Showing posts with label Base Camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Base Camp. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014


I was sitting on my couch today really wanting to make something, but I just didn't have any inspiration.  I have been wanting to add some vinyl to my phone case and my iPad for a while now, but haven't come up with the perfect idea yet, so I started browsing my Cricut cartridges to see if something jumped out.  Well, something jumped out all right, but not for either of those just screamed, "put me on a shirt!"  I couldn't argue, so here it is.

My father introduced me to Monty Python and I have loved it ever since.  I own the whole "Flying Circus" and of course "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," and have watched them numerous times.  I came across the chessmen in "Brooklyn Iron-On" and that is what spurred this idea onward.  I did not actually use the knight from "Brooklyn Iron-On," I actually liked the one on "Chess Set" better ("Chess Set" is a digital cartridge).

The knight is just over 4" tall.  The word bubble is from "George and Basic Shapes," and is 2."  I used "Base Camp" for the word "NI," and sized it to fit in the bubble.  When it is all put together it is a little short of being 6" tall and 4" wide.