Showing posts with label Sharia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharia. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Some Jewish Women Converted to Islam Due to Divorce Laws?

Jewish Women who converted to Islam just to get a divorce due to Sharia being more liberal than Jewish Law?

Jews are beginning to speak about influences of Islam on Judaism and Jewish law. For example, how Jewish law had to modify itself because Islamic law was so liberal in certain respects. There were women who would convert to Islam in order to get a divorce, which put pressure on the rabbis to liberalize Jewish divorce laws [Susannah Heschel]

Did Jesus Die For The Sins Of Mankind? - Rabbi Tovia Singer

Food - A Balanced Approach - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Islamophobia Still Not As Socially Rejected as Anti-Semitism

Some Christians Used the Bible to Support Apartheid

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Refutes ISIS and their idea of Caliphate

Why Islam

Friday, 17 February 2017

Ben Shapiro Refuted by Ali Ataie and James White: "The Myth of the Tiny Radical Minority"

James R White, a Christian apologist, responds to Ben Shapiro by appealing to consistency by stating most Christians would be considered radical too if the poll asked if they believed Jesus would return and everybody would worship Jesus.

James White Rebukes Ben Shapiro For Saying That The Majority Of Muslims Are Radical

Note: James White called the type of Sharia practiced in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan "frightening and barbaric". I suppose, out of consistency, James believes the law in the Old Testament is "barbaric and frightening" too (a law which he believes was given by the Father, the Son (now known as Jesus) and the Holy Spirit)

Dr Ali Ataie on FB writes in response to Ben Shapiro's "The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority" by also appealing to consistency and differing interpretations of texts:

Here's something I disagree with Ben on. It's amazing how that intellect can suddenly take a dive. This video is a smokescreen. Shari'ah law is part and parcel of every single Muslim's identity. Ben doesn't bother to define what exactly shariah is because he is fully satisfied with your perception of it as being a Draconian penal code from 1400 years ago. Ben is an orthodox Jew who no doubt also believes in the Torah and Talmud.

The five books of Moses are dripping with violence BUT... Ben has his own way of dealing with those texts... right? So what leads him to believe that the vast majority of Muslims do not deal with their violent texts in a similar fashion? How many stonings and hand amputations are happening right now in the Muslim majority world? Where's the data? Thus to say that a Muslim who believes in shari'ah is a radical is like saying a Jew who believes in halakhah is a radical... ALL of them.

Ben fails to define the nuances, immutables (thawabit), variables (mutaghayyarat), contexts, and interpretations of shari'ah that Muslims understand just by being Muslim. Have you read the Talmud? LORD have mercy! How does Ben deal with the homicidal, pedophilic, anti-Christian, racist rants of its rabbis? It seems that whoever considers the Talmud to be sacred is a radical. According to Pew (2013) most American Jews feel somewhat or very emotionally attached to Israel. Israel. A country that has ethnically cleansed its indigenous population since its inception and is now building on occupied territory. This is illegal according to international law. I guess all of those American Jews are radicals. Nice try Ben

Was there "Taqiyyah" in the Dr Yasir - James White Discussion?

Why Islam

Monday, 20 June 2016

Ex Muslim Introverted Smiles Corrected by Muslim on Terrorist Attack on Homosexual Club

Ex Muslim vs Muslim on Orlando Massacre

If the video does not play, please see here

This is an ex Muslim who is inconsistently and ignorantly attacking Muslims for the Orlando massacre.

Introverted Smiles begins by rattling off 3 or 4 attacks by Muslim in the West yet for some reason ignores all the other attacks. What are these other attacks and are Muslims the perpetrators of these other attacks? As Russell Brad points out, the majority of terrorist attacks in the West are carried out by non-Muslims. Only 2% are carried out by Muslims.

Is it possible this man's antagonism towards Muslims is fuelled in part by irresponsible and disproportionate media coverage? It seems so, otherwise he would not be so angry with Muslims, he'd be angry with all groups!

