mean rape is allowed. Most rational people can see this. Somebody should tell Spencer.

Spencer veers off topic as he had no arguments or evidences for his claims

Spencer goes off topic and starts talking about some anti-slavery activists in Mauratania. This had nothing to do with the debate topic (‘Does Islam permit rape of captive women of war?’). Robert Spencer also used the term ‘sex slave’ to describe female slaves, I’m not too sure where he got that term from and whether it’s some debate tactic he was employing.

Spencer brings up polygamy. Erm what has that to do with the topic? Nothing. Yes polygamy is allowed in Islam. It’s allowed in Christianity:

Spencer also brings up the issue of beating one’s wife. Again nothing to do with the debate. In Islam the best of us are those who are the best to their wives. For more on the wife beating issue see:

Spencer also claimed Prophet Muhammad hit Aisha. This is a wrong translation. Spencer really does seem like the average shoddy Islamophobe who grabs anything from the net to use regardless of how silly it makes him look:

Robert Spencer being Deceptive!

Apart from Spencer continually claiming rape took place (without offering any evidence of such) he also claimed that Prophet Muhammad had relations with Safiyah whilst the battle was taking place. He offered no evidence for this. In fact, Robert Spencer just highlighted his ignorance as Saffiyah was given the choice between being set free and going back to her people or marrying Prophet Muhammad (p). She chose to marry Prophet Muhammad (p), see this citation from the biography writer Martin Lings:

He [the Prophet Muhammad - Ed.] then told Safiyyah that he was prepared to set her free, and he offered her the choice between remaining a Jewess and returning to her people or entering Islam and becoming his wife. “I choose God and His Messenger,” she said; and they were married at the first halt on the homeward march.5 Sourced from:

Spencer also claimed 'Rayhana was raped later on’. He gives no evidence for such. This is rank dishonesty – he makes claims without giving evidence. He has no evidence at all. There’s nothing to suggest Rayhana was raped later on. Nadir called this a 'lie' and challenged Spencer to bring some evidence for this. Robert Spencer did not bring anything; in fact Spencer did not even bring this subject up again!

Robert Spencer – concept of consent

Spencer again shows his ignorance as he claims there’s nothing which comes close to the concept of consent. He was clearly unaware that Islam does not allow hurting the slave physically and emotionally (rape would contravene such teachings) and the Islamic teaching of treating slaves will (rape would contravene such a teaching). Also the scholar in the link teaches any sex with a slave girl has to be done as if one is having relations with their wife (i.e. in a way which considers the woman's sexual pleasure, is romantic and respectful etc) so clearly this is something indicaing it has to be consensual too.

Robert Spencer's Arguments Against the Bible (Judaism and Christianity)?

Robert Spencer's claims would actually apply with greater force against his own faith (Christianity) as the captives are indeed married in Christianity and sex is allowed with such captives. As far as I am aware, Christianity does not have the same teachings of respecting the emotional and physical well being of slaves (which indicates rape is not allowed) that Islam does contain. Thus Spencer's claims without any evidence would be more of a problem for a Christian than a Muslim!

I do want to state I do NOT believe that Christianity, Judaism or any religion allows rape.

Criticisms of both speakers

Why in the world did Robert Spencer even bother to attempt to debate this subject? He had no material to support his assertions. Spencer was off topic and also deceptive.

Nadir, though the clear victor in this debate, was a little repetitive (like Spencer) and could have given the audience more evidence for rape not being allowed in Islam. He could have cited Islamic sources which teach harming slaves is not allowed (and such material as in the links below).

Nadir’s first example of the other woman in the hadith related to Saffiyah (ra), does not appear to have been used correctly as the woman was not crying due to her thinking she may be raped but rather she passed the body of her dead husband, See:

The conclusion from this debate is simple, Islam does not allow the rape of women captives of war!

It was demonstrated by Nadir and his opponent (Robert Spencer) that there is no instance of rape in the Islamic sources and there is no teaching justifying rape.

Robert Spencer had nothing. Absolutely nothing to support his claim and ultimately decided to go off topic.


Islam on slave girls/concubines:
Christian apologist appears to believe rape is allowed in Bible:

Miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad (p):

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam: