It is a rainy and gloomy day here. I made it to the airport in plenty of time but the drive was not fun! I was excited to get home and do the drawing to find out who would be receiving these boxes. (My husband will probably be glad to see the boxes leave the "nap sofa" in the sun room too!). I don't know what the weather is like where the winners live but I think the news will bring a bit of sunshine to their day if the weather is as unpleasant as it is here!
I was touched and humbled to read all of the nice things people wrote about my blog (I think they weren't just doing that to try to win since it was a random draw!). I did not post anything about this celebration on any message boards because I wanted the winners to be people who are regular visitors - I wasn't doing this to try to "attract" people to my blog. It was great to celebrate with you all and to share some fun. I want the people who find my blog and continue to visit it to be here because they want to learn and to participate in my creative journey - not because they think they will get prizes. That said, I have been fortunate to work with various companies who ask me to review products or serve on Design Teams and I will continue to have some giveaways that are sponsored by companies. I will only work with a company if I truly like their product and think it is something my readers would find beautiful or useful.
More Discussions...
It was very nice to feel a bit more involved with the people who read my blog by seeing the answers to the questions. I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to start a weekly "discussion day" where I will post a topic and hope that many of you will reply with your thoughts. A long time ago I started a Capadia Designs forum page but I didn't pursue it. I have a few new projects taking shape and depending on how they work out, I may revisit that idea. I have had a few meetings so far that look very promising so watch this space...
More Boxes...
A lot of you enjoyed the suspense of seeing what would be added to the box next. I can't fill and ship three boxes every month but I have decided to have an open box in my craft room and add to it as I do projects or see something I think my readers will like. I'll have a link where you can see what is in the box for the month and then I will randomly pick a reader who has commented sometime during the month. I think that will be fun and a little less busy than the past week has been...
And the lucky readers are...
So - that's enough of my ramblings - I know you are all here to see the names that were drawn. Each of these people will receive one of the boxes...but I am not telling them which one! I hope this will make it even more fun to receive the box. If it turns out there is something in your box that just isn't right for you - please pay it forward and make someone else happy.
Here are the three lucky readers...
Granny Charlotte
Please send me your mailing information as quickly as possible - I'd like to send these boxes out tomorrow or Friday, before I leave to go see our son's Senior Project music performance. I had email addresses for two of you and a blog address for the third (where I could leave a comment) so it will be easy to get back in touch with me. Please send the mailing information to me at - don't post your details in a comment on the blog to maintain privacy.
Thanks to everyone for a fun-filled week. I am looking forward to continuing our discussions. I will also try to cover some of the topics that were suggested in future posts.
See you in the morning!