It seems a media bias has led him to overlook the irony in rallying "white people" against Muslims. WHITE men are disproportionately responsible for most of the shootings! David Sirota points this fact out in the video.

So what's the problem here? Obviously there's an issue with the media. Is there also an issue of low self-esteem where this man (Introverted Smiles) feels he should/can pick on the Muslims as
Muslims are deemed as an acceptable target for bigotry and ire when a Muslim carries out a
shooting but, he as an obviously ethnic minority male, feels the white American male is a demographic which warrants special and superior treatment?

And what of this man's family, are they Muslims? If so, if he rallying a bunch of white Americans against them too?

He claims some Arab Muslims were happy about the killing of the people at the gay club in Orlando

OK, I haven't seen Muslims celebrating the Orlando massacre but there are ignorant and immature
people in the Muslim community too - as with all groups. However, once again, this ex-Muslim inconsistently zones in on silly Muslims for doing exactly what others are doing, including Jews,
American military personnel and Christian leaders. The video shows Christian pastors, orthodox Jews and American marines were doing the same thing he berates some Muslims on social media for!

Of course, it's easier to zone in on Muslims and African Americans. If one is suffering from self-hatred and/or low self-esteem the demographics which are socially and politically stronger are especially more difficult to criticise.

He tries to link the criminality by Omar Mateen in Orlando with Sharia

This is anti-intellectual. Sadly, this is all too common amongst Islamophobes where they try to link any action a Muslim does with Sharia. The fact is clear, this act would not be considered an act of Sharia by any Muslim scholar.

Introverted Smiles was appealing to Sharia which is irrelevant to America and the massacre itself in an attempt to try and frame Islam for this massacre.

1. Sharia law is not aplicable in non Muslim lands
2. The most popular jurisprudence school does not call for execution
of convicted homosexuals.
3. Under Sharia, 4 witnesses to the ACT are required for somebody to
be convicted of homosexual sex
4. Vigilanties are not allowed to take matters into their own hands

Here are some further points from Dr Jonathan AC Brown:

It is not same-sex attraction or desires that the Shariah prohibits. It is acting on them.

Yes, the main position in the Hanafi school of law for many centuries was that someone convicted of sodomy (which in all the schools required four witnesses to the act of penetration) was not executed but only given a milder punishment or perhaps only disciplined by a judge.

The ex Muslim critic also intimated Muslims do not respect the law of America. This paragraph from Dr Brown may also be of use:

According to the Shariah, Muslims living in the West (or other non-Muslim states) are essentially visitors from the perspective of the sacred law. The standard definition amongst Muslim scholars for the Abode of Islam (Dar al-Islam) was those lands where the Shariah reigns.[7] Muslims outside that space reside in lands and countries as guests of whatever legal or religious system reigns there. If the law of the land were to prohibit Muslims from carrying out a duty required by the Shariah, such as prayer, or require them to do something clearly forbidden in Islam, such as drinking alcohol, the standard opinion amongst classical Muslim scholars was that Muslims could no longer reside there (a second opinion was that they should remain so that the religion of Islam would not vanish there). Otherwise, Muslims must respect the law of the land. Their decision to reside in those lands represents their agreement to a contract with the governments ruling them. As the Quran commands Muslims, “be true to your agreements” (Quran 5:1), and as the Prophetï·º taught, “Muslims are bound by the conditions [of their agreements].”[8] The Shariah continues to govern Muslims’ private worship and whatever areas of law the local system leaves open (such as contracts, inheritance and marriage in the US), but Muslims must respect and abide by the restrictions, duties and regulations placed upon them.

Muslim Refutes Pastor Steven Anderson's Anti-Gay and Anti-Muslim Propaganda

Ex Muslims And Self Hatred!

Growing Problem of Islamophobia in Britain What in the world is Ex Muslims of Scoland? EXMUSLIM PAWNS? Muslim Complains About BBC The Big Questions - Nicky Campbell

Difference Between Ex Muslims and Ex Muslim Extremists About 20% of British Muslim Women Feel Unsafe in Britain [QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

People converting to Islam

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Monday, 27 April 2015

Does Sharia Teach Throwing Gays off Buildings?

Recently they thrown a man from the highest building in a town. But he survived it, so they stoned him to death. And the reason was he was a gay. Accordingly to Hanafi School of Thought, punishment cannot be set up by except by Quran and Mutawatir Sunnah. And the above mentioned punishment is one of two opinions of Ibn Abbas RA. And in the second opinion he says; the punishment is a normal stoning. And many sahaba gave many more opinions. Based on the principle hanafis don't apply death penalty. Anyway, is opinion of one sahabi is enough to apply death penalty in Islam? By keeping in mind that; this opinion is narrated by ahaad way. In another narration ibn Abbas disagrees with this narration. Sahaba gave many other opinions. From Sheikh Atabek Shukurov's FB

American Anti Muslim Websites: Slave Rape Lie Exposed

Reveal Muslim Scholars Views on Rape For All
 Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi
Reza Aslan on Gospel Writers, Luke and Matthew

More about the Paraclete

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally
Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What is Hadd and what is Tazir

Limit or prohibition; pl. hudud. A punishment fixed in the Quran and hadith for crimes considered to be against the rights of God. The six crimes for which punishments are fixed are theft (amputation of the hand), illicit sexual relations (death by stoning or one hundred lashes), making unproven accusations of illicit sex (eighty lashes), drinking intoxicants (eighty lashes), apostasy (death or banishment), and highway robbery (death). Strict requirements for evidence (including eyewitnesses) have severely limited the application of hudud penalties. Punishment for all other crimes is left to the discretion of the court; these punishments are called tazir. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, hudud punishments are rarely applied, although recently fundamentalist ideologies have demanded the reintroduction of hudud, especially in Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Sahriah Courts: Age and Physical Maturity for Sex

This excerpt from Dr Jonathan Brown is insightful and important for many on the internet as there are misconceptions and Islamophobic allegations swirling around the internet.

Some of the take home points:

Muslim scholars historically have forbade sex with girls who are not of physical capability to undergo it on the basis that sex could be physically harmful. Thus really, if we transfer this historical scholarship and thought, then stories of young girls dying or being harmed through sex because they weren't physically ready for it would be in contradiction with Muslim scholarly views.

If somebody did have sex with a girl who was pre-pubescent, the Shariah courts considered it despicable and censured it. It was socially condemned too thus showing that Muslim communities considered this act to be despicable.

The legacy of  Prophet Muhammad's (p) marriage to Aisha (ra) is the Muslim teaching that sexual relations cannot be had with anybody not physically mature enough.

Islam, contrary to what some Islamophobic bigots may say, does not allow sex if it is physically harmful for the girl. And of course, that is an outright opposition to paedophilia (sex with prepubescent girls).

...the medieval ulama considered the point at which a girl was fit for intercourse to be too varied to be firmly legislated for. It was most appropriate for the bride, groom and the bride's guardian to determine the appropriate age for intercourse.

The norm that the ulama did come to consensus on was only a general guideline: they prohibited sexual intercourse for girls 'not able to undergo it,' on the basis that otherwise sex could be physically harmful. If the groom and his wife or her guardian disagreed about her capacity for sex, a Shariah court judge would decide, perhaps after a female expert witness examined her. This was also based on the Prophet's marriage to Aisha. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity. In the case of the Hanbali tradition followed by the Mufti of Saudi Arabia, sex was allowed when the bride was 'at the age which others like her have intercourse,' specifying nine as the norm for suitability on the basis of Aisha's Hadith. A Scottish physician resident in Aleppo in the mid 1700s noted how families endeavoured to marry their children off (i.e. complete the marriage contract) at a young age but that they would not consummate the marriage until the girl 'had come of age''. Historical evidence from nineteenth-century Ottoman Palestine suggests that the husbands having sexual intercourse with wives before they reached puberty did sometimes occur. But it was rare, condemned socially and censured by Shariah court judges. Shariah courts in French Algeria in the 1850s considered it equally despicable.

'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p143

Jewish And Christian Ages of Consent.

Age of Consent for Jews and Christians?

Age of Consent in the Bible is Puberty - Bible Agrees with Prophet Muhammad's Marriage to Aisha

Here's an important video featuring Shaikh Muhammad Salah, Dr Jonathan Brown, Hamza Yusuf, Dr Bilal Philips, Shaikh Imran Hossein and Dr Yasir Qadhi which all go towards destroying the Islamophobic claim against the idea of Aisha having reached puberty.

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Monday, 2 February 2015

Sharia in Practice

In the Shariah, offenses were divided into those against God and those against man. Crimes against God violated His Hudud, or 'boundaries', and were offenses whose punishments were specified by the Quran and, in some cases, the Hadiths, such as the punishment of certain kinds of theft by amputating a hand, punishing adultery by stoning and sexual slander by lashing. Because these offenses were affronts against a merciful God, the evidentiary standards were often impossibly high (such as the four witnesses to sexual penetration required to prove adultery). Moreover, the Prophet ordered Muslim judges to 'ward off the Hudud [punishments] by ambiguities.' The severe Hudud punishments were meant to convey the gravity of those offenses against God and to deter, not to be carried out. If a thief refused to confess, or if a confessed adulterer retracted his confession, the Hudud punishments would be waived.

This did not entail that the culprit escaped justice. Circumstantial evidence, such as a witness to the theft or finding the stolen good in the thief's possession, could lead the judge to find him guilty of wrongful appropriation (ghasb). The wronged party could reclaim their possession or receive compensation for its value plus damages entailed. This coexistence of two legal wrongs identical in fact but subject to two very different standards of evidence and punishment is analogous to the relationship between the crime of theft and the tort of conversion in common law. While the first requires evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and can be punished with prison, the second only needs a preponderance of evidence and carries monetary damages. In cases that fell below the Hudud category in the Shariah, judges regularly assigned lesser punishments such as a beating, prison or public humiliation.  'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p180-181


Honor killings and Sharia

What is Shariah Law? Sharia Explained by Yasir Qadhi

Punishing Adultery in Muslim Countries - Benefits to Society

Robert Spencer, Should Apostates in America, UK and Australia Be Killed According to Sharia

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam

Robert Spencer, Should Apostates in America, UK and Australia Be Killed According to Sharia

Here wee see Robert Spencer claiming that the killing of an apostate (from Islam) in America is obligatory according to Sharia.

However, when we listen to the expert, Dr Yasir Qadhi, we see Robert Spencer is ignorant. Apostates in Non-Muslim countries such as the UK, USA, Canada and Australia are not killed according to the Sharia as per Dr Yasir Qadhi's comments.

This is the importance of trying to understand the Sharia from experts such as Dr Yasir Qadhi rather than untrained men like Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer, Does Sharia call for Killing of Apostates in America

Also uploaded here

Muslims in gangs, prisons and unemployed, why?

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Punishing Adultery in Muslim Countries - Benefits to Society

This is an interesting point Sheikh Moustafa Zayed puts forward in his support for the punishment of adultery in Islam.

The conditions for prosecuting, and stoning married adulterers, however, are so difficult that it is more of a deterrent of such a crime than it is a capital punishment in itself. Evident by the historical fact that in the first 1000 years of Islam, stoning for committing adultery was applied only three times upon voluntary insistent confessions of the committers, and not due to catching adulterers in the act itself. The fact remains that it is - even though in reality more theoretical than practical - a part of Islamic Law for 1400 years and to date. How the rule is applied; justly or not, accurately or not, is a responsibility upon the shoulder of rulers applying the law and their integrity.

But in over a millennia of Islam, which I might add a closer millennia to successful application of Islamic Law than the second millennia, there was not one single case of executing a couple by stoning caught during the act of adultery.

...How much do sexually-transmitted diseases cost every year the secularly-ruled countries that do not punish for adultery? How many millions of lives lost to AIDS alone so far worldwide? How many families were destroyed because of the irresponsible no-punishment of the "two consenting adults"?

How many children suffered the lack of one of their parents or both around them in their upbringing because of adultery? More importantly, look at the vast gap between the cost and the devastation of adultery in the West, versus their counterparts in Muslim countries even the poorest of them.

I want to ask pragmatically, practically and even from an absolute scientific secular standpoint: are these gigantic, devastating costs and ordeals worth three stonings by confession every 100 years? [The Lies About Muhammad, Moustafa Zayed, p342, 343]

The Bible does teach the killing of adulterers, see Deuteronomy 22:22

If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

Psychological aspects of adultery

These include:
  • intense guilt or depression in the person who has committed adultery
  • deep distress in the 'betrayed' partner
  • violence (people still do sometimes kill unfaithful partners!)
  • marriage break-up
  • unhappiness for the children of the people involved.
In contrast, it has to be said that adulterous sex is often the consequence of marriage troubles, rather than the cause of them.  [Dr David Delvin, NetDoctor]

How common is adultery?

It's difficult to say how common adultery is, since many people will lie about their own experiences.
The most recent studies conducted in America have reported that around 15 per cent of wives and 25 per cent of husbands have had extramarital affairs.

However, various surveys conducted in Western countries have suggested that perhaps 40 per cent of married people may have had adulterous sex. There seems to be general agreement that it's more common for husbands to stray than wives – though in the 21st Century, wives appear to be 'catching up' a bit. [Dr David Delvin, NetDoctor]

Adultery resulting in divorce

In fact, although adultery used to be the 'standard' legal reason for divorce in the UK, it is now much less commonly cited than it used to be.

Nevertheless, in 2012 some 17,000 divorce petitions citing adultery were filed.  [Dr David Delvin, NetDoctor]

Muslims give most charity and have least sex outside of marriage - statistics

Learn about Islam:

Thursday, 22 May 2014


DR. ABU AMEENAH BILAL PHILIPS was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and grew up in Toronto, where he converted to Islam in 1972. His whole life has been exemplified by his goal of seeking and conveying Islamic knowledge in order to "Change the Muslim Nation through Islamic Education."

In preparation for this goal, he first acquired a B.A. from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Medina (1979), then an M.A. in aqeedah (Islamic Theology) from King Saud University in Riyadh (1985), and finally a PhD in Islamic Theology from the University of Wales (1994). Interestingly enough, His PhD thesis was on "The Exorcist Tradition in Islam".

After graduation from the University of Medina, Dr Bilal spent ten years teaching Islamic studies in an Islamic high school in Riyadh, and another ten years lecturing in Arabic and Islamic studies in the American University in Dubai, UAE.

In 1994 he founded the first Islamic Information Center in Dubai. He has served as the head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Preston University-Ajman, UAE; lecturer and director of the Da'wah and Education at Qatar Guest Center, Doha, Qatar; founder and head of the English medium Islamic studies department of Knowledge International University, Riyadh; founder and head of the College of Da'wah and Islamic Culture (English Section) at Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan; founder and head of Preston International University College in Chennai, India; and founder and Dean of the Islamic Studies Academy in Doha, Qatar.

But perhaps his greatest achievement, and the one for which he was listed in the Jordanian publication, "The 500 Most Influential Muslims", is the historic founding of the Islamic Online University which in only 5 years has over 80,000 students registered from every country on the face of this earth! Unlike the other educational programs he has founded and overseen over the years, IOU makes it possible for any person from any location in the world to receive an Islamic education absolutely free.

IOU was launched in 2007 with a free diploma program in Islamic Studies and introduced its fully accredited tuition-free Bachelor's program (BAIS) in 2010. Plans are currently being made for a Master's program (MAIS) for 2013. Dr. Bilal has served as IOU's chancellor from the beginning.

Dr Bilal Philips has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics and he has also edited and published the 56-book Eemaan English Reading Series for children and Muslim schools. Dr Philips has also presented Islamic programs for a number of years on Riyadh Channel 2TV, Sharjah TV, Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, UK, and the Deen Show, Chicago, USA and GuideUS TV, from Washington USA.

Currently (2012), Dr Bilal is the Imaam and khateeb at Abu Hurairah Center where he teaches 5 free university-level classes weekly and counsels Muslim families two days per week.

Friday, 18 April 2014

What is Shariah Law? Sharia Explained by Yasir Qadhi

Muslim scholar, Dr Yasir Qadhi, explains what Sharia Law is. Yasir Qadhi also discusses the Islamophobic claims about Muslims in the West and the Sharia.

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Pamela Geller Refuted: Honor Killings and Islamic Law (Sharia)

Pamela Geller entitles a video, 'Islamic Honor Killings in the West'. This is a contradiction of terms as Islamic Law opposes honor killings.

Pamela Geller wrongly claims that honor killings is a practice under Islamic Law (Sharia). This is a blatant falsehood. In the video we see Dr Bilal Phillips teach that Honor Killings is not allowed according to Islamic Law - in fact he teaches that the Sharia (Islamic Law) sees honor killing as MURDER which is punishable by execution.

It's interesting to notice how Muslim scholars such as Dr Shabir Ally, Hamza Yusuf and Dr Bilal Phillips all disagree with the wild assertions of Pamela Geller concerning the Islamic view on honor killings. Sadly, people like Pamela Geller continue to spread their ignorance and prejudice and the scholarly voices are being drowned out.

Watch Pamela Geller's falsehoods on Honor Killings and Islamic Law are corrected by clips of Hamza Yusuf, Dr Shabir Ally and Dr Bilal Phillips

If video does not play, see

Aside from the misinformation Pam Geller presents about Islam's view on honor killings the other worrying aspect of her work is her misappropriating of pictures of the victims of honor killings. Islamophobes such as Geller will trample on the misery and the hurt of others just to pursue their agenda of attacking Islam and demonizing Muslims. Truthful and sincere people don't do this.

Another point that came out of the video is that honour killings, as mentioned by Hamza Yusuf, have a long history and indeed are not simply peculiar to Muslims. Hamza Yusuf menions that it has taken place in Arab Christian communities as well as Mexico. Of course, honor killings are not limited to these communities - all communities have experienced honor killings be they Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist etc.. Hamza Yusuf mentioned the figure of 20 million abortions having been conducted in America, isn't this at least in some instances a form of honor killing?

And finally, Dr Shabir Ally mentions those who perpetrate honor killings are not following the Quran, he then mentions that he can find something that can be described as honor killing in the Bible. I Wonder if Pamela Geller would call Dr Shabir Ally and ask him for the Bible references and then make a video about Christianity and Honor killing entitled 'Christian Biblical Honor Killngs'? Guess she won't. Guess the donations and other support she receives would diminish quite considerably if she did. That's the nature of the business of ISLAMOPHOBIA!

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:

Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:
tags: islam is truth, amina sarah said, yaser said, murdered, honour killings unislamic see muslim sheikhs confirm this, Jessica Mokdad, Pakistan, Jordan honor killings, Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt, Robert spencer, walid shoebat, usama dakdok,  Nonie Darwish; Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; and James Lafferty Robert spencer, david wood, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), zainaab, sahar and geeti shafia, rona amir shafia, aunt, Canada, honour killing, zainab shafia, noor almaleki, shafia, tater harun, harry potter afshan azad, muslim girls dating, hindu, nonmuslim, Switzerland, uk, tulay goren, torture, feroz mangal khatera sadiqi yasmine and Sabrina larbi-cherif, boyfriend, ayman udas, poet, artist, aasiya Hassan, hatin surucu Germany, muslim girls, western, banaz mahmood, police, atlas shrugs, aqsa parvez, hijab,